Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps metronidazole prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.

Building lean body mass

Building Lean Body Mass
Body-Sculpting in the Gym
Section 18
The Ultimate Anti-Aging Factor
Building Lean Body Mass
Body-Sculpting in the Gym

Section 19
Body-Sculpting with Cosmetic Surgery
Body Shaping Cosmetic Procedures
Taking a Good Look of Your Face

Section 20
Cracking the Hair Loss Barrier
Section 21
Advanced Supplementation
Anti-Aging Drugs
Memory Enhancing Nutrients
Recently, I had a very interesting experience as a guest speaker at an anti-aging conference. During my lecture toapproximately 500 middle-aged men, I stated that the averagesedentary American male carried excess weight around his middleand not enough muscle on his legs, chest and shoulders. I furthersuggested to my audience that to optimize their health and well-being that they build up their muscles and lose those extra pounds.
Well, I met more resistance from the audience than a mule with aheavy load.
Contrary to popular belief, you can regain a reasonable amount of muscle after the age of 50. To prove this point to myaudience, I (a 64-year old scientist who regularly works out)accepted the ultimate challenge from a fellow colleague to bulk upand build lean body mass by at least 15 pounds within two months.
I immediately had a body analysis conducted and then began arigorous training program.
In the next few months, I religiously followed the Weider Principle Training Program along with the bulking up program asoutlined in Dr. Paul Ward’s book, Encyclopedia of Weight Training.
Three days a week, I trained 2-1/2 hours a day using free weights.
Also, I carefully monitored my nutrition (with frequent proteinintake) and used an aggressive supplemental program includinganabolic supplements (creatine and dehydroepiandrosterone).
Much to the surprise of my colleagues, I lost 2% of my body fat andgained 16 pounds of muscle within two months and gained a total 26pounds of muscle after five months.
Research shows that the amount of muscle on your body directly correlates with the freedom in performing simple tasks toengaging in recreational activities. Also, the more muscle mass, thegreater storage capacity of glycogen. This maintains blood sugar homeostasis and decreases the risk of diabetes, hypoglycemia andheart disease and other degenerative diseases. Building musclemass by pumping iron is the strongest anti-aging modality for bothmen and women, and especially for any “over-the-hill” individualslike myself.
Beyond the Basics: Where true body-shaping begins
Invariably, people who get turned on by exercise move up to more sophisticated training programs. The best results are achievedwith the Super Circuit Training (SCT). The SCT is ideal because youcan adhere to its basic principles and still incorporate your favoriteactivity to become highly efficient at it.
At this point, you need to make a decision regarding what If your answer is “a,” your exercise program will involve executing a few repetitions against a heavy resistance. Researchcoupled with empirical observations have established that thenumber of sets range from three to five, and the number ofrepetitions should range from one to eight, at a percentage ofmaximum strength ranging from 70% to 100% depending upon whatspecific aspect of strength one wants to train and develop.
If your answer is “b,” your exercise program will include executing many repetitions with moderate resistance. Researchcombined with empirical observations have established that thenumber of sets should be from three to five, and the number of repetition from ten to fifteen, while intensity (load) should range from40% to 60% of maximum strength. Definition is derived form theseexercises, combined with body fat loss.
For optimum body-shaping, the two different approaches can becombined: A. Train the muscle groups that you don’t want to increaseaccording to the endurance/definition guidelines.
B. Train the muscle groups that you do want to increase accordingto the size/strength guidelines.
If you follow this two-sided approach, you must adhere to thefollowing rules: 1) Make sure to follow your training outline correctly. Don’t traincertain muscle groups according to one set of guidelines on one day,and then differently on another day.
2) Never train with both approaches on the same day. Dosize/strength training during one session, endurance/definition onanother.
Overload, Progression and Unloading
Overload, progression and unloading are the three most important principles in achieving your size and endurance goals.
Overload is the application of exercise stress (resistance, weight,duration and distance) beyond what the system is accustomed. Thestrength and size of a muscle or muscle group is most effectivelydeveloped when there is an application of overload; degree ofimprovement is directly proportional to the degree of overload.
Progression is the application of exercise stress in a progressively greater amount to match the adaptation of the body topreviously imposed exercise levels. The resistance (load) againstwhich a muscle or muscle group must work should be periodicallyand systematically increased as long as strength or muscle sizeincreases are desired.
Unloading is the period in which the delayed training effect is manifested. This period may last from one to three weeks whenvolume is reduced drastically, while intensity can vary as desired.
Large increases in strength and muscle size occur after a cycle ofhard training. The delayed training effect should be planned forwhen designing your training program.
These are the most basic principles of achieving superior fitness, endurance, definition, and/or muscle development. To roundout the picture, include the following guidelines: Never train thesame muscle groups on consecutive days. When you are sick, or arealready exhausted from a heavy work day, don’t push for maximumtraining; possibly allow yourself a day of rest. When in doubt,consult with a knowledgeable person such as a professional traineror sports doctor.
Long-term Maximum Effects
Recent Russian reports show that varying (cycling) intensity programs produce better results in strength training than consistentintensity programs. I suggest you read the “Encyclopedia of WeightTraining,” by Drs. Paul and Robert Ward. Dr. Paul Ward is anOlympic trainer, four-time national, and three-time Olympicpowerlifting champion and Robert Ward was a conditioning coachwith the Dallas Cowboys. This book, praised by top trainers from football, track, weight-lifting, body-building, basketball and othersports, is unsurpassed in developing the best possible approach toachieve superior performance in the sport of physical activity ofyour choice.
Let’s Not Perpetuate the Confusion
When I was teaching a class for nurses at El Camino College in California, I often gave my students a chance to make up a fewpoints by doing special projects. The execution of such a projectclearly demonstrated the student’s desire to improve his or hergrade.
As one of the these projects, I asked my students to go to the library, pick out three books on exercise, and write a report aboutwhat these books agreed on regarding exercise recommendations.
There was always a great deal of confusion. While all books pointedout the need to exercise, they rarely agreed on how much and whattype of exercise to perform -- wherein lies the answer to theconfusion about exercise! Academy Research Projects
At the International Academy of Holistic Health and Medicine, we started a series of special projects to determine“minimum requirements for optimum results” regarding the keyhealth practices. We recognized that most people were concernedabout their health, and were willing to do what had to be done tomaintain their health, but they certainly weren’t interested inbecoming high-performance athletes or nutritionists along the way.
The exercise recommendations outlined above are very similar to the ones made by ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine).
These recommendations are now confirmed by two separate researchgroups. But it gets even better. When we check with doctors whouse exercise in the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, depressionand eating disorders, they tell us that their recommendations arevery much alike. This is very dramatic, because only rarely do wefind recommendations that are confirmed by so many different healthresearch groups (six in all).
The evidence for the need to include muscle exercises derives from scientific researchers in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics.
A major reason why older people are often incapable of doing thesimplest physical tasks that require some strength is that they havelost most of their muscle mass–a loss that can be prevented to agreat degree. Because women’s hormones are less anabolic (muscle-building), they actually should exercise harder.
Pump Iron to Reverse the Effects of Aging
Several studies done in different countries all confirm that the effects of aging–reduced metabolic rate, decreased bone density,increased body fat, increased risk of diabetes and colon cancer–canall be prevented to a high degree, and even reversed, with strengthtraining (muscle exercises). This goes for all ages, even those 90-plus individuals. It is especially important for women because theirhormones are not as effective building lean muscle mass as men’shormones.
Professor William Evans, Tufts University Center on Aging, states that “Strength training is the single most critical step to retardthe aging process.” In a Scandinavian study, researchers compared life-long runners, swimmers and body-builders. In later years, only the body-builders’ muscle looked like that of young people. A quote from oneof the researchers: “Strength training can make a 90-year-old asstrong as a 50-year-old.” A study conducted by University of Maryland Professor Richard Pratley showed that, in addition to strength, insulinsensitivity also improved. In another study, it was shown thatstrength training also decreased gastrointestinal transit time, a factorin colon cancer. For more details, see a summary report on variousfindings reported at medical meetings, Los Angeles Times, July 24,1992, section E4.
Body Shaping Cosmetic Procedures
Taking a Good Look at Your Face
“None are so old as those
who live without enthusiasm.”
–Wayne Spence, M.D.
Are you interested in body sculpting?
What is body sculpting?
The limits to personal body-sculpting are set by genetics. If
you have a runner’s body with a slight built, you wouldn’t try out tobe a linebacker for the San Diego Chargers.
Body Shaping Cosmetic Procedures
There may be help from your doctor if you have lost – for whatever reason – much of your muscle mass, and body-shaping inthe gym is out of the question because you lack the strength. Thesolution may be Human Growth Hormone (HGH) injections. Theyhave been used in older people with dramatically strengthening andrejuvenating results. They are quite safe and have often beenreferred to as miracle anti-aging drugs. A detailed discussion ofHGH is found in Section 22.
Other types of genetic limitations can be dealt with by cosmetic surgeons. For example, during a strong weight andendurance training program, I reduced my body fat from 12% to 8%.
Unfortunately, those love handles were still present. Since spotreducing is a myth, perhaps in the future I may visit my friend, Dr.
John Dramas, a pioneer of cosmetic surgery in Chicago, or Dr. LindaSwanson of Long Beach, California, for liposuction.
Perfect body-sculpting can be achieved by combining body- shaping exercises in the gym with medical procedures. However, ifyou decide to sculpt your body by exercising, it is important toutilize the strength/muscle size or endurance/definition approacheswith weight loss principles as outlined in previous sections.
Incorporating weight control principles and the appropriate exerciseswill define (cut) or increase muscle mass. Additionally, please payserious attention to your body’s protein requirements as previouslyexplained.
Is Liposuction Right for You?
Are you a candidate for liposuction? Go ahead, and do the pinch test. One of the most accurate methods of measuring surfacebody fat is with a caliper but the pinch test works well for a casualevaluation of fatty deposits. For instance, if the loose skin on theelbow is pinched together, usually, there is only a small amount offat. The fat on the thigh or abdomen is also grasped. Unless thebody is very thin or muscular, there will be at least an inch or more ofrolled fat between the pinching fingers. Obviously, the more fat, thegreater the thickness of the pinch.
Individuals with more than one inch of fatty deposit based on the pinch test, may be candidates for liposuction surgery. Only ifthe fat is evenly distributed, meaning that a fat-reduction would give the desired shape, is a good weight loss program (combined withbuilding lean body mass) very helpful.
For a number of years, cosmetic surgery has been routinely performed on the nose, eyes, chin, cheekbones, breasts andabdomen of millions of people worldwide. Accessible informationabout these surgical procedures has circulated making them moreroutine and acceptable. Cosmetic surgery may give individuals aheightened sense of confidence and increased self-esteem.
While surgical procedures such as breast augmentation or reduction can certainly be classified as “body-shaping,” we willprimarily discuss liposuction because it is currently, the best methodof surgical body-shaping.
For the general public, treatment has not been available until recently. Liposuction is ideal for people who carry a massivedistribution of body fat which causes their figures to havesaddlebags, love handles, midriff bulge, pot bellies, thunder thighsand sagging derrieres. The medical term for this problem is“lipodysmorphia,” and there is no easy solution. Earlier attemptsusing traditional surgery left long, unsightly scars which the patientshad to cover up. In addition, the results were not as shapely as onewould have wanted.
It was not until the early 1970s that Italian surgeon, Georgio Fisher,M.D., first successfully performed liposuction surgery. Americantechnology perfected the liposuction technique.
Liposuction or fat removal by suction, achieves much better results than traditional surgical methods. To perform fat sculptingsurgery, the surgeon inserts a long, thin suction tube through a tineincision, usually placed in an inconspicuous location in the skin.
Tunnels are made by suctioning out fat cells for under the skin creating a “Swiss cheese” effect. The tunnels are then compressedwith a firm bandage or garment that is worn for four to six weeks.
Results are clearly visible in several weeks once the swelling fromthe liposuction disappears.
Breast Augmentation
More women of every age and culture are considering enhancing their appearance and self-esteem by breast augmentationwith breast implants. This appeals to women who have had childrenand developed sagging breasts or women with unevenly shapedbreasts or breasts affected by weight loss. Currently, there are manyoptions regarding the types of implants that are specially designedto consider a woman’s needs. Most women are able to return towork after a week to ten days after this out-patient procedure.
Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure of the abdomen or tummy which creates a flatter,smoother appearance. This is done by the removal of excess skinand fat and the re-tightening of the abdominal wall muscles. Thisprocedure is performed in the hospital requiring an overnight stay.
Recovery from abdominoplasty normally takes about two weeks fromwork or any strenuous activities.
Taking a Good Look at Your Face
Are you happy when you look closely at your face in
the mirror?
Do you often pull back the skin on your face and
visualize a smoother, wrinkle-free complexion?
What Are Your Options?
Aging of the face involves several intrinsically connected changes. First, there is a loss of underlying muscle. In and underthe skin, there is a gradual loss of collagen and other connectingfibers such as epidermal-dermal anchoring fibrils. The structure ofthe skin itself changes from organized, with well-structured layers, todisorganized with layers that aren’t well defined. In the skin,NAPCA (sodium pyrrolidone carboxylic acid), a substance that givesskin its moisture-retaining capacity, gradually decreases with age.
Wrinkle formation is caused primarily by photo-damage, exposure to damaging sunlight. Probably because of all of thesechanges, the skin stretches and becomes loose. Skin tone changesfrom a healthy pink to yellow. Various methods, more or lesssuccessful, have been developed to counteract these effects ofaging.
1) Retin-A
I suggest getting a prescription for Retin-A from your doctor.
Apply Retin-A sparingly, on your face and back of the hands beforeretiring at night. Because Retin-A actually restructures the skin, this is the most effective means of eliminating small winkles. Long-termuse can even reverse some larger wrinkles.
2) NaPCA skin products
Publications in the French literature suggest that some of the topically applied NaPCA can be absorbed to increase the moisture-retaining capacity of the skin. A Las Vegas-based company, Vita-Plus (1-800-634-6747), combines a vitamin A derivative (Retinyl-A)with NaPCA in an excellent skin cream that can be used as anadjunct to Retin-A. This would also be my alternative choice if youcan’t afford the more expensive Retin-A.
For details about the use of NaPCA in skin products, I refer Middleton, J., Roberts, M., “Effects of a Skin Cream Containing the Sodium Salt of Pyrrolidone Carboxylic Acid on Dryand Flaky Skin,” J Soc Cosm Chem, 209:201-05, 1978.
Clar, E. and Fourtainer, A., “L’acide Pyrrolidone Carboxylique et lla Peau,” J Cosm Sci, 3:101-13, 1981.
3) Fruit-acid facial peels
Several cosmetic companies have these facial peel products available on a non-prescription basis. These preparations containcertain fruit acids which when applied to the face result in a peel.
Soon after application of the facial peel ointment, the skin turns darker similar to a suntan and then it peels off like a sunburn.
Smaller wrinkles disappear, together with some of the skin cells that may have been heading towards skin cancer. From the datapresently available, this appears to be a pretty safe product. Whiletretinoin (vitamin A-acid or Retin-A) helps to re-structure the layersof the skin, and regenerates certain connecting fibers that have beenlost in the aging process, the fruit acid peels appear to cause more ofa straightforward surface reaction.
4) Facial muscle preventing/rebuilding treatments
Electrical currents can be used to exercise and simulate muscles. This method is quite effective in rehabilitation programs.
Applying the same principles to facial muscles, a number of facialrevitalization procedures have been developed. This methodappears to work for some people and not for others. I have seensome very impressive results when acupuncturists use this method.
It is important to apply the electrodes at the correct points. I wouldconsider this procedure as an adjunct to the other therapies.
5) Cosmetic surgeon consultation
Take a long look at your face in the mirror. If you are happy with what you see, move on to the next section. If not, below are anumber of procedures that are now considered routine and that canbe done on an out-patient basis.
Tissue replacement can reduce larger wrinkles. This procedure which is an injection of a collagen solution or your ownbody fat cells is placed under larger wrinkles and gives the mostdramatic “instant” results. Even sagging areas in the face can befilled in. No scars and no recovery time. The cost depends on thenumber of collagen units used. One unit costs approximately $300.
Good results can be achieved with one collagen unit. Depending onwhich facial features show increased aging, in some cases, the use of two collagen units gives results that are pretty close to a face-lift. Ifyou like it, you can always go back for more treatment.
Whenever people have liposuction performed, the same fat cells removed elsewhere can be used for injections under largerwrinkles. Developed and researched by doctors from the CosmeticSurgery Center in Philadelphia, excess tissue from liposuction can beprocessed to give your own (more compatible) collagen for injectionor it can be stored for later adipose-tissue injection. Companies thatprocess your own body tissues charge approximately $300 forcollagen processing or fat-cell storage.
Noses appear to grow longer and droop as we age.
Rhinoplasty reshapes the nose. Reducing the size of the nose andcreating a small uplift at the tip can take ten years off a person’sappearance. The cost ranges from $2,500 to $5,000. It can be doneas an out-patient procedure and patients can recuperate at home.
Swelling and black eyes start to disappear around day 5. From days11 to 14, minor redness can be covered by make-up or glasses, andmost people won’t be able to detect anything. Over the next six tonine months, the nose will settle in to become ideal.
Drooping and aged eyes are corrected with eyelid surgery.
Blepharoplasty removes excess fat and skin from upper and lowerlids. This is a very delicate operation and impressive results showthe quality of your surgeon. Surgery of the upper eyelids is donefirst because this can change tension of the skin of the lower eyelids.
Incisions are made in natural skinfolds resulting in a “no scar”appearance. The cost ranges from $2,000 to $4,500.
The face-lift operation or rhytidectomy is the most popular surgery for rejuvenation and reversal of the signs of aging. It isdesigned to remove sagging facial tissue and folds of skin which have developed in the check, along the jaw, and in the neck. Mostpeople assume that the face-lift involves surgery of the entire face,which is not correct. As a matter of fact, for total rejuvenation otheradjunction procedures may be required. The cost of a face-liftranges from $2,000 to $5,400. Adjunctive procedures are extra. Somecosmetic surgeons have suggested that Retin-A combined withcollagen replacement, might be sufficient and should be done beforerhytidectomy.
Eliminating wrinkles and age spots on the entire face can be achieved with different types of facial peels. In this non-surgicalprocedure, the application of a peeling solution removes the toplayers of the skin. In younger individuals, the chemical peel aloneresults in a gratifying improvement. In older people, it is often usedto augment a face-lift. This procedure could be classified as“preventive” because cells in the outer layer that might becomecancerous at a later time are removed.
Depending on the chemical agent used, the peel can be done all at once, or spread out over a longer time period, peeling separateareas of the face. This way a person could do a peel of the foreheador around the eyes only. For these “single area peels,” an ointmentthat contains a cancer drug (5-FU) is applied at least twice per dayfor several days.
After the treated area has become red and inflamed–an effect caused by the death of the top layers of the skin– you can thenchange to a healing ointment. While the peel costs around $800 to$2,600, the single area peels are far less expensive and require onlytwo office visits. The cost of the prescription ointment is oftencovered by insurance.
Removing excess skin and fat from beneath the chin which is another sign of aging is called submental lipectomy. This procedureis usually done as an adjunct to other surgery because it is a veryshort procedure that wouldn’t be worth the cost done by itself.
Often this is combined with mentoplasty, augmentation of the chin,which costs around $500 to $2,000.
It is important to note that the costs quoted refer to surgery fees only and do not include the additional charges for anesthesia,operating room use, etc.
Facial Anti-Aging Creams
Not a single week goes by without somebody asking me about the most recent “miracle” method for wrinkle removal.
Usually, the person hears about the latest cream from a radio healthtalk show, a tabloid or TV. Most of the time, there is something tothese stories. As an example, some scientists may report newfindings at a medical meeting or a cosmetic company applies for apatent for a new type of anti-aging skin cream. It is imperative tofind out whether long term studies on humans have been done.
When it comes to the face, mistakes are easily made, wasting large sums of money or maybe even causing irreparable damage.
That’s why we want to stay more on the conservative side. When areal discovery is made, the word will spread quickly. You may readabout the latest research skin technology in the “PreventiveMedicine Up-Date” with substantiating documentation.
Tretinoin (Vitamin A Acid or Retin-A)
More than eight years ago, after the initial reports about its wrinkle-erasing possibilities, reports publicized on health shows or inthe print media, several medical teams went to work and looked attretinoin from every scientific angle. And, guess what? Whatusually flunks the scrutiny of scientific tests were actually confirmedwith even better data for tretinoin. Tretinoin is the general name forthe chemical compound vitamin A acid. Retin-A is a trade name.
Key findings of many research trials presented at medical meetings and in scientific journals included two papers by AlbertKlingman, M.D., a leading researcher in the field of dermatology andProfessor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania inPhiladelphia. He demonstrated that tretinoin can slow and partiallyreverse many of the histologic derangements observed in photo-aged skin.
The effects of tretinoin on skin (face, forearm and back of hands) included the following improvements: Regulation of epithelialdifferentiation, antineoplastic effects, increased collagen synthesis,inhibition of tumor promotion, alteration of cell membranes andenhanced wound healing. (Klingman, A.M., “Therapeutic Aspectsof Retinoic Acid in Photoaging,” Seminars in Dermatology, Vol. 6,No. 2, 1987; and Klingman, A.M., et al., “Topical Tretinoin forPhotoaged Skin,” J Am Acad Derm, Vol. 15, Oct 1986.) A study by Drs. L. Lever, P. Kumar and R. Marks, published in the British Journal of Dermatology (122, 91-98, 1990), showedthat fine wrinkling around the eyes, crease lines around the mouthand cheeks, wrinkling of the hands and yellow discoloration of theface all improvement with tretinoin use. The study was done over a12-week period.
A study by Dr. J. Voorhees and associates demonstrated that epidermal-dermal anchoring fibrils in the skin were increased withtretinoin use. (JAMA, June 12, 1990, pp.2057-59.) The same teamlater reported better results in the areas reported earlier. (“SustainedImprovements with Prolonged Tretinoin for Photoaged Skin,” J AmAcad Derm, Vol 23, Oct 1990, pp.629-37.) Pinkness of the skin and the structure of the skin are important factors related to aging. As we get older, the layers of theskin become less structured. Young skin has several well-definedlayers and it is more pink. A publication by Dr. J. Weiss andassociates, showed with impressive pictures, the disappearance ofwrinkles, increase in pinkness and restructuring of the skin afterRetin-A use. (JAMA, Jan 22, 1988, pp.527-32.) The use of tretinoin (Retin-A) reverses fine wrinkles, reduces larger wrinkles, increases pinkness and restructures the layers of theskin toward “younger” skin. In addition, the use of Retin-A has acancer-preventing effect. (Pascher, G., “Die WasserloeslichenBestandteile der Peripheren Hornschicht,” Arch Klin Exp Derm,203:234-38, 1956.) Facial Laser Treatments
We often see advertising for facial laser treatment with dramatic “before” and “after” pictures. While the results lookimpressive, they don’t last very long. This method does not appearto be cost-effective.
It’s Your Decision
When you finish reading about this anti-aging approach, your health and anti-aging priorities may change completely. No matter what they are, they will represent what you want. First, establishyour goals. Then determine how to reach these goals. A successfulbusiness professional said, “Reaching your goal doesn’t depend onhow far away or how expensive it is; it only depends on howdetermined you are to reach it.” Become aware of the entire picture before rejecting or incorporating any part of it. My presentations and publicationshave started many a person thinking about a new approach towardhealth and aging. I have yet to see one who felt sorry that he or shehad taken certain steps. On the other hand, I have seen peopleliterally blossom and come out of hiding when they recognized howothers responded to them as “younger, shapelier or healthier.” On occasion, somebody will get into a new approach by accident. This was the case with me and facial rejuvenation. Oneday, I was flying a glider airplane and unexpected thermic carried meto a higher altitude. I had no facial sun protection nor hat. I woundup with a tremendous facial sunburn. The next day, Dr. JohnDramas, a cosmetic surgeon from Chicago, and his wife, came to visitsome friends, and I picked them up at the airport. He looked at myface and gave me the lecture of my life regarding skin cancer, sunexposure and premature aging. A few days later, he examined myfacial skin and found that there was enough sun damage that somecells might be heading toward skin cancer. I used the 5-FU methodto peel over a period of several weeks on a number of smallersections of my face. The results were dramatic! Dr. Dramas and Dr. Linda Swanson, another leading cosmetic surgeon, have each agreed to send anyone substantial literatureregarding cosmetic surgery, liposuction, and other related topics tointerested individuals for $10 (value approximately $17). Send acheck or money order to John Dramas, M.D., Cosmetic Surgery Center of Chicago, 1050 N. State Street, Chicago, Ill., 60611 or LindaL. Swanson, M.D., FACS, 3801 Katela Avenue, Suite 402, LosAlamitos, CA 90720, [email protected].
Do you notice increasing hair loss?
Do your male relatives suffer from male pattern
baldness (MPB)?
How to Counter Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)
While this problem primarily affects men, some of the topical
application discussed below may also help to improve general hairhealth in women.
Treatment Possibilities
1. Hair transplants: Small plugs of scalp from areas where
hair is still growing–areas that contain many hair follicles–are placedside by side directly in the bald spots.
2. Scalp reduction: Reduces the bald spot by direct excision
and closure of the bald scalp, thus drawing the hair-bearing scalpsections closer together. Remaining bald spots are eliminated withhair transplants.
3. Scalp flaps: Various strips of normal hair-bearing scalp are
repositioned from the side of the scalp to immediately cover thedefect produced by direct excision of the bald spot.
4. Hair-growing topical solutions: There is only one agent
that has government approval as a hair-growing agent namely,Minoxidil (Rogaine) by Upjohn. Minoxidil is a heart drug that alsohas been shown to have a hair-growing effect. It only works on thecrown of the head. This is a treatment and not a cure. Once started,the treatment must be continued or you will soon lose the hair youre-gained. Studies using a 2% solution of Minoxidil gave thefollowing results after 12 months of use: No growth11%New vellous13%Minimal regrowth37%Moderate regrowth31%Dense regrowth 8% Since Minoxidil is a drug that can be absorbed into the body with varying side effects and is a treatment that must be continuedonce started, some doctors have expressed criticism and are not verysupportive of this method. However, as a professional who alwayslikes to do things “the natural way,” and as a consultant to such anatural product (MEDI-PLEX), I may be looking at Minoxidil withprejudice. Therefore, I suggest you discuss this with your doctor.
5. Hair Products containing PDG: I suggest you use one of
the new hair products containing PDG or odd-numbered fatty acidderivatives to maintain your current hair status and the mature, fine vellous hairs in areas where hair loss is currently occurring, and toincrease hair density (number of hairs per square inch).
Odd-numbered fatty acid derivatives, the hottest discovery in the hair health sciences, can re-activate the metabolism (ATP, DNAand G6PDH) in the roots of the hair. The results are increaseddiameter and a longer life span for each hair. MEDI-PLEX hasshown the following results in double-blind studies on humansubjects using an herbal extract that contains odd-numbered fattyacid derivatives, in combination with other natural substances thathave been proven effective in previous hair-health studies: MEDI-PLEX is marketed through doctors only. Call MEDI- PLEX at 1-800-292-6006 for more details and to obtain the address ofa dispensing doctor in your area.
Other hair replacement methods are constantly being developed and promoted. Hair-weaving, wigs and toupees havegone through many changes. The materials have become morenatural in appearance and looks are generally improved. In one ofthose methods, synthetic hairs are implanted in the scalp with fineanchors. You can receive information about these new methods byresponding to the advertising frequently seen on TV or in the newspapers. However, I suggest that you discuss any newapproach you are considering with your doctor.
Normal hair Loss and Regrowth Cycles
Most people assume that hair grows continuously. It does not. Hair goes through three major phases: Anagen (rapid growth),catagen (tapering off), and telegen (dying, falling out). Under normalconditions, scalp hair grows and remains on the head for two to fouryears. Also, under normal conditions, 90% of hair is in the anagen orgrowing phase. When maintaining a normal head of hair, hair loss isbalanced by new hair growth. When the anagen phase is shortened,and the telegen phase extends to a longer time, overall hair loss willresult.
Anti-Aging Drugs
Memory Enhancing Nutrients
Do you suffer from a bad memory?
Is your thinking fussy or unclear at times?
Do you feel sluggish and fatigued even after a good
night’s rest?
Do you have a difficult time concentrating?
While there may be anti-aging drugs in the future that have
the capacity to reverse aging, presently, anti-aging drugs target thehalting or slowing down the aging process. If you take anti-agingdrugs, it is important to stay current with developments in this field.
I suggest you read “Preventive Medicine Up-Date” or similarpublications.
What we have in the U.S. regarding anti-aging drugs is a definite failure to communicate. Or, to be more precise, the failure isin our own health branch of our government that doesn’t want tolisten. While scientists all around the world have defined old age asa treatable disease, our government still looks at old age as a stageof life. Consequently, there is nothing in respect to aging that needstreating. Nothing is further from the truth! Various approaches from animal to human studies, have demonstrated that aging according to the scientifically reportedtheories on aging, can be accelerated such as premature aging andearlier onset of old age diseases. It can also be slowed down, i.e., lifespan increases, delay or prevention of old-age diseases, increases inenergy and memory. Specific drugs (often natural substances butclassified as drugs) in studies on animals and humans demonstratetheir effectiveness. The top thirteen anti-aging, health and memoryimproving drugs include the following leading contenders: Deprenyl: Prescription drug classified as a monoamine oxidase
(MAO) inhibitor. In the brain, the balance between a class of
compounds known as neurotransmitters plays key roles in respect to
aging and mental states. The action of an enzyme (MAO) can
induce serious depression and premature aging. MAO inhibitors are
therefore used to normalize neurotransmitter balances.
While many MAO inhibitors have undesirable and often dangerous side effects, Deprenyl appears to have mostly goodeffects. This drug is used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease,and it is an excellent antidepressant. Animal studies also supportthe claim that it increases sexual activity and libido.
Longevity studies on rats showed a 35% life span increase in rats administered Deprenyl. Since the treatment of these animalsstarted at an adult age, calculating the life span increases based onthe starting age of the animals, calculates to a whopping 210% lifespan increase.
Joseph Knoll, M.D., the discoverer of Deprenyl, feels that taking one 5 mg tablet twice per week, starting around age 40, couldprovide great life-extending and health benefits. Deprenyl is available in the U.S. as a prescription drug and is used primarily inthe treatment of Parkinson’s disease and depression.
RU 486: RU 486 is also known as the French abortion pill. Because
of its use as an abortion pill, a fight has erupted over the use of RU
486 in the U.S. The “no choice” groups have applied pressure on
every level and succeeded–possibly only temporarily–in keeping it
from U.S. doctors. Illogic and pseudo-scientific lunacy appear to be
the driving force.
The drug has been shown in more than 400 published scientific studies to be a useful treatment for breast cancer,Cushing’s disease, hypertension, osteoporosis and even AIDS.
Data suggest that it can improve human immune functions. Thisdrug has such a good performance record in Europe that even theAMA has asked for testing and use of RU 486 in the U.S.
Resistocell: A variation of the European cell-therapy, this is an
injectable form of cell preparations from sheep cells. Studies have
shown it stimulates human immune functions without side effects,
and has a potential as an AIDS treatment.
In animal studies performed at the University of Vienna by Professor Gerhard Hofecker, the drug delayed the onset of lymphoidleukosis, a disease caused by a virus that has many similarities toAIDS. It also extended the life span of mice by 57%. Studies haveshown that Resistocell increases the production of lymphocytes andT-cells in the blood. In studies with cancer patients, it has beenshown to improve the quality of life of these patients.
Even though cell therapy has been banned in Germany because of the death of one patient which was blamed on this type of therapy (a very questionable case history in the German medicalarchives), efforts are being made to re-introduce Resistocell forvarious treatments including anti-aging therapy.
Centrophenoxine: This drug is a combination of DMAE
(dimethylamino ethanol) and a plant extract. Studies showed life
span increases in animals and increases in mental performances in
As demonstrated by Drs. Z. Nagy and K. Nandy in separate studies, the drug increased the life span of rats by 33% andimproved people’s resistance to stress. In human studies onindividuals suffering from dementia, the drug improved memory andmental performance by close to 50%.
The drug appears to be extremely safe. Dr. Nagy has been taking it for 15 years. However, double-blind studies are necessaryto obtain a clearer picture of the drug’s potential.
Procaine (Gero-Vita GH-3): This anti-aging drug was made famous
by the Romanian doctor, Ana Aslan. It is sold under various names
in many European countries such as Gerovital, KH-3, among others.
Hundreds of studies performed on animals and humans demonstrated revitalizing, immune-activating and anti-depressanteffects. It is reported that numerous famous movie celebrities go toEurope where they can obtain procaine for revitalization.
Classified as a drug in the U.S. but sold for more than 40 years in Europe as an over-the-counter anti-aging drug, procaine isprobably one of the safest and most effective substances. In arecent summary of 11 double-blind studies performed in Germany, procaine was found to be effective and safe in various treatmentsranging from depression to many age-related diseases.
In the body, procaine immediately starts to hydrolyze into DEAE (leading to DMAE) and PABA. Many Germany medicalpublications explain the effectiveness of procaine on the basis of thepositive effects that are due to PABA and DMAE. Longevitystudies at Roosevelt University in Chicago (H. Kugler 1972), showedthe same positive results for procaine on the basis of the effects ofthe PABA/DMAE formula.
A slight reformulating of the original procaine drug using the active ingredients (PABA/DMAE as Gero-Vita GH-3) makes this newformula a non-prescription item and maintains its effectiveness. Anindependent survey of people using Gero-Vita GH-3 with superiorresponses was recently completed and reported in the PreventiveMedicine Up-Date. People like this formula and it appearscompletely safe without side effects.
Piracetam: This very promising drug has been the subject of
impressive animal and human studies. So why hasn’t any company
brought it to the United States? Money is the answer. Patents have
expired making it uneconomical to pay the millions required for FDA
drug approval.
Hydergine: Hydergine is often referred to as the “anti-old age” drug.
It is very effective in the treatment of many old-age diseases relating
to mental performance. It helps to keep brain metabolism from falling
below normal levels. Animal studies report Hydergine to be very
safe and improvements in glucose uptake have been demonstrated.
No longevity studies have been performed to determine life span
increases. In many human double-blind studies dealing with senile
disorders, the patients always out performed the control groups. Itis understood to be quite safe.
Human Growth Hormone (hGH): By now, everyone has heard about
the beneficial effects achieved on older people with injections of
Human Growth Hormone (hGH). Reports about the dramatic results
have appeared in almost every newspaper worldwide.
A team headed by Dr. Daniel Rudman (Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) gave weekly injections of hGH to a group ofvolunteers whose ages ranged from 61 to 81. Within just a fewmonths, the results were so impressive that they were published atthe midway point.
From hair regaining its normal color to disappearing wrinkles and youthful body composition, the results suggested that a trueanti-aging technique has been discovered. The most dramatic datacame from body composition measurements. The amount of fat inthe subjects bodies decreased by an average of 14%, while muscleincreased by 8.8%. Skin thickness (which usually decreases withage) had increased by 7.1% and IGF-1 (another growth factor) roseto levels of much younger people. Although these results werequite dramatic, they weren’t surprising for the researchers in theaging and fitness fields.
The pituitary gland which produces hGH, has been investigated extensively in regard to the overall rate of aging.
Recognizing certain accelerated aging parameters in people who hadtheir pituitaries removed (or who were deficient in hGH output), Dr.
Franco Salomon of St. Thomas Hospital in London injected a groupof people who fit this description with hGH. After six months of hGHinjections, the research subjects had gained an average of 12 pounds of muscle, lost 11 pounds of fat and had lower blood cholesterollevels. The data were published in 1989.
Over the last two decades during the Olympic Games, Russian and former East German athletes always won by a landslide. Forevery one medal won by the U.S., the Russians and former EastGermans usually won ten. When the former East-bloc trainers kepttelling us that this was due to “superior training techniques,” ouroutspoken U.S. trainers vigorously objected.
They were proven correct when in early 1989, two former East- bloc trainers escaped to the West and told all. Performance-enhancing drugs used by athletes were usually steroids. To somedegree, taking steroids can be covered up with different methods sothat blood tests are either negative or inconclusive. However, sinceEast-block athletes always came out clean in the drug tests, U.S. andWest German trainers suspected that at least some of the formerEast-bloc athletes were given hGH. Even though 100% proof is notavailable, from what the escaped trainers reported, Russia and theformer East Germany (both getting training and treatingrecommendations from the one major research facility) had a “win atall costs” attitude. The costs of the drugs were of no object tothem.
Before genetic engineering, U.S. Genentech and Eli Lilly, (1985) produced less expensive hGH. The annual cost for hGHtreatments for athletes ranged approximately $30,000 a year.
It is obvious that the mechanism for increasing muscle mass involves hGH. As stated earlier, hGH is produced in the pituitary.
Several publications in the medical literature showed that hGHrelease and production by the pituitary could be stimulated with twoamino acids, arginine and ornithine. However, in order to achieve that the amino acids had to be taken in very large quantities (14 ormore tablets) on an empty stomach with just a little juice. The majoreffects reported by athletes were upset stomachs and “buzzing in thehead.” Results achieved with smaller amounts of these amino acids,mixed with foods to avoid upsetting the stomach, were neitherimpressive nor effective.
There is one major method to stimulate the pituitary to release hGH, and that is strenuous (muscle) exercise. This again confirmsour recommendation for people of all ages to exercise, and to includemuscle exercises in their fitness programs.
Advanced Nutrient Supplementation
Co-Q10 is Effective in Longevity Study
Dr. Emile Bliznakov, scientific director of the Lupus Research Institute in Richfield, CT, achieved dramatic results in longevitystudies with old mice. At the start of the experiment, the mice wereabout seventeen months old. The controls died within 9 months ofthe start of the study while the animals fed Co-Q10 lived up totwenty months after the start of the study. Co-Q10 also plays animportant role in heart health. (Bliznakov, E., Aging Dev, 7:189(1978);and Bliznakov, E and Hunt, G, “The Miracle Nutrient: Coenzyme Q-10 (Bantam, 1987). For more details and additional discussions, see“The New Supernutrition,” by Richard Passwater (Pocket Books, NY,1992).
Pycnogenol is 20 Times More Effective as Vitamin C as a Free
Radical Scavenger

Pycnogenol, a pine bark extract and a potent antioxidant, was extensively tested for safety at the Pasteur Institute in France. It isvery important for artery and skin health, and is fifty times moreeffective than vitamin E against free radicals. For more interestingdetails, read “The New Supernutrition.” A Good Immune System is the Best Defense
If you had no choice but to live in a hostile environment, what would be your first concern? Naturally, to protect yourself withevery means. You have no choice with respect to health! You DOlive in a hostile environment that threatens you with everything fromcancer-causing substances to microorganisms such as bacteria andthe HIV virus. Your best protection is a good defense, and thedefense of your body is your immune system.
The immune system weakens as we age. That is why your chances of developing cancer increase with age. That is also wherethe Immunologic Theory of Aging, which states that aging is due todecreasing immune functions, enters the picture. According to thisimmunologic theory on aging, anything that hampers immunefunctions–such as smoking, air pollution, and excessive fat and/orsugar in the diet–will increase disease risks and shorten life spans.
Anything that will support immune practices in general and immunestimulants will reduce disease risks and increase life spans. All ofthis has been confirmed in scientific studies. These principles haveeven been applied to treatments. The best cancer treatments are theones that activate immune functions such as the use of interferon,interleuken or killer cells.
The immune system is an extremely complex machinery, orchestrated by immune chemicals, and executed by the variouscells, the fighting soldiers of this defense system. This is a topic that is far too complex to discuss here. Therefore, for those of youwith a science background, I recommend “Cellular and MolecularImmunology,” by Drs. A. Abbas, A. Lichtman, and J. Pober(Saunders, NY, 1991).
Natural Immune Stimulants
If you perform a detailed literature search on the topic of immune stimulants, you will find that hundreds of substances arebeing looked at as potential immune stimulants. So, how did wecome up with the substances that we feel should be included in animmune-stimulating program? We applied two basic criteria: (1) That the substances have no harmful or toxic side effects if taken as recommended, and (2) thattheir usefulness is supported by good scientific studies that showeffectiveness and possible synergism (enhancement of each other’seffects). It is very possible that another set of immune stimulants,put together by a knowledgeable scientist, could have the sameeffects.
Scientific Support
Echinacea: Documentation for this substance’s immune-enhancing
properties is extensive. This ranges from macrophage and T-cell
activation to anti-inflammatory activity, interferon induction, tumor
inhibition and connective tissue stabilization and repair. Close to 50
of the latest references can be found in the “Next Generation Herbal
Medicine,” Dr. Daniel Mowrey (Keats Publishing).
Shark Oils: The shark immune system is slightly different from
human immune functions. It does not produce specific antibodies
against each intruder. Instead, there is a molecule known as IgM
(immunoglobulin) that constantly circulates in the shark’s blood andthat attaches itself to foreign antigens, marking the invaders fordestruction. Destruction occurs immediately because the whiteblood cells (the soldiers that do the killing of the marked invaders)are quickly mobilized by immune chemicals known as“alkylglycerols.” High concentrations of these alkylglycerols are found in shark oils. It has been demonstrated that of an increase in human immunefunctions using these shark oils. Also, as shown by Drs. Johan andAstrid Brohult of the University of Sweden, the mortality of cancerpatients decreased after shark oil administration. (Bauman, W.,International Symposium on Ether Lipids in Oncology, Goettingen,Germany, 22:775-980, 1987; Brohullt, J. and Brohult, A., “Reducedmortality of cancer patients after administration of alkoxyglycerols,Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 65:779-785, 1986. For a detaileddiscussion of shark oils, see Preventive Medicine Up-Date, Vol. 4,No. 11.
Shark Cartilage: In order for a cancer to grow, it has to form its
own blood vessels (neovascularization). Shark cartilage can prevent
this new blood vessel formation. In addition to cancer research,
shark cartilage has been studied as a promising treatment for
osteoarthritis. (Lee, A and Langer, R., “Shark Cartilage Contains
Inhibitors of Tumor Angiogenesis,” Science, 16 Sept. 1983, pp. 1185-
87; Moses, M., Sudhalter, j., and Langer, R., “Identification of an
Inhibitor of Neovascularization from Cartilage, Science, 15 June 1990,
pp. 1408-1410; Lane, William, “Shark Cartilage: Its Potential in
Medical Applications,” J Adv in Med, Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter, 1991, pp.
Phycotene: Discovered by Dr. Christopher Hills, phycotene
activates tumor necrosis factor (TNF) by 500% which is important for
fighting cancer. In animal studies, where cancer had been inducedwith a carcinogen, 30% of the animals showed complete and 70%partial tumor regression. When animals were treated with DMBA(strong carcinogen) and treated with phycotene at the same time, notumors were formed, even after 28 weeks on this regimen. (J OralMaxillofacial Surg, No. 6, 45, 1987; and Nutrition and Cancer, Vol.
11, No. 2, 1988.) For a more detailed discussion of phycotene seePreventive Medicine Up-Date, Vol 4, Nos. 8 and 9.
DMG (dimethylglycine): From lymphocyte proliferation to humor
and cell-mediated immune responses, and a 600% stimulation of
production of interferon (an important part of our immune system),
the literature is extensive. Much of this work was sponsored by
DaVinci Laboratories. We applaud DaVinci Laboratories for their
continued research on these natural substances. (Reference: Graber,
C., and Kendall, R., J Infect Disease, Vol. 143, No. 1, 1981.)
Since interferon and TNF act in a synergistic manner–meaning that they enhance each other and the effect is larger than the sum ofsingle activating substances–phycotene and DMG should be usedtogether. For more details about DMG, see Preventive Medicine Up-Date, Vol. 4, Nos. 2 and 8.
Present data regarding these immune stimulants suggest that we should not use them continuously, but only from time to time.
This should be over a four to six day period to give the immunesystem a quick boost. Even though at the time of designing thisapproach, there are no known negative effects associated withtaking these natural immune stimulants, we recommend that youdiscuss them with your doctor.
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone): As mentioned above, this may be
the anti-viral link in the immune system. Before going all out and
incorporating it into a regular supplementation program, more data
are required. DHEA was available in health food stores up to a
couple of years ago, and then the FDA took it off the market because
of reasons shrouded in insufficiently documented mystery. In
Europe, DHEA is available with prescription. The presently available
literature suggests the following:
a) People at risk of getting AIDS who had higher blood DHEA levels either didn’t develop AIDS or it was greatly delayed, and theylived much longer than HIV patients who had lower DHEA bloodlevels (Science News, Dec. 1991).
b) In studies with mice, animals that were subject to two lethal viruses survived when given DHEA (Loria, R., et al., J Med Virol, Vo26, no.3, pp. 301-14 (1988).
c) Ongoing research at Temple University in Philadelphia, Dr.
Earl Henderson, research director, showed that inhibition of HIVreplication with DHEA and its analogs is possible (Federal Researchin Progress).
d) A detailed computer search of the available literature gives approximately 30 references regarding these and other researchprojects with DHEA.
While lots of very hot research is going on with DHEA, the FDA recently classified it as a controlled substance, right next tosteroids. Since there is no real scientific basis for this definition,some say that the FDA–strongly influenced by the drugindustry–took this action to give the drug industry a shot at raking in billions with prescriptions drugs based on another one of MotherNature’s helpers.
Alone or in combinations, herbs are classified under “natural substances.” They are excellent Mother Nature’s little helpers withsuperior medicinal values suited for applications in various areas ofmedicine. For more details, see “The Scientific Validation of HerbalMedicine,” by Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D. (Keats Publishing, NewCanaan, CT).
Herbal medicines and other natural substances make up a big part (up to one-third) of prescriptions written in countries werehealth care costs only half of what it costs in the U.S. While it isacknowledged that the medicinal value of some herbs is limited, theywork in a truly healthy manner. More importantly, they do notinduce the many side effects than stronger synthetic prescriptiondrugs.
Recently, my father, age 87, who lives in Germany, wrote me the following: “On Sunday, I was at Peter’s house for lunch. For ashort time, I felt very strange as if there was something wrong withmy circulation. I did sweat a little bit and I thought that I wasn’tquite with it for a few minutes. This is the third time that hashappened to me. It worried me so the next day, I told my doctorabout it and he gave me a prescription for an extract from the herb,Ginkgo biloba. The medicine is excellent which makes me feel realgood and I feel like my old self again.”


SPECIAL REPORT Psoriasis The Pill No One Knows About! Special Report By Jim Longnecker © Copyright 2009 Jim Longnecker Published by Valley Oaks Drive Corp 1145 Orchard Park Circle Pflugerville, TX 78660 No part of this special report may be copied, reproduced,or transmitted in any way, including sharing theinformation in any forums or blogs,

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