Amfie rapport 2012-anglais cv

nistration and private sector development (1986-91). World Bank, European Offi ce, Mr Jacques Santer (Chairman) Grand Cross Paris: Representative to the European Insti- of the order of Oak (Luxembourg), of order tutions (1991-96). AMFIE: Member of Super- of Aldophe of Nassau (Luxembourg), of the order of Leopold II (Belgium), of the order of Credit Union (1960-62). UNESCO (1962-90): the Legion of Honour (France), of the order of Mr Albert Hansen (Member) Barrister (1967- assistant Director (1979-85), acting Director Merit (Germany and Italy), the order of Malta, 69). Civil servant (attaché, counsellor, general administrator) from 1969 to 2002. Secretary- ration program. UNESCO staff savings and Certifi cate, Paris Institute of Political Studies General of the Government (1979-98). Head loans service (USLS): member of the Board of (Paris, 1959), Doctor of Law (1960).
of Cabinet to HRH the Grand Duke (1998-02); management (1972-74), President (1974-87), Lawyer (1961-63 and 1974-79). Chamber of Executive Director (1987-90). AMFIE: Foun- (1999-02). European Investment Bank: Mem- Prime Minister, Minister of the Treasury and ber of Verifi cation committee (1983-01). Insu- Minister of Culture (1984-95). Minister of Fi- Mrs Janine Rivals (Vice-Chairperson) Cheva- nance, Employment and Social Affairs (1979- (1992-98), State and Savings Bank, Director 84), Secretary of State for Cultural Affairs (1994-98). Member of the Council of State Degrees in English and German, Sorbonne. Diploma of the Institute of Political Studies, liament: Vice-President (1975-77); Member COCOM (62-64). OECD (65-72). English lan- ident (1995-99). World Bank, IMF and EBRD: Mr Jean-Henri Legorju (Member) D.E.S. en guage teacher. Since 1980, in Vienna (Aus- Governor (1979-95). AMFIE: Chairman of the Sciences Economiques (1969), I.A.E. Paris tria): Associative activities, free lance trans- (1969), Auditor (1977), Expert-comptable lator and at UNOV. AMFIE: Coordinator in Vienna (99-03), then in Paris and for Europe Mr Witold Zyss (Vice-Chairman) Diploma of Arthur Young (Ernst & Young) (1970-79): Au- (since 2003), Director (since 2005), Member of the Institute of Political Studies, Paris; DES in ditor, Mission Director, European Director for the Executive Committee (since 2008), Vice- In-house Training. Cabinet Calan Ramolino & Associés (1979-95): Partner. Auditor for listed sion to Brazil (1972-74), Head of Division for corporations: Sacilor, Sagem, Air Inter, Del- relations with international organisations French Baccalaureate with distinction (1970), (1974-85), Head of Division for staff insu- MBA in the “Ecole supérieure de Commerce rance and pensions (1985-86), President of AMFIE: External Audit, Internal Audit, Direc- de Marseille”, Aix Marseille University (1970- UNESCO staff association (1966-69), Pres- tor (2006-2010), Member of the Supervisory 74), French Chartered Accountant certifi cates ident of FICSA, the Federation of Internatio- nal Civil Service Associations (1970-71 and 1985-86), and Vice-President of the Associa- red Accountant (1976-77) : Mercedes Benz tion of Former UNESCO Offi cials (since 1986).
branch in France – Head of Finance (1978- 80) : Electro Audio Dynamics Inc– Head of tee (1975-78), Vice-President (1978-86), Mem- netary Institute (now the Luxembourg Central Finance and Personnel (1981) : Digital Equip- ber of Supervisory Board (since 1986). AMFIE: Bank): Auditor, Inspector, Assistant Counsel- ment Corporation – Accounting manager for lor then Counsellor (1973-84). Detached to Europe, based in Geneva (1982-85) : World Supervisory Board (1991-98 and since 2001).
Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, EU Monetary Committee (1977-83). Ministry of State, Luxembourg : Principal Counsellor WIPO, Director of the Finance Department Master in Law (1972-77), Catholic University to the Government, Director of Media and (1995-2008), WIPO, Chief Financial Offi cer of Louvain. Master in Fiscal Science (1975-77), (Controller), Department of Finance, Budget St Louis University, Brussels. MA in Internatio- sioner to SES-Astra and the State and Sa- nal Affairs (1977-79), Johns Hopkins Univer- vings Bank (1984-92). Imprimerie Saint-Paul AMFIE: Director (since October 2009), Mem- ber of the Executive Committee (since 2011), ging Director (1993-03). Principal Counsellor tions, New York : Consultant (1979-82). World to the Government at the Ministry of State, Bank, Caribbean Regional Offi ce, Antigua : AMFIE: Member of Supervisory Board (since Analyst (1982-86). World Bank, Washington DC: Economist and specialist in public admi- Section (1997-99); Deputy Director, Confe- Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu (1976-1983), torate in law - «Licencié en notariat», Univer- rence Division (1999-04); IMO Staff Associa- and as a Research Associate in the Budget tion Committee (1975-90). Vice-Chairman of Offi ce at the Southern Illinois University at Bank Paribas Brussels: Legal adviser (1959- the Standing Committee on Social Security 62). High Authority of the E.C.S.C.: Legal of the Federation of International Civil Ser- adviser (1962-67). C.E.C. since 1967: Legal vants Associations (FICSA) (1983-85). IMO Director of Budget Offi ce (1993-1998), WFP adviser (1967-71), Head of the Borrowing Participants Representative at the United Country Director in Sri Lanka (1998-2001), Division (1971-80), Director for Finance (1980- Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) Director of Finance (2001-2005), Director of 91). European Bank for Reconstruction and Comprehensive Review of UNJSPF benefi ts rector of Ethics Offi ce (2008). Inspector Ge- the Board (1991-95). European Commission: (2002-03). AMFIE: coordinator at IMO, Lon- neral and Director of Oversight Offi ce at the Director-general a.h. (since 1995). AMFIE: don (1995-04), Director (since 2005).
Mr Dimitri Macris (Director) Offi cer of the Mr Martin Littlejohn (Secretary-General) Master of Science of electrical engineering, der of the order of Merit (Luxembourg), Com- Mr Daniel Henquet (Director) Offi cier de Technical University of Denmark (1974).
mander of the order of the Legion of Honor reserve and graduated from Staff Offi cer Systems analysis consultant in a computer and Grand Offi cer of the order of National service bureau (1974 - 75). Field engineer Merit (France), Grand Cross of the order of Assistant production Manager, archivist, exe- in the oilfi eld services industry (1975 – 76). the Infante D. Henrique (Portugal), Grand cutive producer, director, 1990-2010. Photo European civil servant at the European Com- Commander of the order of Merit (Germany), reporter, GAMMA & EXPLORER, Afghanis- mission (since 1976): Computer analyst and Grand Cross of the order of the Flag (Yougos- tan, Iran, India, Pakistan, 1988-1990 & Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, 1986- (1976 - 88), Project Offi cer, Directorate Gene- 1988. Assistant then Director and scriptwriter ral “Information Society” (1988 - 2001), Head Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece. Atta- of Training Sector, Directorate General “Per- ché of Embassy (1960). Secretary of Embassy: sonnel and Administration” (2002 - 2006), Tripoli and Rome (1962-68). Consul general: Head of Sector in unit “Luxembourg Site Montreal (1968-72). Counsellor of the Perma- Coordination” of Directorate General “Hu- nent Mission of Greece to the U.N., New York B.A. (1978) and M. Phil. (1985) in Economics, man Resources and Security” (since 2006). (1972-74). Political Director for Greek-Turkish M.Acc. in Accountancy (1980) University of Li- AMFIE: Member of the Executive Committee Relations (1974-80). Ambassador to Belgrade moges; LL.M (1989) and LL.D (1991) in Social (since 2000) Secretary-General (since 2012).
(FSRY) (1980-85). Political Director for Wes- Protection and Labour Law, University of Poi- tern World (1985-88). Ambassador to Ankara tiers; M. Sc. in Organizational Development Mrs Adrienne Hervé (Director) B.A., Brown (1988-93). Ambassador of Greece to Paris (1993), John Hopkins University, Baltimore, University. Master of Science, London School (1993-95). Ambassador of Greece a.h. (since Certifi cate of Advanced Studies in Mediation of Economics and Political Science. DEA, 1996). AMFIE: Director (since 1996).
(2006), Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Sion. PhD, Sociology, Institut d’Etudes Politiques Personnel Offi cer, Staff Development Divi- Dr. Suresh R. Sharma (Director) Bachelor in Rowman & Littlefi eld Publishers, New York, Commerce (1969) and a Master in Commerce 1998 - 1999:  Assistant Editor. OECD,  Paris, (1972) from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. Section, IAEA, Vienna (1994-2000), Chief, Master in Business Administration (1985), AMFIE: Member of the Executive Committee Doctorate in Business Administration (1993), Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, USA. Fellow of the Association of Chartered Training Centre (ITC-ILO), Turin (2003-2009), Mr Dominique Bertaud (Director) Bachelor of Arts in English (Poitiers University) (1967). Accountant/Assistant to the Treasurer at the Nations Volunteers, UNDP, Bonn (2009-2011) CAPES (Poitiers University) (1969-70).
United Mission to Nepal (1967-74), Chief of and again Chief, Human Resources Services, International Maritime Organization (IMO): Planning Division at the Agriculture Inputs International Training Centre (ITC-ILO) since Translator (1970-81); Reviser (1981-87); Senior February 2011. AMFIE: Director (since 2011 Reviser (1987-97); Head, French Translation Chief of Financial Administration Division at


P h a s e I I E v a l u a t i o n o f T e m o z o l o m i d e a n d 1 3 - c i s - R e t i n o i c A c i d f o r t h e T r e a t m e n t o f R e c u r r e n t a n d P r o g r e s s i v e M a l i g n a n t G l i o m a : A N o r t h A m e r i c a n B r a i n T u m o r C o n s o r t i u m S t u d y By Kurt A. Jaeckle, Kenneth R. Hess, W.K. Alfred Yung, Harry Greenberg, Howard Fine, David Schi

Title 35

TITLE 35. STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CHAPTER 2. FEES SUBCHAPTER 3. FEE SCHEDULES (FY14) 35:2-3-2. Schedules of laboratory fees (a) The following schedules of laboratory testing fees shall apply to all samples submitted to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, (b) Fees, as listed, are for standard analysis times according to the methods utilized and the workload of the L

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