related to deadly canine flu
for “kennel cough,” a common canine illness that is
caused by the bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria.
Both diseases can cause coughing and gagging for up
A new, highly contagious and sometimes deadly canine to three weeks, but dogs with canine flu may spike
flu is spreading in kennels and at dog tracks around the fevers as high as 106 degrees and have runny noses. A
country, veterinarians said yesterday.
few will develop pneumonia, and some of those cases
will be fatal. Antibiotics and fluid cut the pneumonia
The virus, which scientists say mutated from an
influenza strain that affects horses, has killed racing
greyhounds in seven states and has been found in
The virus is an H3N8 flu closely related to an equine
shelters and pet shops in many places, including the
flu strain. It is not related to typical human flus or to
New York suburbs, though the extent of its spread is
the H5N1 avian flu that has killed about 100 people in
Dr. Cynda Crawford, an immunologist at the University Experts said there were no known cases of the canine
of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine who is
flu infecting humans. “The risk of that is low, but we
studying the virus, said that it spread most easily where are keeping an eye on it,” said Dr. Ruben Donis, chief
dogs were housed together but that it could also be
of molecular genetics for the influenza branch of the
passed on the street, in dog runs or even by a human
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is
transferring it from one dog to another. Kennel workers tracking the illness.
have carried the virus home with them, she said.
But with the approach of the human flu season and
How many dogs die from the virus is unclear, but
fears about bird flu in Asia, there is much confusion
scientists said the fatality rate is more than 1 percent
among some dog owners who have heard about the
and could be as high as 10 percent among puppies and disease.
Dr. Crawford said she was fielding calls from kennels
Dr. Crawford first began investigating greyhound
and veterinarians across the country worried that they
deaths in January 2004 at a racetrack in Jacksonville,
Fla., where 8 of the 24 greyhounds who contracted
“The hysteria out there is unbelievable, and the
misinformation is incredible,” said Dr. Ann E.
“This is a newly emerging pathogen,” she said, “and
Hohenhaus, chief of medicine at the Animal Medical
we have very little information to make predictions
about it. But I think the fatality rate is between 1 and 10
Dr. Hohenhaus said she had heard of an alert from a
Virginia dog club reporting rumors that 10,000 show
She added that because dogs had no natural immunity dogs had died.
to the virus, virtually every animal exposed would be
infected. About 80 percent of dogs that are infected
“We don’t believe that’s true,” she said, adding that no
with the virus will develop symptoms, Dr. Crawford
dogs in her Manhattan hospital even had coughs.
said. She added that the symptoms were often mistaken
Dr. Donis of the disease control centers said that
The Best Friends chain owns 41 other kennels in 18
there was currently no vaccine for the canine flu.
states, and no others have had an outbreak, Dr. Larry J.
But he said one would be relatively easy to develop.
Nieman, the company’s veterinarian, said.
The canine flu is less lethal than parvovirus, which
typically kills puppies but can be prevented by
In late July, at Gracelane Kennels in Ossining, N.Y.,
about 35 dogs showed symptoms, said the owner,
Bob Gatti, and he closed the kennel for three weeks to
Laboratory tests, Dr. Donis said, have shown that
the new flu is susceptible to the two most common
antiviral drugs, amantidine and Tamiflu, but those
About 25 of the dogs were treated by an Ossining
drugs are not licensed for use in dogs.
veterinarian, Glenn M. Zeitz, who said two of them had
The flu has killed greyhounds at tracks in Florida,
Massachusetts, Arizona, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
“The dogs came in very sick, with high fevers and very
Texas and Iowa. Tracks and kennels have been
high white blood cell counts,” Dr. Zeitz said, making
forced to shut down for weeks for disinfection.
him suspicious that they had something worse
In Chestnut Ridge, north of New York City, about
88 dogs became sick by early September, and 15
A spokesman for the New York City Health Department
percent of those required hospitalization, said Debra
said that there were “a few confirmed cases” in New
Bennetts, a spokeswoman for Best Friends Pet Care,
York but that the city was not yet tracking the disease.
a chain of boarding kennels. The kennel was vacated
Veterinarians voluntarily sent samples to the Animal
Health Diagnostic Center at the Cornell School of
About 17 of the infected dogs were treated at the
Oradell Animal Hospital in Paramus, N.J., where one laboratory doing blood tests.
died and two more were still hospitalized, a staff
Referat von Smallgirl Epilepsie 1.Vorbemerkung persönliche Vorbemerkung – gelöscht, nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt! 2. Beschreibung und Erläuterung des ausgewählten Krankheitsbildes * Als Epilepsie wird eine chronische Krankheit bezeichnet, die durch rezidivierende, also wiederkehrende Anfälle, die ihren Ursprung im Gehirn haben, gekennzeichnet ist. Diese könn
Normas Jurídicas de Nicaragua Rango: Leyes - LEY DEL LENGUAJE DE SEÑAS NICARAGÜENSE LEY No. 675, Aprobado el 12 de Febrero de 2009 Publicado en La Gaceta No.75 del 24 de Abril de 2009 El Presidente de la República de Nicaragua LA ASAMBLEA NACIONAL LEY DEL LENGUAJE DE SEÑAS NICARAGÜENSE Arto. 1 Objeto de la Ley La presente Ley tiene por objeto reconocer y reg