

Occasional Essays
corresponding arteriovenous difference in oxygen content. Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Alfred P.
Fishman, M.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Office of
Program Development, 1320 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive,
Philadelphia, 19104-6021. E-mail:
At the start of the twentieth century, studies of pulmonary hemodynamics were largely confined to measurements of pulmonary arterial pressures in anesthetized, open-chest animals undergoing artificial respiration (1). By then, pressure recording was fairly well standardized, and pressures recorded in animals by different manometric systems were generally accurate and similar in form (2). Outflow pressures, for the calculation of pulmonary vascular resistance and the measurement of left arterial measures, became available at midcentury (3). A leading figure in setting standards for pressure recording was Otto Frank (1865–1944), a distinguished German physiologist and physician, whose name is well known to circulatory physiologists as one of the discoverers of the Frank- Starling law of the heart. Less familiar, but seminal for the study of hemodynamics, was his role in setting standards for the accurate recording of vascular pressure pulses (4). These standards featured prominently in the subsequent design and application of cardiac catheters for human use. Another iconic physiologist of that time was Ernest Henry Starling (1866–1927) whose heart–lung preparations that made it possible for experimental observations to be made under rigorously controlled conditions so that physiologic factors and mechanisms could be isolated and analyzed in mechanical and physiologic terms. From such preparations were derived the Frank-Starling law of the heart and Starling's forces involved in capillary exchange. However, observations made under such artificially controlled conditions paid the penalty of obscuring automatic adjustments that occur under more natural conditions (Figure 1) . The modern era of measuring pulmonary blood flow began in 1912 with August Krogh and Johannes Lindhard who used nitrous oxide as the test gas and popularized the use of gas uptake methods in humans (5). The use of indirect methods became widespread. However, the indirect methods were handicapped by two major uncertainties: (1) early recirculation, which artificially decreased the value for cardiac output by diminishing the uptake of gas from the alveoli, and (2) the use of alveolar gas sampling to estimate the content of the regulatory gases in blood returning to the heart (6). A direct approach to measuring cardiac output was suggested by Adolph Fick in 1870 in a short commentary to his local medical society in Würzburg, Germany (Figure 2) (7). He indicated that the cardiac output could be measured by 2007 Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Crítica
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catheterized by way of a peripheral vein (9). His interest was in cardiac injections rather than in blood sampling from within the heart. To convince others about the safety of the procedure, he catheterized himself on several different occasions and walked about, with catheter in place, climbing the stairs en route to the X-ray department. Forssmann made sure that others were aware of his accomplishment and its prospects. However, instead of earning plaudits for his pioneering effort, Forssmann was rewarded with criticism and ridicule by his Forssmann's demonstration attracted more attention in Europe and South America than in Germany. In the United States, the lead was taken in the 1940s by the Cardiopulmonary Laboratory at Bellevue Hospital in New York City (Figure 4) (10). André F. Cournand was the director of the laboratory, which was sponsored by both the Chest Service run by J. Burns Amberson, M.D., and the Medical Division of Columbia University, headed by Dickinson W. Richards, M.D. With the strong support of these two sponsors, André Cournand established a world-renowned cardiopulmonary laboratory. In 1951, I rotated through the laboratory as an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association and subsequently rejoined it as a member of the research team on the faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. Spurred on in large part by the Bellevue laboratory, the use of cardiac catheterization for diagnostic purposes spread quickly throughout medical centers in the United States and abroad. In 1956, Forssmann shared the Nobel Prize with Cournand and Richards for their respective roles in introducing and standardizing cardiac catheterization. As usage spread, modifications in equipment and technique made it possible to move cardiac catheterization from the fluoroscopy room to the bedside where hemodynamic monitoring could be substituted for radiographic visualization of the catheter tip. In 1953, Michael Lategola and Hermann Rahn showed in animals how to obtain a measure of outflow pressures for the determination of pulmonary vascular resistance. They used a flow-directed catheter with an inflatable balloon at its tip to measure left atrial pressure (11). In 1950, Hellems and colleagues modified the technique to measure pulmonary "capillary" pressure in humans (12). The next step was to move the technique from the fluoroscopy suite to the bedside. In 1970, William Ganz and Harold J. C. Swan introduced a multilumen, balloon-tipped catheter that could be advanced and the tip positioned under hemodynamic monitoring. Once in place, the multilumen catheter made it possible to record simultaneously the pressures in the pulmonary artery and left atrium (13). Control of the pulmonary circulation was first studied in open-chest, anesthetized animals. Although these studies showed that stimulation of nerves to the lungs could affect pulmonary hemodynamics, there was consensus in the 1940s that the pulmonary nerves played little, if any, role in regulating the normal pulmonary circulation. In 1946, attention shifted from nerves to local self- regulatory mechanisms. The shift was prompted by the demonstration of von Euler and Liljestrand, in anesthetized cats, that acute hypoxia elicits pulmonary vasoconstriction (Figure 5) (14, 15). Shortly thereafter, the experiments with acute hypoxia in anesthetized cats were repeated in normal, awake humans. Thus, in 1947, Motley and colleagues, in the Cournand-Richards Laboratory, exposed five human subjects to 10% oxygen in nitrogen for 10 minutes and observed an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure and in pulmonary vascular resistance, which indicated that acute hypoxia had elicited pulmonary 2007 Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Crítica
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Figure 6. Geoffrey Sharman Dawes (1918–1996). Dawes spent virtually all of his career as Director of the Nuffield Institute for Medical Research. He carried on in the tradition of Sir Joseph Barcroft who had pioneered research in fetal physiology using animal experiments to gain insights that were directly transferable to the human fetus and newborn. PULMONARY HEMODYNAMICS IN PRIMARY PULMONARY HYPERTENSION
Considerable insight into pulmonary hemodynamics has been provided by physiologic studies on primary pulmonary hypertension. The physiologic studies were preceded by histopathologic observations made in individuals who died of primary pulmonary hypertension (18, 19). The first clinical–pathologic case report was made in 1891 by Ernst von Romberg, a distinguished German physician and clinical scientist. Unable to uncover any cause for the abnormalities in the pulmonary blood vessels, he designated the intrinsic pulmonary vascular disease as "pulmonary vascular sclerosis" (19). This case report led to similar case reports by others, along with speculation and debate about the etiology of the disease. In 1901, in an unpublished lecture in Buenos Aires, Abel Ayerza coined the descriptive term "cardiacos negros" to describe a syndrome that today would be categorized as pulmonary hypertension and right ventricle failure. His colleagues in Argentina designated the syndrome "Ayerza's disease" and proposed syphilis as its etiology. Between 1901 and 1925, case reports from South and North America and Europe supported the view that the pulmonary vascular sclerosis described by Romberg was due to syphilitic pulmonary arteritis. Despite some misgivings about the syphilitic etiology of primary pulmonary hypertension, the belief remained popular until the 1940s. The widespread belief in syphilis as the cause of primary pulmonary THE AMINOREX EPIDEMIC
hypertension was finally laid to rest in the 1940s by Oscar Brenner, M.D., of Birmingham, England (20). While a Rockefeller Traveling Fellow, he reviewed 100 case reports of pulmonary hypertension in the autopsy files of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Twenty five of these patients carried the diagnosis of Ayerza's disease. Based largely on this personal review and his review of the literature, Brenner concluded that Ayerza's disease was neither a clinical nor a pathological entity and that syphilis was not the cause of the disease. He pinpointed the small muscular arteries and arterioles as the seat of the pulmonary hypertension and described their histopathologic features. Brenner was a histopathologist rather than a physiologist (20). As a result, he did not recognize the role played by vasoconstriction in the pathogenesis of primary pulmonary hypertension, nor did he appreciate the causal relationship between the pulmonary vascular lesions and the dilated, hypertrophied right ventricle, which he pictured as separate consequences of a shared insult. Clinical interest in pulmonary hypertension was heightened considerably by the teaching and writings of Paul Wood, a superb British cardiologist, teacher, and showman. In the 1950s, he played a pivotal role in bringing the pathophysiology of congenital and acquired heart disease to the bedside and in determining operability. His 1950 textbook, Diseases of the Heart and Circulation, still stands as a landmark in the cardiovascular literature (21). A breakthrough in uncovering the pathophysiology of primary pulmonary hypertension began in 1951 with the demonstration by Dresdale and coworkers 2007 Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Crítica
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disease also suggested that inherited susceptibility may play a role in the
pathogenesis of the disease.
Stimulated largely by the aminorex epidemic, a meeting of the World Health
Organization was convened in 1975 to gather and review the scattered clinical
and physiologic data about primary pulmonary hypertension. The report of this
meeting identified shortcomings in the understanding not only of primary
pulmonary hypertension but also of normal pulmonary hemodynamics. In
addition, it recommended that ambiguities in nomenclature be eliminated.
Finally, the report called for a worldwide registry that would gather data about
the prevalence and natural history of primary pulmonary hypertension, which
was regarded as a rare disease.

The recommendation concerning a registry was implemented in 1981. This
registry, which consisted of 32 clinical centers geographically distributed
throughout the United States, a Coordinating Core, and a Pathology Core,
collected data for 6 years. By the time the registry closed in 1987, clinical,
physiologic, and therapeutic data had been collected in standardized fashion on
more than 200 patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. The registry had
several favorable outcomes: (1) it sharpened clinical and pathologic diagnostic
criteria, (2) provided a standardized format for data collection, (3) led to the
exploration and systematic evaluation of pulmonary vasodilators, (4) promoted
subsequent cooperative studies among the investigators at various centers, and
(5) promoted public awareness of the disease.
A second meeting of the World Health Organization was held in Evian, France, in
1998. Instead of confining itself to primary pulmonary hypertension, the Evian
meeting created a clinical classification of all pulmonary hypertensive diseases
that is oriented toward the prevention and treatment of pulmonary hypertensive
diseases. The effectiveness of the Evian diagnostic clarification was evaluated at
the third meeting of the World Health Organization in Venice, Italy, in 2003.
Consensus was reached that the classification has proved to be valuable for
clinical and epidemiologic purposes but less so for research. This reservation was
not unexpected because the classification focuses on diagnosis and treatment,
whereas research on primary pulmonary hypertension has become increasingly
reductionistic in nature.
2007 Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Crítica
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0022-3565/98/2863-1146$03.00/0THE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICSCopyright © 1998 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsEvidence against Anandamide as the Hyperpolarizing FactorMediating the Nitric Oxide-Independent Coronary VasodilatorEffect of Bradykinin in the Rat1 Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Cardiobiology Division, Boyer Ce

INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, Apr. 2004, p. 1843–18550019-9567/04/$08.00ϩ0 DOI: 10.1128/IAI.72.4.1843–1855.2004Copyright © 2004, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. MINIREVIEW Chlamydial Persistence: beyond the Biphasic ParadigmRichard J. Hogan,1,2 Sarah A. Mathews,1 Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay,3James T. Summersgill,3 and Peter Timms1,2* Infectious Diseases Program 1 and

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