Nurses allergy letter 2013-14

August, 2013
Hello Everyone! I hope that you are enjoying the summer! It’s hard to believe that soon we will begin a new school year! We have developed quite a successful Food Allergy Program at St. Paul's School, which includes avoidance strategies, emergency planning and food allergy awareness programs for both faculty and students. As always, if you have any concerns or suggestions, please bring them to my attention. All the forms you will need are listed below. Your physician may have computerized forms that will take the place of some of the school forms. Please see me if there are any changes in your child’s condition that I should know about. All the Emergency Health Forms should be returned to the school office before Friday, August 30th. Other forms can be delivered to the nurse’s office on the first day of school along with medications. Emergency Health Forms:
Please include several recent pictures of your child! These will be attached to all forms
and will be included in each teachers substitute teacher folder.
1) Emergency Health Care Plan
a. Required for all students with food/bee sting anaphylaxis, this standardized form includes all aspects of assessment and emergency treatment, it allows space for you to include individualized information about your child and emergency contact information. 2) Parent Permission Form
a. We have our own form, but some doctor’s offices now have the medication order forms on-line with a place for parents to sign. This computerized form would take the place of our parent permission and physician order form. 3) Medication Order Form
a. Required for EACH medication and MUST be renewed each school
4) Food Allergy Action Plan (yellow form) for the school bus

a. The transportation department has asked that we use the same form b. It is the Emergency Health care form developed by the Food Allergy Network (available You will notice that this form is very basic, but makes the most sense for the bus. c. Although the bus drivers are trained to use EpiPens they have limited medical training and in an emergency they feel it would be best to have a familiar form with only essential information. d. Please send us a copy and give the yellow copy to the bus driver on e. We will touch base with them at pick up to make sure they have all the f. Please be aware- Bus drivers are trained in the use of EpiPens ONLY- 5) Medication
A. When refilling prescriptions please ask the pharmacist to give you extra EpiPens. B. Benadryl MUST be either Chewable or Quick Dissolve Strips. Each student will need the following:
1) 1 Epipen to be carried in a safe, hard container in their backpack if they take 2) 1 Set of Medications for the office- Epipen and Benadryl chewable or strip 3) 1 set of Medication for the classroom- a. The older students carry their medication in a pencil case, which goes b. The younger students keep their medications in the “blue/red bag” which also contains the walkie-talkies and other “just in case” supplies for teachers, these bags go with the students to lunch, recess and specialist. Parents of younger students may deliver the medication to the nurse’s office directly. Students in grade 5-8 may deliver their own medication to the nurse. At that time, I will discuss with them where medication is kept, emergency plans, what to do if they are having a problem and we are not in the office and any concerns they may have. 6) Documentation:
a. Emergency Health Care Plan need to be returned BEFORE Friday, August b. Food Allergy Action Plan (yellow form) – please give to the bus driver on September 3rd, include a recent picture and send a copy to school c. Medication Order to be filled out by physician d. Parent permission form filled out and signed Please be assured that everything that is necessary will be done to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for all St. Paul students. If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected] or call 781-749-2407. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Rosario Trogele, R.N.


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