South edinburgh public and patient forum

South Edinburgh Health Forum
Notes of Meeting of 13 January 2011

Muriel Cassie (MC), Ian Clement (IC), Heather Goodare (HG), Gail
McCail (GM), Dianna Manson (DM), Norman Tinlin (NT)
Apologies: Helen Ogg (HO), Ruth Stroud (RS), Helen Zealley (HZ)

In the Chair:
NT (Note taken by HG)

It was agreed that NT should take the chair for the meeting. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Para 4 (c) re NHS Scotland Wheelchair and Seating Services: DM had in fact submitted a response on behalf of the group. The minutes were NT Matters arising
1 Complementary therapies
HG reported that Sarah Sinclair would let us know how we could feed in to the ongoing consultation about the provision of homoeopathy on the HG NHS. She had now received a proof of her letter re complementary therapies, which was shortly to be published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. This was circulated to the group. 2 Mental health issues
There had been no further news on Cambridge Street House, and David Small had now been replaced as General Manager, ECHP, by Robert Aitken, who was now Acting General Manager. DM was due to take part in a consultation on 19 January on the Lothian HG Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The next meeting of the South Central Health and Wellbeing Sub-Group was due on 25 January, at which dates would be set for further work on mental health (and Older A propos, it was noted that anti-depressants were now being prescribed for a variety of physical problems, such as peripheral neuropathy. HG and her husband were also in correspondence with Professor Martin Dennis about a proposed stroke trial, in which the anti-depressant fluoxetine (Prozac) was to be used to help with motor recovery. She was of the opinion that art therapy, music therapy, physiotherapy, exercise, and complementary therapies were more likely to be helpful in this context, and that anti-depressants should not be used with people who were not depressed. Consultations
(a) Child Poverty in Scotland
Owing to the adverse weather, RS had not been able to get together with GM to discuss our response, but GM had brought her notes, and it HG was agreed that HG should use these to respond on behalf of the group.
(b) NHS Lothian Sexual Health and HIV Strategy 2011-2016
The group were invited by the Chair to provide answers to the All/HG questionnaire, but it was found difficult to come up with unanimous responses. It was therefore agreed that the members present would respond individually to the online questionnaire. HG would also send in our paper on health education as a contribution from the group as a Edinburgh Council Commissioning Strategy for Care and
Support Services 2011-2016: closing date 18 February 2011
It was agreed that HG should respond, as a member of SEHF, since her husband was in receipt of Council care services. She was due to attend a consultation event about care and support services on 1st February, and would report back at the next meeting on 10 February and present a Meeting reports
NT and HG had attended the Equalities Network Budget meeting no. 3, had taken part in the discussion, and our contribution would be fed in to Other business
DM has been appointed as a representative to talk to schoolchildren about mental health, on behalf of ‘SeeMe’, based in Leith. NT, in his role as Chair of the Pentlands NP Health & Employment sub group, had a meeting with Bill Hannah, NHS Lothian on the subject of an NHS project funded by FSF monies in the Oxgangs area. HG had drafted our Annual Report for 2010, which was circulated for comment. Members were asked to let her know of any corrections, Date of next meeting
Thursday 10 February 2011


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