Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45:1 (2004), pp 63–83
Management of child and adolescent eating
1University of Liverpool, UK; 2School of Medicine, University of Southampton, and Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS
Although eating disorders in children and adolescents remain a serious cause of morbidity and mor-tality, the evidence base for effective interventions is surprisingly weak. The adult literature is growingsteadily, but this is mainly with regard to psychological therapies for bulimia nervosa and to someextent in the field of pharmacotherapy. This review summarises the recent research literature coveringmanagement in three areas, namely physical management, psychological therapies, and service issues,and identifies prognostic variables. Findings from the adult literature are presented where there is goodreason to believe that these might be applied to younger patients. Evidence-based good practice rec-ommendations from published clinical guidelines are also discussed. Suggestions for future researchare made, focusing on 1) the need for trials of psychological therapies in anorexia nervosa, 2) applica-tions of evidence-based treatments for adult bulimia nervosa to the treatment of adolescents, and 3)clarification of the benefits and costs of different service models.
interval; RCT: randomised controlled trial; RR: relative risk.
This review addresses current knowledge and rec-
Children and adolescents may also present with
ommendations about the management of eating
other types of clinical eating disturbance, including
disorders in young people between the ages of 8 and
‘food avoidance emotional disorder’ (Higgs, Goodyer,
18. It does not describe or refer to the literature on
& Birch, 1989), ‘selective eating’ (Nicholls, Christie,
feeding problems and eating difficulties in younger
Randall, & Lask, 2001), and other phobic disorders
children, which are common, but present with very
with eating difficulties as prominent presenting fea-
different symptom patterns (see, e.g., Crist & Napier-
tures (Bryant-Waugh, 2000). Management of these
Phillips, 2001, and Hutchinson, 1999, for reviews
other types of eating disturbance does not form part
and data on feeding problems in this younger age-
of this review, as they appear to be quite distinct from
group). The term eating disorder is used here to
the classic eating disorders of the AN and BN type in
indicate anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN)
terms of core psychopathology, the characteristic
and associated disorders. Anorexia nervosa can
overvaluation of weight and/or shape being absent
arise from the age of around 8 years, whilst full
(Cooper, Watkins, Bryant-Waugh, & Lask, 2002).
bulimia nervosa appears very rare in those under 12
For the purposes of this review ‘children’ will
(Bryant-Waugh, 2000). Clinically significant variants
generally refer to those between the ages of 8 and 12,
of AN and BN do, however, occur in children and
and ‘adolescents’ to those between 13 and 18.
adolescents, probably at higher rates than full syn-
However, the literature is very limited in terms of
drome disorders. Such presentations usually involve
children, whilst those over 16 are often treated as
a significant preoccupation with food, weight or
adults and included in adult research series.
shape, accompanied by eating disturbance, but do
Difficulties in matching clinical presentations seen
not meet full criteria for AN or BN. Some of the dif-
in childhood and adolescence to existing diagnostic
ficulties in applying diagnostic criteria are specific to
criteria for eating disorders particularly arise in the
this younger age group, whilst others reflect wider
case of AN in children (see Nicholls, Chater, & Lask,
problems in terms of matching clinical populations
2000). Whilst this may be less of an issue in terms of
to the existing classification systems. For example, it
general clinical practice, it can pose a significant
is known that across all ages, around half of all
problem for researchers, who need to be able to
eating disorder patients do not meet full criteria for
define groups of patients studied with a degree of
AN or BN (Turner & Bryant-Waugh, in press; Ricca
et al., 2001). Current classification systems attempt
In children and adolescents there tend to be two
to address this issue within the diagnostic category
types of age-related problem: firstly, there are diffi-
‘Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified’ (EDNOS)
culties inherent in the reliable assessment of psy-
(DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association, 1994) or
chopathology in this age group, and secondly, there
‘atypical’ anorexia or bulimia nervosa (ICD 10, World
are those related to the strict application of existing
diagnostic criteria. Assessment can be difficult, as
Ó Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2004. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
children in particular may be unable to describe their
exclusively on children, and adolescents have often
thoughts, attitudes and behaviours clearly, or be
been included in population-based studies of adults.
unwilling or scared to do so truthfully. This means
A recent chapter reviewing epidemiological studies
that information from parents or others can be
suggests that the average prevalence rate of AN in
helpful, but should not form an exclusive alternative,
young females is around .3%, with incidence rates
and underlying psychopathology should not be
highest for females aged 15–19, who represent
inferred. It also means that care needs to be taken to
approximately 40% of all identified cases and 60% of
elicit information using age-appropriate measures
female cases (van Hoeken, Seidell, & Hoek, 2003). The
and means. Standardised assessment of eating
age range in the included studies was from 11 to 35
disorder psychopathology has been difficult in early-
years, with various different screening methods and
onset cases in part because of the lack of psycho-
diagnostic criteria used. The four studies in the review
metrically sound measures for use in this age group.
dating from 1993 onwards are all of adolescents (aged
Some child adaptations of existing adult measures
11–20), with an average prevalence rate of .5%
do exist, for example the child version of the Eating
(Rathner & Messner, 1993; Wlodarczyk-Bisaga &
Attitudes Test – ChEAT (Maloney, McGuire, & Seli-
Dolan, 1996; Steinhausen, Winkler, & Meier, 1997;
bowitz, 1988), the child version of the EDI (Eating
Nobakht & Dezhkam, 2000). Incidence and pre-
Disorder Inventory), known as the KEDS (Kids Eating
valence rates of AN in males are more rarely reported,
1 Disorder Survey) (Childress et al., 1993), and the
but it has been noted that where they are, the female to
child version of the Eating Disorder Examination
male ratio is around 11 to 1 (van Hoeken et al., 2003).
(Bryant-Waugh, Cooper, Taylor, & Lask, 1996).
For bulimia nervosa, two-stage surveys of pre-
There are also other measures related to DSM-IV
valence rates in 11–20-year-olds published since
diagnostic categories, primarily designed for use with
1993 suggest an average rate of just under 1%
children and adolescents, which have eating disorder
(Rathner & Messner, 1993; Wlodarcyzk-Bisaga &
modules (e.g., the Diagnostic Interview for Children
Dolan, 1996; Santonastaso et al., 1996; Steinhausen
and Adolescents (DICA), which comes in both a child
et al., 1997; Nobakht & Dezhkam, 2000). Reported
and an adolescent version – Welner et al., 1987).
female to male ratios in the incidence of bulimia
However, all these measures tend to suffer from a
nervosa range from 33:1 to 27:1 (van Hoeken et al.,
range of psychometric and practical drawbacks.
Difficulties related to the strict application of
A recent Office for National Statistics survey (2000)
existing criteria include the continuing lack of
reported a prevalence rate of eating disorders gen-
agreement and consistency regarding the ‘weight
erally in UK 11–15-year-olds of 4 per 1,000, whilst a
criterion’. Both the ICD-10 and DSM-IV classifica-
catchment area total population study in the NW of
tion systems require a generally similar level of body
England (the TOuCAN trial) found that the median
weight. In ICD-10, this is ‘at least 15% below normal
number of referrals to a generic Child and Adoles-
expected weight for age and height’, and in DSM-IV:
cent Mental Health Service is 3 cases per year
‘refusal to maintain weight at or above a minimally
normal weight for age and height – (e.g., .body
The question of whether rates of eating disorders
weight less than 85% of that expected.)’. It is very
are increasing in the younger age group is difficult to
difficult to apply such a criterion cleanly as the cal-
answer, despite repeated assertions in the popular
culation of expected weight needs to take into ac-
press that this is the case. Some argue that apparent
count any stunting of height as a consequence of
increases in incidence can be accounted for by a
dietary restriction, plus, ideally, access to premorbid
number of factors, including general population
weight and height charts as well as parental height
trends, changes in access to and the use of health
and population norms. In adults a diagnostic cut-off
care, and improved recognition of eating disorders.
of BMI at or below 17.5 is often used (e.g., Treasure,
Perhaps of more immediate relevance to healthcare
1999), but this is not useful in a younger population
providers and clinicians is the fairly widespread
where BMI norms are age and gender specific. An
observation that over the past decade there has been
equivalent cut-off of BMI below the 2nd centile has
an increase in the numbers of children and adoles-
been proposed for children and adolescents (Royal
cents presenting for treatment, and that healthcare
College of Psychiatrists, 2002), but not universally
expenditure in relation to eating disorders has risen
accepted. The interpretation of such criteria and how
they are applied to young people varies greatly,raising issues about consistency in diagnosis.
It is difficult to be specific about the incidence and
prevalence of eating disorders in children and ado-
Anorexia nervosa. Case series of anorexia nervosa
lescents. Varying rates have been reported and some
have existed in the medical literature for well over
of this variation is likely to be due to inconsistencies in
100 years (Gowers, 2001) and there is now a detailed
the definition and diagnosis of eating disorders, as
body of evidence from cohort studies detailing out-
well as the method used in the process of case iden-
come and prognostic factors. However, research into
tification. No epidemiological studies have focused
the aetiology and psychology of the condition
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
significantly outstrips that on management and the
prevalent than AN in young females (van Hoeken
evidence base for the efficacy of treatments across all
et al., 2003), an older mean age of onset means that
age groups is very weak (Treasure & Schmidt, 2002;
this, too, is a rare disorder in younger adolescents.
NICE, 2003). Treasure and Schmidt (2003), on the
The systematic reviews that have been published
basis of their systematic review, concluded that
have unanimously found benefits for cognitive
there was very little Level I or Level II evidence (that
behaviour therapy (CBT) in improving the specific
obtained from one or more randomised controlled
symptoms and eating behaviours of bulimia nervosa
trials (RCTs)) to support specific interventions for
and non-specific symptoms such as depression.
anorexia nervosa at any age. Indeed this review
found support for only two positive conclusions and
therapy (IPT), have yielded more modest findings (see
these were tentative. Firstly, there was limited evid-
below). Whittal et al. (1999) and Bacaltchuk et al.
ence from one RCT (Dare, Eisler, Russell, Treasure,
(2000), in reviews of antidepressant treatments, both
& Dodge, 2001) that various psychotherapies, in-
found short-term reductions in bulimic symptoms
cluding focal therapy, cognitive analytic therapy
and a small reduction in depressive symptoms. One
(CAT) and family therapy, were more effective than
systematic review (Bacaltchuk et al., 2000) found
‘treatment as usual’ (non-specific routine follow-up
evidence for advantages of combination therapy
by a junior psychiatrist) for adults. Secondly, they
(antidepressants plus psychotherapy) in producing
found limited evidence from one small RCT (Crisp
remission and mood compared with antidepressants
et al., 1991) that outpatient treatment was as
alone, but not in reducing binge frequency.
effective as inpatient treatment in those adolescentsand adults not so severely ill as to warrant emer-gency medical treatment. A further ten RCTs failed to
detect a difference in the efficacy of various psycho-
In the absence of a strong body of research in the
therapies, or between psychotherapy and dietary
child and adolescent eating disorder literature, it is
advice, whilst a similar number of controlled drug
tempting to draw conclusions from adult findings,
trials failed to provide good evidence for their effect-
but one should carefully consider the validity and
aspects of the disorder. These reviewers noted,
however, the small size of many of the trials, whichwere unlikely to have been powered to detect a dif-
• Adolescence is a developmental stage which is not
ference between treatments had there been any, and
defined merely by age. It can be argued that many
also a wide variability in the quality and reporting of
young adults with eating disorders are still in the
studies in terms of the CONSORT standards (Moher,
throes of addressing the challenges of adolescence
and indeed adolescent developmental difficulties
There are no comprehensive systematic treatment
have been thought to underlie the aetiology of
reviews focusing on the child and adolescent age
anorexia nervosa in particular (e.g., Crisp, 1995).
group (Treasure & Schmidt, 2003). In part the ex-
• The essential features of anorexia nervosa and
planation could be that anorexia nervosa of ICD-10
bulimia nervosa are consistent across the age
or DSM-IV diagnostic severity is a disorder of rela-
spectrum – in terms of characteristic behaviours
tively low incidence, such that non-specialist ser-
vices recruit at a low rate. In addition, as already
pathology (over-evaluation of the self in terms of
discussed, children may receive a diagnosis of atyp-
weight and shape) and non-specific features (low
ical AN or EDNOS because existing diagnostic cri-
teria are not sufficiently developmentally sensitive.
Other obstacles to treatment research are reviewed
• Much of the literature reports combined adoles-
cent/adult case series without separate analysis.
• Finally, some of the treatments which have been
Bulimia nervosa. This is a condition which has only
found to be effective in adult eating disorders are
appeared in the literature for a quarter of a century
effective in the treatment of adolescents with other
(Russell, 1979); however, treatments were beginning
conditions; that is to say, it is not developmentally
to be developed and tested within two years of its
inappropriate to use them in this age group.
description (Fairburn, 1981). Indeed the body of
Examples include the use of cognitive behaviour
treatment research for bulimia nervosa is now much
therapy (CBT) (Harrington, Whittaker, Shoebridge,
greater than that for anorexia nervosa and generally of
& Campbell, 1998) and antidepressants (Alderman,
better quality (Treasure & Schmidt, 2003). A number
Wolkow, Chung, & Johnston, 1998) in adolescent
of systematic reviews have been published (Whittal,
depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Agras, & Gould, 1999; Bacaltchuk, Hay, & Mari,
2000; Hay & Bacaltchuk, 2002), but no controlledadolescent treatment trials have as yet been reported.
• In younger patients, eating disorders less com-
Although BN is said to be around three times more
monly fall neatly into the ICD-10 or DSM-IV
categories; that is to say, atypical forms (EDNOS)
prior to this date, reference to earlier work is
occur more commonly. As treatments for EDNOS
included. It covers management in the areas of
are poorly developed in adults, there might be little
physical management, psychological therapies and
service provision, and identifies prognostic features.
• The treatment aims, particularly in AN, are often
different in adolescence, because of the differentphysical issues involved, i.e., where the onset is
before growth and development are complete,
The three key clinical areas included in this review
treatment needs to address the completion of
(physical management, psychological therapies, and
puberty and growth in psychological as well as
service issues) were identified in association with
physical terms (Nicholls & Bryant-Waugh, 2003).
members of the UK National Institute for Clinical
Whereas in the treatment of adults with AN re-
Excellence (NICE) Guideline Development Group
covery usually involves returning to a pre-morbid
(NICE, 2003). Following electronic searches for sys-
healthy physical condition, in younger patients it
tematic reviews and high-quality randomised con-
may be more a case of discovering and adjusting to
trolled trials addressing treatment efficacy in the
a new state. In terms of weight targets this requires
general field of eating disorders, specific attention
constantly revising upwards as healthy weight is
was paid in this review to evidence relating to chil-
recalculated with the attainment of greater height
dren and adolescents. A search was also undertaken
(Gowers, 2001). All this might indicate a need for a
of published and unpublished clinical guidelines.
longer duration of treatment for younger cases,
Electronic searches were made of the major elec-
whilst a shorter duration of illness before treat-
tronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO,
ment, in some, might argue for the opposite.
CINAHL), the Cochrane Database of Systematic
• When considering the literature on pharmacother-
Reviews, the NHS R & D Health Technology Assess-
apy, one should be aware of the different phar-
ment database and Evidence Based Mental Health &
macodynamics and pharmacokinetics in children.
In general the latter means that children andadolescents require higher doses of drugs per kgbody weight to attain similar blood levels and
therapeutic effect, owing to the child’s more rapidliver metabolism and more efficient clearance by
The accepted management of child and adolescent
the kidney (Cawthron, 2001). A number of psycho-
eating disorders is based mainly on expert clinical
tropic drugs are not licensed for use in children,
opinion and cohort studies rather than research
possibly limiting pharmacology trials.
trials. A number of academic bodies (The American
• Irrespective of any consideration of aetiological
Psychiatric Association (APA), 2000; The Royal Col-
variables, parents will usually need to be involved
lege of Psychiatrists, 2002; the National Institute for
in the management of younger patients (Lock, Le
Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2003; the Finnish Med-
Grange, Agras, & Fairburn, 2001). This is espe-
ical Society – Ebeling et al., 2003; The Society for
cially so if they are at risk and parental involve-
Adolescent Medicine – Kreipe et al., 1995) have
ment is believed likely to reduce the risk. The
published consensus guidelines, the last two spe-
treatment of both AN and BN includes aspects of
cifically in relation to the management of children
behavioural management and parents will need to
and adolescents. There is much greater emphasis in
be involved if handling these is to be effective; at a
these on the physical management of AN than of BN.
practical level, parents usually have a role in
In the absence of RCT findings, the key issues in
shopping for food, meal planning and mealtime
these guidelines with respect to physical manage-
management. The involvement of siblings is gen-
erally regarded as beneficial, for the sibling if notfor the patient, as this provides an opportunity for
them to express fears or guilt and to dispel anyfalse ideas about the nature of the condition, its
Kreipe et al. (1995), in the Society for Adolescent
likely causes and prognosis (Lock et al., 2001).
Medicine’s position paper on eating disorders in
• Finally additional attention will need to be given to
adolescents, refer to the potentially irreversible ef-
the different social and educational needs of this
fects on physical growth and development and argue
age group in treatment, particularly when treated
that the threshold for medical intervention in ado-
in hospital (Nicholls & Bryant-Waugh, 2003).
lescents should be lower than in adults. Of particu-lar importance, they say, is the potential forpermanent growth retardation if the disorder occurs
before fusion of the epiphyses, and impaired bone
This review provides a comprehensive summary of
calcification and mass during the second decade of
research published since 1993. In a small number of
life, predisposing to osteoporosis and increased
areas, where practice is influenced by key research
fracture risk later on. They say that these features
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
emphasise the importance of immediate medical
consider a weight at (Ebeling et al., 2003) or close to
management and ongoing monitoring by physicians
(Lask, 1993) 100% weight for height to be desirable,
who understand normal adolescent growth and
based on findings from ovarian ultrasonography.
Medical complications can occur in younger sub-
jects before evidence of significant weight loss (Kre-ipe et al., 1995). In treating the malnourished
There is little in the guidelines to direct the physical
patient, care should be taken to avoid the re-feeding
management of BN. A key objective in planning
syndrome, by regular monitoring of heart rate,
dietary programmes is to break the vicious cycle be-
tween dieting and binge eating (Ebeling et al., 2003).
including phosphorus, glucose, magnesium and
Lethal medical complications are rare in BN (NICE,
potassium (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2002).
2003), but trauma to the gastro-intestinal tract, fluid
This review, however, has drawn attention to the
and electrolyte imbalance and renal dysfunction can
limitations of serum electrolyte levels in assessment
occur. As in anorexia nervosa, attention to the adverse
of total body electrolytes, which may be depleted
dental effects of vomiting and specific preventative
with normal serum levels. Also, it notes that
guidance on oral hygiene is recommended (NICE,
re-feeding syndrome is more common with paren-
2003; Ebeling et al., 2003). Neither Kreipe et al.
teral than enteral feeding and regular serum elec-
(1995) or Rome et al. (2003) make significant refer-
ence to aspects of the physical management in BN.
frequently in those eating food in hospital.
nutritional management, Kreipe et al. (1995) state
In the absence of research trials in the area of
that adolescents have specific nutritional require-
physical management, the field is very open. Some
ments, taking into account their pubertal status and
areas do not lend themselves easily to RCT design.
activity level. The Royal College of Psychiatrists
There are considerable gaps in knowledge around
(2002) recommends an energy intake in excess of
the long-term consequences of physical aspects of
3000 kcal/day, while the American Psychiatric
eating disorders and their treatment. For example,
Association (APA, 2000) suggest 70–100 kcal/kg
what are the very long-term consequences of mal-
body weight/day during weight gain and 40–60
nutrition on bone density, fertility and growth and to
kcal/kg/day during the weight maintenance phase.
what extent are these reduced by energetic inter-
Rome et al. (2003) suggest that food intake should be
vention to achieve 100% expected body weight as
expected to achieve a weight gain of .3–.4 lb (130–180
g) per day during a life-threatening phase and 1–2 lb(450–900 g) per week if treated as an outpatient.
Untoward effects of re-feeding caused by a suddenincrease in metabolic load can be reduced by start-
Drug studies. The use of psychotropic medication is
not considered a first-line treatment of choice in
increasing slowly (Royal College of Psychiatrists,
eating disorders. However, the appropriate use of
2002), and the Finnish guideline (Ebeling et al.,
medication can have a place in management as part
2003) sets a more modest target in the early stages of
of a more comprehensive treatment package. This
section reviews drug studies published over the pastdecade, and summarises current recommendations
Management of medical complications. The Royal
and practice with regard to the use of medication in
College of Psychiatrists (2002) has issued detailed
guidance on the management of electrolyte replace-ment in the event of specific deficiencies. They
Drug studies in AN. There are very few randomised
recommend that intravenous replacement should
controlled trials of the use of medication in the
only be considered under the supervision of a phy-
treatment of AN, and only one systematic review
3 (Treasure & Schmidt, 2002). Recent research (RCTs
The treatment of osteopenia and vitamin defi-
published 1993 or later only) is summarised below
ciency is reviewed below. NICE (2003) and Ebeling
et al. (2003) draw attention to the adverse dentaleffects of vomiting and recommend specific preven-
studies investigating the use of fluoxetine in AN, oneas an adjunct to an inpatient regime, and the other
Target weights. Ebeling et al. (2003) argue that
when administered post-discharge after weight gain
defining a target weight is essential, with the mini-
in hospital: Attia, Haiman, Walsh, and Flater (1998)
mum objective being a weight which enables
found that fluoxetine made no significant difference
resumption of a normal menstrual cycle. Most
to weight gain, eating symptoms or depressive
symptoms compared to placebo when added to an
resulted in some improvement in bone turnover and
inpatient regime. However, Kaye et al. (2001) found
osteocalcin levels, but that bone mineral density
that the administration of fluoxetine after discharge
(BMD) and body composition did not show signific-
from inpatient treatment (involving weight gain) did
ant improvements. The second study (Gordon et al.,
have a significant beneficial effect in terms of pre-
2002), which ran for a year, compared the use of oral
venting relapse. Ten out of 16 in the fluoxetine group
DHEA and HRT in postmenarcheal young women
remained well one year post-discharge compared to
with AN. This showed no significant change with the
only 3 out of 19 in the placebo group. Both these
use of either drug in terms of lumbar BMD, but did
studies involved relatively small numbers of adult
find significant improvement in hip BMD in both
women with a DSM IV diagnosis of AN.
Fassino et al. (2002) conducted a trial of citalo-
The effects of recombinant human insulin-like
pram versus placebo in women aged between 16 and
growth factor 1 (rhIGF-1) on bone turnover and bone
35 with AN treated on an outpatient basis and found
density have been investigated by Grinspoon and
no statistically significant difference in weight gain
colleagues. In one study the authors concluded that
short-term administration of rhIGF-1 increases boneturnover in a dose-dependent manner in women with
Anti-psychotics. Despite the apparent increasing
DSM-IV AN (Grinspoon et al., 1996). A subsequent
use of some of the newer antipsychotics in the
study (Grinspoon, Thomas, Miller, Herzog, & Kli-
management of AN, there are no published RCTs to
banski, 2002) additionally explored the effects of oral
support this practice. The only study of anti-psych-
contraceptive administration on bone density, and
otics in the past decade is that of Ruggerio et al.
concluded that the administration of rhIGF-1 but not
(2001), who compared the use of fluoxetine, amis-
oral contraceptives resulted in significant change in
ulpiride and clomipramine in adult inpatients with a
spinal bone density, and that rhIGF-1 also improved
DSM-IV diagnosis of AN. They found no significant
differences in weight gain across the three groups,
Finally, an RCT by Klibanski and colleagues
and no significant differences on other variables,
investigating the effects of oestrogen on trabecular
including weight phobia, body image disturbance,
bone loss in young women with AN concluded that
amenorrhoea, or binge/purge frequency.
oestrogen supplementation did not confer signific-antly beneficial effects in terms of bone health (Kli-
Cisapride. There is one RCT investigating the use of
banski, Biller, Schoenfeld, Herzog, & Saxe, 1995).
cisapride in the inpatient management of adults withAN (Szmukler, Young, Miller, Lichtenstein, & Binns,
Existing practice and recommendations around the
1995). Results showed no significant difference in
use of drugs in the management of AN in gen-
weight gain compared to placebo over an 8-week trial
eral. The above studies have led to the widely held
period. However, cisapride is not recommended in the
view that the regular use of drugs is not justified in
treatment of AN, due to increased risk of cardiac
the management of primary anorexia nervosa, and
irregularities, and has been withdrawn in many
should be reserved for cases complicated by comor-
countries because of this (Treasure & Schmidt, 2001).
bid diagnoses. With regard to depression, opinion isdivided. Some hold that the depression that is com-
Zinc. Low levels of zinc in patients with AN have
monly associated with low weight AN tends to lift with
been thought by some to contribute significantly to
restoration of physical health, and should be man-
reduced dietary intake, resulting in the practice of
aged through psychotherapy accompanying weight
zinc supplementation. There is one RCT in the past
gain. Others favour the use of selective serotonin re-
decade which compared rates of weight gain in older
uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) even at low weight, al-
adolescent and adult inpatients receiving zinc gluc-
though there is little evidence to support this. Clearly,
onate versus placebo (Birmingham, Goldner, &
in presentations complicated by a worsening of
Bakan, 1994). No difference in average daily weight
depressive symptoms, severe anxiety or obsessive-
compulsive disorder, the use of medication can beappropriately considered. Tranquillisers or antihis-
The management of osteoporosis. Anorexia ner-
tamines are also often used symptomatically to re-
vosa, and the endocrine disturbance that accom-
duce the high levels of anxiety present with AN.
panies it, is known to have a negative effect on bone
Although there are no controlled studies, low doses of
density. Consequently, patients may receive medi-
the atypical antipsychotics are being used to alleviate
cation to manage or prevent the development of os-
anxiety during re-feeding (Bruna & Fogteloo, 2003).
colleagues have published two RCTs on the use of
Existing recommendations around the use of drugs
oral dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in young wo-
in the management of AN in children and adoles-
men with anorexia nervosa. The first of these (Gor-
cents. A recent article from the US aiming to build
don et al., 1999) found that the administration of
on existing background and position papers on the
DHEA in varying doses over a three-month period
management of children and adolescents with eating
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
disorders (Rome et al., 2003) provides some guid-
antidepressants reduced bulimic symptoms. Bac-
ance on the use of drugs in this age group, stating
altchuk and colleagues further concluded that there
that ‘supplementary multivitamins, calcium, zinc,
was no significant difference in effect between dif-
iron, or folate’ might be prescribed for young people
ferent classes of antidepressants, but also that there
with eating disorders ‘as needed’. It further suggests
had been too few trials to exclude a clinically
that ‘if delayed gastric emptying is delaying refeed-
important difference (Hay & Bacaltchuk, 2002).
ing, cisapride or metoclopramide can be prescribed’,
Fluoxetine has been shown to be effective in the
adding that extreme caution should be used in the
reduction of bulimic behaviours in the short term, at
event that the patient is bradycardic, has prolonged
three times the dose recommended for depressive
QT interval, is extremely malnourished, or is on
disorders (60 mg in BN). It has more recently been
SSRIs – which together arguably include most
shown to be of potential value in preventing relapse.
patients with acute AN. Rome et al. (2003) also
Romano, Halmi, Sarkar, Koke, and Lee (2002)
suggest that where purging or reflux has resulted in
showed that continued fluoxetine treatment was
oesophagitis, histamine-2 blockers and/or proton-
associated with a significantly longer time to relapse,
pump inhibitors can be used in adolescents. Finally,
although this study had an extremely high attrition
they state that SSRIs may be appropriately pre-
rate (131 out of 150 participants left the study early).
scribed in near normal weight adolescents with eat-ing disorders, or weight restored AN patients.
The optimum treatment of osteopenia and vitamin
been investigated in terms of its effects on controlling
deficiency is controversial, but Kreipe et al. (1995)
bingeing and purging behaviours in BN. Faris et al.
recommend calcium 1300–1500 mg/day and Vita-
4 (2000) found that the mean number of binge and
min D (400 IU/day). They consider sex hormone
purge episodes was halved in BN patients following a
replacement therapy to be unhelpful as it can cause
4-week administration period. However, this drug is
growth arrest and the illusion of a healthy repro-
not currently recommended for routine prescription
in the absence of sufficient trials, plus knowledge
Another practice guideline for the treatment of
about physiological mechanisms in BN (Bruna &
children and adolescents with eating disorders,
produced by a multidisciplinary group from Finland(Ebeling et al., 2003), contains more cautious rec-
Existing recommendations around the use of drugs
ommendations. Here the use of fluoxetine as sup-
in the management of BN in general. The above
portive medication in weight restored patients is put
studies can be taken to demonstrate that the
forward as possibly being of benefit, and short-acting
appropriate use of medication can be of clear benefit
benzodiazepine administered before meals sugges-
to people with BN. Antidepressants have been shown
ted as a means of reducing eating-related anxiety. In
to reduce bulimic symptoms in the short term, but
view of the known risk of adverse medication-related
evidence supporting their use in maintenance
effects in severely malnourished patients, these
treatment is lacking (Hay & Bacaltchuk, 2001).
authors suggest that the use of medication should
Many experts in the field of eating disorders believe
really only be justified in weight restored patients –
that psychotherapy (CBT or IPT) remains the treat-
i.e., that medication is not normally justified in the
ment of choice (see below). In some cases, patients
management of acute primary AN. It is clear that
may have to wait to access such treatment, or they
existing guidelines regarding pharmacological treat-
may not have access to therapists trained and
ments in children and adolescents differ greatly,
experienced in the use of the evidence-based psy-
perhaps more related to local and national practice,
chotherapies in eating disorders. Under such cir-
than on the basis of research evidence.
cumstances, the use of medication, which cancontribute to a reduction in bulimic behaviours, can
Drug studies in BN. Over the past decade, more
be considered. There is also some evidence that the
RCTs have been carried out exploring the effects of
use of medication can add modestly to the benefits of
drugs in the management of BN than of AN. Hay and
psychological treatment in BN (Walsh et al., 1997).
Bacaltchuk (2001) have conducted a systematic re-
In summary, it appears that the use of medication
view of recent research in this area. They conclude
alone will rarely be sufficient for full and lasting
that although antidepressants of various types have
been shown to reduce bulimic behaviours in the shortterm (by achieving reduction or cessation of bingeing
Existing recommendations around the use of drugs
and/or purging behaviours), there is inconclusive
in the management of BN in adolescents. Ebeling
evidence about the persistence of these effects.
et al. (2003) briefly review the drug studies in BN andconclude that ‘there is no evidence justifying the use
Antidepressants. There are two recent systematic
of medication as the only or primary treatment for
reviews of the use of antidepressants in the treat-
bulimia in children and adolescents’. However, tak-
ment of bulimia nervosa (Whittal et al., 1999; Bac-
ing into account the general reservations above,
altchuk et al., 2000). These reviews both found that
cautious extrapolation of research findings to older
adolescents justifies the use of antidepressants as
therapy being studied. Others temporarily hos-
pitalise those whose weight falls below a certainlevel, without much consideration of the impact ofthis on the intervention being studied.
In anorexia nervosa, drug research is hampered by
concerns about unwanted effects on the physicallycompromised patient. Much interest to date has fo-
cused on the potential of drugs to enhance weight
importance of the therapeutic relationship in treat-
gain, rather than to influence the psychological as-
ing adolescents with AN. In particular, they stress
pects of the disorder and thereby, longer-term out-
the desirability of a relationship which can be
comes. Trials of post weight-restoration treatment
maintained over time and an empathic engagement
(e.g., Ebeling et al., 2003; NICE, 2003). Many eating
In bulimia nervosa further research is required to
disordered young people find it hard to acknowledge
ascertain the impact of antidepressants on binge
that they have a problem and are ambivalent about
eating and mood in the younger age group and in
change, in part because of the positive value placed
particular the persistence of any beneficial effect
by those with anorexia nervosa on their behaviour.
In BN, the young person may fear that the therapistwill share their feelings of guilt and shame aroundbingeing and vomiting; dispelling these beliefs is an
early therapeutic goal. Kreipe et al. (1995), in theSociety for Adolescent Medicine’s position statement,
Although there are a considerable number of studies
recommend that psychological interventions should
of psychological therapies in the recent eating dis-
address not only the characteristic eating psycho-
orders literature, a number of methodological issues
pathology but also mastery of the developmental
make for difficulties in combining results in meta-
tasks of adolescence and the psychosocial issues
analysis and reaching firm conclusions about the
central to this age group. They consider family
therapy should also be central to the treatment.
• Heterogeneity within therapies of the same name.
Two examples are the range of different models offamily therapy (e.g., ‘Behavioural Family Systems
NICE (2003) concluded that there is limited evidence
Therapy’, Robin et al., 1999; ‘Emotionally Fo-
that a range of specific psychological treatments for
cussed Family Therapy’, Johnson, Maddeaux, &
AN with more therapeutic contact is superior to
Blouin 1998) and ‘generic’ CBT as opposed to CBT
‘treatment as usual’ (with a lower rate of contact) in
for eating disorders (Fairburn et al., 1991).
terms of mean weight gain and the proportion of
• A range of outcome measures. In anorexia nervosa
patients recovered (based on a meta-analysis of three
these vary from measures of weight gain to multi-
dimensional composite measures of physical and
There is insufficient evidence from 6 small RCTs to
psychosocial wellbeing (e.g., the Morgan–Russell
suggest that any particular specialist psychotherapy
Outcome Assessment Scale – Morgan & Hayward,
(Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal
1988). In bulimia nervosa, some studies report the
Therapy, family therapy, or focal psychodynamic
number of subjects achieving abstinence in bin-
therapy) is superior to others in the treatment of
geing or purging while others merely report re-
adult patients with AN either by the end of treatment
or at follow-up (NICE, 2003, based on 6 studies,
• Timing of follow-up. This varies in different studies
n ¼ 297). These trials also provided insufficient evid-
from end of treatment to later follow-up of variable
ence to conclude that any one specific psychother-
timing. In anorexia nervosa outcome is sometimes
apy was more acceptable to patients than others.
measured at discharge from inpatient treatment
There are no controlled treatment trials of adoles-
and in other studies considerably later.
cents with BN. NICE (2003) concludes that subject to
• Entry criteria. Treatment is commenced in some
adaptation for age and level of development, ado-
studies at presentation to the service, i.e., as a first-
lescents with BN should receive the same type of
line treatment, whilst in other reports (e.g., Russell
treatment as adults with the disorder, though con-
et al., 1987; Eisler et al., 1997) it follows weight
sideration should be given to involvement of the
restoration in hospitalisation – this is sometimes
referred to as a ‘relapse prevention’ paradigm.
• Other concurrent therapy. In the treatment of
anorexia nervosa in particular, many studies arecarried out on inpatients who will be receiving a
In anorexia nervosa, a handful of studies have
range of other treatments alongside the specific
examined the efficacy of CBT (Channon, de Silva,
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
Hemsley, & Perkins 1989; Serfaty et al., 2002; Pike,
In anorexia nervosa, one adult trial is under way
Walsh, Vitousek, Wilson, & Bauer, in press). These
(McIntosh, Bulik, McKenzie, Luty, & Jordan, 2000)
studies suggest that individual CBT may be moder-
comparing CBT, IPT and Focal Supportive Psy-
ately effective in this condition, but possibly no more
so than other focal therapies. It may be more effec-tive, however, at the symptomatic level, for example
Behaviour therapy and exposure with response
in reducing body image disturbance (Norris, 1984).
In bulimia nervosa, by contrast, there have been
more than 30 RCTs exploring the efficacy of CBT,
Agras (1989) found that ERP with a supportive pro-
which have led to the conclusion that a specific form
gramme of behaviour therapy was effective in achie-
of CBT that focuses on modifying abnormal eating
ving abstinence from purging (10/22 compared with
behaviours and weight- and shape-related cognitions
1/19 controls, p ¼ .006) in bulimia nervosa, but
is currently the most effective treatment (Fairburn &
researchers have described the behavioural com-
Harrison, 2003). The optimum treatment protocol
ponent (requiring binge eating with prevention of
involves about 20 weekly treatment sessions, with
vomiting) as an unpleasant, aversive treatment to
most studies achieving complete remission in about
administer (NICE, 2003). Bulik, Sullivan, Joyce,
40% of cases (Wilson & Fairburn, 2002).
Carter, and McIntosh (1998) concluded that ERP adds
nothing to the benefits of CBT administered alone.
(Jacobi et al., 1997; Whittal et al., 1999; Hay &Bacaltchuk, 2001, 2002) have demonstrated the
advantages of CBT over placebo or waiting list con-trol in terms of numbers of patients achieving ab-
Although the earliest models of psychological ther-
stinence from bingeing (Griffiths, 1994) and purging
apy for anorexia nervosa utilised psychodynamic
(Agras, 1989), and clinically significant reductions in
ideas, these have not generally been studied sys-
bingeing (NICE, 2003; Griffiths, Hadzi-Pavlovic, &
tematically. Herzog and Hartmann (1997) have pro-
Channon-Little 1994; Treasure et al., 1994) and
vided a review. Dare et al. (2001) compared focal
purging (NICE, 2003; Griffiths et al., 1994; Agras,
psychoanalytic psychotherapy (n ¼ 21) with family
Schneider, Arnow, Raeburn, & Telch 1989; Freeman,
therapy (n ¼ 22), cognitive analytic therapy (CAT)
1988). As well as having an effect on bulimia, CBT
(n ¼ 22) and ‘routine treatment’ (n ¼ 19) in an RCT
also causes a significant reduction in depression
for adults with anorexia nervosa not so ill as to re-
scores (Agras, 1989). A systematic review of 10 RCTs
quire urgent admission. Focal psychoanalytic ther-
(Hay & Bacaltchuk, 2001) also demonstrated no
apy was significantly better than routine treatment
difference in weight change between those receiving
in producing weight gain (f ¼ 5.4, p ¼ .02) and in
CBT and controls. In comparison with Interpersonal
terms of overall progress at one year (recovered and
Therapy (IPT), CBT has been found to be effective
significantly improved vs. improved and poor out-
more quickly, achieving remission by end of treat-
come, RR ¼ .70, 95% CI .51–.97), but there was little
ment more often, though by 8-month follow-up there
to distinguish between the different specific therap-
appears to be no difference between treatments
ies. There may also have been a ‘dose effect’ in that
((Agras, 2000). There have been no RCTs on child or
the routine treatment often involved fewer sessions
and, in addition, those providing the specific ther-apies were more senior and experienced.
This is a specific form of focal psychotherapy whichaims to help patients identify and address interper-
The psychosomatic conceptual model of Minuchin
sonal difficulties associated with the onset or main-
tenance of the eating disorder. Originally developed
interest in the use of family interventions in anorexia
as a treatment for major depression (Klerman,
nervosa, particularly in adolescents. Initially the
Weissman, Rounsaville, & Chevron, 1984), it has
rationale was based on the notion of the ‘anorexo-
been successfully developed for BN and Binge Eating
genic family’, but empirical study has failed to sup-
port the aetiological role of family dysfunction and
Although CBT produces more rapid remission and
the model fuels concern about blaming parents.
reduction in symptoms in BN, several studies (Agras
Family interventions have thus developed as treat-
et al., 2000; Fairburn et al., 1991, 1995) have con-
ments which mobilise family resources, whether
sistently shown that IPT is of equal efficacy in the
delivered as ‘conjoint’ family therapy, separated FT
longer term (with follow-up at 8–12 months). The
(in which parents and the child or adolescent patient
Agras et al. (Agras, Walsh, Fairburn, Wilson, & Kra-
are seen separately) or ‘parental counselling’. There
9 mer, 2000) study suggested that BN patients found
have been a number of RCTs. Russell et al. (1987), in
IPT more theoretically ‘appropriate’ for their diffi-
a trial of adolescents and adults whose weight had
culties than CBT and expected more success with it.
been restored in a specialist inpatient service prior to
randomisation, found that for a small group (n ¼ 21)
asymptomatic, a poor outcome reflecting a high
of adolescents with short duration of illness, family
number with binge-purging AN, rather than BN.
therapy was superior to individual therapy. The
There were no differences between the groups.
findings in relation to those who had been ill for more
Dodge, Hodes, Eisler, and Dare (1995) reported a
than three years were inconclusive and the outcomes
small series of 8 who received outpatient FT and had
were generally poor. At five-year follow-up (Eisler
significant improvements in bulimic behaviours.
et al., 1997), the adolescent short duration subgroup
Good or intermediate outcomes were achieved by six
continued to do well, with 90% of those who had
(using the composite Morgan–Russell scale).
received FT having a good outcome, compared with36% receiving individual therapy.
Four studies have compared different forms of
family intervention in adolescent AN. Geist, Heine-
The apparent effectiveness of family interventions
11 man, Stephens, Davis, and Katzman (2000) compared
with children and adolescents with AN and the need
family therapy with family group psycho-education
to develop more intensive family-based interventions
(n ¼ 25, mean age 15). There was no difference in
for those who require it led to the development of this
weight gain between the two interventions, or signi-
treatment approach. The therapy aims to help family
ficant difference in self-reported psychological out-
members learn by identifying with members of other
comes. All patients were concurrently hospitalised.
families with the same condition, by analogy (Asen,
Robin et al. (1999) compared the effect of Beha-
13 in press). It is generally delivered within a day hos-
vioural Family Systems Therapy (BFST) with Ego-
pital programme, in which up to 10 families with an
Oriented Individual therapy (EOIT) in 37 adolescents
adolescent with AN attend a mixture of whole family
with AN. Parents in the EOIT group received separate
group discussions, parallel meetings of parents and
parental counselling. There was no significant dif-
adolescents and creative activities. Preparation of
ference on end-point weight, or on psychological
lunch and communal eating is a central part of the
measures; however, the BSFT group had a greater
programme. There is generally a four/five-day block
change in BMI over time (F ¼ 12.6, p < .001), re-
of therapy followed by a limited number of day
flecting different baseline values. By 1-year follow-up
attendances at approximately monthly intervals
94% of the BFST group had resumed menstruation
(Scholz & Asen, 2001; Dare & Eisler, 2000). This
compared with 64% of the EOIT group (p < .03).
treatment is at an early stage of evaluation but pre-
Forty-three per cent of this sample had been hospi-
liminary findings suggest a high degree of accept-
talised when their weight fell below 75%.
ability and promising outcomes, particularly in
Le Grange, Eisler, Dare, and Russell (1992) and
terms of a reduced need for hospitalisation (Scholz &
Eisler et al. (2000) compared conjoint family therapy
with separated family therapy (SFT) in which patientswere seen on their own and parents seen separately
by the same therapist. Both treatments were deliv-ered as outpatients, though 4/40 in the Eisler study
There is insufficient evidence to determine the effi-
required hospitalisation during treatment. The over-
cacy of nutritional counselling given alone, though
all results were similar in the two trials. The Le
many services offer it as an adjunct to other specific
Grange trial (n ¼ 18, mean age 15) found a non-sig-
therapies. In one remarkable RCT (Serfaty, 1999), 35
nificant trend for the separated FT group to do
patients with AN (mean age 21, youngest ¼ 16) were
slightly better in terms of weight gain and on the
randomly allocated to CBT (n ¼ 25) or nutritional
composite Morgan–Russell Outcome Measure than
counselling (n ¼ 10). All patients receiving nutri-
the Conjoint FT group, though there were baseline
tional counselling had dropped out by 3 months,
trends in this direction. The Eisler et al. study
resulting in a lack of follow-up data for this group. At
(n ¼ 40, mean age 16), found a trend favouring SFT
follow-up, 16 /23 of the CBT group no longer met
in terms of Morgan–Russell Outcomes at one year
based on comparison between good vs. intermediateand poor outcomes (n ¼ 40, RR ¼ 1.41, 95% CI .86–
2.29). A small subgroup with high maternal ex-pressed emotion did markedly better with SFT.
This is a type of behaviour therapy that views emo-
Studies of FT in bulimia nervosa have been more
tional dysregulation as the core problem in BN, with
limited and there is only one published RCT, though
bingeing and purging viewed as attempts to control
two are under way. Russell et al.’s (1987) series
painful emotional states. DBT was found to be more
included a subgroup of 23 adults with bulimia (some
effective than a waiting list control in achieving
at low weight), randomly allocated to individual
abstinence from bingeing and purging (4/16 com-
therapy or FT. At one year the outcomes were gen-
pared with 0/15) in one small adult study (Safer,
erally poor, with no significant difference between
Telch, & Agras, 2001). A further small uncontrolled
the groups; 19 were followed up at 5 years (Eisler
15 trial (Palmer et al., 2003) of seven adult patients
with an eating disorder and comorbid borderline
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
personality disorder (BPD) found all patients stayed
Given that most young people with AN are treated
in therapy and were improved (though not in remis-
without admission to hospital (Gowers, Weetman,
Shore, Hossain, & Elvins, 2000), further evaluationof the efficacy of psychological therapies designed tobe delivered on an outpatient basis is required. This
should explore content and who the therapies are
This therapy is rooted in attempts to combine cog-
nitive elements into psychoanalytic methods, deliv-
Further research is needed to identify what the
ered in a brief focal therapy. There are only two small
most effective intervention is to challenge the prim-
adult studies of CAT in the eating disorders litera-
ary cognitive distortion, in which the young person
ture. In a small pilot study of those with AN (Tre-
over-evaluates themselves in terms of their weight
asure et al., 1995), CAT was compared with
educational behaviour therapy (EBT). CAT resulted
We also need to understand further how beha-
in greater subjective improvement at one year and in
vioural management can best be effected on an
objective outcomes on the composite Morgan–Rus-
sell scales, though these were not statistically sig-
Given the importance of parental involvement in
nificant in view of the very small sample size. The
managing young people with AN, further studies are
Dare et al. (2001) study of 4 therapies, including CAT
needed to investigate the relative merits of indi-
(see above), found no benefit of any one specific
vidual, family or combination treatments. The relat-
ive benefits of separated vs. conjoint family therapyapproaches for young person, parents and siblingsrequire further study, as do the range of outcomes by
Motivational therapy and therapeutic engagement
which the success of such therapies is measured.
Recently there has been considerable interest in the
Despite there being good evidence-based treat-
importance of motivational interventions in the
ments for bulimia nervosa in adults (particularly
engagement and treatment of people with AN (Geller,
CBT and IPT), these have been insufficiently ex-
Cockell, & Drab, 2001; Treasure & Ward, 1997;
plored in terms of application to adolescent-onset
Vitousek, Watson, & Wilson, 1998), based on the
trans-theoretical model of change of DiClimente and
including a degree of parental involvement and age-
Prochaska (1998). Motivational interviewing is a
related motivational issues, require further study. As
potentially useful technique which aims to move a
with adults, it is unlikely that CBT will be successful
person to a position where they are more prepared to
and/or acceptable as the primary treatment for all
adolescents with BN, suggesting a need for further
therapy (MET) compared with CBT (4 sessions each)
development and evaluation of a range of other out-
was found in one small study of BN to lead to no
differences in short-term outcome (Treasure et al.,1999). More comprehensive RCTs in this area are asyet lacking.
Most young people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia
Comparisons between psychological therapies
nervosa and related eating disorders can be man-
aged on an outpatient basis, with inpatient care
Five trials have compared antidepressants with CBT
usually only being required for a minority with
in BN. In meta-analysis (n ¼ 270) they provided
anorexia nervosa, where there are serious com-
limited evidence that CBT is superior in terms of
plications related to comorbid diagnoses, or where
remission from bingeing and purging by end of
there is high physical and/or psychiatric risk
treatment, but little evidence is available about dif-
(Nicholls & Bryant-Waugh, 2003). When admission
ferences in frequencies of these behaviours or at
is deemed necessary this may be to a paediatric
ward, a general child or adolescent psychiatric unit,
There is insufficient evidence to conclude on the
or a specialist eating disorder service. In UK practice,
relative efficacy of antidepressants and other psy-
the latter includes specialist adult units, and both
independent and public sector services. There arerelatively few dedicated NHS beds for the manage-ment of children and adolescents with eating dis-
orders, and existing services have been unevenly
Evaluation of interventions to improve motivation
distributed. A survey by the Royal College of Psy-
and adherence to treatment are particularly required
chiatrists carried out in 1997/1998 found that 4
in the younger population, as many children and
regions, representing 25% of the UK population, had
adolescents are brought to treatment by others ra-
no specialist provision for young people with eating
ther than actively seek treatment themselves.
disorders, and that 69% of clinics who identified
themselves as providing treatment for children and
1994). The majority of people with AN are treated on
younger adolescents with eating disorders were in
an outpatient basis (Palmer, Gatward, Black, &
the South East of England (Royal College of Psychi-
Park, 2000), although such treatment tends to be
atrists, 2000). This situation is slowly being rectified,
poorly described and documented and presumably
with increased activity in the development and
varies considerably between services.
commissioning of eating disorder services for young
Specialised day-patient treatment for AN has been
people throughout the UK over the past few years
described in the UK and abroad (Gerlinghof, Back-
(Great Ormond Street National Map Project – per-
mund, & Franzen, 1998; Birchall, Palmer, Waine,
Gadsby, & Gatward, 2002; Zipfel et al., 2002;
Perhaps related to the fact that there are so few
Robinson, 2003). These studies report short-term
dedicated inpatient beds is the finding that children
positive outcomes in older adolescents and adults.
and adolescents with eating disorders occupy a sig-
However, there are no RCTs and it is not always clear
nificant percentage of all available generic inpatient
whether, in the absence of the day care offered, the
beds. A recent one-day census of bed occupancy by
patients included in the study would have been
diagnosis in child and adolescent units in the UK
treated as inpatients or outpatients. Although the
revealed that more beds were occupied by young
addition of a day programme to a comprehensive
people with eating disorders than any other dia-
service has been found to reduce the use of inpatient
beds in an adult service (Birchall et al., 2002) it
A summary of current research in the area of ser-
seems unlikely that inpatient treatment will cease
vice provision is set out below. This covers studies
to be needed. The relative effectiveness and cost-
over the past ten years that have attempted to
effectiveness of the two forms of more intensive
investigate the relative merits of inpatient, day-
treatment have yet to be adequately studied.
patient and outpatient treatment delivery, and the
It is widely believed that there may be benefits in
relative effectiveness of treatment by a specialist
the treatment of severe AN within a specialised ter-
eating disorder service vs. a more general setting.
tiary eating disorders service compared with lessspecialised secondary services. Both competenceand confidence tend to develop in settings where
such treatment is a regular and ongoing activity.
Research in the area of service provision is limited.
This is regarded as a particular problem in the case
There is one systematic review summarising what is
of very young onset AN, which is relatively rare.
known about the issue of the relative effectiveness of
However, there is a lack of studies that might provide
inpatient and outpatient care in the management of
anorexia nervosa (Meads, Gold, & Burls, 2001). However, the review is based on only one small RCT
with a five-year follow-up, often referred to as the StGeorges study (Crisp, Norton, Gowers, 1991; Gow-
In the UK, very few people with BN are treated on an
17 ers, Norton, Halek, & Crisp, 1994) plus a number
inpatient basis. Admission tends to occur only in
of very varied case series making meaningful con-
those with severe physical complications or with
clusions difficult. The main conclusions of the sys-
comorbid presentations. It is generally recommen-
tematic review are that outpatient treatment for AN
ded that the great majority of adolescents and adults
at a specialist tertiary referral eating disorder service
with BN should be treated on an outpatient basis
was as effective as inpatient treatment in those not
(NICE, 2003). The idea of ‘stepped care’ has been put
so severely ill as to warrant emergency intervention,
forward in the context of managing BN (Fairburn &
and that outpatient care is in general cheaper than
Peveler, 1990; Dalle Grave, Ricca, & Todesco, 2001),
with patients being offered simpler and less expen-
Gowers et al. (2000) carried out a non-randomised,
sive interventions first with more complex and
naturalistic comparison of outcome (at 2–7 years) in
expensive interventions reserved for those who have
adolescents with anorexia nervosa treated as inpa-
tients and outpatients. They found those treated as
A range of different types of intervention for BN has
inpatients did less well, with admission status being
been studied (see above) but there are no systematic
the main predictive variable. Their findings suggest
comparisons of outcome with different service levels.
caution in assessing the benefits of inpatient treat-
All of the current evidence-based therapies for BN
ment, but care should be taken about conclusions
are designed to be delivered in an outpatient setting.
drawn from this study in the absence of a random-
The place of inpatient treatment for BN is not clearly
supported by research evidence. Special inpatient
Whilst the St Georges study lacked power and had
and day-patient treatment regimes have been de-
other difficulties, it did clearly demonstrate that
scribed (Zipfel et al., 2002), in relation to extreme
many older adolescent and adult patients with AN
severity, comorbidity or suicidal risk. There are some
were able to make progress with fairly modest out-
reports on special treatment programmes for severe
patient treatment (Gowers, Norton, Halek, & Crisp,
BN complicated by self-harm, substance abuse and
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
similar behaviours in patients who often fulfil
and recommendations around consent to treat-
criteria for borderline personality disorder (Lacey &
ment, the assessment of the young person’s
Evans, 1986). There are no specific studies in-
capacity to make treatment-related decisions, and
vestigating these issues in adolescents.
the legal framework within which young peoplemay be treated against their stated wishes in thosecases where treated is deemed essential. A number
of helpful documents and papers can be recom-mended in this respect (e.g., Manley, Smye, &
Given the very limited amount of research indicating
Srikameswaran, 2001; Honig & Bentovim, 1996).
which service configurations are most effective in the
• In the case of older adolescents with ongoing
management of young people, current provision
treatment needs, transition to adult services from
tends to be guided by recommendations found in
child and adolescent services should be planned
national and professional guidelines. The recommen-
dations below are representative of current inter-national thinking about services for children andadolescents with eating disorders, and have been
drawn from a number of published guidelines (Eating
There is only a limited amount of information on the
Disorders Association, 1994; Kreipe et al., 1995;
experience and views of young people with eating
Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2000; NICE, 2003):
disorders and their families about the treatment they
• Services for children and adolescents should be set
receive. Information of this type can be considered
up and run in a way that involves parents or prim-
an important variable in the assessment of the
ary carers, plus other significant family members.
relative merits of different service configurations.
Clear expectations around communication be-
Newton (2001) reports that although various surveys
tween all individuals and agencies involved should
have identified strengths and weaknesses in existing
be established and implemented. This would nor-
service provision, this information seems to have had
mally include the child, the parents, the general
little impact on service planning. Assessment of user
practitioner, the child’s school, and the treating
and carer satisfaction specifically in relation to ser-
team in relation to the eating disorder. Other
vice setting is rarely carried out. Similarly, patient
individuals or agencies, such as social services,
adherence and drop-out, specifically in relation to
other medical practitioners including paediatri-
service setting, is not usually investigated (Mahon,
cians, etc. may be also involved. Care needs to be
taken to respect the young person’s right to confi-
The major focus of existing studies has been on
dentiality, and to adhere to existing local and
improving the acceptability of services, which may
professional guidelines around this.
have benefits in terms of improved attendance rates,
• Services should be delivered in an age-appropriate
but also increased involvement with, and effective-
manner and setting, taking account of develop-
ness of, programmes and treatments prescribed
mental, social and educational needs. Wherever
(Matoff & Matoff, 2001; Swain-Campbell, Surgenor,
possible, children and adolescents should be
& Snell, 2001). Taking account of user and carer
treated locally. Assessment and ongoing manage-
perceptions when designing and delivering services
ment should be multidisciplinary, and provided by
may also facilitate help seeking over a prolonged
healthcare providers who have experience in the
period in people with recurrent mental health prob-
management of young people with eating disorders
lems (Buston, 2002). This in turn may contribute to
and who have knowledge about normal physical
Individuals with eating disorders, and AN in par-
• When inpatient care is required, young people
ticular, are often described as being ambivalent
should by preference always be admitted to units
about seeking treatment. Unlike most other psychi-
with regular and continuing experience in the
atric conditions, core features of eating disorders can
management of eating disorders in their age group,
be highly valued by the patient. In addition, the
making a distinction between children and ado-
hospital environment can contribute to a sense of
passivity and vulnerability, which can be linked to
should be flexible depending on their level of
an increased sense of loss of control, one of the
maturity and locally available services. Adoles-
central characteristics of an eating disorder (Eivors,
cents should be admitted to the most suitable
Button, Warner, & Turner, 2003). The acceptability
service with experience of eating disorders. Written
of inpatient treatment for AN in adolescence has
guidelines should be drawn up for monitoring the
been rated as low. They often report feeling pres-
physical progress of all young people treated for
sured and watched, with authoritarian and restrict-
• Services involved in the management of young
ambivalence (Brinch, Isager, & Tolstrup, 1988).
people with eating disorders will need to ensure
Such factors can contribute to a degree of reluctance
that all staff members are familiar with guidance
to engage fully in interventions, resulting in relatively
high levels of treatment refusal and premature drop-
Much of the research on prognostic factors suffers
out, with related implications for long-term recovery
from methodological limitation. Firstly, much of it
and healthcare costs (Kahn & Pike, 2001; Swain-
has been based on clinical samples attending spe-
Campbell et al., 2001). People receiving inpatient
cialist clinics, which may result in selection biases.
treatment for AN have been found to be twice as
The general outcomes of patients with AN, in par-
likely to drop out of treatment compared to general
ticular, treated in specialist services seems poor
psychiatric inpatients (Kahn & Pike, 2001). Reasons
(e.g., Russell et al., 1987), probably reflecting the
for drop-out are likely to be varied and complex.
severity of disorder being treated there, though it is
Such findings suggested a complicated relationship
between service setting, clinical outcome and patient
As with the treatment research in general, wide
experience that is difficult to tease out.
variations in outcome measures and timing have
It is common to find that individuals remain am-
been reported. Prognostic factors studied have
bivalent about treatment received, particularly those
comprised a mixture of pre-treatment variables,
with AN (Carnell, 1998), even when followed up after
variables relating to adherence and response to
many years. Those who have AN in adolescence ap-
treatment and end of treatment predictors of out-
pear most likely to recall their treatment (whether
come. There is little in the literature matching prog-
inpatient or outpatient) in negative terms. This atti-
nostic features to a particular treatment (NICE,
tude tends to persist and does not appear to be related
2003). Different factors may influence speed of re-
to treatment duration or intensity (Buston, 2002).
sponse to treatment, outcome at end of treatment or
Parents of adolescents have identified a lack of,
and need for, support, involvement and education
Although a number of potential predictors of out-
come have been measured, these are chiefly ones
Schrader, Maren, Rey, Touyz, & Beaumont, 1993).
which are easily measured at presentation. Some
Such parents have also reported feeling blamed for
factors, however, which are assessed more rarely,
their child’s eating disorder by clinicians providing
such as motivation for change or over concern with
treatment (Sharkey–Orgnero, 1999). Lengthy waiting
body weight and shape, may be at least as crucial in
times for outpatient treatment have been identified
determining outcome. Indeed most studies have
as a major reason for being dissatisfied with health
found that the contribution of any risk or mainten-
care, leading to unacceptable stress and anxiety
ance factor to outcome is small, implying either that
multivariate models are necessary to predict out-come or that the most important factors have notbeen measured. Finally, few studies have included
the person with an eating disorder’s own perspective.
A significant minority of young people with AN are
Two recent systematic reviews of prospective and
currently treated on an inpatient basis; however,
experimental studies have considered the evidence
the benefits and risks of different service settings
for maintaining and prognostic factors (Stice, 2002;
remain poorly understood. Further research is
NICE, 2003), while Steinhausen (2002), in a more
needed on the advantages and disadvantages of
inclusive review of outcome predictors from 119
different treatment settings (including inpatient,
studies, has also included publications based on
outpatient and day-patient) on all aspects of func-
tioning, including physical, psychological and social
An important question facing those treating pa-
functioning. Long-term comparisons of outcome in
tients with eating disorders is how to predict which
relation to these different treatment settings are re-
young people will respond to treatment. This know-
quired, but also treatment delivered in ‘specialist’
ledge might enable more intensive treatments to be
eating disorder units vs. more generic units. Patient
given to those likely to be more resistant. Intensive
and parent perspectives on treatment experience
treatments for AN, such as inpatient management,
and satisfaction should be sought in an attempt to
are expensive, less popular and scarce and therefore
contribute towards improved service delivery.
Service issues. There is no good evidence on the
The aetiology of eating disorders, in common with
outcomes of those who do not access formal medical
most other psychiatric disorders, is generally con-
care (Treasure & Schmidt, 2002), though Crisp
sidered to be multifactorial (Cooper & Steere, 1995).
et al.’s (1991) RCT (adults and older adolescents
Following the establishment of an eating disorder,
combined) found a significant advantage of special-
a similar combination of risk and protective factors
ised inpatient and outpatient therapies over assess-
is thought to maintain the condition, determine
ment only, at one-year follow-up. In adolescents, one
cohort study found that only 3/21 of those treated as
inpatients had a good outcome at 4 years compared
Management of child and adolescent eating disorders
to 31/51 of those who had never been admitted
Physical features. Vomiting, bulimia and profound
(Gowers et al., 2000). This paper raises the contro-
weight loss are associated with a poor outcome
versial issue of the potential adverse consequences
(Treasure & Schmidt, 2002). BMI centile alone may
of admission, which, given the inevitably more se-
therefore not be that helpful in predicting outcome
verely ill nature of those selected for it, is difficult to
given that binge-purgers do not generally achieve the
address without an RCT design. The TOuCAN trial of
very low weights seen in restricting AN and indeed
inpatient vs. outpatient management (Gowers et al.,
Rome et al. (2002) conclude that in young patients it
in preparation) may help to rectify this. A similar
is the restricters rather than purgers who have the
difficulty bedevils the evaluation of compulsory
treatment and treatment predictors of mortality.
High serum creatinine levels (>1.5mg/100ml) are
Those compulsorily treated have a poorer outcome
associated with poor outcome in children (Rome
(Ramsay, Ward, Treasure, & Russell, 1999), but
most treatment guidelines (e.g., NICE, 2003) con-clude that there are considerable benefits, including
Dropout from treatment is often cited as a poor
Keel and Mitchell (1997), in a narrative review of
prognostic indicator (NICE, 2003), though those with
predictors of outcome for bulimia nervosa based on
other unfavourable features may disengage more
60 studies, and Hay and Bacaltchuk (2002), in their
systematic review, concluded that there were fewconsistent predictors of outcome. NICE (2003) re-
Predictors of mortality. Neilsen et al. (1998) reviewed
viewed 60 studies of sample size >50 and follow-up
the mortality rate in AN, based on published out-
of greater than 1 year and concluded that meta-
come studies across the age range. They concluded
analysis was not possible owing to the variety of
that the Standard Mortality Ratio (SMR) in anorexia
methods employed. NICE (2003) give no prognostic
nervosa was raised in those with a lower presenting
indicators specifically for adolescents.
BMI and those presenting in adulthood (aged 20–29),
Good prognosis has been associated with the fol-
that is to say the adolescent-onset condition con-
lowing pre-treatment variables: shorter duration of
ferred a better prognosis in terms of lethal outcome.
illness, higher social class, younger onset and family
Andersen (1992) has concluded, on the basis of a
20 history of alcoholism (Collings & King, 1994). Bell
review of a number of large series, that the outcome is
(2002), meanwhile, concluded that low self-esteem
no better or worse for males than females.
Comorbidity. A number of papers have reviewed the
Body mass. In bulimia nervosa higher body mass
impact of comorbid conditions in adolescence. Pre-
does not appear to act as a maintenance factor for
treatment depression was found not to influence
bulimic symptoms (Stice & Agras, 1998; Fairburn,
outcome at 1 year (North & Gowers, 1999), while
21 Cooper, Doll, Norman, & O’Connor, 2000).
obsessive-compulsive disorder was associated with a
Perceived pressure to be thin. In an adolescent
poorer outcome (Higgs et al., 1989). Residual OCD
sample, perceived pressure to be thin was found to
symptoms at end of treatment are also a negative
predict maintenance of bulimic symptoms in an
adolescent sample followed up for 9 months (Stice &Agras, 1998). The same study also found that
Age of onset. An early age of onset has been con-
maintenance of bulimic symptoms was also related
sistently reported as conferring a good prognosis
to higher rates of presenting body dissatisfaction.
(Treasure & Schmidt, 2002), along with a short dur-ation of illness before treatment, which may be a
Dieting. The dietary restraint model argues that
confounding variable. Gowers, Crisp, Joughin, and
calorie restriction contributes to the maintenance of
Bhat (1991) suggested, however, that there may be a
binge eating. This proposal was supported in the
sub-set of very early onset (pre-menarcheal) cases,
adolescent study of Stice and Agras (1998), but not
with especially poor physical, social and personality
in adults (Fairburn et al., in press).
development, who might have a poor outcome. (Bry-ant-Waugh, Knibbs, Fosson, Kaminski, and Lask
Negative affect. This has been found to be a non-
(1988) found a poor outcome in those developing AN
significant predictor of bulimic symptom mainten-
under the age of 11 and Rome et al. (2003) suggest
ance in general (NICE, 2003) and in adolescents
that asociality in childhood predicts poor outcome.
(Stice & Agras, 1998). Leon, Fulkerson, Perry, Keel,Klump (1999), meanwhile, found that it predicted an
Life events. In a prospective adolescent series,
increase in general eating pathology in a large sam-
North, Gowers, and Byram (1997) found that those
ple of adolescents followed up for three years.
with a severe negative life event precipitant (i.e., acuteonset) had a good prognosis, probably reflecting the
Perfectionism. Santonastaso, Friederici, and Favaro
healthier premorbid adjustment of this subgroup.
(1999) followed up 72 adolescents and found that
high initial perfectionism predicted maintenance of
relevant sections above. Finally, further clarification
is required to guide treatments for those with ‘atyp-ical’ or ‘not otherwise specified’ eating disorders.
Severity. Higher rates of bingeing and vomiting are
Currently these terms are used to include a hetero-
associated with poor outcome (NICE, 2003).
geneous mix of clinical presentations, for whomthere are no evidence-based treatments. In those not
Comorbidity. Substance misuse confers a poor
quite meeting criteria for AN and BN, studies are
prognosis (Keel, Mitchell, Miller, Davis, & Crow,
required to investigate the acceptability and efficacy
1999; NICE, 2003). Premorbid obesity in childhood
of treatments for AN and BN. Predictors of outcome
has also been cited (Fairburn et al., 1995; Bulik,
within this group also need further study, as part of
Sullivan, Joyce, Carter, & McIntosh, 1998; NICE,
a process of improving the ability to match inter-
2003). Personality disorder or disturbance is con-
ventions to individual presentations.
sistently associated with poor outcome, particularlyCluster B (Rossiter, Agras, Telch, & Schneider, 1993;NICE, 2003) and impulsivity (Keel et al., 1999).
Grateful thanks are due to the members of the NICE
Eating Disorders Guideline Development Group whocontributed many of the clinical questions referred to
Those with poor motivation for change do poorly
in this review and to the searches and analysis.
(NICE, 2003). Continuing bulimic behaviours at theend of treatment are associated with poor outcome,thus treatment should aim for complete abstinence
rather than reduction in these behaviours (NICE,2003). The association of continuing abnormal atti-
Simon Gowers, Professor of Adolescent Psychiatry,
tudes, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness and
Academic Unit, 79 Liverpool Road, Chester CH2
low mood, at end of treatment with poor outcome
1AW, UK; Email: [email protected]
(NICE, 2003), indicates that both cognitive andbehavioural change are vital to long-term recovery.
Agras, W.S., Schneider, J.A., Arnow, B., Raeburn, S.D.,
& Telch, C.F. (1989). Cognitive behavioural andresponse prevention treatments for bulimia nervosa.
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Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57,
orders, good quality research is lacking. For a con-
dition which commonly arises in adolescence, the
Agras, W.S., Walsh, B.T., Fairburn, C.G., Wilson, C.T.,
number of adolescent treatment trials is very small.
& Kramer, H.C. (2000). A multicenter comparison of
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cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal psy-
considerable. The need for intensive medical man-
chotherapy for bulimia nervosa. Archives of General
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