Outpatient warfarin management

Outpatient Warfarin Management
What is warfarin?
Warfarin is an anticoagulant or blood thinning agent and its efficacy can only be It is used to reduce the chance of blood clots occurring or recurring. Warfarin slows down the clotting process by interfering with the action of vitamin K, this vitamin is required for blood clotting to occur. Warfarin is often recommended for the following conditions: • blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism • irregular heart beat (atrial fibrillation) • heart valve replacement What is an INR?
The letters INR are the initials of International Normalised Ratio. The ratio is calculated from your blood test and is used worldwide exclusively for monitoring patients on oral anticoagulants such as warfarin. What is the aim of your warfarin therapy?
The aim of your warfarin therapy is to maintain your INR within your Your doctor advises us of the target range which is appropriate for your clinical condition. Your warfarin is most effective in this range. Your warfarin dose will be specific to you because different people require Normally there is a settling-in period when you commence warfarin therapy during which more frequent blood tests, and perhaps changes in your dose, may be required. Eventually, most people will have a stable pattern of testing; weekly, A high INR can indicate the possibility of a bleed. We will notify your Doctor who will liaise with you on the appropriate action. You may be required to go to hospital. Outpatient Warfarin Management 01/03/12 FORM-CS-12 How will you receive your dose instructions?
Eastern Health Pathology aims to have your dose instructions available for you on the day of your blood test. Laboratory staff from the testing laboratory will call you late afternoon or early evening on the day of your blood test for your dose If for some reason we have not been in contact, you may contact the laboratory directly yourself before you take your evening dose or take the same dose that you have been on previously and ensure that contact with the laboratory is made Angliss and Tecoma Collections: 9764 6133 Maroondah and Healesville Collections: 9871 3576 Your responsibilities as a patient
Continue to visit your doctor – please inform your doctor if you experience any bruising, bleeding, or illness; also discuss with your doctor any changes you have made to your medications (including herbal medicines, vitamins and dietary supplements) Comply with your warfarin dose instructions and have your tests on dates scheduled by the laboratory Complete our current patient questionnaire fully each time you have a warfarin test Provide us with accurate, up-to-date personal details Contact the laboratory if you intend to stop, or have stopped, taking warfarin for any reason You must never double your next dose if you have forgotten to take a dose Please advise a contact phone number where you may be contacted on the What you should do if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy?
If you are planning to become pregnant, it is critical that you discuss your intention with your referring doctor before ceasing contraception. If you become pregnant while on warfarin please contact your doctor immediately. Outpatient Warfarin Management 01/03/12 FORM-CS-12
What you should do if you are going on a holiday
Please discuss with your GP well before you travel. You will need a letter from your GP with the details of your diagnosis and the last 8 – 10 results and doses. You will need to have your INR performed at a local laboratory and be dosed by a local GP. Please request a copy of the results and take these with you when you return to Eastern Health for your INR so that we can update your history. What happens to my test result?
Your Doctor receives a report of your test result and dose instructions which are Outpatient Warfarin Management 01/03/12 FORM-CS-12

Source: http://pathology.easternhealth.org.au/handbook/downloads/specimen-collection/Outpatient%20Warfarin%20Management.pdf


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