Clickers: the Use of Audience Response Questions to Enliven Lectures and Stimulate Teamwork Frazier Stevenson, M.D.
Medical Education Building (#33), Suite 3101
Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT
Health science educators are under increasing pressure to reduce traditional lecture time and build more interactive teaching into curricula. While small group exercises such as problem based learning achieve that aim, they are highly faculty intensive and difficult to sustain for many faculties. The commercial availability of easy to use audience response systems (ARS) provides a platform for increasing instructor interaction and engagement with learners. This article details my recent experience with ARS, and suggests its uses to increase lecture interactivity, build student teamwork, provide formative feedback, and energize both faculty and students. INTRODUCTION
4. Providing a template for interactive discussion
between students and between students and the
Recent medical education trends have emphasized the
importance of increasing active learning for health science
5. Providing guidance for the instructor to see if topics
students. This trend has been driven by education literature
are understood, or require additional time in the
emphasizing active learning, application, and analysis,
rather than just memorization of facts, and by accreditation
bodies1. Most education innovations have focused on
adding new interactive techniques to curricula, such as
In this paper, I report on both my impressions and
problem-based or team-based learning, or use of
experience using ARS, and provide student feedback on
standardized patients and simulations in small group
exercises. Less attention has been given to how the
traditional lecture might be enlivened and made more
The ARS system used is the Interwrite PRS System,
For the past two years I have used an audience response
version 4.4 (Scottsdale, AZ). The system was used in a
system (ARS) in my core lectures in a second year
second year renal pathophysiology course in 2007 during a
required course in renal pathophysiology. My use of it was
series of lectures on fluid and electrolyte disorders. Seven
based on extensive literature, mostly from the
hours of lectures were given, and 20 ARS questions were
undergraduate curriculum, touting ARS as a useful and
asked during the lectures. Attendance at the sessions
stimulating addition to traditional teaching2. Among the
ranged from 35-60 students. Questions were delivered in
advantages cited by these and other authors, I was most
one of two formats. In the first, a multiple choice single
best answer or multiple best answer question was shown,
and students were given 1-2 minutes to respond
1. Formative assessment that assess students’
individually. After showing the class’ pooled responses
graphically, I asked students who answered various
2. Stimulating students to apply and analyze, not just
responses to defend their answers, and then elaborated,
asked follow up questions, or resumed lecture. In the
3. Posing questions that demonstrate students’ gaps in
second protocol, I asked students to discuss the question
knowledge and set up subsequent lecture material
with nearby students after they saw the initial class response data. This discussion usually lasted 2-3 minutes.
IAMSE 2007 Volume17 2 106
Students then re-entered their responses individually
modeled my approach to its solution, gave students a
without comment from me. I then discussed the answers as
framework for success in solving these problems.
above. Eight of the 20 ARS questions used in this report
used the student discussion protocol, while 12 used
ARS in stimulating knowledge application and analysis
The lecture has traditionally been the reservoir of facts.
Student attitudes about ARS were surveyed in two ways.
Most books and presentations on “Powerpoint®
Routine end of course surveys were done on overall
Technique” emphasize clarity and presentation of bullet
assessment of value, and the 54 responses were gathered
point slides, on an assumption that data presentation is the
by web based surveying by our office of medical
main objective of any lecture. Textbooks are usually
education. Since class size was 94, this represents 56% of
written in the same manner--comprehensive and organized
students. It is unknown how many ARS sessions were
coverage of facts is the most common structural
attended by these respondents. All likely attended at least
underpinning of most medical and science texts. But
one, since a possible option was “did not attend an ARS
should this be the purpose of a lecture for our students?
Secondary school teaching typically is far more
interactive, even in groups of 30-40. It is only on arrival to
In addition, I surveyed students about their preferences of
college that we treat the students to the one-way lecture, on
ARS learning vs. other modalities, and about their more
the assumption that this is somehow preferred for these
generalized impressions, by use of ARS surveys done in
mature learners. It is certainly efficient. But even mature
class at the end of the series of lectures. Depending on
learners need to be motivated, stimulated, and challenged
attendance and participation that day, these ARS surveys
to move beyond the Bloom cognitive process of
remembering to that of understanding, analyzing, and
applying4. This should be our goal for students entering the
complex synthesis that characterizes clinical care, and
these skills must be rehearsed before intensive clinical care
A weakness of traditional lecture is its disengagement
The expert teacher must reach many types of learners,
from a given class’ and individual learners’ specific needs.
including those who first need the facts, as well as those
The lecturer often exists in a bubble, delivering the same
who want the facts presented conceptually and
content regardless of context. Since students may have
contextually. ARS can effectively facilitate such a learning
varying learning styles, daily curricular schedules, and
system. Students can be provided a well written text or
degree of fatigue, greater instructor awareness of their
syllabus that lays out the facts clearly, and introduces
comprehension and attention can lead to more stimulating
terminology. Then, the ARS “lecture” can follow up with
and focused learning sessions. This sensitivity to learner
explanation, explication, and exemplification. Students
needs increases learner attention and involvement.
often state in course evaluations that they benefit most
from these sessions if they have read the facts first, so that
ARS questions are very useful here as the punctuation of a
they can come to the ARS session ready to extend their
lecture segment, in order to assess student comprehension.
In order to do so, the questions should be conceptual,
asking learners to apply principles given in the lecture
The ARS questions, if written to emphasize understanding
block, and not simply ask them to recall a specific fact.
and application, give students an idea of the level of
Such questions are best done in the form of experimental
knowledge expected by the instructor and guide their
or clinical vignettes, as is now done in USMLE licensing
subsequent study away from rote memorization. To do
examinations. See Table 1 for examples of this type of
this, I feel it is important that the questions be challenging,
ARS question. As discussed below, if ARS reveals that
so students are motivated to review and learn more after
students have not mastered the concept, a lecturer may
the session (see Table 1). My ARS questions are a mix of
need to spend additional time on it, rather than moving on
single best answer and multiple best answer, and the
in a fixed schedule. For example, question 1 requires
students’ average correct response rates for each type in
learners to synthesize the preceding hour of material on
2007 was 63% and 60%, respectively. Beginning or more
different types of metabolic acidosis, using the vignette
insecure learners might benefit from less difficult
and lab values to classify the disorder, and engage in two
questions that simply confirm memory of facts, but since I
step thinking in identifying a cause of the identified
use these ARS sessions primarily to stimulate higher
disorder (here, non anion gap metabolic acidosis with
cognition, I feel that providing a false sense of mastery
hyperkalemia). Many students missed this question, and
with easy questions undercuts the goal of motivating
further questioning of them revealed many cognitive
further study and self directed learning.
problems, including focusing on only one value or vignette
item, lack of a systematic analysis of the acid base
The use of clinical or experimental vignettes, amplified
disorder, and reliance on memorized lists rather than
with the active learning of clicking on answers in the ARS
global analysis. The time spent on this question, in which I
format, can reformat the “lecture” into truly interactive
IAMSE 2007 Volume17 2 107 Table 1. Sample of ARS Question
1. A 62 year old man has Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. He comes to clinic complaining of diarrhea. He is on lisinopril, Dyazide (hydrochlorthiazide + triamterene) and metformin. Na
Serum pH = 7.34 pCO2 = 34 Urine pH = 4.6 Which of the following best explains his acidemia?
A. Diabetic ketoacidosis B. Metformin C. Dyazide D. Diarrhea E. Distal RTA F. Lisinopril
2. A 50 year old man with a history of CHF has pulmonary and peripheral edema, and a blood pressure of 100/60. Which of the below is most likely (Select ALL that apply)?
A. His extracellular volume is decreased B. His effective circulating volume is decreased C. His total body sodium is increased D. His serum sodium concentration is increased E. His urine sodium concentration is increased
learning session in which students extend their factual
question. In fact, I frequently do not discuss the correct
knowledge into application and analysis, and set the stage
answer after showing the response. Instead, I mention that
for deeper learning at home. If one therefore reconsiders
the upcoming lecture segment will clarify the issue, and
what a “lecture” is, then the pressure to cover all the
generally return to the question later, either as a lecture
factual material disappears. In this model, the lecture is an
slide, or as a re-take of the question by the class. To
active, energizing supplement to the written syllabus or
summarize, ARS provides useful formative feedback for
instructors and for students. For students, it joins end-of-
syllabus chapter review questions and online exams as
ARS for formative feedback (to students and instructor)
ways for my students to practice challenging questions of
the type that I will ask on summative exams.
Students commonly complain that lecturers assume
knowledge that is either more or less advanced than their
actual level. Since effective learning occurs best when
ARS as a vehicle for student peer interaction
built upon a base of preexisting understanding5, the
effective lecturer should assess this base regularly. This
The most common way in which ARS is used is the
can be done in advance by reviewing the students’ prior
sequence: lecture Æ ARS question Æ answer Æ instructor
curriculum and the specific content of preceding lectures.
explanation. While engaging, this still keeps most students
However, ARS offers the advantage of real time
in a passive role. After reflecting on team-based learning
assessment of student preparation and understanding.
strategies 6-8, I now often use the ARS system to stimulate
Normally this is done by an assessment question at the end
student-student interaction. After having students
of a lecture segment, ideally spaced about 20 minutes after
individually answer the ARS question, I show them the
a similar question, in order to minimize student lapses in
class distribution of answers, without indicating the correct
concentration. However, an ARS question can also be used
answer. Then I ask them to discuss their answer with
to begin a lecture segment, showing students what they do
nearby colleagues for 1-2 minutes, and then individually
not know and provoking interest in the upcoming segment.
re-enter their answer. Students usually respond more
This is especially useful if students have already “covered”
accurately after such discussion (improving their correct
a topic in a previous course or lecture. The question can
response rate by 2-10%), even when the correct answer
frame how their knowledge will be extended, not just
was initially a minority response. Perhaps additional
repeated, in the succeeding minutes. In this use of ARS, it
reflection time improves response, or perhaps students
is not necessary that students successfully answer the
with better understanding are persuasive in the brief
IAMSE 2007 Volume17 2 108
interactions with their colleagues. In any case, students
gain the satisfaction of benefiting from peer interactions in
improving their own understanding. If students self-
ARS is not an end in of itself. It is simply a new
correct, I frequently offer little additional explanation after
technological innovation that, if used well, can achieve the
the peer discussions, since the students have gained
above aims. I list below several ARS pitfalls that should be
understanding on their own. Most students enjoyed the
avoided so that ARS does not detract from learning.
addition of peer discussion to the ARS sessions, but this is
variable: 49% preferred student-student interaction, 27%
1. Overuse: One lecturer recently substituted ARS
preferred individual ARS use alone, and 24% were
questions en bloc for his traditional lecture slides, without
undecided (n = 41). Thus ARS can provide a collegial
providing students with preliminary content via readings or
learning process that echoes some goals of problem-based
other media. While the intent of session interactivity was
learning9, 10, but now with a large class.
appreciated, the students were made to answer ARS
questions with only very limited knowledge, and resented
the frustration of not being able to consolidate knowledge
appropriately. Students surveyed after my ARS sessions
A limitation of the lecture/transmission mode of teaching
strongly felt (92%, n=54) that three questions administered
is its lack of real time feedback from learners. The lecture
per 50 minute lecture was an ideal frequency, with the
may have been delivered, but did learning occur?
remainder evenly divided between wanting more and
Traditional questions posed by the lecturer to the students
wanting less. They also felt that ARS works best on a base
often prompts more extroverted or knowledgeable students
of factual knowledge, allowing them to explore its
to respond, but this may not reflect the knowledge or
engagement of the group as a whole. ARS provides an
ideal medium to improve this student feedback to
2. Overload: ARS cannot be grafted onto an already
instructors (a vivid anecdote from a course in embryology
loaded slide presentation. Each slide takes 2-3 minutes at
teaching gives testimony to the lessons learned when
minimum, given the time to answer the question and to
student understanding is actually assessed)11. Regular use
discuss the results. This often extends to 5 minutes or
will tell the instructor whether points made were absorbed
more. Obviously, pre-existing slides must be deleted to
and understood. Low correct response rates on questions
accommodate this, unless the session is lengthened, a
prompt the conscientious instructor to rephrase, repeat, or
rarity in the current minimalist lecture environment. This
exemplify the poorly understood concept, so that learning
means that the instructor must prioritize the lecture
occurs in the teachable moment. This inevitably “slows
content, using ARS to teach fewer concepts more deeply.
down” the lecture and may require the instructor to reduce
Teaching fewer things with more depth, however, is a goal
the number of slides presented. However, if the traditional
of most experienced teachers and leads to greater retention
lecture is to be transformed into an interactive learning
session, this “problem” is a good thing. Our students often
complain that instructors may show in excess of 60 slides
3. Poorly written questions: In order for ARS to best
in a 50 minute lecture, and one lecturer at my institution
provoke and stimulate students, questions should contain
has 120 scheduled for such a presentation. The feedback
uncertainty, controversy, or analysis/application of
provoked by ARS can provide a needed brake on such
material. Simple factual recall questions do not do this
well. For my second year medical students I use questions
similar to, or more advanced than, USMLE Part I
questions (Table 1). These are normally based on
experimental or clinical vignettes that provoke the students
While learning should not be primarily an entertainment,
to analyze and apply their knowledge. This approach has
enjoyment certainly belongs in any learning session.
the additional advantage of preparing students for the more
Humor, visual props, colorful slides, and animations are
analytic questions ideally used on summative course and
frequent lecture props, used by even traditional speakers to
enliven the proceedings. However, these still remain
mainly one-way, transmission oriented devices, in which
4. Inadequate faculty development: The availability of an
the students remain observers, albeit more amused
ARS system usually leads to initial administrative and
observers. ARS offers a platform for true interaction with
student enthusiasm, typically because it is first used by the
students within the learning session, and provides a real
extroverted “early adaptor” instructor who infuses it with
sense that the teacher is interacting with learners, not just
excitement 13. Once the glowing initial reviews come in,
talking to them. This human contact allows a more
other instructors may use it, but sometimes without any
personal interaction, even with a large group of students,
real preparation or orientation other than on the technical
and is a strong attractant for students who value the human
aspects of building the session. This often leads to the
interaction as key to learning (e.g. students with strong F
above listed mistakes, or a stylistic discontinuity in which
domain in the Myers Briggs type indicator)12. Such
a lecturer uses ARS questions but does not really engage
students are often most put off by traditional lectures.
the students verbally or emotionally. Students may then
pan the entire technique. To avoid this drawback, our
IAMSE 2007 Volume17 2 109
school provides regular lunchtime seminars for interested
of sample questions for students to use, so this is not
instructors in which experienced ARS users share tips and
demonstrate effective practice. In addition, we have begun
demonstrating ARS to entire departments at their faculty
meetings so that all instructors can learn about ARS, thus
enlivening a departmental course lecture curriculum
systematically. Several initially reluctant instructors have
While no technology serves as a panacea for indifferent or
told me that ARS helped them emerge from behind the
poorly prepared instructors, appropriate use of ARS
podium and better engage the class, and improved their
increases interactivity in large group learning sessions. It
lecture technique generally. In these cases the technology
joins team-based learning as another formal option for
facilitated a change in instructor behavior.
instructors who feel that their sessions need to become
more interactive. The reduction of formal lecture time has
been encouraged by many accrediting bodies such as
LCME, but should not be done for that reason alone.
These second year medical students rated the educational
Declining student attendance at lectures nationwide shows
value of ARS questions highly (6.8 out of a 7 point score,
that students are increasingly needing a rationale for
n=54). More affective responses are quantitated in Table 2.
attendance, and if not given one, will choose a distance
Post course comments indicated that individual students
learning strategy. In my view, given the wealth of current
Table 2. Students answering “yes” to various descriptors of ARS sessions (n=44)
valued different types/uses of ARS questions:
online and written resources for students, this is a
justifiable view. Any time used for whole class
The audience response system is great for gauging
presentations should have a clear rationale beyond simple
our comprehension of materials just presented, and
presentation of facts, which can be done effectively at
helps to further cement our newly acquired knowledge
home. Is a lecture that duplicates preexisting written
by making us recall and actively apply it to complex
materials worth the time? Audience response systems is
one means of taking a large group session to a more
stimulating, interactive level, and provides a format for
(The instructor) uses it the way it was meant to be
professional faculty to re-engage with students and return
used. He goes over the concepts and then puts a little
to the art of teaching, not just lecturing.
twist into a question and then we can discuss it.
I liked that he didn't give us a question about
We are currently doing a systematic study of faculty
1. Kassebaum, D.G., Cutler, E.R., Eaglen, R.H. The
lecture evaluations pre- and post- incorporation of ARS to
influence of accreditation on educational change in
further assess this issue. ARS may also motivate greater
U.S. medical schools. Academic Medicine.
student attendance (this is not required at my university).
Lecture attendance in my course, which has declined for
2. Caldwell J.E. Clickers in the large classroom: current
the past several years, subjectively increased this year (no
research and best-practice tips. CBE Life Scientific
precise data available). While it is not clear that this trend,
if verified, is due to ARS alone, others have reported
3. Knight J.K., Wood, W.B. Teaching more by lecturing
increased learner participation rates with institution of
less. Cell Biology Education. 2005;4:298-310.
ARS14. Overall student exam scores have not changed with
4. Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R. (eds.). A Taxonomy
use of ARS, but the course already had a rich assortment
for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of IAMSE 2007 Volume17 2 110 Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New
5. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A., Cocking, R.R. (eds.). How
10. Norman, G.R., Schmidt, H.G. The psychological basis
People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School.
of problem-based learning: a review of the evidence.
Academic Medicine. 1992;67:557-565.
11. Wood, W.B. Clickers: A Teaching Gimmick that
professions education : a guide to using small groups
Works. Developmental Cell 2004;7:796-798.
for improving learning. 1st ed. Sterling,VA:Stylus
12. Bayne, R. The Myers-Briggs type indicator : a critical review and practical guide. London:Chapmanand
7. Koles, P., Nelson, S., Stolfi, A., Parmelee, D.,
Destephen, D. Active learning in a Year 2 pathology
13. Gladwell, M. The tipping point : how little things can
curriculum. Medical Education. 2005;39:1045-1055.
make a big difference. 1st ed. Boston:Little,
8. Nieder, G.L., Parmelee, D.X, Stolfi, A., Hudes, P.D.
Team-based learning in a medical gross anatomy and
14. Homme, J., Asay, G., Morgenstern, B. Utilisation of
embryology course. Clinical Anatomy.2005;18:56-63.
an audience response system. Medical Education.
9. Albanese, M.A, Mitchell, S. Problem-based learning:
a review of literature on its outcomes and
IAMSE 2007 Volume17 2 111
“Alfred Schnittke” Akademie International Concurso de Piano 2012 1. ADMISIÓN . 1.1 El Concurso está abierto a los pianistas de cualquier nacionalidad que no hayan cumplido 36 años el día 21 de Marzo de 2012 . 1.2 Los candidatos deberán enviar lo siguiente vía e-mail: a) boletín de inscripción debidamente rellenado b) programa detallado de las obras a interpretar en las d
Universidad REGLAMENTO DE BIBLIOTECA INDICE Título Primero: Definición, Función y Organización Art. 1 Definición 3 Art. 2 Funciones 3 Art. 3 Organización 3 Art. 4 Relaciones Externas 4 Título Segundo: Deberes del Ejecutivo, Asistente y Becarios Bibliotecarios Art. 5 Deberes del Ejecutivo Bibliotecario 4 Art. 6 Deberes del Asistente y Becarios Bibliotecarios 5 Art. 7 Nombramie