Microsoft word - oxidized cellulose as a cause of acute ischemic event after coronary revascularization1.docx
Oxidized cellulose as the cause of an acute ischemic event after coronary
Jose Rubio Alvarez , Juan Sierra Quiroga , Jose Martinez Cereijo , Laura Reija Lopez
Cardiovascular Department . Universitary Hospital of Santiago de Compostela . Spain .
Publicado : Interactive Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgery 2010 ; 11 : 488.
Absorbable topical hemostatic agents are commonly used in cardiac surgery . In this
study we report an unusual case of an acute ischemic event after coronary
revascularization produced by interaction between oxidized cellulose and epsilon
aminocaproic acid . An in vitro study was also performed to test the interaction
between oxidized cellulose and epsilon aminocaproic acid .
Key Words : Ischemic event , Oxidized cellulose , Coronary revascularization .
Postoperative bleeding is one of the most frequent complications in cardiac surgery [1].
Bleeding necessitating reoperation occurs in 4 % to 7 % of patients after CPB and
50% to 70% of them will not have a surgical bleeding source . Fibrinolysis has been
reported to be the cause of 25% to 45% of postoperative bleeding [ 2 ] and the use of
both systemic antifibrinolytic agents and absorbable topical hemostatic agents is
commonplace during cardiac surgical procedures [3,4] . The adverse effects after
systemic use of antifibrinolytic agents is one of the reasons these agents are applied
topically [5 ] . Until recently there were no reports in the literature describing
ischemic events produced by the interaction of oxidized cellulose with topical epsilon
We report the case of a 79-year-old man with unstable angina who was referred to
our departement for surgical revascularization . The coronariography showed
significant left main coronary artery and right coronary artery lesions . The patient had
insulin-dependent diabetes and chronic obstructive lung disease . A routine coronary
revascularization with left internal Mammary artery to Anterior Descending and
saphenous veins to Right Coronary artery and 1st Marginal ( OM ) was performed
under cardiopulmonary bypass . Oxidized cellulose was placed around the OM
anastomotic suture because of a continous oozing and before proceeding with the
sternal closure the pericardial cavity was washed with 100 ml of saline solution
containing 8 g of EACA . During the sternal closure , a severe hypotension with ST
elevation in the posterior leads and a ventricular fibrillation occurred . Defibrillation was
performed and because the ST modifications remained , the oxidized cellulose which
had formed a solid and rigid shape , was removed . The ST elevation inmediately
disappeared . The subsequent intraoperative and postoperative course was uneventful
An in vitro study was performed using three different doses of EACA ( 4 , 8 , 12 Gr ) .
When the oxidized cellulose contacted the saline solution containing EACA , it rolled
up immediately and it turned into a rigid shape ( Fig 1 ) . A segment of the saphenous
vein with a hemostatic clip at the distal end was gently distended and a piece of
oxidized cellulose was placed around the vein . Then we placed the vein in a saline
solution containing EACA and when the oxidized cellulose turned into the rigid shape ,
Figure 1 .- The rigid shape that the oxidized cellulose takes after contac with EACA .
We show a control , unexposed piece for comparison .
Figure 2 .- Saphenous vein constriction caused by oxidized cellulose ( in vitro study ) .
Postoperative bleeding requiring re-exploration occurs in 4% to 7% of patients after
cardiopulmonar bypass and an identifiable surgical bleeding source cannot be found in
more than 50% of these occurrances [ 1 ]. Brown and colleagues [ 3 ] conducted a
meta-analysis to compare the effectiveness of aprotinin , EACA and tranexamic acid
with placebo . They concluded that all antifibrinolytic agents were effective in reducing
blood loss and transfusion . However intravenous antifibrinolytic agents administration
have been associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events and early graft
closure after coronary revascularization [6] and new data have emerged regarding an
increase in adverse outcomes associated with the systemic use of antifibrinolytic
agents and most of these effects are avoided by topical application [5,7] . The fact
that after topical use of Tranexamic acid and Aprotinin , they could not be detected in
any of the blood samples [8] strongly suggest that their effects were due to topical
action . On the other hand topical hemostatic agents are efficacious in reducing blood
loss during surgery [ 4 ] and they can be temporarily administered to avoid sternal
bleeding complications [ 9 ] . Canver [ 10 ] reported a draping technique to prevent
coronary bypass graft kinking and sutureline oozing using oxidized regenerated
Oxidation is the only process that renders cellulose bioabsorbable in man , however a
major problem with oxidation is the difficulty of producing materials that are
homogeneous in chemical and physical properties .
Oxidized cellulose is a fabric material that is obtained by the oxidation of cotton gauze
or other cellulose fabric using nitrous oxide to achieve oxidation . The oxidation
reaction makes the material soluble at physiological conditions . Oxidized regenerated
cellulose similar to oxidized cellulose , but natural cellulose is first dissolved and then
extruded as a continuous fiber . The fabric made from the fiber is very uniform in
chemical composition and its oxidation therefore is more closely regulated . This
uniform oxidation results in less variation in stability and absorbability of the material .
In our in vitro study , when the oxidized regenerated cellulose contacted EACA , it
turned a yellowish brown color and became gelatinous . However when the oxidized
cellulose contacted EACA , it rolled up immediately and turned into a rigid shape .
Within a few days , most of the fibrous structure is gone .
The information presented in this report is the first case of adverse interactions
between oxidized cellulose and topical epsilon aminocaproic acid and we do not
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