Microsoft word - n-an-eng-cert-pg10 rev000_in-service_testing.doc

Exelon Nuclear
Engineering Training Certification Guide for N-AN-ENG-CERT-PG10
In-Service Testing (IST)
Completion of the requirements of this certification guide is required to independently perform the following: 1. Interpret pump and valve test data. 2. Evaluate pump and valve operability assessments. 3. Initiate changes to pump and valve performance reference values. Trainee’s Name:
Employee Number:
Assigned Department:
Cert Guide
Cert Guide
Start Date:
Due Date:
Non-Training Requirements
I have verified that the Non-Training Requirements for this Certification Guide have been met by the
Trainee, or that the Trainee's equivalent education and experience have been assessed and documented
per the requirements of TQ-AA-167.
B.S. Degree in Engineering
I have completed the Training Requirements and Knowledge and Performance Objective Requirements for this Certification Guide. I am prepared to perform this activity independently. I have verified that the Training Requirements and Knowledge and Performance Objective Requirements for this Certification Guide have been completed by the trainee. The trainee is qualified to perform this activity independently. I accept the qualification of the trainee. The trainee is now certified to perform this activity independently. I have verified the appropriate completion data for N-AN-ENG-CERT-PG10 is documented in the qualification tracking
database (LMS).
Department Training Coordinator Signature Forward completed Certification Guide to Department Training Coordinator for processing in accordance with TQ-AA-
205, Training Records.
SRRS – 3D.105 – Retain for life of the plant.
Qualification in In-Service Testing (IST) is indicated by the following code: N-AN-ENG-CERT-PG10
General Instructions
If a Cert Guide or objective reference has changed (e.g., station procedure changed to a corporate procedure), the mentor shall review the new reference and determine if the objective can still be accomplished. If the objective can be accomplished, the mentor will line-out and initial/date the old reference and write in the new reference along with the reason for the change (reference changed / deleted, etc.). The mentor or the trainee will initiate a Issue Report or Training Request to inform the Training Department of the changed reference. If the objective cannot be accomplished due to a reference being changed or deleted, the mentor or the trainee will initiate a Issue Report to inform the Training Department of the need for objective revision. Training will initiate action to revise the objective, as appropriate. When station specific references are listed in the reference section of the certification guide, the mentor (or designee) shall identify the current station documents (e.g. calculation number, drawing number, procedure) that the trainee should use during completion of the certification guide. It is expected that the Trainee and mentor will use these documents, as applicable to their station, during the certification process. Special Instructions
Training Requirements
Note: Items showing a "Valid Initial Period" in the Completion Date are not required for initial qualification. They are required to maintain qualification. The Valid Initial Period is the time allowed before they are required to be completed the first time. After the Valid Initial Period, the Refresh Period goes into effect. See LMS for Refresh periods. General References
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.55a ASME OM CODE – Specific for IST Program Guidelines for In-Service Testing at Nuclear Power Plants (NRC Generic Letter 89-04, and Supplement 1) Information to Licensees Regarding NRC Inspection Manual Section on Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions, Rev. 1, October 8, 1997 NRC SER Approving Station 10-year Interval In-Service Testing Program Implementing Procedure and T&RMs Examples Clarifications and Guidance on Preparing Requests for Relief From Pump & Valve IST Guidelines for In-Service Testing at Nuclear Power Plants INPO Engineering Program Guide – Inservice Testing Program UFSAR Section 3.9.6 In-Service Testing of Pumps and Valves
Evaluation Criteria:
Knowledge Objective Requirements
Successful completion of the knowledge objectives shall be determined by the Mentor’s assessment that the Trainee possesses the knowledge level necessary to support independent task performance. Use of applicable procedures and reference documents to demonstrate knowledge requirements is acceptable. ENANPG10.01
DESCRIBE the UFSAR and the Technical Specification commitments related to IST. Objective Completed:
DISCUSS the ASME Code as applied to the scope and testing requirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 pumps and valves. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the inter-relationships between the IST program and other programs including MOVs, AOVs, check valves, relief valves, ISI and LLRT. Objective Completed:
REVIEW and discuss the IST reference materials listed in the References section of this certification guide. Objective Completed:
DISCUSS the IST Surveillance Test Update process. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the following terms, processes, and equipment classifications: a. Operability as it relates to the IST program b. Trending c. Reference / Baseline values and setpoints d. Active and passive valves e. Category ‘A’ valves (power-operated and fail-safe with seat leakage requirements) f. Category ‘B’ valves (power-operated and fail-safe) g. Category ‘C’ valves (safety, check and relief valves) h. Category ‘D’ valves (explosive actuated valves) i. Pump types (centrifugal, positive displacement and vertical line shaft) Pump Tests (Group A, Group B and Comprehensive) Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the instrument accuracy requirements for pump and valve in-service testing. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the requirements to administrate the IST program including the following: a. Initiate and process new relief requests and revisions Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the requirements to administrate the IST program including the following: a. Access IST computer database and update records to existing plant conditions. b. Complete and submit revision pages and forms for controlled documents applicable to Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the requirements to administrate the IST program including the following: a. Establish pump test parameters and testing reference values b. Establish valve maximum stroke times and alert times for power operated valves c. Establish stroke testing acceptance criteria for non-power operated valves. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE trending of pump and valve performance parameters to include evaluation and remedial actions to be taken. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE pump performance and monitoring actions to include: a. Test methodology b. Reference values c. Allowable ranges of in-service test quantities d. Test frequencies e. Allowable time for test result analysis f. Corrective action process and required forms g. Pressure measurement h. Rotating speeds measurement i. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE the in-service valve testing process to include the following activities: a. Valve replacement, repair, and maintenance b. Valve position indicator verification c. Valve testing requirements for Category A, B, C and D valves d. Establishing and measuring valve stroke times e. Valve testing requirements for equipment / systems out-of-service and returned to Establishing test frequencies associated with cold shutdown and refueling outage justification Objective Completed:

DESCRIBE immediate and remedial actions to be taken when pump and valve IST acceptance criteria and/or Technical Specification limits are exceeded. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE how the modification process interacts with the IST Program. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE findings and recommendations from recent assessments and inspections of the station’s IST Program. Objective Completed:
DESCRIBE recent/pending program revisions and upgrade activities for the station’s IST Program. Objective Completed:
Objective Completed:
DISCUSS IST cold shutdown testing for an outage. Objective Completed:
DISCUSS reviewing IST Refuel Outage scope. Objective Completed:
DISCUSS Relief Valve testing (scheduling). Objective Completed:
DISCUSS Check Valve (condition monitoring). Objective Completed:
Performance Objective Requirements
The trainee should demonstrate mastery of the activity (when performance is not possible, a simulation of the activity is permitted). In either instance, note the method used below. Successful completion of the performance objectives shall be determined by the Mentor’s assessment that the Trainee is capable of performing the task independently based on the Trainee: Locating and using applicable procedures and reference documents proficiently. Completing the task in a reasonable period of time. Requiring NO assistance to accomplish the task. Following engineering human performance fundamentals and core work practices (ALARA, STAR, Self Check, Peer Check, Procedural Adherence, Safety, Security, Configuration Control, Oral & Written Communications, FME).
WITNESS an IST pump test. (Recommend in the Control Room and at the pump). Objective Completed:
WITNESS an IST valve test. (Recommend in the Control Room and at the valve). Objective Completed:
Given an adverse pump trend, IDENTIFY the appropriate corrective actions and process a change to the pump reference values. Objective Completed:
Given an adverse valve trend, IDENTIFY the appropriate corrective actions and process a change to the valve reference values. Objective Completed:
PERFORM an IST surveillance procedure update. Objective Completed:
EVALUATE an IST component operability concern. Objective Completed:
Following an IST pump or valve test, UPDATE the IST database. Objective Completed:
Special Instructions


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