bicycle/pedestrian access between Nehalem Bay
State Park and the downtown area, including
In November, the Manzanita City Council adopted
bicycle parking facilities in the downtown area.
four major goals for 2012. Although these goals
are similar to the ones developed by the Council
last year, they have been refined to recognize what
already has been accomplished and what still
needs to be done. The following are the City
What should the City do with the fire station
building now that the police department is the only
occupant? What issues are there with on-street
parking in residential areas, and how do they
pursuing the following goals, the City of
differ in winter and summer? Given the needs for
Manzanita City Council is committed to informing
building new or updated road, water and storm
and listening to residents, second homeowners and
drainage facilities, what is the best way to pay for
businesses in identification of and solutions to
these necessary improvements? How do we deal
community issues. The Council invites and
with mandated improvements to City Hall?
development of City programs and services.
These are some of the questions the City Council
plans to address in the next few months. They
were identified during the Council's goal setting
utilizing City-owned buildings and determine the
workshops. The City is in the process of setting
long term location of City Administration and
up a series of town hall meetings to explain these
issues and seek ideas from the community on how
to deal with them. The first town hall workshop is
tentatively scheduled for mid-February, and
range and strategic planning process for capital
details on date, time and place will be provided on
improvements of the following components of
the City website and in the local newspapers as
Manzanita’s infrastructure (in priority order): a.
Storm drainage; b. Water lines; c. Street
improvements. Such process shall begin with
These town hall meetings are intended to provide
public education and input, and examination of
the Council with an opportunity to listen to
alternate sources of revenue to support capital
community concerns and ideas rather than to
explain one recommended course of action. Your
thoughts and advice are important. Residents,
second home owners and business owners are
residential parking needs and issues, and if
encouraged to participate in the town hall
necessary, develop an implementing ordinance for
map for visitors. However, residents and second
homeowners who don’t rent their homes are
encouraged to keep the same information readily
The City has been awarded a $50,000 Special City
available in their houses. Many local volunteers
Allotment grant by the Oregon Department of
spent a great deal of time compiling information to
Transportation to help cover the costs of
keep all of our residents and visitors safe during
improving Laneda Avenue between Highway 101
an emergency. The City encourages everyone to
and Division Street. The City plans to coordinate
keep this information handy in case a disaster
its efforts with the planned improvements to
Highway 101 between Manzanita Avenue and
Neahkahnie Creek now scheduled to be completed
You can download the information sheet and a
in 2013. This section of Laneda Avenue is
tsunami inundation map from the City website—
currently a County road, but the City is expected—or ask for one at City
to assume control and responsibility for the road
Hall. On the City website, go to Forms & Maps,
and then scroll down to Short Term Rental Packet
to find Emergency Information and Tsunami
While no specific design has been finalized, the
improvements are expected to be new pavement,
curbs and storm gutters, and a sidewalk on one
side. The City plans to work with adjacent
property owners and other public agencies over
the next several months to develop specific plans
for the improvements. These improvements will
be designed to match the improvements made to
Linda Kozlowski, Ray Scales, and Mike Scott
Laneda Avenue west of Division Street in 2004.
January 16, 2012 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Recent changes to short term rental regulations
require that each rental house have a list of
emergency information and a tsunami inundation
The City of Manzanita is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? The Manzanita City Council and staff are interested in your comments on City programs and issues. Please send us a note or use this form as you wish: City of Manzanita, PO Box 129, Manzanita, OR 97130-0129; fax to 1-503-368-4145; or email to: TO: MANZANITA CITY COUNCIL: Here is what I think about ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name
Curriculum Vitae First Name: Last Name: Marital Status: Married Address: Department of Internal Medicine, Nemazee Hospital, Shiraz, IR-Iran Medical School : Shiraz Uniersity of Medical Sciences Diplomat of American Board of Internal Medicine Diplomat of American Board of Endocrinology and Metabolism Professor of Medicine Publications: Pishdad GR, et al: The effect o
HOE OMGAAN MET SPIERPIJN EN TREMOREN Dit artikel vertrekt vanuit de ervaring van spierpijn en ker maakt om te rechtop te staan, om van een stoel op te tremoren (bevingen) die pALS ondervinden en uit vragen staan of te om te wandelen. Baclofen heeft gewoonlijk heel zoals het verschil tussen beide en hoe die best te behande-weinig bijeff ecten, terwijl tizanadine duizeligheid en een droge m