World Heart Day Dr.C.M.Bhagat Medical Director-Bhagat Hospital Pvt.Ltd. The relevance of Global world heart day is to spread the knowledge and
information about the prevention of heart diseases and the importance of early treatment which is of utmost importance to avoid sudden death because of heart attack. The causes of sudden Heart attack, apart from unchangeable genetic factors are presence of uncontrolled hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, lipid (cholesterol) disorders, smoking and unhealthy life style, wrong dietary habits and lack of exercise. Anyone with any of above factors should be vigilant about his cardiac threat and take adequate precautions.
World Heart Day (Spread LOVE - Save HEART)
Hear attack often comes with variety of presentation. The classical chest pain with radiation to left arm is only found and less than 50% of patients. The others presents with pain anywhere from jaw to epigastria with respiratory distress and excessive sweating. Symptoms are remarkably quite minimum in certain patients specially who are
diabetic. The cardiac system often increases with activity and relieve to some extent by rest. A high degree of suspicion particularly in those having above mention pre-disposing factor is a must to ensue earliest possible treatment. The treatment starts at home only where absolute rest / early call to ambulance or health care facility or urgent shifting of patient using all supports like wheel chair , lifts, self vehicle etc. with minimum need to walk, Over crowing should be avoided and open ventilated space should be provided. Earliest taking of blood thinning pills like, aspirin, clopidogrel and lipid lowering agents like statins along with coronary dilators like sorbitrate etc. is life saving in substantial number of patients. An urgent clinical monitoring ECG, Oxygen support and vital sign maintenance should be followed by cardiac enzymes studies (troponin – T, CPK MB, CRP etc.) and Echo Cardiography. In acute Heart attack cases urgent thrombolytic therapy or angiography with opening of cardiac
vessels by “stenting” has revolutionized the outcome and saved many lives. In selected cases coronary by pass graft (CABG) may be planned. To save lives from sudden heart attack the importance of a well equipped advance medical centre in neighbourhood can not be over emphasized. The centre should have a well equipped cardiac care unit, emergency lab. Services, cardiac cath Lab. (for urgent angiography, angioplasty) and a dedicated and experienced team of cardiologists with supporting medical and para medical staff. A knowledge of such centre in your “nighbourhood” is life saving since rushing to the far off centres in metropolitan traffic situation is too much life threatening and many precious life have been lost on road itself. On occasion of world heart day every body should pledge to spread basic heart car information, prevention and vigilance protocols and ensure the timely treatment, specially in 1st hour called as :golden Hour for heart.” The potential or known cardiac patients should strictly follow the medical dietry and exercise instructions and judicious use of other life styles support measures like Yoga, breathing exercise avoidance of smoking and high lipid diet. An alternate therapy for cardiac rehabilitation called as External Counter Pulsation (ECP) is now a days very popular and has helped many patients leading a normal life who could not afford cardiac by pass operations for various medical, social and economic reasons. “ The writer is Medical Director of Bhagat Chandra Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. – Bhagat Hospital situated at Janak Puri and Bhagat Chandra Hospital situated at Mahavir Enclave, New Delhi.”.
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