Does ‘imprinting’ with low prenatal vitamin d contribute to the risk of various adult disorders?
Medical Hypotheses (2001) 56(3), 367–371
doi: 10.1054/mehy.2000.1226, available online at on
Does ‘imprinting’ with low prenatal vitamin D contribute to the risk of various adult disorders? J. McGrath
Queensland Centre for Schizophrenia Research, Wolston Park Hospital, Wacol, Queensland, Australia
Hypovitaminosis D is a candidate risk-modifying factor for a diverse range of disorders apart from rickets
and osteoporosis. Based on epidemiology, and on in vitro and animal experiment, vitamin D has been linked tomultiple sclerosis, certain cancers (prostate, breast and colorectal), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus andschizophrenia. I hypothesise that low pre- and perinatal vitamin D levels imprint on the functional characteristics ofvarious tissues throughout the body, leaving the affected individual at increased risk of developing a range of adult-onset disorders. The hypothesis draws from recent advances in our understanding of the early origin of adult diseaseand proposes a ‘critical window’ during which vitamin D levels may have a persisting impact on adult health outcomes. Methods to test the hypothesis are outlined. If correct, the hypothesis has important implications for public health. Careful attention to maternal vitamin D status could translate into diverse improvements in health outcomes for thefollowing generation. 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd
imprinting may be mediated by clonal selection and
metabolic differentiation. Clonal selection may havelong-lasting effects if early nutritional or hormonal expo-
The hypothesis that environmental factors may ‘imprint’
sures differentially advantage certain cell lines: the more
on the fetus and contribute to adult health has been stim-
numerous facilitated daughter cells may have persisting
consequences for the adult organism. Imprinting may
Metabolic imprinting has two key features; (a) there is a
also operate by ‘metabolic differentiation’: the process of
critical window during fetal development or early life
cells acquiring a stable quantitative pattern of basal and
when the fetus is particularly sensitive to exposures; and
inducible gene expression. These mechanisms may relate
(b) the exposure leads to changes that persist throughout
to enzymes, hormones and their receptors and other
components of cellular molecular biology. Metabolic dif-
posed several mechanisms for metabolic imprinting.
ferentiation includes epigenetic mechanisms related to
Apart from induced variations in organ structure (e.g.
chromatin structure, DNA methylation, and autoregula-
vascularization and/or innervation during organogenesis)
and alterations in cell numbers (e.g. changes in neuronalcount/density after prenatal malnutrition), metabolic
Evidence linking vitamin D and various disorders is basedon in vitro, animal and ecological-level research. None of
Correspondence to: J. McGrath MBBS, PhD, FRANZCP, Queensland Centre
these features in isolation would be sufficient ‘proof’ that
for Schizophrenia Research, Wolston Park Hospital, Wacol, Queensland,
vitamin D is involved in causal pathways; however, the
Australia. Phone: +617 3271 8595; Fax: +617 2171 8567; E-mail:
coherence of the data suggests that low vitamin D is a
candidate risk-modifying factor for a range of diseases
Diseases that have urban excess include breast
other than rickets and osteoporosis. The table displays
some of the evidence linking vitamin D and diseases such
is also strongly linked to air pollution, a local factor
as multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, col-
that influences the availability of UVB. Colorectal
orectal cancer, insulin dependent diabetes and schizo-
phrenia. The epidemiological similarities between some
of these diseases have already been noted for prostate
Migrant studies. The offspring of dark-skinned
migrants to cold climates are prone to low vitamin
D. Those with dark skin require slightly longer
exposure to UVB in order to produce previtamin D,
disorders can be summarised under several headings:
and their behaviour (e.g. dress, outdoor activity,diet) may amplify the risk of hypovitaminosis D.
In vitro and animal experiments. Vitamin D can
Multiple sclerosis has a lower incidence in first
ameliorate the expression of animal models of
generation Asian migrants to the UK than second
generation migrants (those born in the UK)
Vitamin D can lead to increased differentiation in
schizophrenia in the second but not the first
Incidence/prevalence associations with latitude.
Oral Vitamin D intake. Apart from sunshine
Many diseases have gradients in incidence,
exposure, Vitamin D can be derived from certain
prevalence and outcome that are correlated with
foods in the diet, cod liver oil intake and vitamin
latitude. Latitude acts as a risk indicator (or proxy)
supplementation. Case-control and cohort studies
for the population distribution of serum vitamin D
have found links between low oral vitamin D intake
levels. A negative correlation between latitude and
and increased risk of prostate and colorectal cancer
disease incidence is found for disorders such as
Ultraviolet B radiation (UVB). The geographicaldistribution of several diseases has been linked to
While the incidence of rickets has declined markedly
measures related to the availability of UVB. This
over the last century, hypovitaminosis D is still relatively
exposure is strongly correlated with latitude and
A large US survey reported that 12% of women aged
associated with measures related to sunshine
20 to 39 (peak ages for child-bearing) had serum 25-
hydroxyvitamin D levels below the threshold defined for
are at risk of hypovitaminosis D because of the increased
needs of the fetus and the potential for these women to
schizophrenia birth rates have also been linked to
reduce their outdoor activity, leading to diminished sup-
Season of birth. The amount of ultraviolet radiation
I propose that low pre- and perinatal vitamin D ‘im-
fluctuates across the seasons such that individuals
prints’ on a range of tissues, leaving the affected individ-
born in winter and early spring tend to be exposed
ual at increased risk of developing a range of disorders
to lower levels of vitamin D than those born in
including osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer,
other months. Disorders that have an excess of
prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, insulin-dependent dia-
winter/spring births suggest that early life
betes mellitus and schizophrenia. The early life exposure
exposures to low vitamin D may be a risk-
contributes to risk status in addition to other factors such
modifying exposure. There is robust evidence from
as genetic susceptibility and adult exposures (including
hypovitaminosis during adult life). With respect to the
putative mechanisms of metabolic imprinting, it is pro-
similar but weaker evidence for multiple sclerosis
posed that vitamin D mediated alterations in neuronal
proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis
Urban-rural gradient. Urban residence is associated
may be implicated in schizophrenia. Vitamin D receptors
have been found in differentiating zones of the central
Medical Hypotheses (2001) 56(3), 367–371 Biological factors related to vitamin D Season of birth Urban-rural gradient Other risk indicators Migrant studies Epidemiological clues linking diseases to vitamin D and ultraviolet radiation Latitude Duration of sunshine
Evidence linking vitamin D and selected disorders
Medical Hypotheses (2001) 56(3), 367–371
If the hypothesis gains support then a randomized
controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation during
Factors related to clonal selection and metabolic differen-
pregnancy would be indicated; however, the assessment
tiation may be particularly important in the vitamin D
of outcomes would require several decades of observa-
related cancers (breast, prostate, colorectal), multiple scle-
tions. Animal experiments could examine the impact on
rosis and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
low prenatal vitamin D on a range of health outcomes;
This hypothesis gains biological plausibility from the
however, not all human diseases have robust animal
demonstration of persisting alterations in cellular respons-
models. The hypothesis also suggests new directions for
ivity and organ differentiation after early-life exposure to
genetic research: as the hypothesis implicates a prenatal
vitamin D deficiency, maternal genes related to vitamin D
Interestingly, low prenatal vitamin D has recently been
metabolism warrant consideration in addition to those of
implicated in the pathogenesis of syndrome ‘X’ (increased
insulin resistance, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, centralobesity, increased fibrinogen and increased risk of non-
that low prenatal vitamin D might contribute to low birth
Programs that aim to reduce the prevalence of hypovita-
weight and program aspects of pancreatic islet beta cell
minosis D in pregnant women could translate into a
function. These features would then amplify the con-
lower incidence of candidate disorders in their offspring.
sequences of adult hypovitaminosis, thus leading to in-
Just as folate supplementation has been shown to reduce
creased risk of syndrome ‘X’. A diverse range of evidence
suggests that low prenatal vitamin D is a candidate expo-
vitamin D status (diet, sunlight exposure) could reduce
sure for a range of adverse adult health outcomes.
the burden of a range of diseases. The population attrib-utable fraction of a particular disease that could be linkedto low prenatal vitamin D is not clear. In addition, the
specificity of the outcomes is weak. However, this feature
One could measure vitamin D levels in a large cohort of
is a distinct advantage from the public health perspective.
pregnant women, and then follow-up their offspring for
If an intervention designed to reduce one particular ex-
several decades in order to search for a dose-response
posure translates into reduced incidence of several com-
relationship (a biological gradient) between low Vitamin
mon disorders, then these exposures are deemed more
D and increased risk of the candidate disorders. If sera
from pregnant women and/or cord blood from their off-spring were ‘banked down’ during past decades, maternal
vitamin D levels and rates of candidate disorders in the
This project was supported by the Stanley Foundation
From an ecological perspective, ‘natural’ and oppor-
tunistic experiments that impact on Vitamin D may pro-
vide exposed and non-exposed cohorts for birthrate
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Der Einfluss der pharmazeutischen Industrie in der Medizin Jelinek G1 and Neate S: The influence of the pharmaceutical industry in medicine. Journal of Law and Medicine, Volume 17, Number 2, October 2009, 216.2 Pharmazeutische Unternehmen sind dafür bekannt zu den profitabelsten Unternehmen der Welt zu gehören. Die Akten von Rechtsfäl en sowie veröffentlichte Forschungsergebnisse ge