curriculum vitae

CONTACT ADDRESS: P.O BOX 928 00100 GPO NAIROBI Through teaching and research make progress within the academic community and be able to influence or formulate policy that will positively influence health care in Kenya. EDUCATION BACKGROUND:
UNIVERSITY: Tel Aviv University – certificate in neonatology 2002 University of Nairobi - M.MED(Peadiatrics and child health) WORK EXPERIENCE:
Department of Peadiatrics, University of Nairobi Paeadiatrician: Armed forces medical services Post graduate studies: University of Nairobi COURSES/ CONFERENCES/SEMINARS.
Workshop on updating the Immunisation manual for health Kenya peadiatrics association annual conference November 2004 – Mombasa. Presented paper ----- “Seldinafil (Viagra) in management of persistant pulmonary hypertention of the Kenya Peadiatrics association annual conference August 2003 – Mombasa. Presented paper “preliminary results of May – July 2002 – Neonatal medicine course Oct – Dec 2001 – Course in Kangaroo mother care – Kenya Peadiatric association , annual conference 1998 National conference on acute respiratory tract infections in children. Presented a paper on acute respiratory tract infections in children in Baringo district-- Kenya Peadiatric Association annual conference:1994 Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary Victoria falls - Zimbabwe 6th-10th April 1993 Congenital heart disease in developing countries: Escorts heart institute Delhi-India 10th--17th Course in paliative care for health professionals: Nairobi hospice 16th--20th march 1992 KNH. Publications (1)
Knowledge attitudes and practices of mothers regarding acute respiratory infections in children Mortality and morbidity of new borns admitted to Morbidity and mortality of LBW infants in relation J. Obstet & Gynecol of East & C. Africa Neonatal sepsis and premature rupture of J. Obstet & Gynecol of East & C. Africa (6) Morbidity and mortality of low birth weight infants East Afr. Med. J. July 2004 : 81:367-374 C. Yuko – Jowi, D.E. Simiyu and R. Musoke Neonatal septicaemia in low birth weight infants at Past activities
Health education radio programme for child health. General service, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation In charge income generating activities department Visiting Peadiatrician AMREF for specialist outreach programme Kenya & Tanzania 1992 – Current activities
Lecturer in Paediatrics/Neonatology for both under graduate and postgraduate students – University of In charge mortality reviews & post mortem CO- Curricular activities - Voluntary health worker – cerebral palsy society of
Papers submitted for publication awaiting review
Preliminary results of Kangaroo Mother Care at Sildenafil (viagra) in management of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the new born: Report of two cases. Current research activities
Operational research on empowering mothers in promotion of health for themselves and their babies through participatory Randomised/ controlled clinical trial of Kangaroo mother care Prospective study on some aspects of large for gestational age infants at KNH – supervisor for a post graduate student thesis. Prospective study on bacterial infections in infants admitted to Supervisor for a post graduate student thesis. Prevalance of Helicobacter pylori in children less than 3 years - Supervisor for a post graduate student thesis. Awaiting promised funding for an approved study on “simple method to administer continous positive airways pressure (CPAP) in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome in Future Activities -
Pursue further training in new born medicine both clinical and research relevant to Africa. Prepare and conduct research on Rubella infection Societies


World heart day[2]

Avoid sudden death because of heart attack World Heart Day Dr.C.M.Bhagat Medical Director-Bhagat Hospital Pvt.Ltd. The relevance of Global world heart day is to spread the knowledge and information about the prevention of heart diseases and the importance of early treatment which is of utmost importance to avoid sudden death because of heart attack. The causes of sudden

Prévention du cancer de la prostate : un réel espoir… Une équipe américaine vient pour la première fois de montrer la possibilité de réellement prévenir le cancer de la prostate. Avec une baisse de 25% du nombre de cancers après 7 ans de traitement par le finasteride, c’est une avancée très stimulante. Avec 10 000 morts par an dans notre pays, avec aussi 220 000 nouveaux cas

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