Acta neurol. belg., 2007, 107, 47-50 Catatonia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome : two sides of a coin ?
Dept. of Neurology, University Hospital Gent, Gent, Belgium
in mood disorders (especially mania) (Taylorand Fink, 2001 ; Peralta et al., 1997). A major point
Catatonia was first described by Kahlbaum in 1874.Ever since, the concept of catatonia has been the focus
in the discussion is the nosological status of catato-
of debate, a major point of discussion being its nosolog-
nia ; is it to be considered an aspecific syndrome
ical status. The question rises whether it is to be consid-
with a panoply of possible clinical signs and symp-
ered a syndrome with a wide variety of causes and clin-
toms (Table 1) or is it a separate entity for which
ical signs or a distinct clinical entity. Since catatonia
proper diagnostic criteria should be developed, as
shares a number of symptoms with the neuroleptic
suggested by Taylor and Fink (2003) (Table 2). malignant syndrome (NMS) and similar treatments can
Since the introduction of neuroleptics, the inci-
be used in both conditions, it has also been suggested
dence of catatonia has decreased significantly
that NMS and catatonia are two variants of the same
(Northoff, 1997). However, it became clear that
disorder. In this article we describe five cases of catato-
administration of neuroleptics could eventually
nia and NMS in order to approach this nosological ques-
lead to catatonia-like symptoms (Bush et al.,
tion. The clinical similarity between both syndromes isdemonstrated in our cases. On the level of pathophysiol-
1996), as is the case in neuroleptic malignant
ogy however, catatonia and NMS are quite different,
syndrome (NMS). NMS shares with catatonia a
with catatonia rather being a cortical psychomotor
number of symptoms e.g. immobility, rigidity and
syndrome and NMS a subcortical motor disorder.
stupor (Koch et al., 2000). Moreover, treatment
Similarities can be explained by means of well-known
strategies applied to catatonic patients may also be
models of basal ganglia function. The nosological prob-
beneficial to NMS patients. Therefore, some have
lem, however, can only be resolved when the concept of
suggested that NMS and catatonia are variants of
the same disorder (Fink and Taylor, 2001). Key words : Catatonia ; neuroleptic malignant syn-
We will report on five cases of catatonia and
drome ; neuroleptics ; benzodiazepines ; fronto-
NMS and discuss the issue of classification of both
Case reports Introduction
The concept of catatonia, literally meaning “to
stretch tight”, goes back to the original description
This 55-year old man sustained a severe trau-
by Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum in 1874. In his mono-
matic brain injury. He was in a coma for one week
graph Kahlbaum characterized catatonia as a motor
after which he was left with an organic brain syn-
disorder representing a phase in an illness that pro-
drome. Due to a severe behavioral disorder treat-
gresses from mania, depression and psychosis to a
ment with multiple neuroleptics was necessary.
final end stage of dementia (Kahlbaum, 1974 ; Fink
One year after his head injury he came to the
and Taylor, 2001). Due to the ideas raised by
emergency room for an erysipelas for which antibi-
Kraepelin and Bleuler, the concept of catatonia was
otic treatment was started. At that moment he was
embedded into the classification of schizophrenia
treated with risperdone and pimozide. On admis-
(Pfuhlmann and Stöber, 2001). Although numerous
sion he did not respond adequately, was extremely
authors raised arguments against this view, the idea
apathetic and his consciousness was found to be
of catatonia as a subtype of schizophrenia persisted
decreased. Generalised muscular rigidity was
throughout the 20th century and was adopted in all
found, as well as elevated body temperature. Levels
DSM versions, including DSM-IV. Nevertheless,
of creatin kinase were also raised, supporting a
apart from its association with psychotic disorders,
diagnosis of neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
catatonia has been described in general medical
Neuro-imaging demonstrated aspecific and mild
conditions (medical catatonia), and most frequently
akinesia, bradykinesia, hypokinesie, hyperkinesias, rigidity, Negativism, posturing, grimacing, stereotypies, psychosis, maniccatalepsy, gegenhalten, paratonia, primitive reflexes, persevera- behaviour, agitation, withdrawal, regression, mannerisms, rituals,tions, impulsivity, tics
utilization behaviour, imitation behaviour, echopraxia, automaticobedience
Proposed diagnostic criteria for catatonia, as proposed by Fink and Taylor (2003)
A. Immobility, mutism, or stupor of at least 1 hour’s duration,
B. In the absence of immobility, mutism, or stupor, at least two
associated with at least one of the following :
observed or elicited on two or more occasions.
– automatic obedience– posturing– negativism– gegenhalten– ambitendencyobserved or elicited on two or more occasions
Neuroleptic treatment was stopped and a treatment
treatment by means of doxycyclin. The patient
regimen with 10 mg t.i.d. bromocriptine, 100 mg
recovered over a period of three weeks.
t.i.d. dantrolene and 2 mg clonazepam IV was start-ed. The creatin kinase level normalized and the
clinical image improved gradually over a period oftwo of weeks. The patient was transferred to apsychiatric ward. The ultimate diagnosis was
A 49-year old woman with a previous history
neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a patient with
of alcohol abuse and depressive episodes was
admitted for investigation of subacute dementia.
The clinical picture consisted of bradyphrenia
and hypokinesia, a fine tremor of the upper limbs,decreased facial expression, disinhibited primitive
A 35-year-old man with known bipolar disorder
reflexes, diminished attention and memory.
was admitted to the intensive care unit for
Perseverations, neologisms, stereotypies and echo-
auto-intoxication with alprazolam, paroxetine and
ing were notably present. Comprehension could
lithium. The episode was complicated by renal
insufficiency, aspiration pneumonia, development
Serum tests did not show any abnormality.
of pressure wounds, bruises and rib fractures. After
Investigation for infectious and auto-immune caus-
recovery he was admitted to the psychiatric ward
es remained negative. The CSF did not show signs
where an episode of psychotic depression was
of central nervous system inflammation. Magnetic
diagnosed. He was treated with haloperidol, which
resonance imaging of the brain was normal, as well
was switched to risperidone later on.
as the evaluation of cerebral blood flow by means
One month after his suicide attempt he was
of SPECT-scan. The EEG showed an increase of
admitted to the neurological ward with progressive
slow wave activity. Screening for paraneoplastic
dyspnoea, a slight cough, swallowing problems and
disorders also remained negative, except for some
apathy. On clinical examination a bilateral marked
aspecific sequellar micronodules in the lungs and
cogwheel rigidity, especially at the upper limbs,
2 biliar cysts in the liver, as seen on CT.
was found as well as additional axial rigidity. He
In the absence of any clear organic cause this
also had little facial expression, a bulbar dysarthria
picture was diagnosed as a catatonic episode prob-
with marked salivation and swallowing problems.
ably due to an underlying psychotic depression. A
Imaging of the brain was normal. Levels of creatin
treatment with 4 mg q.i.d. intravenously lorazepam
kinase were elevated (1100 U/L). The diagnosis of
was rapidly successful and the patient was trans-
neuroleptic malignant syndrome was made. His
ferred to the psychiatric ward. The diagnosis of
neuroleptic treatment was stopped and 10 mg t.i.d.
psychotic depression was confirmed. She was
bromocriptine, 100 mg t.i.d. dantrolen and 1 mg
treated with an SSRI and is doing well since. The
t.i.d. lorazepam were started, along with antibiotic
original hypothesis of dementia was not retained.
This 66-year old woman had a previous history
Three out of our 5 presented patients suffered
of recurrent depressive episodes and psychosis, for
from NMS, while two were diagnosed as catatonic,
which she had been treated with electro-convulsive
in one patient there were arguments for both albeit
therapy. She was admitted to a psychiatric ward
in a sequence of events. As is clear from these
because of paranoid delusions, and a treatment
cases, there are many similarities between NMS
with neuroleptics was started. She developed swal-
and catatonia. On a symptomatic level, both condi-
lowing problems and shortly thereafter a pneumo-
tions share the occurrence of specific symptoms
nia was diagnosed. As her consciousness deterio-
like akinesia, muscle rigidity, stupor and mutism.
rated and respiratory parameters worsened she was
Clinical similarities between catatonia and NMS
temporarily admitted to the intensive care ward. At
have also been confirmed by Koch et al. (2000),
that time a generalised increase of muscle tone with
who found that most of their patients meeting
cogwheel rigidity and hypokinesia was noted.
criteria for NMS, simultaneously met clinical
Based on this clinical picture and the elevated
and research criteria for catatonia. On the other
serum levels of creatin kinase a diagnosis of neuro-
hand, there are also clear differences. Behavioral
leptic malignant syndrome was suspected.
symptoms are more prominent in catatonia, but
She was also treated with 4 mg q.i.d. intra-
symptoms of autonomic dysfunction are character-
venously lorazepam and the clinical picture cleared
in three weeks. The patient remained emotionally
NMS and catatonia also share similarities in
unstable, with crying fits, and showed a very
treatment strategies. As was demonstrated in our
negativistic attitude as well as bizarre somatoform
case reports, benzodiazepines are considered
delusions. She was transferred to the psychiatric
standard therapy in both conditions. In the NMS,
ward for further treatment. The final diagnosis was
dantrolene and dopamine receptor agonists are also
NMS and catatonia due to psychotic depression.
useful. In resistant cases, electroconvulsive therapyis shown to be effective in both conditions (Koch etal., 2000). Most cases of NMS and catatonia are
now readily treatable, if adequately recognized.
In an excellent review on the subject of NMS
A 67-year old woman, known with a history of
and catatonia, Northoff (2002) proposes an inter-
psychosis and alcohol and benzodiazepine abuse,
esting hypothesis explaining both the similarities
was admitted to the neurology department because
and the differences between both entities. The pre-
of motor and cognitive deterioration. On clinical
sented evidence from functional neuro-imaging,
testing generalized muscle rigidity, diminished
neurophysiology, neurochemical and neurophar-
reflexes, mutism and negativistic behaviour were
macological data, converges to a model of predom-
inant cortical dysfunction in catatonia, which is
thus to be regarded as a cortical “psychomotor syn-
except for a cortico-subcortical atrophy and some
drome”, while NMS is to be considered a subcorti-
aspecific white matter changes. Based on the histo-
cal “motor disorder”. The predominant areas of
ry taking a diagnosis of progressive dementia was
functional disturbance in catatonia are supposed to
suspected and the hypothesis of dementia with
be the medial orbitofrontal cortex and the posterior
parietal cortex. The former is specifically involved
After a ten days treatment with diazepam,
in affective and behavioral symptoms, while the
risperidone and rivastigmine the patient’s situation
latter is involved in spatial characteristics of move-
improved substantially with increase of verbal out-
ment, and hence perhaps in adequate termination of
put and better cooperation. A brief episode of pul-
ongoing movements. The focus of dysfunction in
monary infection induced a recurrence of the same
NMS is supposed to be the striatum, especially the
symptomatology and the diagnosis of catatonia was
posterior part, involved in initiation of movements,
made based on the presence of negativism, mutism,
and to a lesser extent the ventral and anterior parts
rigidity, hypokinesia and oppositional behaviour.
of the striatum, involved in cognitive and behav-
Because of this catatonic picture, she was treated
ioral control. Moreover, in catatonia a functional
with lorazepam IV and additionally with amytripti-
down-regulation of the cortical GABA system was
line, levodopa. The clinical signs improved gradu-
found, especially in the right posterior parietal
ally although episodes of oppositional behaviour
cortex, and the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex
persisted and stereotypic movements occurred.
(Northoff et al., 1999), while in NMS a predomi-
The final diagnosis was a primary degenerative
nance of dopaminergic dysfunction in the striatum
dementia, most probably dementia with lewy
is suspected. This is reflected in the treatment
bodies, accompanied by catatonia, which could be
considered inherent to the clinical picture although
illustrates and underscores the problem of the
nosological status of catatonia. The well-know
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