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des Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie im Zentrum für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie von 1991 - 2013

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Koch K, Drewelow B, Liebe S, Reding R, Riethling AK. Die Pankreasgängigkeit von Antibio-tika. Chirurg 1991;62:317-322 Drewelow B, Koch K, Riethling AK, Liebe S. Pharmacokinetic behaviour of antibacterial agents in pancreatic tissue and juice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 1991;343:21 Drewelow B, Hudemann B, Gottschling U, Pußkeiler M, Riethling AK. Untersuchungen zur Resorption von Neomycin bei nierentransplantierten Patienten. Mikroökologie 1991;12:13-14 Drewelow B, Koch K, Liebe S. Die Penetration von Cefotiam in das Pankreas des Menschen. Wiss Zschr Univ Rostock, N-Reihe 1991;40:1-8 Hehl EM, Riethling AK, Kalina C, Balogh A, Hoffmann A. Theophyllin dose-concentration-relationships in the Jena and Rostock regions. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 1992;30:500-501 Hehl EM, Schmidt J, Riethling AK, Hellrung W. Improved cure results in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by Theophylline TDM. Klin Pharmakol akt 1992;3. 142 Wacke R, Riethling AK, Drewelow B, Bast R, Nizze H. Reliability of the cyclosporin A trough level in the first 14 days after renal transplantation. Klin Pharmakol akt 1992;3:43-45 Bastrop R, Jürss K, Wacke R. Diochemical parameters as a measure of food availability and growth in immature rainbow trout. Physiology 1992;102:151-61 Drewelow B, Koch K, Brinckmann W, Putzke P, Stumper C, Stumper S, Kinast R. Antibiotic penetration in necrotizing pancreatitis. Int J Exper Clin Chemother 1992;5:141-148 10. Bast R, Wacke R, Sponholz F, Riethling AK, Templin R, Nizze H. Therapie mit Cyclospiron A bei Patienten nach Nierentransplantation. MMW 1992;134:264-266 11. Wacke R, Drewelow B, Hehl EM, Riethling AK. Measurement Cyclosporin A in whole blood by RIA, EMIT and FPIA-a comparative study. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 1992;30:502-503 12. Drewelow B, Koch K, Franke A, Kinast R, Otto C, Riethling AK. Distribution of quinolones and ß-lactam-antibiotics into necrotic areas in severe acute pancreatitis. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 1992;345:20 13. Drewelow B, Koch K, Hehl EM, Riethling AK. Penetration of antibiotics into pancreatic juice and tissue. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 1992;30:494 14. Drewelow B, Koch K, Otto C, Franke A, Riethling AK. Ceftazidime penetration into human 15. Koch K, Drewelow B. Die Pankreaspenetration von Ofloxacin-eine Pilotstudie. Z Gastroenterol 16. Höhl W, Stahl B, Mundkowski R, Hofmann U, Meese CO, Kuhlmann U, Schlegel W. Mass determination of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase from human placenta and kinetic studies with (5Z, 8E, 10E, 12S)-heptadecatrienoic acid as substrate. Eur J Biochem 1993;214:67-73 17. El Desoky E, Meinshausen J, Böhl K, Engel G, Harings-Kaim A, Drewelow B, Klotz U. Gene- ration of pharmacokinetic data during routine therapeutic drug monitoring:Bayesian approach vs. pharmacokinetic studies. Ther Drug Monit 1993;15:281-288 18. Koch K, Drewelow B, Hehl EM, Böhringer H, Brinckmann W. Untersuchungen zur Pankreas- gängigkeit von Piperacillin. Z Antimikr Antineopl Chemother 1993;11:21-26 19. Stange J, Mitzner S, Strauss M, Holz M, Drewelow B, Fischer U, Lindemann S, Schaffer I, Schmidt R. Comparision of encapsulated primary isolated and established hepatocytes for their applicability as liver replacement. Int J Artif Organs 1993;17:488 20. Wacke R, Fischer U, Ahrend J, Drewelow B. Interactions of verapamil and cimetidine in rat liver microsomes. Lechner, M.C.:Cytochrome P450 Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology John Libbey Eurotext, Paris;1994;809-812 21. Hehl EM, Drewelow B. Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring von Aminoglykosiden. 19. Sympo- sium der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Pharmakologie Teil I:Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring, Blackwell-MZV, Wien;1994;117-128 22. Drewelow B, Matrisch W, Fischer U, Rohde B, Adam U, Koch K. Penetration of clindamycin into the pancreas. Antiinf Drugs Chemother 1995;13:209-214 23. Stange J, Mitzner S, Strauß M, Fischer U, Lindemann S, Peters E, Holtz M, Drewelow B, Schmidt R:Primary or established liver cells for a hybrid liver? Comparison of metabolic fea-tures. J Am Soc Artif Organ 1995;13:M 310-315 24. von Keyserlingk J, Beck R, Fischer U, Drewelow B, Guthoff R. Einsatz von Ofloxacin zur perioperativen Infektionsprophylaxe. Klin Monatsbl Augenh 1995;206:18-19 25. Drewelow B, Riethling AK. Weiterbildungslehrgang „Antibiotikatherapie” in Rostock. J 26. Fischer U, Wacke R, Stange J, Nitschke FP, Adam U, Drewelow B. Rapid HPLC assay for verapamil and its metabolites:use for application to in vitro studies. Pharmazie 1996;51:220-223 27. Drewelow B, Möws V, Wosniak R. Behandlung von Atemwegsinfektionen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. J Kassenärztliche Vereinigung MV 1996;5:14-15 28. Drewelow B, Möws V. Pharmakoökonomische Aspekte der Antibiotikabehandlung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Expertengesprächs. J Kassenärztliche Vereinigung MV 1996;5:28-29 29. Drewelow B, Möws V, Wosniak R. Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit in der Pharmakotherapie. J Kassenärztliche Vereinigung MV 1996;5:29-30 30. Rohde B, Werner U, Hickstein H, Ehmcke H, Drewelow B. Pharmacokinetics of mezlocillin and sulbactam under continuous veno-venous hemodialysis (CVVHD) in intensive care pa-tients with acute renal failure. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1997;53:111-115 31. von Keyserlingk J, Beck R, Fischer U, Hehl EM, Guthoff R, Drewelow B. Penetration of cipro- floxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin into the aqueous humour of patients by different topical ap-plication modes. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1997;53:251-255 32. Fischer U, Rohde B, Wacke R, Stange J, Nitschke FP, Adam U, Drewelow B. Prediction of in vivo drug interaction from in vitro systems exemplified by interaction between verapamil and cimetidine using human liver microsomes and primary hepatocytes. J Clin Pharmacol 1997;37:1150-1159 33. Wacke R, Kirchner A, Prall F, Nizze H, Schmidt W, Fischer U, Nitschke FP, Adam U, Fritz P, Belloc C, Drewelow B. Up-regulation of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2C9 and 2E1 in chronic pan-creatitis. Pancreas 1998;16:521-528 34. Riethling AK, Brahmstaedt U, Schmidt R, Freitag B, Keysser M. Intensivierte Erfassung erns- ter unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen, die zur Aufnahme in Rostocker Kliniken geführt haben-ein Pilotprojekt des Bundesinstituts für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte. Ärztebl M-V 1998;12:494-499 35. Luthard K, Beck R, Hehl EM, Kundt G, Guthoff R, Drewelow B. Hornhautpenetration ver- schiedener Aminoglykoside und Chinolone. Klin Monatsbl Augenh 1998;213:141-146 36. Hippius M, Sicker T, Hoffmann A, Hasford J, Schneeweiss S, Göttler M, Swoboda W, Rie- thling AK, Brahmstedt U, Krappweis J, Schwarz U. Regionalized pharmacovigilance in Ger-many-registration of adverse drug reactions. Bratisl Med Lett 1998;99:34-35 37. Ruf A, Mundkowski R, Siegle I, Hofmann U, Patschke H, Meese CO. Characterization of the thromboxane synthase pathway product 12-oxoheptadeca-5(Z)-8(E)-10(E)-trienoic acid as a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist with minimal intrinsic activity. Brit J Haematol 1998;101:59-65 38. Hehl EM, Beck R, Luthard K, Guthoff R, Drewelow B. Improved penetration of aminoglycosi- des and fluoroquinolones into the aqueous humour of patients by means of Acuvue contact len-ses. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1999;55:317-323 39. Beck R, von Keyserlingk J, Fischer U, Guthoff R, Drewelow B. Penetration of ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin into the aqueous humor using different topical application modes. Graef Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1999;237:89-92 40. Riethling AK, Gordalla P, Brahmstedt U, Göttler J, Schmidt R, Keysser M. 1997 und 1998 in Rostocker Kliniken für Innere Medizin registrierte unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW) am Herz-Kreislaufsystem. Nieren Hochdruck 1999;28:287-288 41. Guengerich FP, Mundkowski RG, Voehler M, Kadlubar FF. Formation and Reactions of N7- Aminoguanosine and Derivatives. Chem Res Toxicol 1999;12:906-916 42. Mueller SC, Henkel KO, Neumann J, Hehl EM, Gundlach K, Drewelow B. Perioperative anti- biotic prophylaxis in maxillofacial surgery:penetration of clindamycin into various tissues. J Cranio Maxill Surg 1999;27:172-176 43. Gillam EMJ, Aguinaldo AMA, Notley LM, Kim D, Mundkowski RG, Volkow AA, Arnold FH, Soucek P, DeVoss JJ, Guengerich FP. Formation of indigo by recombinant mammalian cytochrome P450. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1999;265:469-472 44. Mueller SC, Henkel KO, Hehl EM, Neumann K, Gundlach B, Drewelow B. Perioperative anti- biotic prophylaxis in maxillofacial surgery:distribution of clindamycin into various tissues. J Cranio Maxill Surg 1999;27:172-176 45. Wacke R, Rohde B, Engel G, Kundt G, Hehl EM, Bast R, Seiter H, Drewelow B. Comparison of several approaches of therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporine A based on individual pharmacokinetics. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2000;56:43-48 46. Henkel KO, Mueller SC, Hehl EM, Härtel J, Drewelow B. Penetration von Clindamycin zur perioperativen Prophylaxe bei intraoralen Eingriffen. Die Quintessenz 2000;51:1135-1141 47. Sperker B, Werner U, Mürdter TE, Tekkaya C, Fritz P, Wacke R, Adam U, Gerken M, Drewelow B, Kroemer HK. Expression and function of ß-glucuronidase in healthy pancreas, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer:Potential role in drug targeting. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2000;362:110-115 48. Uehleke B, Steinhoff B. Self-medication in Germany. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001;39:484- 49. Hehl EM. Opinion on the use of the antitumor drug trastzumab (Herceptin) in patients with metastasic breast cancer in the county Meckelnburg-Vorpommern. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001;39:503-506 50. Graefe EU, Wittig J, Mueller S, Riethling AK, Drewelow B, Pforte H, Jacobasch G, Derendorf H, Veit M. Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of quercetin glycosides in humans. J Clin Pharmacol 2001;41:492-499 51. Majcher-Peszynska J, Peszynski P, Müller SC, Klammt S, Wacke R, Mitzner S, Stange J, Mundkowski R, Hehl EM, Schmidt R, Drewelow B. Drugs in liver disease and during albumin dialysis-MARS. Z Gastroenterologie 2001;39:33-35 52. Wacke R, Drewelow B, Kundt G, Hehl EM, Bast R, Seiter H:Cyclosporine A. peak or trough level monitoring in renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc 2001;33:3122-3123 53. Wigger M, Drückler E, Muscheites J, Stolpe HJ, Kundt G, Wacke R. Cyclosporine peak con- centration in relation to four-hour absorption phase in pediatric renal graft recipients. Trans-plant Proc 2001;33:3126-3127 54. Werner U, Werner D, Mundkowski RG, Gilich M, Brune K. Selektive and rapid liquid chroma- tography-mass spectrometry method for the quantification of rofecoxib in pharmacokinetic studies with humans. J Chromatogr 2001;B 760:83-90 55. Marsch GA, Mundkowski RG, Morris JB, Manier ML, Hartmann KM, Guengrich FP. Charac- terization of nucleoside and DNA adducts formed by S- (1-acetoxymethyl) glutathione and im-plications for dihalomethanes-glutathione conjugates. Chem Res Toxicol 2001;14:600-608 56. Adam U, Herms S, Werner U, Strubelt H, Makowiec F, Hopt UT, Drewelow B. The penetra- tion of ciprofloxacin into human pancreatic and peripancreatic necroses in acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Infection 2001;29:326-331 57. Schneeweiss S, Göttler M, Hasford J, Swoboda W, Hippius M, Hoffmann A, Riethling AK, Krappweis J. First results from an intensified monitoring system to estimate drug related hospi-tal admissions. J Clin Pharmacol 2001;52, 196-200 58. Mueller SC, Majcher-Peszynska J, Hickstein H, Francke A, Pertschy A, Schulz M, Mundkow- ski R, Drewelow B. Pharmacokinetics of Piperacillin-Tazobactam in Anuric Intensive Care Pa-tients during Continuous Venovenous Hemodialysis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2002;46:1557-1560 59. Halle E, Majcher-Peszynska J, Drewelow B. Linezolid. Das erste Antibiotikum aus der Klasse der Oxazolidinone:Mikrobiologie und Pharmakologie. Chemotherapie Journal 2002;11:1-11 60. Klammt S, Mitzner S, Peszynski P, Stange J. Extracorporale Leberunterstützung durch Albu- mindialyse. Die gelben Hefte 2002;42:147-158 61. Klammt S, Stange J, Mitzner S, Peszynski P, Peters E, Liebe S. Extracorporeal liver support by recirculating albumin dialysis:analysing the effect of the first clinically used generation of the MARSystem. Liver 2002;22:30-34 62. Kuse ER, Kotzerke J, Müller S, Nashan B, Lück R, Jaeger K. Hepatic reticuloendothelial func- tion during parenteral nutrition including an MCT/LCT or LCT emulsion after liver transplan-tation-a double-blind study. Transpl Int 2002;15:272-277 63. Peszynski P, Klammt S, Peters E, Mitzner S, Stange J, Schmidt R. Albumin dialysis:single pass vs. recirculation (MARS). Liver 2002;22:40-42 64. Heemann U, Treichel U, Loock J, Philipp T, Gerken G, Malago M, Klammt S, Lohr JM, Liebe S, Mitzner S, Schmidt R, Stange J. Albumin dialysis in cirrhosis with superimposed acute liver injury:A prospective, controlled study. Hepatology 2002;36:946-958 65. Wigger M, Armstrong VW, Shipkova M, Wacke R, Nizze H, Streit F, von Ahsen N, Mus- cheites J, Glasenapp S, Stolpe HJ, Oellerich M. Atypical pharmacokinetics and metabolkism of mycophenolic acid in a young kidney transplant recipient with impaired renal function. Ther Drug Monit 2002;24:438-443 66. Pietzsch M, Theuer S, Haase G, Plath F, Keyser M, Riethling AK. Results of systematic screening for serious gastrointestinal bleeding associated with NSAIDs in Rostock hospitals. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002;40:111-115 67. Schneeweiss J, Hasford J, Göttler M, Hoffmann AM, Riethling AK, Avorn J. Admissions caused by adverse drug events to internal medicine and emergency departments in hospitals:a longitudinal population-based study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2002;58:285-291 68. Haase G, Pietzsch M, Fähnrich A, Voss W, Riethling AK. Results of a systematic adverse drug reaction (ADR)-sreening concerning bradycardia causing by drug interactions in departments of internal medicine in Rostock. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002;40:116-119 69. Werner U, Werner D, Pahl A, Mundkowski R, Gillich M, Brune K. Investigation of the phar- macokinetics of celecoxib by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr 2002;16:56-60 70. Heemann U, Treichel U, Loock J, Philipp T, Gerken G, Malago M, Klammt S, Loehr M, Liebe S, Mitzner S, Rodes J. Albumin dialysis in cirrhosis with superimposed acute liver injury. A prospective, controlled study. Hepatology 2002;36:949-958 71. Mitzner S, Loock J, Peszynski P, Klammt S, Majcher-Peszynska J, Gramowski A, Stange J, Schmidt R. Improvement in central nervous system functions during treatment of liver failure with albumin dialysis MARS-a review of clinical, biochemical, and electrophysiological data. Metab Brain Dis 2002;17:463-475 72. Wigger M, Drückler E, Muscheites J, Stolpe HJ, Kundt G, Wacke R. Comparison of cyclospor- ine absorption profiles over a 12-month period in stable pediatric renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc 2003;35:1300-1303 73. Wacke R, Park S, Mundkowski R, Block N, Kuhn-Thiel A, Drewelow B. The penetration of Moxifloxacin into the pancreas of male rats in experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Chemotherapy 2003;49:167-171 74. Klotz U, Beil W, Gleiter C, Drewelow B, Garbe E, Gillessen A, Mutschler E. Arzneimittelin- teraktionen-Mechanismen und klinische Bedeutung. Internist 2003;44:1444-1449 75. Mitzner S, Klammt S, Peszynski P, Stange J, Schmidt R. Einsatz des Leberunterstützungsver- fahrens MARS in der Therapie von Patienten mit Leberversagen. Verdauungskrankheiten 2003;21:16-24 76. Mueller SC, Uehleke B, Woehling H, Petzsch M, Majcher-Pezsynska J, Hehl EM, Sievers H, Frank B, Riethling AK, Drewelow B. Effect of St. John`s wort dose and preparations on the pharmacokinetics of digitoxin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2004;75:546-557 77. Schaarschmidt T, Merkord J, Kunert-Keil S, Sperker B, Schroeder E, Adam U, Drewelow B, Wacke R. Expression of multidrug resistance proteins in rat and human chronic pancreatitis. Pancreas 2004;28:45-52 78. Wittemer S, Ploch M, Windeck T, Müller S, Drewelow B, Derendorf H, Veit M. Biovailability and pharmacokinetics of caffeonyquinic acids and flavonoids in humans after oral administra-tion of Artichoke leaf extracts in humans. Phytomedicine 2004;12:28-38 79. Majcher-Pezsynska J, Drewelow B. Gewebepenetration von Linezolid. Linezolid:Neue Daten nach Einführung in die Klinik, 2004, 1. Aufl., 35-70 80. Kohlen K, Haase G, Drewelow B. Codein-bedingte Pankreatitis-ein Fallbericht. Dtsch Med 81. Burkhardt O, Majcher-Peszynska J, Borner K, Mundkowski R, Drewelow B, Derendorf H, Welte T. Penetration of Ertapenem Into Different Pulmonary Compartments of Patients Under-going Lung Surgery. J Clin Pharmacol 2005;45:659-665 82. Majcher-Peszynska J, Drewelow B. Der diabetische Fuß:Worauf kommt es bei der Auswahl des Antibiotikums an?. Klinikarzt 2005;34:14-15 83. Mitzner S, Klammt S, Stange J, Nöldge-Schomburg GFE, Schmidt R. Extrakorporale Blutrei- nigung im schweren Leberversagen mit der Albumindialyse MARS®-Einfluss auf intensivme-dizinisch relevante Parameter. Anästhesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 2005;40:199-206 84. Wittemer S M, Ploch M, Windeck T, Müller SC, Drewelow B, Derendorf H, Veit M. Bioavai- lability and pharmacokinetics of caffeoylquinic acids and flavonoids after oral administration of Artichoke leaf extracts in humans. Phytomedicine 2005;12:28-38 85. Mueller S, Majcher-Peszynska J, Uehleke B, Klammt S, Mundkowski R, Miekisch W, Sievers H, Bauer S, Frank B, Kundt G, Drewelow B. The extent of induction of CYP3A by St. John’s wort varies among products and is linked to hyperforin dose. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2006;62:29-36 86. Madabushi R, Frank B, Drewelow B, Derendorf H, Butterweck V. Hyperforin in St. John’s wort drug interactions. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2006;62:225-33 87. Mundkowski RG, Majcher-Peszynska J, Burkhardt O, Welte T, Drewelow B. A new simple HPLC assay fort he quantification of ertapenem in human plasma, lung tissue, and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid. Jchromb. B 2006;832:231-35 88. Wacke R, Kundt G, Gock M, Klar E, Drewelow B, Schareck W. Pharmacokinetic profiling of cyclosporine microemulsion during the first 3 weeks after simultaneous pancreas-kidney trans-plantation. Transplant Proc 2006;38:751-2 89. Wacke R, Foerster S, Adam U, Mundkowski R, Klar E, Hopt U, Drewelow B. The Penetration of Moxifloxacin into the Human Pancreas Following a Single Intravenous or Oral Dose. Jour-nal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2006, 90. Thürmann PA, Haack S, Werner U, Szymanski J, Haase G, Drewelow B, Reimann I, Hippius M, Siegmund W, May K, Hasford J. Sex-specific frequency of beta-blocker related hospitalza-tions. Clin Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2006, 80 (5) 549-60 91. Burkhardt O, Kumar V, Katterwe D, Majcher-Peszynska J, Drewelow B, Derendorf H, Welte T. Ertapenem in Critical ill Patients with Early-Onset V AP:Pharmacokinetics with Special Consideration on the Free Drug Concentration. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2006, JAC-2006-0607.R1 92. Thürmann PA, Haack S, Werner U, Szymanski J, Haase G, Drewelow B, Reimann I, Hippius M, Siegmund W, May K, Hasford J. Tolerability of beta-blockers metabolized via cytochrome P450 2D6 is. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006, 551-553 93. Siewert S. Validation of a levofloxacin HPLC assay in plasma and dialysate for pharmacoki- netic studies. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical 2006;41:1360-62 94. Knoop M, Schütze M, Piek J, Drewelow B, Mundkowski RG. Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cere- brospinal Fluid Shunting:Evaluation of Cefotiam Penetration into the Human CSF. Zentralbl Neurochir 2007;68:14-18 95. Siewert S, Drewelow B, Müller S. Clearance of levofloxacin by an in vitro model of continu- ous venovenous haemodialysis (CVVHD). Int J Artif Organs 2007;30:889-95 96. Thürmann A, Werner U, Hanke F, Schmiedl S, Drewelow B, Hippius M, Reimann I, Siegmund W, Hasford J. Arzneimittelrisiken bei hochbetagten Patienten:Ergebnisse deutscher Studien. Fortschritt und Fortbildung in der Medizin 2007/2008;Band 31:216-24 97. Knoop M, Schütze M, Piek J, Drewelow B, Mundkowski R. Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cere- brospinal Fluid Shunting:Reassessment of Cefotiam Penetration into Human CSF-Antibiotikaprophylaxe bei Liquorshuntoperationen:Neubewertung der Cefotiampenetration in den menschlichen Liquor. Zentralbl Neurochir 2007;68:14-18 98. Schubert JK, Miekisch W, Fuchs P, Scherzer N, Lord H, Pawliszyn J, Mundkowski RG. De- termination of antibiotic drug concentrations in circulating human blood by means of solid phase micro-extraction. Clinica Chimica Acta 2007;386:57-62 99. Derendorf H, Hübner M, Drewelow B, Fuhr U, Gleiter CH, Lemmer B, Mikus G, Roots I, Ziegler A, Ukena D. Ciclesonid-Pharmakokientische und pharmakodynamische Eigenschaften. Arzneimitteltherapie 2007;25:89-94 100. Schmiedl S, Szymanski J, Rottenkolber M, DrewelowB, Haase G, Hippius M, Reimann IR, Siegmund W, May K, Haack S, Hasford J, Thürmann PA. Fingerhut-ein alter Hut? Eine Analy-se stationärer Aufnahmen durch digitalisassoziierte unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen. Me-dizinische Klinik 2007;102:603-11 101. Klammt S, Mitzner S, Stange J, Brinkmann B, Drewelow B, Emmrich J, Liebe S, Schmidt R. Albumin-binding function is reduced in patients with decompensated cirrhosis and correlates inversely with severity of liver disaese assessed by model for end-stage liver disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007;19:257-63 102. Burkhardt O, Kumar V, Katterwe D, Majcher-Peszynska J, Drewelow B, Derendorf H, Welte T. Ertapenem in Critical ill Patients with Early-Onset V AP:Pharmacokinetics with Special Consideration on the Free Drug Concentration. J Antimicrob Chemother 2007;59:277-84 103. Müller S, Drewelow B. Dosierung von Antibiotika bei Sepsis. Infection 2007;35, Suppl. 104. Müller SC, Welte T. Arzenimittel-Interaktionen mit systemischen Antimykotika beim Intensiv- patienten. Intensivmed 2007;44:526-534, DOI 10.1007/s00390-007-0828-0 105. Barth J, Jäger D, Mundkowski R, Drewelow B, Welte T, Burkhardt O. Single- and multiple- dose pharmacokinetics of intravenous moxifloxacin in patients with severe hepatic impairment. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008;DOI:10.1093/jac/dkn212 106. Linnebacher M, Blauscha C, Wacke R, Kottek T, Stein v S, Kiefel V, Hakenberg OW, Klar E:AN In Vitro System for the Determination of Individualized Immunosuppression. Transplan-tation Proceedings 2008;40:918-20 107. Majcher-Peszynska J, Haase G, Saß M, Mundkowski R, Pietzsch A, Klammt S, Schareck W, Drewelow B. Pharmacokinetics and penetration of linezolid into inflamed soft tissue in diabetic foot infections. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2008;DOI 10.1007/s00228-008-0531-5 108. Saxena A, Tyagi K, Muller SC, Drewelow B. Quantitative pharmacokinetic patients relation- ship (QPPR) for piperacillin-tazobactam during continuous venovenous heamodialy-sis/filtration. Med Chem Res 2008;17:199-204. DOI 10.1007/s00044-007-9053-4 109. Lange S, Mueller SC, Altmann S, Dahlhaus M, Drewelow B, Freund M, Junghanss C. Pharma- kokinetics of oral myophenolate mofetil in combination with CSA in dogs after non-myeloablative alligeic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 2008;41:667-74 110. Mueller SC, Majcher-Peszynska J, Mundkowski RG, Uehleke B, Klammt S, Sievers H, Lehn- feld R, Frank B, Thurow K, Kundt G, Drewelow B. No cilincally relevant CYP3A induction af-ter St. Johns wort with low hyperforin content in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2009;65:81-87 (2008:DOI 10.1007/s00228-008-0554-y) 111. Reuss R, Reuter I, Jaus M, Fischer F, Mueller SC, Stolz E. Torticollis under cyclobenzaprine. 112. Wiessner R, Eisold S, Linnebacher M, Bünger C, Nizze H, Wacke R, Benz S, Schareck W, Klar E. Up-Regulantion of ICAM-1 During Cold Inschemia Triggers Early Neutrophil Infiltra-tion in Human Pankreas Allograft Reperfusion. Transplantation Proceedings 2009;41:3622-3627 113. Peszynska J, Drewelow B. Sturzassoziierte Medikation und Polypharmakotherapie im Alter. Ärzteblatt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 12/2009 114. Szultka M, Kegler R, Fuchs P, Olszowy P, Miekisch W, Schubert JK, Buszewski B. Polypyr- role solid phase microextraction:a new approach to rapid sample preparation for the monitoring of antibiotic drugs. Analytica Chimica Acta 2010;667:77-82 115. Drewelow B, Schaffler K, Reitmeir P, Bethke TD. Effects of multiple-dose esomeprazole and pantoprazole on diazepam pharmacokinetic profile and pharmacodynamic effects on cognitive and psychomotor function in healthy volunteers. Arzneimittelforschung 2010;60:483-491 116. Kresken M, Decker-Burgard S, Drewelow B, Majcher-Peszynska J, Pletz MWR, Welte T. Car- bepeneme im Vergleich-Stellenwert von Doripenem. Chemotherapie Journal 2010;131-149 117. Majcher-Peszynska J, Sass M, Schipper S, Czaika V, Gussmann A, Lobmann R, Mundkowski R, Luebbert C, Kujath P, Ruf BR, Koch H, Schareck W, Klar E, Drewelow B. 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 Drewelow B;Hehl EM:Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring von Antibiotika. In:Antiinfektiöse Chemotherapie. Heinzmann, W. R.;Trautmann, M.;Marre, R.;(Ed.) Wissensch. Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1996;457-466 ISBN 3–8047–1394-7  Pschyrembel Therapeutisches Wörterbuch 1999/2000 - Prall F;Drewelow B. Kapitel Alkylanzien, - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Aminoglykosid-Antibiotika, - Prall F;Drewelow B. Kapitel Antimetabolite, - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Carbapeneme, - Brackmann I, Drewelow B. Kapitel Folsäureantagonisten, - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Gyrasehemmer, - Drewelow B. Kapitel Immuntherapeutika, - Drewelow B. Kapitel Makrolid-Antibiotika, - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Monobactame, - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Penicilline, - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Kapitel Protozoenmittel, - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Tetracycline, - Müller SC;Drewelow B. Kapitel Virustatika, - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Kapitel Wurmmittel,  Graefe EU;Teltscher K;Andrew B;Wittig J;Drewelow B;Riethling AK;Müller S;Wukasch I;Derendorf H:Absorption and bioavailability of the flavonol quercetin and quercetin glycosides from different formulations in humans. In:T. Luijendijk, P. de Graaf, A. Remmelzwaal, R. Ver- poorte (eds):2000 years of natural products research –past, present and future;Leiden, The Neth-  Pschyrembel Therapeutisches Wörterbuch 2001/2002 - Peszynska J;Drewelow B. Aldosteronantagonisten - Brackmann I, Drewelow B. Kapitel Aminoglykosid-Antibiotika - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Carbapeneme - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Folsäureantagonisten - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Kapitel Immuntherapeutika - Drewelow B. Kapitel Makrolid-Antibiotika - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Monobactame - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Penicilline - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Kapitel Protozoenmittel - Brackmann I;Drewelow B. Kapitel Tetracycline - Hehl EM;Drewelow B. Kapitel Therapeutic drug monitoring - Müller SC;Drewelow B. Kapitel Virustatika - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Kapitel Wurmmittel  Mitzner SR;Klammt S;Steiner C;Stange J;Schmidt R:Transport mechanism of albumin dialy- sis:factors influencing efficacy and selectivity. In:Progress in the treatment of liver diseas-es.Arroyo, V.;Forms, X.;Garcia-Pagan, JC.;and Rodes, J. Medicina STM Editores, S.L.;Barcelona;2003;405-413  Majcher-Peszynska J, Drewelow B. Gewebepenetration von Linezolid. In:Von Eiff C;Becker K. Linezolid:Neue Daten nach Einführung in die Klinik. Media Bibliothek. Socio-medico Verlag GmbH + Agentur für medizinische Informationen GmbH, Wessobrunn;2004;35-69 ● Wacke R;Hehl EM;Drewelow B. Therapeutisches Drug-Monitoring von Antibiotika. In:Heizmann;Spencker. Antiinfektiöse Chemotherapie. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart;2004;673-687; ISBN 3-8047-1863-9 ● Drewelow B. State-of-the-Art Lecture:Arzneimittel-Interaktionen-Von der grauen Theorie in die gastroenterologische Praxis. In:Weber R. Edition Gastroenterologie. UEGW 2003 und ENDO CLUB NORD 2003;Inter Com GmbH Publikationen;2004;35-46; ISBN 3-906529-01-0 ● Haase G;Kraft K;Drewelow B. Homöopathie und Infektionen-kontra. In:Infektiologisches Jahr-  Pschyrembel Therapeutisches Wörterbuch 2004/2005 - Haase G;Drewelow B. Kapitel Aminoglykosid-Antibiotika - Kohlen K;Drewelow B. Kapitel Antimikrobielle Folsäureantagonisten - Kohlen K;Drewelow B. Kapitel Alkylanzien - Fiedel B;Drewelow B. Kapitel Carbapeneme - Kohlen K;Drewelow B. Kapitel Hormontherapie bei Malignomen - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Kapitel Immuntherapeutika - Drewelow B. Kapitel Makrolid- und Ketolid-Antibiotika - Fiedel B;Drewelow B. Kapitel Monobactame - Wacke R;Drewelow B. Therapeutic drug monitoring  Drewelow B;Reisinger E:Pharmakotherapie. 2006, ISBN 3-540-34180-3, S. 119-162 ● Haase G;Kraft K;Drewelow B. Homöopathie und Infektionen-Contra. Infektiologie Aktuelle As- Berlin, New York:de Gruyter, 2009 ISBN 978-3-11-020568-8 Drewelow B. Acarbose Lembert N;Riethling A-K:Acetylsalicylsäure S. Peszynska J;Drewelow B. Aldosteron-Antagonisten S. Haase G;Drewelow B. Aminoglycosid-Antibiotika Peszynska J;Drewelow B. Anionenaustauscher Wacke R;Drewelow B. Wurmmittel (Anthelminthika) Haase G;Drewelow B. Betalactam-Antibiotika Wacke R; Drewelow B. Drugmonitoring, therapeutisches Peszynska J;Drewelow B. Statine (HMG-CoA-Reductase-Hemmer) S. Drewelow B. Hormontherapie bei Malignomen Haase G;Drewelow B. Makrolid-Antibiotika Krüger M;Preiß R;Riethling A-K:Protonenpumpen-Hemmer S. Müller S;Drewelow B;Lembert N:Sulfonylharnstoffe Drewelow B;Lembert N:Ursodeoxycholsäure Lembert N;Müller S;Drewelow B. Virostatika  Drewelow B;Reisinger E: Pharmakotherapie. Klinische Pharmakologie, 2010, Springer-Verlag,


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