Vermont district #1

Vermont District #11
Meeting called to order at 1710 by Chairman Carl Matteson. The following services were
represented: Springfield Fire , Springfield Hospital, Ludlow Ambulance, Chester
Ambulance, Stratton Mnt Rescue, Saxtons River Rescue, Londonderry Rescue,
Rockingham Fire, Bellows Falls Fire, Golden Cross Ambulance, Grafton Rescue .
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes from the January 2010 meeting were read.
Motion by Joel Long, 2nd Josh Rosenblum to accept the minutes - Motion PASSED
Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer's report for March 2010 was reviewed
Motion by Judy Cobb, 2nd Joel Long to accept the Treasurer’s Report - Motion PASSED
Medical Director:

*Sprigfield Hospital will not be able to hold any EMS events this year.
*Springfield Hospital Hospital does not offer or guarentee rides for patients, an email was
*Glucagon adninistration was discussed, best practice is to follow protocol and contact
Medical Control with questions.
*It has been recognized that there is a problem with NH providers who receive refreshers
in Vermont. Currently dual state providers need to complete a separate refresher for each
State. Carl with talk with Dale (GCA) to work on this dilema.
*Springfield Fire has completed the I'03 transition.
*Chester Recert - smooth with no problems
Old Business:
*Zoll Account: District 11 Services may purchase directly from Zoll and receive discount
prices. When placing an order use the Dis 11 EMS account number ( 119382 ) and then
change to Ship To and Bill To portions.
*Update on Flu : not much seasonal or H1N1 flu to report, it may be on the account of
the number of people vaccinated, there is a projected increase in H1N1 cases beginning
in April.
*State Reporting: The State has it's online reporting system, SIREN, ready for initial
trials. They hope to have every service online by the end of the year. Springfield Hospital
will have two (2) dedicated work stations in the EMS area. It was requested that the
Hospital provide "docking stations" for EMS squads to use their computers, Hospital IT
will need to be consulted.
New Business:
* Lefevre Ambulance has temporarly shut down, They had billing and reinbursment
problems surronding the name change. Golden Cross and Rescue Inc are currently
covering Lefevre 911 towns
*Dr Marasa is a member of NREMT as Medical Director. Services can add him to their
Roster and complete NREMT recerting online with no paperwork.
*Beta Blocker use was discused. They are currently in use in Dist 12 for HTN. They are
also used in NH for rate control. At this time there are better options in the Pre Hospital
setting and Dr Marasa does not want to add any Beta Blockers.
*Medical Direction has approved Paramedic PO administration of Zofran and Benadryl.
Motion by Toby Houghton, 2nd Travis Decamp to adjourn. Motion PASSED. Meeting
adjourned at 2010
Next Meeting: May 26, 2010 @ Springfield Fire Department



PD Dr. med. Chi Wang Ip Position Geburtsdatum 28.07.1974 Karriere 1996-2002 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Hamburg 1999-2002 Medizinische Doktorarbeit zum Thema „Mikroglia unter angeborener und induzierter Immunsuppression: Eine Studie an scid und mdr 1a/1b (-/-) double-knockout Mäusen“ (magna cum laude) Assistenzarzt an der Neurologischen Universitätsk


The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 25:75–93 2003Copyright © Taylor & Francis Inc. ISSN: 1071-4413 printDOI: 10.1080/10714410390198949Contemporary youth are major players in the postmodern ad-venture because it is they who will enter the future and fur -ther shape the world to come.1 The offspring of the babyboomers born in the 1940s, their identities are indelibly m

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