
Citizen’s Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2010
Pete Dunn (VH)
Marsha Anderson (AH)
Gary Karger (NO)
Chris Mann (NO)
Janie O’Connor (VH)
Tom Falk (VH)
Kristine Lampert (VLAWMO)
Call to Order – Introductions

II. Projects
CAC members expressed that they think the website is excellent and ahead of the curve. Janie O’Connor felt the font size could be larger and found a minor typo. Kristine asked the CAC to send her any suggestions that they may think of. Cindy Chua has done research and found a service that can work with our current website. Kristine would like to get a first edition completed this winter. Kristine is also working on the idea of incorporating a blog on the VLAWMO website and Facebook pages. It could also be used for the newspaper articles we write for the local papers. The goal of doing e-newsletters and blogs is to get VLAWMO more in the public eye and to promote our projects and programs. We have limited staff time so we are trying to come up with ways that are cost and time effective. If any CAC members want to help, contact Kristine. C. Cost Share Program – ideas on getting more applicants for this program We had very few applications for cost share money this year. VLAWMO has hosted raingarden workshops and has posted articles in the local papers to promote but haven’t had much interest. CAC suggested we put flyers up at local nurseries, push more articles in the local papers, send info about the program to the local landscaping companies to they can suggest to homeowners when they are meeting with them. Janie O’Connor mentioned utilizing the Master Gardeners to possibly work with homeowners on their raingarden or shoreline projects – they could provide a lot of technical help since VLAWMO doesn’t have the staff time to do that. 11/18/10 Citizen’s Advisory Committee Meeting ‐ VLAWMO   D. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Participation Kristine gave a brief review about what a TMDL is and that we will be requesting the help of at least 2 CAC members to serve on a stakeholder group for the plan development. Volunteers will be requested in the near future. Being on the stakeholder group will mean having to attend 2 or 3 meetings over the course of the next year, reading up on the issue and what a TMDL means, reviewing the plan and providing input. nfo (TMDLs, Cost Share Program, and other about VLAWMO out to the public: call a meeting with local reporters (mini press conference?) to discuss the particular topic, check with Comcast to see if they do PSAs rather than just the local cable service, work with local papers to put VLAWMO on the front page. It was also suggested that we revitalize our award program. The award doesn’t ha go to just an individual. It could go to a group, business, City or association that is doing something good for water quality. The award nomination could be in the paper as well as Updates/Announcements
Kristine stated that the project is complete for this year. In March, we will work withMinnesota Conservation Corps (MCC) crew ag Kristine updated the CAC on this project. The weir is currently not functio hoped and the Engineers and construction company are currently figuring out how to remedy the situation. The project is not a complete failure. The forebay is working as expected and the reconstructed slopes have stopped the cutting in and erosion issues that were at this site prior to construction. Wrap Up - Adjourn

Source: http://www.vlawmo.org/PDF/CAC_Minutes_111810.pdf


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