Clinical management of multiple drug toxicity in hallikar bullocks
Veterinary World, 2011, Vol.4(2):87 CLINICAL
Clinical Management of Multiple drug toxicity in Hallikar Bullocks
Anjaneya S N, Ramesh C B, Shridhar N B, Basavesha Hugar, Sunil Kumar, K. M.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore-560024, India.
* Corresponding author email : [email protected]Introduction
potent dopaminergic D receptor blocking action and
cause psychomotor slowing and calming of the
Most of the drugs are safe in recommended
animals (Nicholas Booth et al., 2001).
doses if they have used judisiously. But due to their
easy availability over the counter, they are often
intravenous fluid therapy (Ringers lactate (5ml/kg)
misused by the animal owners without knowing their
and dextrose 5%( 2.5 ml/kg) for first two days and
harmful effects. This paper puts on the record of such
subsequently put on oral rehydration therapy. As the
case of toxicity of multiple drug therapy and its
fluid helps in instant replenishment of electrolyte and
energy in conditions associated with fluid and
Case History and Clinical Examinations
Vitamin B ,B and B (10 ml/bullock, Tribivet®,
Three Hallikar bullocks (aged about 6-7 years
Intas Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad) was administered
and weighing about 300-350 ) were presented with the
intravenously twice daily for three consecutive days as
history of diarrhoea and excitement. Anamnesis
a supportive therapy for optimizing the metabolic
revealed that the owner had drenched them with process (Chakrabarthi, 2002).
albendazole suspension (250 ml; 25 mg/ml), tetra-
Both the animals recovered uneventfully after
misole powder (25 g; 300 mg/g), enrofloxacin suspen-
three days of the therapy and resumed to normal status.
sion(40ml; 100 mg/ml) and calcium syrup (50 ml) to each bullock. The clinical signs developed after
3hours of administration of the drug mixture and the
Three bullocks suffered from toxicity of
animals revealed the clinical signs of diarrhoea,
multiple drug therapy with albendazole, tetramisole,
tremors, salivation, excitement and anorexia.
enrofloxacin and calcium syrup which were exhibiting
Treatment and Discussion
the clinical signs of excitement, convulsions, diarrhoea and surviving two bullocks were treated
High doses of benzamidazoles increase the
with triflupromazine hydrochloride, fluid therapy and
permeability of cell membrane to the protons, which
B-complex vitamins and were recovered uneventfully.
intern leads to diarrhea (Brander and Pugh, 1991). Tetramisole is a cholinomimetic drug and has very
narrow margin of saftey. Most frequent side effects of
Brander, G. C., Pugh D. M., Bywater, R. J. and Jenkins,W.
fluroquinolones are gastrointestinal disturbances and
L.(1991).Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and
Therapeutics.5 edn, W.B. Saunders Company, London: Pp
CNS excitement in large animals (Vancutsem et
Chakrabarti, A. (2002). Clinical Veterinary Medicine, 2
edn, Kalyani Publisher, New Delhi. Pp 478.
drenching the solution and this might be due to
Nicholas Booth, H. and Leslie E Mc Donald (2001). Jones
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 5 edn, Kalyani
Two bullocks with convulsions and excitement
Norrby,S.R.(1991). Side effects of quinolones: Comparisons
were administered with trifluopromazine hydrochlo-
between quinolones and other antibiotics. Eur. J.Clin. Mmicrobiol. Infectious Dis., 10:378-383.
ride (Siquil®, Sarabhai Zydus,Ahmedabad)
Vancutsem, P.M., Babish,J.G. and Schwark,W.S.(1990).The
@0.25mg/kg IM immediately to control the excite-
fluroquinolone antimicrobials structure, antimicrobial
ment and convulsions as it is an antipsychotic drug
activity, pharmacokinetics, clinical use in domestic animals
belonging to the phenothiazine group. It acts by
and toxicity. Cornell. Vet., 80(2): 173-186.
Veterinary World, Vol.4 No.2 February 2011 87
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