University of detroit mercy

University of Detroit Mercy
McNichols Online Course and Instructor Evaluations
Phase One Policy
Approved March 22, 2007
I. Membership of ad hoc committee
A. One voting faculty member each from McNichols Campus academic units 1. SOA - Allegra Pitera 2. CBA - Larry Bossman 3. CES - Mark Schumack 4. CHP - Deb Knight 5. CLAE - Stephen Manning B. One ex officio member from the Faculty Development Team (Matt Mio)
II. Phase One Charges
A. Each committee member returns to their respective faculties and polls them to determine the best possible college/school-wide evaluation deadline for April 2007 2. Results – “Online course evaluation window should be…” a. SOA – Sunday 15 April to Sunday 22 April (for short and 14 week courses) b. CBA – Sunday 15 April to Sunday 22 April (for 14 week courses) and last two weeks of instruction, including final exam (short courses) c. CES – Sunday 15 April to Sunday 22 April (for 14 week courses) and last two weeks of instruction, including final exam (short courses) d. CHP – Sunday 15 April to Monday 30 April (fro 14 week course) and last two weeks of instruction, including final exam (short courses) e. CLAE – Sunday 15 April to Sunday 22 April (for 14 week course) and last two weeks of instruction, including final exam (short courses) B. Discussion on what McNichols online evaluations are titled 1. problem arose when “questions about the student” section was added to Fall 06 CLAE online evaluations 2. section was averaged into “questions about the course” and “questions about the instructor” sections 3. according to IT, this has been changed for April 2007 online evaluations 4. as such, McNichols online evaluations can now carry the title “Course and Instructor Evaluations” To: CHP Faculty From: Deb Knight RE: Online course and Instructor Evaluations Date: 3/12/07 An ad hoc committee has been appointed to review the McNichols online course and instructor evaluations. The committee has been charged with a comprehensive review of the online course and instructor evaluation process and will make recommendations to the MFA and Provost. I am the representative for the College of Health Professions. The first of several charges of this committee is to make a recommendation for the time frame of the open window for students to complete the winter online course and instructor evaluations for Winter Term 2007 which will occur in April 07. We would like your input regarding the timing and length of the window. Your vote will help determine not a McNichols campus-wide deadline, but one specific to our academic unit. Please e-mail your vote to me by Friday 16 March at noon. Choose one of the following options for regular 14-week courses. Note that noon on Monday, April 30 is the deadline for grade submission. □ The window for student completion of online course and faculty evaluations should open on Sunday April 15, 2007 @ midnight and close on Monday April 30, 2007 @ noon. This option makes evaluations open during both dead week and final exam week. □ The window for student completion of online course and faculty evaluations should open on Sunday April 15, 2007 @ midnight and close on Sunday April 22, 2007 @ noon. This option makes evaluations open during dead week only. □ The window for student completion of online course and faculty evaluations should open on Sunday April 22, 2007 @ midnight and close on Monday April 30, 2007 @ noon. This option makes evaluations open during final exam week only. Choose one of the following options for courses lasting less than 14 weeks. □ The window for student completion of online course and faculty evaluations should occur the last 2 weeks of instruction, including the final exam, regardless of the length of the course. □ The window for student completion of online course and faculty evaluations should occur the last 1 week of instruction, prior to, and not including the final exam, regardless of the length of the course.



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