South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
LOCAL ANAESTHETIC AGENT TOXICITY Dr H van Rooyen Pharmacodynamics of local anaesthetic
either via the lipid phase or through the open pore. Dissociation via the lipid phase appears to occur 20-
50 times as rapidly as via the channel, but requiresthat the molecule be in the unionised base form.
Local anaesthetic agents reversibly block the action
Extracellular protons may bind to the amine portion of
potentials responsible for nerve conduction. This
the local anaesthetic in the channel and tend to trap it
action is demonstrable in any part of the nervous sys-
there. The clinical implication of this is that a decrease
in pH increases the binding of local anaesthetic mole-cules to Na+ channels, increasing toxic potential.
The Na+ selective transmembrane pore of the chan-nel is presumed to reside in the centre of a nearly
Phasic inhibition (Frequency dependent blockade)
symmetrical structure formed by the four homologous
refers to the phenomenon of increased impulse block-
domains of a 300KDa protein complex. A change in
ade due to repetitive stimulation of a nerve fibre. This
the transmembrane potential towards the threshold
is thought to occur because the local anaesthetic mol-
value induces conformational changes in the mole-
ecule in its charged form gains access to the binding
cule, which cause the Na+ channel to open. This gives
site only when the Na+ channel is in its open state.
rise to a rapid influx of Na+ with further depolarisation
After binding, the channel is then stabilised in the
of the cell membrane. After it opens, the Na+ channel
inactive state. Because binding therefore takes place
inactivates within a few milliseconds due to closure of
only during depolarisation and dissociation occurs
between action potentials, rapid stimulation of a nervefibre leads to accumulation of inactivated (bound)
Local anaesthetic agents produce conduction block-
channels at rapid stimulation rates. As mentioned
ade by decreasing or preventing the large transient
before, in order for the local anaesthetic molecule to
increase in the permeability of excitable membranes
dissociate from the channel (via the open channel
to Na+ that normally is producedby a slight depolarization of themembrane. This seems to occur
Local anaesthetic diffusion to site of action:
anaesthetic molecule with a bind-ing site inside the (open) voltage-gated Na+ channels. Binding ofthe local anaesthetic agent sta-bilises the inactive state of thechannel. This binding site is onlyaccessible from the intracellularside of the cell membrane. In orderto reach this site the delivered(water soluble) cationic acid firstneeds to dissociate into its lipidsoluble nonionised base form.
Dissociation of the local anaes-thetic molecule from its bindingsite within the channel may occur
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
pore) it should preferably be in its water soluble state
ent in breast milk, the concentrations found (40% of
- more hydrophobic drugs tend to dissociate slowly
serum levels) would not be expected to produce
from the pore (dissociation constant for bupivacaine
typically up to 2 seconds). Smaller and morehydrophilic drugs dissociate more rapidly, so a higher
2.3 Serum elimination half-lives:
frequency of stimulation is needed with these drugs to
Lignocaine: 1.5-2 hours. Active metabolites MEGX =
yield frequency-dependent block. A clinical correlate
of this is the reduced therapeutic index of the more
hydrophobic drugs (e.g. bupivacaine).
Ropivacaine: 1.6-5.5 hours. Levobupivacaine: 2.06-2.6 hours. Pharmacokinetics of local anaesthetic 2.4 Attempts at enhancement of local
Absorption from the GI tract is rapid, with peak plas-
anaesthetic elimination:
ma levels occurring within 30-60 minutes. There is
Diuresis: less than 5-10% of a dose is excreted in
significant first-pass hepatic metabolism of amide-
the urine as unchanged drug. Although acidifica-
type agents. Bioavailability of orally ingested ligno-
tion of the urine will enhance the excretion, the
contribution to overall elimination is small and therisk outweighs the benefit.
Ester type agents are rapidly metabolized in the plas-ma by pseudocholinesterases, with minimal liver
Both haemodialysis and haemofiltration are inef-
esterase metabolism. Amide type agents are metabo-
lized by hepatic microsomal enzymes. Their elimina-
tion is prolonged by liver disease, immaturity, anddecreased hepatic blood flow. Only small amounts of
Local anaesthetic toxicity may be classified into sys-
either type of drug are excreted unchanged in the
Systemic toxicity: 2.1 Blood levels according to administra-
The following additional mechanisms of action may
tion site:
The following lists some sites of administration in
approximate order of their associated blood levels:
Inhibition of voltage gated Ca2+ currents across
Intercostal nerve blocks (highest level),
the neuronal cell membrane leads to diminished
neurotransmitter release, contributing to analge-sia in neuraxial administration. As far as car-
diotoxicity is concerned, it has been shown that
the sensitivity of myocardial Ca2+ channels to
Spinal anaesthesia, on the other hand, requires
bupivacaine is comparable to that of the voltage
very little drug and is associated with very low
Inhibition of K+ channels:Local anaesthetic agents block neuronal K+
2.2 Reproductive system redistribution:
channels in high concentrations - probably not of
Local anaesthetic agents readily cross the placenta.
any clinical significance in therapeutic doses, but
Foetal or neonatal poisoning may occur as a result of
may be of importance in the development of car-
maternal poisoning. Bupivacaine foetal toxicity after
maternal administration may be lower than that of lig-
Inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism:
nocaine, most probably related to higher maternalprotein binding. Although local anaesthetics are pres-
Implicated in cardiac toxicity as well as myotoxicity:
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
'Mitochondrial uncoupling' at low concentra-
ing potency. The rank order of toxicity is as follows
(low to high toxicity): Prilocaine < Lignocaine <
Respiratory inhibition at higher concentrations.
Mepivacaine < Ropivacaine < Levobupivacaine <racemic Bupivacaine < R-Bupivacaine < Etidocaine <
Tetracaine. The dissociation time constant for bupiva-
caine from sodium channels is approximately 2 sec-
G-protein modulation of Ca2+ and K+ chan-
onds - this is at least tenfold longer than that of ligno-
caine. The pharmacodynamics of lignocaine at the
Substance P binding to its neuronal receptor.
sodium receptor are commonly referred to as being
Binding of muscarinic agonists to their receptor.
"fast-in-fast-out," in contrast with bupivacaine being"fast-in-slow-out". This timing results in greater car-
diac depression by bupivacaine, which is out of pro-
portion to its potency at sodium channels. Overdose istherefore more likely to result in cardiovascular col-
It is important to note that toxicity of anaesthetics may
lapse with bupivacaine than with other agents. For
be potentiated in patients with renal or hepatic com-
example, the dose needed for cardiovascular collapse
promise, respiratory acidosis, pre-existing heart block,
divided by the dose needed for convulsions is 3.7 for
or heart conditions. Toxicity may be potentiated during
bupivacaine compared with 7.1 for lignocaine. When
pregnancy, at the extremes of age, or in those with
bupivacaine toxicity occurs, it is also more likely to
hypoxia. However, the most common cause of local
result in ventricular arrhythmias than with other
anaesthetic toxicity is inadvertent intravascular injec-
agents. Pregnant women appear to be more sensitive
tion. In this respect the degree of protein binding a
drug exhibits may play a role: It is thought that thehigh degree of protein binding by bupivacaine causes
The two most important components of local anaes-
free drug levels to suddenly rise disproportionately
thetic cardiac toxicity are arrhythmias and contractile
when available binding sites become saturated -
depression. Peripheral vasodilatation also occurs,
underlining the importance of fractionated injection
worsening the hypotension. Furthermore, local anaes-
thetic overdose is likely to cause seizures, hypoxia, oracidosis, all of which may exacerbate cardiotoxicity.
Systemic toxic reactions to local anaesthetics are
The resulting cycle of systemic and myocardial
manifested by a progressive spectrum of neurological
hypoperfusion, tissue acidosis, and worsening cardiac
symptoms as blood levels rise. Initial symptoms sug-
performance can lead to failed resuscitation.
gest some form of central nervous system excitationand are often described as a ringing in the ears, a
3.1.1 Manifestation:
metallic taste in the mouth, or a circumoral tingling. With increasing blood levels of local anaesthetics,
The circulatory effects of local anaesthetic agents
there is progression to motor twitching in the periph-
ery followed by grand mal seizures. These higherblood levels are associated with coma and eventually Vasomotor:
respiratory arrest. At extremely high levels, cardiac
Direct effects of local anaesthetic agents on blood
arrhythmia or hypotension and cardiovascular col-
vessels are highly variable, with some studies show-
ing vasoconstriction and others vasodilatation. Thisdiscrepancy may reflect dose-dependent effects as
3.1 Cardiovascular
well as the confounding effects of the sympathetic
The most dreaded form of toxicity to local anaesthet-
nervous system in the intact animal. In the initial
ics is cardiovascular toxicity. There is a positive corre-
phase or in mild intoxication, catecholamine release
lation between the cardiotoxic potency of a local
and vasoconstriction may cause hypertension and
anaesthetic agent, its lipid solubility and nerve block-
tachycardia. Late hypotension and cardiovascular col-lapse may be due to sympathetic blockade (neuraxial
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
block), depression of the medullary vasomotor centre,
with progressive widening of the QRS complex, ven-
hypoxia, acidosis or vasodilatation.
tricular arrhythmias, electromechanical dissociationand refractory asystole. These differences are thought
Myocardial contractility:
to reflect the different binding characteristics of these
Local anaesthetic agents produce a dose dependent
drugs at the cardiac Na+ channel. Adrenaline used
decrease in myocardial contractile force, probably via
during resuscitation is more likely to cause tach-
interference with myocardial energetics. At higher
yarrhythmias in the face of bupivacaine toxicity than
doses, they may also act via reduction of intracellular
Blockade of Ca2+ channels leads to diminished
3.1.2 Management of cardiac toxicity:
Initial management of cardiac toxicity is according toACLS guidelines. Because hypercapnia, hypoxia and
acidosis exacerbate local anaesthetic toxicity, airway
management and suppression of seizure activity are
Local anaesthetic agents seem to inhibit the func-
key therapeutic interventions. Ventilation should not
tion of the sarcoplasmic Ca2+ release channel
be aimed at hypocapnia, but rather at the normalisa-tion of arterial pH and oxygen delivery. Because of the
strong binding of bupivacaine to cardiac receptors,
Local anaesthetic agents depress cardiac automatici-
resuscitation should be continued for "far longer than
ty. Phase 4 depolarisation of pacemaker cells during
is usual". It may be worthwhile to plan for cardiopul-
diastole is slowed due to Ca2+-channel blockade.
monary bypass early in the course of resuscitation.
Cardiac impulse conduction is slowed due to dimin-ished inward Na+ current. This leads to a prolonged Specific therapy:
PR interval, widened QRS complex and AV block.
Slowed conduction predisposes to unidirectional
probably by raising coronary perfusion pressure
block and re-entry, which may cause ventriculartachycardia and fibrillation. A CNSmechanism may also contribute to
Ionic currents forming pacemaker action potentials (left) and ventricular action potentials (right) in the
heart. Note that the initial upstroke of pacemaker potentials is due to calcium flux and the initial upstroke
of ventricular action potentials is due to sodium flux.
bupivacaine is followed by ventriculararrhythmias, probably via sympatheticnervous system activation.
Therapeutic lignocaine concentrationshave no effect on the QRS duration,although the QT time and AV refracto-ry period may decrease. Lignocaine inprogressively increasing doses leadsto prolongation of the PR time, AVblock (especially in patients withunderlying bundle-branch disease),widening of the QRS complex (appar-ently uncommon) and eventual circu-latory failure and hypotension. Sinusbradycardia is a common manifesta-tion of toxicity. On the other hand,bupivacaine toxicity tends to present
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
and thereby facilitating washout, but also bycounteracting the low output state that is central
The potential effects of induced hyperglycaemia on
to this condition. High doses of adrenaline - in the
neurological outcome merit consideration when this
order of 2-3 times usual doses - should be used.
technique is used in more severe cases of local
Some authors point out that adrenaline may exac-
anaesthetic toxicity. Also, it is worth noting that hyper-
erbate arrhythmias without increasing cardiac
kalaemia potentiates local anaesthetic cardiotoxicity.
output - this may be especially problematic incases of bupivacaine toxicity. Vasopressin may
Drugs not to use:
have a theoretical advantage in these circum-
Calcium channel blockers: Additive toxicity and
increased mortality has been shown in mice.
Arrhythmias are probably best managed with amio-
Phenytoin: Increases toxicity due to Na+ channel
darone. Although there may be theoretical reasons
to use lignocaine in cases of bupivacaine toxicity,this is not consistently supported by studies.
Lipid emulsion: Pre-treatment with lipid emulsionhas been shown to increase the toxic dose of
3.2 Central Nervous System:
bupivacaine, and the use of lipid emulsion during
Although local anaesthetics are anticonvulsant at low
resuscitation has similarly been shown to improve
concentrations (probably mediated by potentiation of
outcome. There are two possible mechanisms:
inhibitory GABA-ergic neurotransmission - lignocaine
Bupivacaine severely impairs transport of fatty
1.5-2 mg/kg has been recommended for the manage-
acid molecules in cardiac mitochondria, where
ment of refractory status epilepticus), they are convul-
they are the dominant fuel for aerobic metabo-
sant at toxic concentrations. The proconvulsant
lism. Increased concentrations of fatty acids may
effects of local anaesthetic agents are additive. A
overcome this bupivacaine-induced blockade.
rapid rise in blood concentration leads to CNS mani-festations at lower blood levels than would be evident
An artificially induced lipid phase in blood may
with slower administration. Hyponatraemia, possibly
decrease the effective plasma concentration
secondary to SIADH, has been reported after ligno-
of lipophilic local anaesthetic molecules.
Propofol: It seems as if propofol reduces ligno-caine- or bupivacaine-induced hypotension inde-pendent of the effects of the lipid carrier. In addi-tion to this, propofol may be useful by:•
Aiding in the recovery from tissue hypoxia viaantioxidant effects
Insulin/Glucose/K: Insulin treatment (with or with-out Potassium) has been shown to improve out-come of resuscitation in laboratory animals. Thismay be due to two mechanisms:•
Insulin increases the amount of K+ enteringcells, which may counteract the bupivacaine-induced inhibition K+ channels, allowing forimproved myocardial repolarisation.
Insulin/Glucose may improve intracellularavailability of alternative substrates in thepresence of Bupivacaine induced inhibition oflipid substrate utilisation.
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia Interactions: Treatment of lignocaine overdose:
Prophylactic administration of benzodiazepines
reduce the likelihood of CNS manifestations oftoxicity without affecting that of cardiovascular
toxicity, thereby potentially abolishing early warn-
Systemic hypercarbia decreases lignocaine
b. Oral ingestion: Administer charcoal and
seizure threshold, probably via effects on pH as
c. Seizures: Administer diazepam, up to 5-
Muscle paralysis prevents systemic acidosis and
hypoxia, but does not prevent cerebral lactic aci-
dosis. This results in further cerebral ion trapping
a. Sodium bicarbonate: 0.5-1 mEq/kg IV.
of local anaesthetic agent. Increased blood-brain
barrier permeability secondary to ongoing convul-
sions may increase CNS uptake even further,
chronotropic suppression of the myocardium.
Co-administration of local anaesthetic agents with
adrenaline may lead to hypertension with conse-
quent lowering of the seizure threshold.
(avoid using other type Ib antiarrhythmic Management of seizures:
Initial control should be attempted with a benzodi-
a. Administer normal saline, 2-3 ml/kg every
Persistent convulsions should be treated with
Phenytoin should be avoided as it may worsen
b. If patient is still hypotensive, consider pul-
3.3 Haematological:
i. If low SVR, administer dopamine or nora-
Methaemoglobinemia has been reported primarily
with prilocaine toxicity (even after use of EMLA
ii. If low cardiac output, administer isopro-
cream). Lignocaine and benzocaine have also been
implicated, although co-administered drugs may have
c. If patient has intractable cardiogenic
shock, consider intra-aortic balloon pumpassistance or cardiopulmonary bypass
3.4 Allergic reactions: Amino esters are derivatives of para-aminobenzoic
acid (PABA), which has been associated with acute
allergic reactions. Previous studies indicate a 30%
the patient is cyanotic or symptomatic, or
rate of allergic reactions to procaine, tetracaine, and
chloroprocaine. Amino amides are not associated with
PABA and do not produce allergic reactions with the
a. Consider hemoperfusion in patients with
same frequency. However, it has been noted that
massive poisonings with circulatory and /
preparations of amide anaesthetics may sometimes
contain methylparaben, which structurally is similar to
PABA and thus may give rise to allergic reactions.
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
Local toxicity:
75mg lignocaine was administered. Peculiarly, theincidence can be related to the type of surgery per-formed (knee arthroscopy), outpatient status and
4.1 Neurovascular
patient positioning (lithotomy). Reports of caudaequina syndrome after continuous lignocaine spinal
Other than numbness and paraesthesia, which is
anaesthesia and the potential concentration-depend-
expected in the normal range of anaesthetic applica-
ent neurotoxicity of lignocaine have led several
tion, very high doses of anaesthetics (e.g. 5% ligno-
authors to label TRI as a manifestation of subclinical
caine) administered directly onto a desheathed nerve
neurotoxicity. On the other hand, concentrations of lig-
can produce irreversible conduction block within 5 min-
nocaine <40 mM (equivalent to 1%) have been shown
utes. This toxicity has been shown to be concentration-
not to be neurotoxic to desheathed peripheral nerves
dependent between 40 and 80mM (1-2%). The mech-
-this argues against a concentration-dependent neu-
anism of this neurotoxicity remains uncertain, but is
probably related to increased intracellular calcium lev-els. Of the currently available drugs, lignocaine
Only 1% of patients treated with hyperbaric bupiva-
appears to have the greatest potential for neurotoxicity.
caine 0.5% develop TRI after spinal anaesthesia. TRIhas been reported after both epidural and spinal ropi-
With placement of anesthetic inside the perineurium,
axonal degeneration and barrier changes areunequivocal and often severe. This is probably due
4.2 Myotoxicity
largely to the violation of the protective perineurial
Local anaesthetic myotoxicity was first described in
barrier, but pressure and compression may play a role
1959 and has since been associated with high inci-
- intra-fascicular injections may result in compressive
dences of muscular dysfunction after peri- and retrob-
nerve sheath pressures exceeding 600 mmHg. Local
ulbar block for ophthalmologic procedures. Recent
anaesthetic agents themselves may decrease neural
increases in the use of catheter nerve block tech-
blood flow: 2% lignocaine can decrease neural blood
niques have added further relevance to this problem.
flow by 39%. More substantial decrease is noted
All clinically used anaesthetic agents may cause
when adrenaline is added. Bupivacaine 0.25% plain
skeletal muscle injury and even myonecrosis. This
decreases flow 30%, but much less with higher con-
toxicity is dose-dependent, and worsens with continu-
centrations. Although this is an unlikely primary mech-
ous and serial administration. Tetracaine and procaine
anism of injury, compromised nerves (e.g., diabetes,
are the least, and bupivacaine the most myotoxic
chemotherapy) may be more susceptible.
(Bupivacaine is established as an agent used toinduce muscle degeneration in certain animal mod-
Transient radicular irritation (TRI) was first reported in
els). The clinical presentation is one of localised mus-
1993 as short-lived neurologic symptoms after spinal
cle dysfunction, tenderness and swelling. The histo-
anaesthesia with 5% lignocaine. The symptoms are
logical presentation is that of hypercontracted myofib-
described as a continuous bilateral burning radicular
rils with degeneration of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
pain in the buttocks, thighs, and knees (without sen-
and myocyte oedema and necrosis. The structural
sory or motor deficit), typically have an abrupt onset
elements (basal laminae, blood vessels, neurones,
(within 12 to 24 hours), last from 45 minutes to 48
connective tissue) and myoblasts remain intact, allow-
hours (rarely up to 5 days), and then completely
ing for regeneration of muscle within 4-6 weeks. Co-
resolve without intervention or sequelae. Prospective
administration of steroids or adrenaline potentiates
studies reveal an incidence of 4-33% after lignocaine
the myotoxicity and may lead to destruction of other
spinal anaesthesia. The incidence of TRI is unrelated
tissue elements, thereby predisposing towards per-
to either the baricity of the solution administered or the
dilution (down to 0.5%), although the addition ofadrenaline may potentiate toxicity. The majority of
The mechanism, although incompletely understood, is
reported cases have occurred in where more than
thought to be via increased levels of intracellular
South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia
Ca2+. Bupivacaine and ropivacaine induce release of
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Brachial Plexus Blockade: A Comprehensive Review. From
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in the fact that myoblasts (which remain unaffected by
Drasner K. Local Anesthetic Neurotoxicity: Clinical Injury and
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Strategies That May Minimize Risk. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002;
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Groban L. Central Nervous System and Cardiac Effects From Long-
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Acting Amide Local Anesthetic Toxicity in the Intact Animal Model. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2003 28;1:3-11
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Haddad LM (Ed.). Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug
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Hardman JG et al (Ed). Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological
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Heavner JE. Cardiac Toxicity of Local Anesthetics in the Intact
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Isolated Heart Model: A Review. Anesth Pain Med 2002 27;6:545-555
sequelae of this condition seem to be rare. On the
Hodgson PS et al. The Neurotoxicity of Drugs Given Intrathecally.
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