Microsoft word - 2012-03-15-personnelminutes

Minutes of the Personnel, License & Insurance Committee – March 15th 2012
A meeting of the Personnel, License and Insurance Committee of the City of Prairie du Chien was held
on Thursday March 15th 2012 at 6:30 PM in Conference Room #2 of City Hall. Chairperson Linda
Munson called the meeting to order.
PRESENT – Linda Munson (Chairperson), Karen Solomon, Judeen Ames ABSENT - Kyle Kozelka,
Kathleen Hein ALSO PRESENT – City Administrator Aaron Kramer, Nathan Stueves (Store Manager,
Prairie du Chien Walgreens), Chris Mara (TriCor Insurance)
2. Certification of the open meeting law agenda requirements and approval of the agenda
MOTION: Solomon SECOND: Ames VOTE: 3-0
3. APPROVAL – Minutes of the March 1st 2011 meeting
ACTION: To approve MOTION: Ames SECOND: Solomon VOTE: 3-0
4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Changes to City’s Insurance Program
Chris Mara (Tricor) discussed the possible addition of data compromise coverage to the city’s
insurance package, as well as some concerns about the insurance requirements in our city lease
agreements and an increase in the city’s addition liability coverage.
ACTION: To direct staff to develop a proposal for adding data compromise coverage to the city’s
insurance package MOTION: Munson SECOND: Solomon VOTE: 3-0
ACTION: To direct staff to establish insurance requirements for all leases and agreements and for
contractors who work for and with the city MOTION: Ames SECOND: Munson VOTE: 3-0
ACTION: To direct staff to develop a proposal for increasing the city’s current additional liability
coverage MOTION: Solomon SECOND: Ames VOTE: 3-0
5. DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Request from Walgreens to decrease the City’s Class A
Liquor License Quota
In a letter, dated February 15th 2012, Walgreens requested the city lower its population quota for Class
A Liquor Licenses from 1 per 2,000 residents to 1 per 1,800 residents. State law allows the City to
establish whatever quota it wishes. Nathan Stueves was present on behalf of Walgreens. Considerable
discussion was held on several options of dealing with the Class A licenses. The city had three until the
2010 census numbers were released, and, since one of the licenses was not in use and the city dropped
below 6,000 in population, there are now only two licenses, both in use. ACTION: To direct staff to
amend the current ordinance to allow for a total of four (4) Class A Liquor Licenses in the City and
forward it to the Council for a vote on March 20th MOTION: Munson SECOND: Solomon VOTE: 3-0
6. DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Criteria for Issuance of Liquor Licenses
Chairwoman Munson had requested a discussion on establishing criteria for the issuance of liquor
licenses. A memo outlining some of the possible discussion points is included in the packet. The memo
also included ordinances/policies from Hartford and Sturtevant to review and discuss. ACTION: To
direct staff to develop criteria for the issuance of Class A and Class B Liquor license, and bring the
proposal back to the Committee for review MOTION: Munson SECOND: Ames VOTE: 3-0
ACTION: To go into closed session under Wisconsin State Statute 19.85(1) (c). Considering
employment, promotion, compensation or performance data of any public employee over whom the
PERSONNEL, LICENSE AND INSURANCE MINUTES – March 15th 2012 governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility RE: Contract with Airport Manager
MOTION: Solomon SECOND: Ames VOTE: 3-0
MOTION: Solomon SECOND: Ames VOTE: 3-0
ACTION: To send the proposed 2-year contract with Aviation Concessions to the Council for a vote at
their April 4th meeting MOTION: Ames SECOND: Solomon VOTE: 3-0
MOTION: Solomon SECOND: Ames VOTE: 3-0
Submitted by City Administrator Aaron Kramer



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