The science and business of drug discovery: demystifying the jargon. by edwardd. zanders.

validity of key information. As each disci- tions to other stages are also clearly out- ent difficult hurdles to any newcomer, in- Springer, London 2011. xvii + 397 pp., hard- terested outsider, or even inside special- cover £ 126.00.—ISBN 978-1-4419-9901-6 ist, this book provides an excellent guide to prevailing esotericisms and thus helps into 3–6 subchapters. This central part of to ‘demystify the jargon’. Nomenclature the context of their use. A final Glossary cal R&D, and its many opportunities to establish modern ‘personalized medicine’ Prior to this central part, essential as- are illustrated by figures. Most of the fig- pects of cardinal disciplines like chemis- ures are well selected and serve as a clari- leading to today’s rational drug discov- ments of the pharmaceutical business.
intrinsically complex matters and to facil- as the marketplace, intellectual property, itate both a digestible entry for the new- sistance by colleagues in different disci- cussed. In the final section (Part V), as- edged by the author. Nevertheless, slight inaccuracies in various parts of the book teractions with representatives from bio- in two short chapters. This part could be activities. It is split into five parts, each particularly useful for technology transfer officers or recruitment executives. A final In Chapters 6–13, the various activities provides hints and tips for translators.
ables, as well as scientific (sub)disciplines cative question stated at the beginning :  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim for the right hand, not the opposite.
but still not cure cancer?”. Furthermore, ters: 1. Overview of chirality and chiral the book excellently highlights many sci- ric synthesis; 3. Chiral drugs via biocata- gloves. In this case, there is no difference lytic approaches; 4. Resolution of chiral pharmaceutical R&D at its various stages between left- and right-hand gloves.
and thus provides interesting reading for drugs; 6. Industrial application of chiral students, professionals, and even experts in scientific disciplines relevant to drug (API) of drugs can also be chiral. If such still not have a full picture or overview bodies are chiral because they consist of the walls of esotericism of the many dis- etc. This makes their synthesis challeng- cles involved in the pharmaceutical busi- other enantiomer, just like gloves inter- with other chiral entities are their differ- act differently with your hands. It is im- gloves, there is a big difference between applies to drugs. When a drug is optimal, metric synthesis; or chiral resolution.
drug. This difference is described by the eudismic ratio, which is the ratio of the performed using a chiral catalyst, and it activity of the active enantiomer, the eu- has the advantage of resulting in materi- tomer, to that of the less active enantio- al with 100 % enantiomeric excess (ee).
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken 2011. 472 pp., cussed in several places of the book, but hardcover $ 149.95.—ISBN 978-0-470-58720-1 catalysis in principle is not different from cases, the distomer does not show a seri- ous side effect but represents an isomer- ic ballast. The b-blockers are examples of this, where the therapeutic effect is due tion. The final chapter gives an overview and the (R)-enantiomer is totally inactive.
tant and fast-growing field of research at the interface of chemistry, pharmacy, and purity of chiral drugs. In principle, the the physiological effects of both enantio- right hand to reach for his left hand.
 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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