
Company Overview
The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the ability of bisphopsphonate part of the molecule to deliver the conjugate to the site of bone “Osteros Biomedica” is a private Russian biotech destruction (targeted delivery). The drug is quite company founded in 2012 for the development and stable to stay intact after intra venous administration commercialization of the drugs for the treatment of until it releases both agents on the bone. Thus released cytotoxic agent leads to the destruction of The first drug to be developed is MBC-11 compound bisphosphonate itself binds to hydroxyapatite - a synthetic chemical conjugate of two molecules: a crystals in bone tissues and prevents its resorption. bisphosphonate (providing bone affinity and The main advantages of the drug: its high efficiency preventing the destruction of the bone tissue) and a even at low dose, as well as the possibility of its use cytotoxic agent (destroying tumor cells). Extensive in the adjuvant therapy. The effectiveness of MBC- preclinical studies and clinical trials in canine 11 in the mode of daily administration has been patients demonstrated efficacy of MBC-11 in daily The Company is currently conducting additional preclinical trials in order to initiate clinical trials in One of the areas of Company’s current research is human patients with multiple myeloma. The launch the development of an improved drug product of the clinical trial is planned in 2014. formulation with increased stability in plasma and the potential to reduce the therapeutic dose, for more comfortable use in the treatment of targeted Metastases in the bone tissues often complicates the course of breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer and thyroid cancer. The share of these types of cancer in the world accounts for The scientific team is led by Alexander Karpeisky
about 700,000 new cases per year. More than half (USA), Ph.D. a former head of scientific research of these patients have skeletal complications, that group in Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals, Inc (acquired result in patents’ sufferings (severe pain, pathologic by Merk & Co) and Transgenomic Inc., is a co- fractures, spinal cord compression), and also author of 55 scientific articles and more than 40 considerably more expensive treatment: +$48 000 patents. The management of “Osteros Biomedica” is represented by highly qualified specialists of the Maxwell Biotech Group and the Russian biotech The most favorable market segments for MBC-11, are the treatment of multiple myeloma and metastatic cancer with bone localization. According to the estimates, the volume of the target market in Intellectual Property Status
Russia, the USA and EU countries amounts to $ 5.5 billion; analysts predict the market growth of 10% per year in all segments during the period from "Osteros Biomedica" has the global IP rights for 2010 to 2018, and 3-4 % per year after 2018 when MBC-11. Current IP consists of two U.S. patents, as well as a European and a Canadian patent. Product and technology
Ekaterina Ivanova, Chief executive officer MBC-11 is chemically synthesized unique conjugate of two molecules (etidronate and cytarabine) designed for treatment of multiple myeloma, osteosarcoma, as well as metastatic bone lesions.

Source: http://www.osteros.ru/sites/default/files/files/osteros_teaser_EN.pdf

Men's attitudes about abortion in uganda

Original Research Article in Journal of Biosocial Science Author Version Men’s Attitudes about Abortion in Uganda Ann M. Moore1, Gabriel Jagwe-Wadda2, and Akinrinola Bankole3 1 Corresponding author: Senior Research Associate, Guttmacher Institute, NY, NY, USA 2 Deceased, last position was as Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University,

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GDYO Europe Tour 2012 - Preliminary Packing List (.to stimulate your thinking about what to pack.and what to leave at home.) Suitcase – one small or medium sized with wheels and pull handle 50 lbs max, 61 linear inches max (length+width+thickness)— but do everything possible to make it smaller than this Note: $150 charge for overweight!! YOU will be carrying your own suitcase an

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