
Distance Learning Re-Entry Nursing Project
Recommended Skill’s Review, Lab Schedule, and Supplies
The minimum recommendation for students is to complete the orientation and Units 1-3 of the on-line course
prior to attending a skill lab practice/review session. Students should be completing Unit 3 within the 7th to 8th
week of the course (about half way through). Week 7 is the approximate mid point for the course and a good
time to begin the skill’s lab sessions. The following is a recommended schedule for conducting the skill’s lab:
Skill’s Lab Session 1, Week 7: The instructor demonstrates the skill, student’s practice a minimum of 2 times,
students return demonstration, and instructor checks-off on the Nursing Skill’s Completion Checklist. Full body
manikins are needed for Skill’s Lab Session 1.
• Sterile Technique • Urinary Catheterization (male / female) • NT Suctioning / Trach Care • NG tubes (placement, irrigation, medication administration, feedings, discontinuing) • Basic Wound Care
Skill’s Lab Session 2, Week 8: The instructor demonstrates the skill, student’s practice a minimum of 2 times,
students return demonstration, and instructor checks-off on the Nursing Skill’s Completion Checklist. Inject-a-
pad, IV poles, optional IV pumps, manikin arms, sample physician orders and Medication Administration
Record (MAR) are needed for Skill’s Lab Session 2.
• Oral Medication Administration • Parenteral Medication Administration • IV Starts, Fluid Infusion, Medication Administration, Incompatible Medication Administration and IV Below is a listing of supplies needed (per student) to facilitate and conduct a nursing skills review lab and includes all of the above listed skills, sample physician orders and MAR’s (with errors), and additional skills with the associated supplies. Suggested Supplies For Nurse Re-Entry Skills Lab
Wound care kit (gauze, PVP swab sticks, cotton tip applicator, dressing change label, PVP ointment, sterile gloves, alcohol swab sticks, mask, CSR wrap, scissors), bottle normal saline, 30 cc-60 cc luerlock syringe, 19G blunt needle, tape, ABD, split drain sponge, secondary intention wound for irrigation and wet to moist dressing. Indwelling catheter kit (drainage bag with catheter attached, iodine swab sticks, 2 dry swabs, 10cc syringe, sterile gloves, water soluble lubricant, under pad, fenestrated drape, specimen container with lid and label), model or mannequin with genitalia. Gloves, masks, isolation gowns, goggles. Demonstration supplies of different types of formula, various types of feeding bags, 60 cc piston syringe, bottle normal saline, measuring cup. Infection control illuminator (glitter bug and UV black light) IV start kit (tape, gauze, label, iodine prep, alcohol prep, tegaderm, tourniquet), IV catheter, PRN adapter (heploc) or j-loop. For flush: bottle of saline, multidose needless vial adapter, 3 cc syringe, blunt tip needle, towel or chux pad, and mannequin arm. Extension tubing, primary tubing, 1000ml IV fluid bag, secondary IV fluid bag, needle or adapter for connection between IV and tubing , blunt tip cannula, vial of medicine for additives (example MVI), needless vial adaptor, 3cc syringe, 5cc syringe, vial of medicine to simulate a push med, syringe with needle, tape, alcohol prep, IV pole. Sample doctors orders and MAR for IV medication administration (see pages 4 and 5 below). For incompatible medication administration: Three 3 cc syringes (2 for flush, 1 with medication), incompatible medication, alcohol prep. For IV Piggyback (IVPB): IVPB fluids, secondary tubing. Various NG tubes for demonstration, sump tube and dobhof for practice, anti reflux valve, suction tubing, suction adapter, water soluble lubricant, towel, wash basin, tape, safety pin, rubber band, PH tape, stethoscope, 60 cc piston syringe, bottle normal saline, cup, straw, pen light, tongue blade, mannequin, suction equipment, meniscus, feeding bag. Practice pills for demo and student use (sweet tarts), practice liquids, pill crusher, pill cutter, meniscus, pill cup, sample doctors orders and MAR (see pages 6 and 7 below; note transcription error on accompanying MAR for students to locate and discuss solutions). Various O2 delivery devices for demonstration (nasal cannula, venti mask, non-rebreather, rebreather, high flow mask, O2 regulator, extension tubing), oxygen equipment. Pain assessment tool from a local hospital. TB syringe, Insulin syringe, 3 cc syringe with 25 G 5/8 inch needle for SQ injections, alcohol preps, regular and NPH insulin, powder vial of medication + diluent + 10 cc syringe with needle (practice reconstitution), ampules + 3 cc syringe with 22 G 1 ½ inch needle, and Tubex + pre-filled syringe, sample doctors orders and MAR (see pages 6 and 7 below), and injection pad. Beds, pillows, wheel chair, walker, cane, gate belt, IV Vacutainer and needle, alcohol preps, blood collection tubes (various), tourniquet, various syringes with needles, butterfly needles for vacutainer, and mannequin arm. Sample of various types of restraints (wrist, belt, vest, Sharps container and sharps needle and syringe Suction kit (sterile gloves, suction catheter, pop up cup, suction tubing, suction tubing connector, bottle normal saline) and mannequin with nasal, oral, and tracheal airways. Suture removal kit and staple removal kit, steri-strips, benzoin, alcohol and model or mannequin with sutures and staples in place. Practice medication (toothpaste), tape, gloves. Tracheostomy clean care kit (sterile gloves, cotton tip applicators, twill tape, dressing drain sponge, gauze 4 x 4 (4), brush, drape), bottle normal saline and hydrogen peroxide, model or mannequin with a trach tube in place. Distance Learning Re-Entry Nursing Project Sample Physician Orders for Use in Nursing Skill Lab Review Session 2 Parenteral and IV Medication Administration Practice Physician Orders
Complete top portion with each Level of Care change. Indicate order
with a Check Mark.

Outpatient Procedure (procedure) for DOB 02/15/1946 Place in Outpatient Observation Services for #247565486 Admit as Inpatient for: CHF and pneumonia (Hx Diabetes Mellitus) Signature:
Additional Orders: (Dates/Times required)
Morphine 2 mg IV q2h prn pain/anxiety or SOB Humalog Insulin SQ ac/hs according to sliding scale: Authorization is hereby given to dispense the generic equivalent unless otherwise indicated by the physician Distance Learning Re-Entry Nursing Project Sample MAR for use in Nursing Skill Lab Review Session 2 MAR Date: Page of Site Codes: 1. Right Abdomen 3. Right Upper Arm 5. Right Buttock (upper outer quadrant) 7. Right Anterior Thigh 2. Left Abdomen 4. Left Upper Arm 6. Left Buttock (upper outer quadrant) 8. Left Anterior Thigh Sliding Scale- Humalog Insulin SQ ac/hs Blood Sugar Humalog Insulin 0-150 : 0 units pneumonia (hx Diabetes Mellitus) Allergies: Distance Learning Re-Entry Nursing Project Sample Physician Orders for Use in Nursing Skill Lab Review Session 2 Physician Orders
Complete top portion with each Level of Care change. Indicate order
with a Check Mark.

Outpatient Procedure (procedure) for: DOB 02/15/1946 Place in Outpatient Observation Services for: #1407631 Signature:
Additional Orders: (Dates/Times required)
Potassium Chloride liquid 60 mEq PO qd with 6 oz. fruit juice Authorization is hereby given to dispense the generic equivalent unless otherwise indicated by the physician Distance Learning Re-Entry Nursing Project Sample MAR for use in Nursing Skill Lab Review Session 2 MAR Date: Page of Site Codes: 1. Right Abdomen 3. Right Upper Arm 5. Right Buttock (upper outer quadrant) 7. Right Anterior Thigh 2. Left Abdomen 4. Left Upper Arm 6. Left Buttock (upper outer quadrant) 8. Left Anterior Thigh


Aishima S, Nishihara Y, Iguchi T, Tagchi K, Taketomi A, Maehara Y, Tsuneypshi M. Lymphatic spread is related to VEGF-C expression and D2-40-positive myofibroblasts in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Mod Pathol 21(3):256-64,2008 Aishima S, Nishihara Y, Tsujita E, Taguchi K, Soejima Y, Taketomi A, Ikeda Y, Maehara Y, Tsuneyoshi M. Biliary neoplasia with extensive intraductal spread associated with

Drug-facilitated sexual assault in ontario, canada: toxicological and dna findings

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