
SURGERYSurgery is undertaken to clear lesions which cannot be managed by simpler means. As illustrated a margin of healthy tissue is re-moved around the lesion so that the lab can examine it under the microscope to determine the characteristics and complete excision. You will note that a simple excision illustrated is aligned into the skin folds for best scar results and takes the shape of an ellipse so the skin closes without rucks and tucks. This geometry mayresult in scar that is longer than you anticipate but paradoxically this heals better with less tension in the closure.
Your surgeon will select the simplest method of closure consistent with the requirement to clear the lesion and with the result in mind. This will be discussed at the consultation.
Scars are minimised by technique and placement. All scars will go through a resolution cycle of getting obvious for three months and then fading after 12 months. Your surgeon may recommend taping or applications to the skin depending on progress. For the limbs and trunk a compression garment may be required usually in those where prior scars have been a problem.
Scar revisions are occasionally required and are covered by your insurance. These take place after one year.
LOCAL ANAESTHETICLocal anaesthetic is often selected by patients as is simpler for a few small lesions.
It does sting a little although bicarbonated soda is added to reduce the acidity of the local. However it works quickly and although you can feel some pushing and pulling the skin of the area will be numb.
GENERAL ANAESTHETIC /DAY STAYSome patients will select this option for multiple lesion removal or sensitive spots such as around the eye or awkward spots around the nose. Those patients who dislike local can also opt for day case anaesthesia.
ACTIVITY LEVEL AFTER OPERATIONStrenuous activity is best avoided for about one week . Healing blood vessels need peace and quiet as they are fl imsy to begin with thickening up over a week to 10 days. Aspirin is to be avoided for 10 days prior to operation.
You will be provided with a prescription for pain relief and antibiotics after surgery. You will also be given a small tube of eye cream to use as directed on the wound afterwards. This is not a particularly painful operation and many people do not use their pain relief.
COSTSCosts are generally covered via your insurance company and are quoted for insurance company ap-proval prior to any operation. The insurance company is asked to confi rm with you directly the level of cover available under your policy.
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES• To reveal all medications ,conditions,history, allergies and recreational drug use.
• To understand all aspects of the information discussed at consultation and all written information given and to seek clarifi cation if needed.
• To understand that you are entering a process where your surgeon is dedicated to the best possible outcome. This requires engaging in the complexities of biology, healing and individual differences, • • • That additional stages or further surgeries are occasionally required and that the surgeons best ef-forts are the basis of the charges. Further surgeries will incur additional charges in pursuit of a par-ticular result.
• To understand that the initial consultation is charged for but all subsequent pre operative consulta-tions pertaining to this surgery are at no charge.
• To understand and accept the above conditions.


"ALLERGIC SKIN DISEASES" by Lowell Ackerman, DVM AKC Gazette : Sept. 1990, pp. 94-101 Comments in italics are the reviewer's and not turn, aggravates the itching sensation so that an itch-scratch-infection-itch cycle occurs.) (All Dalmatian breeders and owners should (Dals with AID will show symptoms at memorize this article! It is perhaps the most

Europass curriculum vitae

Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Andrea Lenzi Address(es) Department of Experimental Medicine University of Rome “Sapienza” Viale Regina Elena 324 Occupational field Endocrinology, Andrology and Reproduction Medicine Work experience 2001 Full Professor of Endocrinology 2002-2010 Degree course in Medicine at the Univ

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