Tingling and numbness to the sole of the
it is difficult to stop putting pressure through
foot can be caused by tarsal tunnel syndrome,
your feet. Shoe orthotics are recommended for
although other problems can also cause similar
some patients and this will often successfully
symptoms to your feet. It is important to have
relieve symptoms. Altering lifestyle habits
the correct diagnosis and identify the level of
including weight loss may be helpful in relieving
compression or type of nerve disease so that
symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Anti-
your symptoms can be effectively treated.
medications such as Neurontin may be used.
condition where pressure on the tibial nerve in
Conditions that may increase your symptoms
the region of your ankle causes tingling and
such rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism,
numbness to the sole of your foot and in more
diabetes and other conditions that may increase
severe cases changes to the small muscles in
swelling to your feet should be treated to see if
your foot. The tibial nerve comes off the sciatic
that helps your symptoms. Other causes of
nerve in the thigh and then continues behind the
knee to the inside ankle (medial malleolus)
peripheral neuropathy and lumbar radiculopathy
where is goes through a tunnel and then divides
should be ruled out. Tarsal tunnel syndrome
into the calcaneal nerve and the medial and
may also be associated with or confused with
lateral plantar nerves. The medial and lateral
plantar nerves go through separate tunnels in the
foot and each tunnel can put more pressure on
relieve your symptoms, surgical release of the tarsal tunnel may be recommended. The surgery requires an incision behind your ankle extending down to the arch of your foot. The ligament over the tibial nerve in the region of the tarsal tunnel is released. The nerve is followed in the foot and the tunnels for the medial and lateral
plantar nerves are also released. The calcaneal
branch frequently has its own tunnel which is
also released. A long acting anesthetic is used to help with postoperative pain and because of this
anesthetic you will likely feel more numbness
following surgery. A soft bulky dressing is
At first, the symptoms of tingling and/or
applied and it is removed two to three days
numbness may come and go and then as the
following surgery. To control swelling, it is
pressure on the nerve increases, these feelings
important to keep your foot elevated whenever
may last for longer periods of time. If untreated,
possible and moving your toes will help to
over time your symptoms will likely increase
decrease swelling. When you are walking, you
with increased pressure on the nerve through the
may put as much weight through your foot as
you feel comfortable with. A cane or crutches
may be used at first to help decrease weight
Non-operative Treatment
compression involves decreasing the pressure on
Postoperative Management
the posterior tibial nerve. Because you weight
bear through your feet when you walk or stand,
begin range of motion exercises of your ankle
and an ace wrap may be used to help control
from surgery include injury to the small sensory
swelling in your foot. Also you may shower and
wash over the stitches with soap and water. The
stitches are removed 2 to 3 weeks following
surgery depending on your wound healing. You
Initially after surgery, you may notice an
may progess to full weight bearing as you feel
improvement in the tingling into your foot. If
comfortable and may use crutches or a cane for
you have had numbness for a long period of time
your comfort. In some cases with delayed
before surgery, it may take many weeks or
wound healing, prolonged swelling or decreased
months before you notice improvement in the
ankle strength/range of motion, you may be sent
sensation in your foot. The nerve grows back
slowly at the rate of an inch a month and as the
feeling comes back you may feel more burning
tingling into your foot. Similar to when the
feeling is coming back after your foot has
bleeding, infection and delayed wound healing.
“fallen asleep”, you may have those kinds of
As the feeling comes back to your foot, you may
feelings as the nerve is regenerating and the
feel more tingling or burning sensations as
normal sensation returns. Other complications Written by: Susan E. Mackinnon, MD & Christine B. Novak, PT, MS Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri March, 2001
Appendices Chapter 19 Appendices APPENDIX 1: BASELINE HEALTH DATA TABLE 23: POPULATION, NUMBER OF MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS AND PHARMACIES IN THE TERRITORY OF MUNICIPAL ENTITIES IN THE SAKHALIN REGION Municipal entity Population in thousands *Number of Number of Number of outpatient pharmacies institution clinics and obstetrics *Health institutions as legal en
Chronologie einer Krankheit von Gerhard Klein * *DI: Gerhard Klein ist seit 1998 bei der Aids Hilfe Wien als Mitarbeiter für ProjektPrävention beschäftigt. 1981 Ein Drogentechniker am Center for Disease Control in den USA bemerkt eine ungewöhnlich hohe Anfrage nach Pentamidine -eine Droge, die in der Behandlung von Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP) verwendet wird. Sp�