Name: ______________________________________________
PIN#: _______________________________________________
DOB: _______________________________________________
University Hospital Victoria Hospital Bookings Central Bookings
HC#: _______________________________________________
Telephone: 519-663-3212 Telephone: 519-685-8770
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________
Print Name (with initials):__________________________________
SIGNATURE:→_________________________________________ Date of Injury:__________________________ Address:_______________________________________________
______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone:___________________ Fax:_____________________
Examination Requested: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Clinical Problem: (must be entered)___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All of the following questions must be completed before the CT will be booked.
1. Is the patient allergic to radiographic IV contrast?
2. (a) Is there a history of renal impairment or nephrectomy?
(b) Is the patient currently on dialysis?
(d) Is the patient on any medication for diabetes?
If yes, do they take medication called Metformin, Glucophage or Avandamet?
(e) Does the patient have other medical conditions or take any medications that may
Please list: ________________________________________________________
If you answered yes to any of the items in Question 2 and your patient requires/or may require IV contrast, a recent creatinine (<2 months) must be forwarded with the requisition. Creatinine: ____________________________ Date (YYYY/MM/DD): ____________________________
3. Given the patients history and as advised in the product monograph for Yes
Omnipaque 300, would you recommend the use of contrast if required?
4. Patient weight: ________________lb/kg?
5. Is there a history of pheochromocytoma, multiples myeloma, heart disease or other?
Please list:_________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Are you requesting a timed follow-up procedure (eg. 6 month follow-up)? If yes, date requested (YYYY/MM/DD):_______________________________________ If no, how would you rate the urgency or relative priority of this patient: (circle one) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Not Urgent At All Extremely Urgent CT Exam Date (YYYY/MM/DD): _________________________________________________ -- RADIOLOGY USE ONLY-- Booking Priority: Protocol: 1 Emergency <12 hr 4 Non Urgent 2 Urgent 4T Non Urgent/Timed 2T Urgent/Timed 3 Semi Urgent 3T Semi Urgent/Timed
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AN INFORMATION THEORETIC APPROACH TO JOINT PROBABILISTIC FACE DETECTION AND TRACKING Department of InformaticsUniversity of ThessalonikiE-mail: eloutas,nikou,pitas ABSTRACT Head orientation is calculated by using either feature basedmethods [6, 7] or appearance based methods [8, 9]. The latter rely A joint probabilistic face detection and tracking algorithm for com-