
4401 North Central Avenue Indianapolis IN 46205
(317) 923-2333 FAX (317) 923-2333
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Dennis Mac Greene, Ph.D., HSPP
Indiana License #: 20041237
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology #44394
Mailing Address:
1992 Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Rutgers University, Brunswick, NJ 1989-1990 APA approved internship, Friends Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 1989 M.S. Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 1979 M.A. Psychology, Goddard College, Plainfield, VT July, 1997-present Clinical Psychologist Meridian Psychological Associates, Indianapolis, IN Psychotherapy: Adults, children, couples and families,
Divorce Adjustment Team: Child Custody Evaluations, Parent
Coordination, High Conflict Group for divorced co-parents.
Assessment: Forensic, personality, cognitive
Consultation: HIV/AIDS service agency, nursing homes,
adolescent treatment center, private school, and a state prison.
Riley Hospital for Children/IU Medical School, Indianapolis, IN Psychotherapy: Children and adolescents with transgender
issues, diabetes, Xenical clinical trial for adolescent obesity.
Cognitive Assessment: Toddler Pump Study.
Consultation: Transgender issues.
March, 1998-December, 1999 Clinical Director of Group Homes St. Croix Psychological Clinic, River Falls, WI University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Counseling Department Clinical Psychology Intern, APA approved program Friends, Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Psychotherapist (families, undergraduates) Rutgers University Psychological Clinic, Piscataway, NJ “Family Therapy for Early Intervention for Drug Abuse” funded by National Institute for Drug Abuse, Brenna Bry, Ph.D., P.I. 1986 Clinical Director of Starting Over (adjudicated youth) HARBEL Community Mental Health Center, Baltimore, MD Kensington-Wheaton Youth Service Bureau, Wheaton, MD Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Washington, D.C. Rehabilitation Counselor (de-institutionalized chronic Residential Youth Services, Alexandria, VA Shamrock Fleet Services, Inc. (taxicabs), Washington, D.C. “The Black Civil Rights Leadership Project: 1962 and 1980” funded by the Stern Family Fund, Thomas Rose, Ph.D., P.I. Montgomery College, Rockville, MD Harvard University Project on Technology, Work and Character, Michael Maccoby, Ph.D., P.I., Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. Counselor Runaway House (now Sasha Bruce Youthworks) Washington, D.C. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Greene, D.M. and Tarr, David (May 16, 2012). Psychology Intern Didactics: Psychological Assessment, “What does the Rorschach add to the standard testing battery?” Roudebush VA Medical Center Greene, D.M. and Miller, Janine (October 29, 2011). From Limited Focus to Comprehensive Child Custody Evaluations: A Provider’s Guide. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Indianapolis, IN. Greene, D.M. et al (February 20, 2009). Psychological Testing in Family, Employment, Personal Injury, and Criminal Law. Meridian Psychological Associates, Continuing Legal Education, Indianapolis, IN. Greene, D.M., Ferraro, B., Miller, J., and Whaley, B. (November, 2003) From Conflict to Cooperation: Group Treatment for High Conflict Parents. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, St. Louis. Greene, D.M. (November, 2002). Non-verbal Learning Disability. Indiana Psychological Association. (also presented August, 2002 Turner Syndrome Society of United States, St. Louis) Greene, D.M. (November, 2000). The Psychology of Evil, Indiana Psychological Association, Indianapolis, IN Greene, D.M. (September, 2000). Co-morbidity of Depression and Diabetes. IU Medical School, Endocrinology Grand Rounds & 1st Annual Greene, D.M., Herman, B., Marshall, R. (May, 1999). Anxiety Management. Fifth Annual Family Practice Update, Methodist Hospital, INPLS Greene, D.M. (January, 1999). Height, Hang-ups & Happiness-Psychological Issues in Turners Syndrome. Indiana Turner Syndrome Society, INPLS Greene, D.M. (1997-November). Prevention of date rape by targeting potential perpetrators. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami, FL. Greene, D.M., Navarro, R.L., & Krueger, C.A. (1997, May). Perpetrators of date rape: Risk factors. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago. Greene, D.M. (1996, June). Developmental pathways during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Society for Research in Adult Development, Boston. Greene, D.M. (1996, May). Developmental trajectories during the transition to adulthood. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago. Greene, D.M. (1995, November). Secondary prevention of repeated sexual victimization: Protective and risk factors. Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C. Greene, D.M., Beerntsen, J.A., Finney, S.J., & Constable, K.A. (1995, May). Protective and risk factors in sexual victimization. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago. Greene, D.M. (1994, June). A treatment outcome model for evaluating Teaching effectiveness. Society for Research in Adult Development, Amherst, MA. Greene, D.M. (1994, May). Working in the zone of proximal development. Midwestern Psychological Association, Council on Teaching Undergraduate Psychology, Chicago. Greene, D.M. (1993, June). Emotional regulation during the transition to Adulthood. Society for Research in Adult Development, Amherst, MA. Greene, D.M. (1992, November). Young adult transitions: Self- Development in a non-clinical population. Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Self & Self-development SIG, Boston. Greene, D.M. (1992, June). Young adult transitions-longitudinal research Integrated with teaching innovations. Society for Research in Adult Development, Toronto. Greene, D.M. (1992, May). Teaching scientific thinking in Psychology 100. Midwestern Psychological Association, Council on Teaching Undergraduate Psychology, Chicago. Greene, D.M., Keniston, A., Peden, B., & McIntire, K. (1991, August). Teaching about research and research about teaching. University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse conference on “Scholarship Reconsidered.” Greene, D.M. (1991, May). Applied behavior analysis of adult development, Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta. Greene, D.M., & Bry, B.H. (1988, May). Clinical issues in treating adolescent substance abuse. Association for Behavior Analysis, Philadelphia. Greene, D.M. (1988, May). The theoretical and empirical bases for studying verbal and rule behaviors. Association for Behavior Analysis, Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior SIG, Philadelphia. Nabhan, S.M., Kreher, N.C., Greene, D.M., Eugster, E.A., Kronenberger, W., and DiMeglio, L.A. (2008). A randomized prospective study of insulin pump vs. insulin injection therapy in very young children with type 1 diabetes: 12-month glycemic, BMI, and neurocognitive outcomes. Pediatric Diabetes, 1-7. Greene, D.M. & Navarro, R.L. (1998). Situation-specific assertiveness in the epidemiology of sexual victimization among college women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 22, 589-604. Greene, D.M. (1997). Spirituality as a coping resource-Seconding Rowan, The Behavior Therapist, 20, p.28. Editor of Bulletin of the Society for Research in Adult Development, 1994-97 Greene, D.M. (1992). Do video games cause “Type A” behavior? Behavior Greene, D.M. & Bry, B.H. (1991). Rules reinforcement, and the emergence of new solutions in family problem solving. Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 9, 29-39. Bry, B.H. & Greene, D.M. (1990). B.F. Skinner: Consensus and Controversy----A review essay. Child and Family Therapy, 11, 107-119. Bry, B.H. & Greene, D.M. (1990). Empirical bases for integrating school- And family-based interventions against early adolescent substance abuse. In R.J. McMahon & R. DeV. Peters, (Eds.), Behavior disorders of adolescence: Research, intervention, and policy in clinical and school settings. Bry, B.H., Greene, D.M., Schutte, C., & Peckman, E. (1988). Eighteen Month outcomes of school-and combined school-and family-based preventive Interactions. (Abstract). In L.S. Harris (Ed.), Problems of Drug Dependence, 1988. (Research monograph No. 90). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Bry, B.H. & Greene, D.M. (1988). Providing family therapy through the Schools. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 23, 21-23. Greene, D.M. (1988). The theoretical and empirical bases for studying Verbal and rule behaviors. (Abstract). Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 6, p.9. Honors and Awards *Lilly Research Laboratories, Investigator-initiated grant, $9,000.00, Psycho-social development and parental stress in girls with Turner Syndrome, August, 2000. *University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire grants and awards: November, 1995; July, 1996; May, 1997 Counseling Research Group $2,000 each May, 1994 Integrating technology into a freshman survey course, $1,000 December, 1991 Incentive for Teaching Innovation, $200 August, 1991 Young Adult Transitions, $1,920 *Association for Behavior Analysis, Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior SIG, Winner of the Fourth Annual Student Paper Contest, May, 1988 *Marion Johnson Fellowship for Graduate Study at Rutgers University, $10,000/yr September, 1986-August, 1989 *Writers Stipend, Summer, 1980, $2,000, National Endowment for the Humanities Technical Reports Bry, B.H., Greene, D.M., Schutte, C., & Fishman, C. (1989). Targeted family intervention: procedures manual. Available from first author, GSAPP, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08855-0819 Ph.D. Dissertation (Rutgers University, 1992) “An operant analysis of problem solving-revised: Rules and reinforcement in family problem solving. Supervisor: Brenna H. Bry, Ph.D. M.S. Thesis (Rutgers University, 1989) “The generation of new solutions in family verbal problem solving as a function of varying instructions, family history, and other verbal behaviors.” Supervisor: Brenna H. Bry, Ph.D. M.A. Thesis (Goddard College, 1979) “Four varieties of social character at International Group Plans, Inc.” References Bart Ferraro, Ph.D., Elgan Baker, Ph.D., or Edgar Davis, Ph.D., Meridian Psychological Associates, Indianapolis, IN 317-923-2333


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INTRODUCTION Operating power is obtained from an internal 3V FW-RMT wireless security system is an advanced, low-Lithium Battery. A red LED lights during transmission as long as the battery voltage The FW-RMT is a miniature 4-button (4-function) exceeds 2.4V. If the LED flashes during transmitter, designed for use in advanced, high-transmission, the battery must be replaced FRE

Odyssey High School Biology Vocabulary Vocabulary Word Definition physical, or nonliving, factor that shapes an ecosystemphysical, or nonliving, part of an ecosystemthe closeness of a measurement to the actual valuelacking a body cavitytraits that develop as a result of an organism's experiences in the worldthe energy needed to start a reaction by exciting a stable molecule and makin

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