Note: 20 Points for each correct code on the attached answer sheet Code the procedure(s) performed at the ambulatory surgery center for the gastroenterologist only. AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER CHART Admit Date/Time:3/14 10:00 am Discharge Date/Time:3/14 12:45 pm Sex: MAge: 59 Disposition: Home Height: 5’6” Weight: 160 Admitting Diagnosis: 1. Abdominal Pain 2. R/O Ulcer Discharge Diagnosis: 1.
Date:3/14 Height: 5’6” Vital Signs: T 99, P 80, R 20, BP 122/74, stable Mental Status: Alert and oriented Allergies: NKA NPO: Yes, since midnight Current Meds: Stomach pills, Tagamet History and Physical
Date:3/10 (performed in office) History of Present Illness: 59-year-old male with abdominal pain, unresponsive to H2 blockers Past Medical History: Periodic high blood-pressure readings Medications: Tagamet, Dicyclomine Allergies: NKA Examination: General: Well-developed, well-nourished male in minor distress. HEENT: No gross lesions noted. Pupils round and equal. No icterus. Neck supple, trachea midline. Negative soft tissue swelling. Oropharynx negative. Soft tissues within normal limits. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. EKG showed normal sinus rhythm Lungs: Clear to auscultation Abdomen: Soft, tender to touch Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema F:\MEDICAL CODING\To Copy/Exam Case Study1 Rectal: Deferred Impression: Abdominal pain, possible ulcer Pre-procedure Diagnosis: Abdominal pain, rule out ulcer
Orders: 1. Set up EGD and possible flexible sigmoidoscopy at ambulatory surgery
2. NPO after midnight day of procedure
Date of Procedure:3/14 Procedure: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy Preoperative Medication: Preop Demerol 50 mg, Vistaril 50 mg, Atropine .4 mg, Versed 4 mg given by the anesthesiologist Preoperative Diagnosis: Abdominal pain, possible peptic ulcer disease. Patient has upper abdominal pain, unresponsive to H2 blockers. Postoperative Diagnosis: F:\MEDICAL CODING\To Copy/Exam Case Study1 Findings: Endoscopy was performed with the Olympus video panendoscope, which was easily introduced into the esophagus. This was normal to the proximal midportion of the esophagus, but at the GE junction, there was evidence of a moderate degree of reflux esophagitis with several small superficial erosions at the location and also isolated erosions several centimeters above. The endoscope was advanced into the stomach and turned in a retrograde direction. The cardiac and fundic areas were examined and found to be otherwise normal. The antrum showed normal peristalsis and mucosa. In the immediate prepyloric area, there was a small defect that was thought to represent scarring from previous ulcer, which was still healing. Biopsies were obtained. The duodenum, including the second portion, was normal. Subsequently, the endoscope was withdrawn. The patient turned on his left side. Flexible sigmoidoscopy was then carried out to the lower descending colon. A biopsy of the sigmoid was obtained. Patient tolerated the procedure well. ENDOSCOPY ORDERS
3/14: Admit to ambulatory surgery, endoscopy area Obtain consent for procedure, sign, and witness Start IV of 55 cc D5W or NS TO KVO or heparin lock. Preoperative Medications: Vistaril 50 mg IM, Demerol 50 mg IM, atropine .4 mg IM 3/14: To Recovery Give soft diet Discharge at 12:30 p.m. F:\MEDICAL CODING\To Copy/Exam Case Study1 EXAMINATION ANSWER SHEET
CONTROL Y TRATAMIENTO FARMACOLÓGICO DE LA DIABETES EN PACIENTES CON DIABETES Y ENFERMEDAD RENAL Coordinadores: Mercedes Traversa. Prof. Adjunta de Medicina (UBA). Médica de Planta de la División Diabetología, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”. Hugo Zelechower. Médico Especialista en Terapia Intensiva y de Nefrología, Hospital General de Agudos “D. Vélez Sarsfi eld”
Masters of Science (Infectious Diseases) (Distinction) 2009 – 2012 University of London External System (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), UK Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy) (Honours) 2003 – 2007 National University of Singapore, SG Added Qualifications in Infectious Diseases 2012 Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist 2011 Board of Pharmacy Spe