
“Are you more or less likely to use Acetaminophen products after becoming aware of the FDA’s More likely
Less likely
No change
Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding “Do you use any of the following products that contain Acetaminophen?” PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS CONTAINING ACETAMINOPHEN:
APAP: Acetaminophen Uniserts/Suppositories Benadryl®: Allergy Sinus Headache; Severe Allergy & Sinus Headache Butalbital: Acetaminophen and Caffeine Tablets Contac®: Severe Cold and Flu Maximum Strength Caplets, Non-Drowsy Coricidin®: D Cold, Flu & Sinus Tablets, HBP Cold & Flu Tablets Esgic®: Capsules and Tablets, and Esgic-Plus™: Tablets Drixoral®: Allergy Sinus, Cold & Flu Excedrin®: All Products Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen Tablets, Capsules, Elixir Midol®: Maximum Strength Menstrual Formula, Maximum Strength PMS Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Tablets and Capsules NyQuil®/DayQuil®: Cold/Flu Relief Liquid and LiquiCaps Pentazocine: HCl and Acetaminophen Tablets Robitussin: Cold, Multi-Symptom Cold & Flu, Multi-Symptom Honey Flu Propoxyphene: HCl and Acetaminophen Tablets Propoxyphene: Napsylate and Acetaminophen Tablets Sinutab® Sinus: Sinus Allergy Medication Maximum Strength Formula Roxicet™: Tablets, Caplets, Oral Solution Sudafed®: Cold & Cough Liquid Caps, Cold & Sinus Liquid Caps, Severe Cold Caplets and Tablets, Sinus Caplets and Tablets Tylenol® with Codeine: Tablets and Elixir Tavist®: Sinus Non-Drowsy Coated Caplets TheraFlu®: All Regular and Maximum Strength Caplets and Hot Liquid Triaminic®: Cold, Cough & Fever Liquid, Cough & Sore Throat Liquid, Vicodin®, Vicodin ES®, Vicodin HP®: Tablets Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding “Do you use any of the following products that contain Acetaminophen?” Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding “Please indicate which type of Acetaminophen product you use.” Prescribed Acetam inophen product(s)
Over-the-counter (non-prescription) Acetam inophen product(s)
Both prescribed and over-the-counter Acetam inophen products
Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding “Do you think the FDA should pull Acetaminophen products?” Yes, both prescription and non-prescription Acetam inophen products
Yes, prescription Acetam inophen products only
Yes, non-prescription Acetam inophen products only
Yes, they should pull only certain products containing Acetam inophen.
No, they should not pull any Acetam inophen products
Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding


2012 / 2013 INFLUENZA VACCINE CONSENT FORM & ADMINISTATION RECORD Section 1: Information to Receive Vaccine (please print) * Complete both sides of form. * NAME (Last) BIRTHDATE: DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: Parent Name: Section 2: Self Screening Checklist: (All questions below pertain to the person named in Section 1.) * Injectable and intranasal forms of 2012 / 201


CONTACT: Joy B. Murawski, [email protected] There will be a Junior and Senior Parent/Student Seminar on Financial Aid on Thursday, November 15 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm at Lake Forest High School East Campus in the David Miller Theater. Please join members of the LFHS Counseling Staff as they host Jerry Cebrzynski, Director of Financial Aid at Lake Forest College, who will provide an overv

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