Sharon b

Sharon B. Mannheimer, M.D.
Date of Preparation of CV

Personal data

Sharon Mannheimer Birthplace: Cleveland, OH Citizenship: US
Academic Appointments

9/10-present Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (in Epidemiology), College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, NY 1/11-present Assistant Dean, Student Affairs; Columbia University Affiliation at Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, NY Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, NY Instructor in Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Hospital Appointments

10/08-present Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Harlem Hospital Center Associate Director, Department of Medicine, Harlem Hospital Center Associate Director of Research, Department of Medicine, Harlem Hospital Center Director of Clinical and Programmatic Affairs, Harlem Hospital Division of Infectious Diseases 8/05- 7/11 Director, Harlem Hospital HIV/AIDS Programs 7/95-present Attending, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Harlem Hospital Center, New York, NY
Post Doctoral Training

Intern, Internal Medicine, University of Rochester-Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY Resident, Internal Medicine, Strong Memorial Hospital Fellow, Infectious Diseases, Cornell University Medical College-The New York Hospital, New York, NY. 1993-95: Supported by NIH grant # T32-AI07458 (PI Warren D. Johnson, Jr., M.D).

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; B.S. (Biology) Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland,OH; MD Licensure and Board Certification

Internal Medicine, 11/92; re-certification 11/2002, 11/2012 (certified through 2022) Infectious Diseases, 11/94; re-certification 11/2004 (certified through 2014) Invited panelist, “Supporting Adherence to HIV Treatment: Multidisciplinary Team Approach,” national satellite broadcast, June 2001, NY State Department of Health, Albany, NY. Invited speaker, “Successful Program Models to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy,” satellite conference at the XIV International AIDS Conference, July 2002, Barcelona, Spain. Elected Member, New York State Dept. of Health AIDS Institute's Medical Care Criteria Committee; which develops the New York State clinical practice guidelines for the care of HIV-infected adults. Invited speaker at NIH/Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council meeting on HIV Infection as a Chronic Disease, Washington, DC. Invited speaker, “Enhancing Adherence: A State of the Science Meeting on Intervention Research to Improve Anti-Retroviral Adherence,” Yale University, Nov. 2005, New Haven. Invited speaker, “The Measurement of Antiretroviral Adherence in HIV,” NY State Dept. of Health AIDS Institute Treatment Adherence Services Quality Learning Network meeting, May 2007, New York. Invited speaker, “Resistance in HIV: Influence of Treatment Duration, Adherence and Agent,” Annual Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, June 2007, Bethesda, MD. 2008-5/2011 Voting member, Priority Setting and Resource Allocation Committee, HIV Health and Human Services Planning Council of New York City, NY 9/12-present New York City Representative, Provider Advisory Board, Medical Monitoring Project, Centers for Disease Control
Professional Organizations/Societies

Departmental and University Committees
Member, Harlem Hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Member, Harlem Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Clinical Competency Committee Member, Columbia University Dept of Medicine Executive Committee 2009- present Member, Harlem Hospital Rapid HIV Testing Task Force Committee 3/11-present Member, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons 5/11-present Member, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons 2012- present Member, Harlem Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Committee
Grant support

Past Support
National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, grant # RO1 DA12363-
01; The Harlem Adherence with Retroviral Therapy Study, 1999-2003; Principal Investigator. Dept. of Health & Human Services/ HRSA, grant # 1H97 HA 00214-01; The Harlem Adherence to Treatment Study: Evaluation of a Touch-Screen Computer Adherence Questionnaire and a Qualitative Assessment of the Peer-Client Relationship; 1999-2004; Principal Investigator. New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute. The Harlem Adherence to Treatment Study; 1999-2003; Co-Principal Investigator. National Institutes of Health; National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute; grant # R01 HL66782-02 (PI El-Sadr); Tuberculosis Adherence Partnership Alliance Study (TAPAS), 2000-2006; Co-Investigator. New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute; Peer Training Institute; 2002; Co- New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute; The Harlem Adherence with Treatment Support in Primary Care; 2003-2008; Program Medical Director. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/ Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau; Harlem Peer Education Training Site, 2005-2011; Co-Investigator / Medical Advisor.
Present Support
National Institutes of Health, NIAID, HIV Prevention Trials Network, 2008-2014; Site Leader, Harlem Prevention Center clinical research site. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, grant # R01 DA032100- 01; STAR: Seek, Test and Retain. Linkages for Black HIV+ Substance Using MSM; 2011-2016; Co-Principal Investigator. Dept. of Health & Human Services/ HRSA, grant # H97 HA 22721; Special Projects of National Significance Hepatitis C Treatment Expansion Initiative; 2011-2013; Program Director.
Teaching experience and responsibilities

1995-present Teaching of Harlem Hospital Internal Medicine residents and Infectious Diseases (ID) fellows on attending rounds and on ID consult rounds 1998-present Preceptor, Medicine clerkship; Columbia Univ. 3rd year medical students 2002-present Ad hoc reviewer, PhD Dissertation defense committee, MPH students’ Master’s theses, Columbia Univ. Mailman School of Public Health 2011-present Assistant Dean, Student Affairs; Columbia University Affiliation at Harlem Hospital- involves oversight of Harlem site clerkship directors and Columbia University medical students rotating through Harlem Hospital 2012-present Mentor to Scholar in HIV Prevention Trials Network Scholar’s Program Other professional activities
1995-present Project Director, Harlem Hospital Ryan White-funded HIV Programs Investigator, Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS 1. Co-chair, CPCRA Adherence protocol team (1998-2004) 2. Chair, CPCRA Adherence Working Group (1999-2007) 3. CPCRA Science Planning Committee member (1998) 2001-present Ad hoc manuscript reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, JAMA Review committee member, grant applications to the NIH/ National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

A. Original, peer reviewed articles
1. Telzak EE, Sepkowitz K, Alpert P, Mannheimer S, El-Sadr W, Blum S, Gagliardi A, Turett
G. Mulitdrug-resistant tuberculosis among patients without HIV infection. N Engl J Med
2. *Mannheimer SB, Hariprashad J, Stoeckle MY, Murray HW. Induction of macrophage
antiprotozoal activity by monocyte chemotactic and activating factor. FEMS Immunology and
Microbiology 1996;14:59-61.
3. *Mannheimer SB, Riley LW, Roberts RB. The association of penicillin-resistant
pneumococcus with residence in a chronic care facility. J Infect Dis 1996;174:513-519.
4. *Mannheimer SB, Sepkowitz KA, Stoeckle M, Friedman CR, Hafner A, Riley LW. Risk
factors and outcome of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with sporadic
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in New York City. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1997;1:319-325.
5. Stein Z, Saez H, El-Sadr W, Healton C, Mannheimer S, Messeri P, Scimeca MM, Van
Devanter N, Zimmerman R, Betne P. Safer sex strategies for women: The hierarchical model in
methadone treatment clinics. J Urban Health: Bulletin of the NY Acad Med 1999;76:62-72.
6. El-Sadr W, Burman WJ, Grant LB, Matts JP, Hafner R, Crane L, Zeh D, Gallagher B,
Mannheimer SB, Martinez A, Gordin F. Discontinuation of prophylaxis against Mycobacterium
complex disease in HIV-infected patients who have a response to antiretroviral therapy. N
Engl J Med 2000;342:1085-1092.
7. Baxter JD, Mayers DL, Wentworth DN, Neaton JD, Hoover ML, Winters MA, Mannheimer
SB, Thompson MA, Abrams DI, Brizz BJ, Ioannidis JPA, Merigan TC and the CPCRA 046
Study Team for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA).
A randomized study of antiretroviral management based on plasma genotypic antiretroviral
resistance testing in patients failing therapy. AIDS 2000;14:F83-93.
8. Roberts RB, Tomasz A, Corso A, Hargrave J, Severina E, and the PRP Collaborative Study
Group (S. Mannheimer – study group member). Penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in metropolitan New York hospitals: Case control study and molecular typing of resistant isolates. Microbial Drug Resistance 2001;7:137-152. 9. *Mannheimer S, Friedland G, Matts J, Child C, and Chesney M, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. The consistency of adherence to antiretroviral therapy predicts biologic outcomes for human immunodeficiency virus–infected persons in clinical trials. Clin Infect Dis 2002;34:1115-1121. 10. *Mannheimer SB, Matts J, Telzak E, Chesney M, Child C, Wu AW, and Friedland G, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. Quality of life in HIV-infected individuals receiving antiretroviral therapy is related to adherence. AIDS Care 2005;17:10-22. 11. *Mannheimer SB, Mukherjee R, Hirschhorn LR, Dougherty J, Celano SA, Ciccarone D, Graham KK, Mantel JE, Mundy LM, Eldred L, Botsko M, Finkelstein R. The CASE adherence index: A novel method for measuring adherence to antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Care 2006;18:853-861. 12. The SMART Study Group (S. Mannheimer – study group member). CD4+ count–guided interruption of antiretroviral treatment. N Engl J Med 2006;355:2283-96. 13. *Mannheimer SB, Morse E, Matts JP, Andrews L, Child C, Schmetter B and Friedland GH for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. Sustained benefit from a long-term antiretroviral adherence intervention: Results of a large randomized clinical trial. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2006;43 (suppl 1):S41–S47. 14. Gardner EM, Sharma S, Peng G, Huppler Hullsiek K, Burman WJ, MacArthur RD, Chesney M, Telzak EE, Friedland G, *Mannheimer SB, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). Differential adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with virological failure with resistance. AIDS 2008;22:75-82. 15. *Mannheimer S, Thackeray L, Huppler Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Gardner EM, Wu AW, Telzak EE, Lawrence J, Baxter J, and Friedland G for the Terry Beirn Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). A randomized comparison of two instruments for measuring self-reported antiretroviral adherence. AIDS Care 2008;20:161-169. 16. *Mannheimer S, Wold N, Gardner EM, Telzak EE, Huppler Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Wu AW, MacArthur RD, Matts J, and Friedland G for the Terry Beirn Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). Mild-to-moderate symptoms during the first year of antiretroviral therapy worsen quality of life in HIV-infected individuals. Clin Infect Dis 2008;46:941-945. 17. Gardner EM, Hullsiek KH, Telzak EE, Sharma S, Peng G, Burman WJ, MacArthur RD, Chesney M, Friedland G, and *Mannheimer SB, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS and the International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials. Antiretroviral medication adherence and class-specific resistance in a large prospective clinical trial. AIDS 2010;24:395–403. 18. Giordano TP, Bartsch G, Zhang Y, Tedaldi E, Absalon J, Mannheimer S, Thomas A, and MacArthur RD. Disparities in outcomes for African American and Latino subjects in the Flexible Initial Retrovirus Suppressive Therapies (FIRST) trial. AIDS Patient Care STDs 2010; 24(5):287-295. 19. Blackstock OJ, King JS, Mason RD, Lee CC, *Mannheimer SB. Evaluation of a rapid HIV testing initiative in an urban, hospital-based dental clinic. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2010; 24(12):781-5. Epub 2010 Nov 22. 20. O’Connor JL, Gardner EM, Mannheimer SB, Lifson AR, Esser SE, Telzak E and Phillips AN for the INSIGHT SMART Study Group. Factors associated with adherence amongst 5,295 people on antiretroviral therapy as part of an international trial. J Infect Dis 2012; Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print]. 21. Hodder SL, Justman J, Hughes J , Wang J, Haley DF, Adimora AA, Del Rio C, Golin CE, Kuo I, Rompalo A, Soto-Torres L, Mannheimer SB, Johnson-Lewis L, Eshleman SH, and El-Sadr WM, for the HIV Prevention Trials Network 064 (ISIS) Study Team. HIV acquisition among women from selected areas of the United States. A cohort study. Ann Intern Med 2013;158:10-18.
B. Case reports
1. Mannheimer SB, Rowe JM. Pseudoleukemia in a patient with Hodgkin's disease (letter).
New York State Journal of Medicine 1992;92:449-450.
2. Adejumo A, Mannheimer S. Evaluation of a blistering rash. Am J of Med 2010; 123(4):317-
3. Adejumo A, Schliep T, Mannheimer S. An unusual cause of fever in an immunocompromised
patient with no HIV who received a renal transplant. A case report. Infect Dis in Clin Pract 2010;
4. Anyimadu H, Saadia N, Mannheimer S. Drug-induced Lupus associated with rifabutin and
literature review. J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic Ill) 2325957412473647, first
published on February 26, 2013 as doi:10.1177/2325957412473647.
C. Books and chapters
1. Mannheimer SB, Murray HW. Toxoplasmosis. In: Rakel RE, ed. Conn's Current Therapy.
47th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. 1995:131-133.
2. Mannheimer SB, Hartman BJ. Women and Infectious Diseases. In: Wallis (ed.), Textbook
of Women’s Health. New York: Lippincott-Raven, 1998:557-567.
D. Reviews and editorials
1. Mannheimer SB, Sepkowitz K. Mycobacterium avium complex: Treatment and prophylaxis.
Infections in Medicine 1994;11:521-527.
2. Mannheimer SB, Soave R. Protozoal infections in patients with AIDS. Cryptosporidiosis,
isosporiasis, cyclosporiasis, and microsporidiosis. Infect Dis Clin N Amer 1994;8:483-498.
3. Mannheimer S, Armstrong D. Vaccination for the immunocompromised traveler. Infections
in Medicine 1995;12:415-416,419.
4. Mannheimer SB, Curtis JL, El-Sadr WM. Use of antiretroviral therapy by intravenous drug
users with HIV (letter). JAMA 1999;281:699.
E. Abstracts
1. Rich EA, Mannheimer SB, Hanigosky RM, Ellner JJ. Deficient blood adherent accessory
function in the elderly (abstract). Clin Res, 1987;35:463A.
2. Mannheimer SB, Murray HW, Stoeckle MY. Anti-parasitic activity of a novel human
chemokine: Effect of MCAF in Toxoplasma gondii infection in vitro (abstract 77). Clin Infect
Dis 1993;17:543.
3. Mannheimer SB, Sepkowitz KA, Stoeckle MY, Riley LW. Improved outcome of MDR-TB in
HIV-positive persons (abstract 195). Clin Infect Dis 1994;19:596.
4. Mannheimer SB, Stoeckle MY, Riley LW. Molecular epidemiological analysis of
Mycobacterium avium sputum and blood isolates from HIV-infected individuals (abstract),
presented at The American Society of Microbiology annual meeting in Washington, D.C., 1995.
5. Telzak EE, Sepkowitz K, Alpert P, El-Sadr W, Medard F, Mannheimer S, Blum S, Turett G.
Successful treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) among HIV-negative patients
(abstract 287). Clin Infect Dis 1995;21:767.
6. Mannheimer SB, Riley LW, Copolla S, Roberts RB. Association of penicillin-resistant
pneumococcus with residence in pediatric chronic care facilities (abstract). In: Program and
Abstracts of the 35th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (San
Francisco). Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1995.
7. Mannheimer SB, Minnifield C, Hunt J, Scimeca M, El-Sadr W. The use and the fear of
antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected individuals in Harlem (abstract). In: Programs and
Abstracts of the XI International Conference on AIDS (Vancouver), 1996.
8. Raghavan SS, Kotler D, Loden S, Mannheimer S, Fuentes L, Scimeca M, Sivapalan V, El-Sadr W. Differences in body composition between women and men: Impact of HIV and substance use (abstract Mo. B. 1390). In: Programs and Abstracts of the XI International Conference on AIDS (Vancouver), 1996. 9. Raghavan SS, Mannheimer S, El-Sadr W. Megace versus periactin in the treatment of HIV-associated wasting. In: Programs and Abstracts of the 36th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (New Orleans). Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1996. 10. Raghavan SS, Fuentes L, Scimeca M, Dickerson M, Sosa M, Patel C, Mannheimer S, Singhal S, Sobowale J, El-Sadr W. Integration of nutrition services in HIV Primary Health care: A model based on Harlem experience. Annual conference of American Public Health Association, New York, 1996. 11. Raghavan SS, Kotler DP, Shaikh L, Wong J, Pierson R, Mannheimer S, Fuentes L, Scimeca M, El-Sadr W. The effect of HIV and substance on body composition among women and men. Annual conference of American Public Health Association, New York, 1996. 12. Raghavan SS, Starke C, Shaikh L, Mannheimer S, Sampat J, Sobowale J, El-Sadr W. The impact of protease inhibitors on body composition in HIV-infected individuals. Clin Infect Dis 1997. 13. Mannheimer SB, Wilson R, Davis C. “Engaging Substance Users in Care.” New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Conference. HIV Ambulatory Care: The Changing Environment. New York, February 1998. 14. Mannheimer SB, Medard F, El-Sadr W. The use of protease inhibitors in persons with HIV and tuberculosis. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Chicago, IL, 1998. 15. Mannheimer S, Flowers J, Safavi H, El-Sadr W, Curtis J. Virologic response to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected injection drug users (oral presentation, abstract 499/32407). 12th World AIDS Conference, 1998 Jun 28-Jul 3 (Geneva, Switzerland). 16. Mannheimer S, Hirsch Y, El-Sadr W. The impact of the ALRTM alarm device on antiretroviral adherence (abstract 32324). 12th World AIDS Conference, 1998 Jun 28-Jul 3 (Geneva, Switzerland). 17. Mannheimer S, Kuteyi V, Minnifield C, Hunt J, El-Sadr W. Changes in attitudes regarding antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected individuals in Harlem (abstract 12446). 12th World AIDS Conference, 1998 Jun 28-Jul 3 (Geneva, Switzerland). 18. Mannheimer S, Friedland G, Matts J, Chen L, Child C, Macarthur R, Kostman J, Brizz B, Chesney M, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). Self-reported antiretroviral adherence correlates with HIV viral load and declines over time (abstract/oral presentation TuOrB421). XIII International AIDS Conference, 2000 Jul 9-14 (Durban, South Africa). 19. Mannheimer S, Schmitz K, Holson N, Hirsch Y, Colson P, Findley S, Hofmann A, and El-Sadr W. Substance use predicts antiretroviral nonadherence in Harlem (abstract ThPeB5020). XIII International AIDS Conference, 2000 Jul 9-14 (Durban, South Africa). 20. Hofmann A, Colson P, Mannheimer S. Peer support for HAART adherence in Harlem, New York (abstract WePeD4577). XIII International AIDS Conference, 2000 Jul 9-14 (Durban, South Africa). 21. Andrews L, Friedland G, Mannheimer S, Morse E, Miller C, Brizz B, Matts J, Reilly N, Clax P, Choudhry N, Child C, Sweeton B. A method for assessing patient readiness to begin and adhere to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) (abstract ThPeB4987). XIII International AIDS Conference, 2000 Jul 9-14 (Durban, South Africa). 22. Mannheimer S, Friedland G, Matts J, Child C, Chesney M, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). Antiretroviral adherence correlates with quality of life (abstract 485). 8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 2001 Feb 4-8 (Chicago, IL). 23. Friedland G, Mannheimer S, Matts J, Child C, Telzak E, Chesney M. Duration of antiretroviral adherence predicts biologic outcomes in HIV clinical trials (oral presentation/abstract 33). The 1st International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, 2001 Jul 8-11 (Buenos Aires, Argentina). 24. Colson, P, Rita A, Watkins A, Staggers R, Mannheimer S, El-Sadr W. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected persons with severe mental disorders (PSMD) (abstract 3060.0). 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2001 Oct 21-25 (Atlanta, GA). 25. Greenwood A, Colson P, Mannheimer S, Findley S, Franks J, Hofmann A, El-Sadr W. Training peer workers to promote antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence in Harlem (abstract 4262.0). 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2001 Oct 21-25 (Atlanta, GA). 26. Hofmann A, Mannheimer S, El-Sadr W, Findley S, Colson P. Peer workers for adherence to highly active retroviral therapy (HAART): The program manager perspective (abstract 5213.0). 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2001 Oct 21-25 (Atlanta, GA). 27. Rita A, Findley S, Colson P, Franks J, Dohnert H, Greenwood A, Mannheimer S. Combining direct services with individual counseling and support groups to improve antiretroviral adherence (abstract 4238.0). 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2001 Oct 21-25 (Atlanta, GA). 28. Mannheimer S, Holson N, Farrell L, Diamond B, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Perkins M, Ford J, El-Sadr W. Predictors of mortality among HIV-infected outpatients attending an inner city (abstract WePeC5950). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 29. Mannheimer S, Perkins M, Ford J, Diamond B, Farrell L, Findley S, Hofmann A, El-Sadr W. Differences between provider-estimated and self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy (abstract WePeB5740). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 30. Mannheimer S, Perkins M, Diamond B, Ford J, Holson N, Findley S, Colson P, El-Sadr W. Predictors of adherence to anti-retroviral therapy in an inner city population (abstract ThPeB7174). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 31. Mannheimer S, Dougherty J, Bowen S, Celano S, Mantell J, Day J, Mundy L, Aranda-Naranjo B. The challenges of assessing adherence in community-based research (abstract ThPeF8002). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 32. Mannheimer S, Franks J, Holson N, Perkins M, Rita A, Dohnert H, Wilson E, Findley S. Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among HIV-infected patients in an inner-city clinic (abstract MoPeB3296). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 33. Findley SE, Diamond B, Franks J, Colson PW, Holson N, Hirsch-Moverman Y, El-Sadr W, Mannheimer S. All support may not be equal: Social support and adherence among HIV-infected patients in an inner-city clinic (abstract WePeF6728). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 34. Franks J, Findley SE, Rita A, Dohnert H, Greenwood A, Wilson E, Alonzo Y, Mannheimer S. Support groups as a venue for promoting adherence among inner city HIV-infected patients (abstract ThPeF7999). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 35. Hofmann A, Jervis E, Cisse I, Dohnert H, Greenwood A, Findley SE, Mannheimer S. The utilization of community resources to enhance adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Harlem, New York (abstract ThPeF7998). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 36. Hofmann A, Vanderpuye K, Williams H, Findley S, Mannheimer S. Participatory theatre as a novel approach for addressing barriers to antiretroviral adherence in Harlem (abstract MoPeF3931). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 37. Dohnert H, Mannheimer S. More alive than ever: An advocate for my community (abstract ThPeG8110). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 7-12 (Barcelona, Spain). 38. Mannheimer S. Assessing the client for an adherence intervention. In, Successful Program Models to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (satellite conference). XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002 Jul 10 (Barcelona, Spain). 39. Mannheimer SB, Perkins ME, Ford JL, Holson NI, Diamond B, Findley S, El-Sadr W. Stage of change, an alternate method of measuring adherence to therapy (roundtable presentation, abstract 46768). 130th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2002 Nov 9-13 (Philadelphia, PA). 40. Mannheimer SB, Egwuatu NE, Colson PW, Findley S, Holson NI, Ford JL, Perkins ME, Diamond B, Hirsch-Moverman Y, El-Sadr W. Application of stage of change model to HIV antiretroviral adherence (abstract 47012). 130th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2002 Nov 9-13 (Philadelphia, PA). 41. Mannheimer S, Colson P, Findley S, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Akiel S, Hofmann A, Franks J, El-Sadr W. A randomized trial of peer support to promote antiretroviral adherence (abstract). International Conference on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy, Dec. 6, 2002 (Dallas, TX). 42. Franks J, Wilson E, Mannheimer S, Hirsch-Moverman Y, El-Sadr W. Acceptability of an audio-enhanced touch screen computer adherence self-report (abstract). International Conference on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy, Dec. 6, 2002 (Dallas, TX). 43. N. Holson, Y. Hirsch-Moverman, J. Franks, B. Diamond, S. Mannheimer, P.W. Colson, W. El-Sadr. CPF Nat'l TB Ctr, New York, NY Correlates of a stage-based model to assess readiness to receive latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment. 99th International Conference of the American Thoracic Socitey, 2003 May 16-21 (Seattle, WA). 44. Mannheimer SB, Mundy LM, R Mukherjee R, Agins BD, Alvarez R, Bowen S, Ciccarone D, Dougherty J, Hanna BJ, Hirschhorn L, Moore RD, Richie E, VanDevanter N, Sharp V, Wilson TE, Mantell J, Finkelstein R. Successful interventions for antiretroviral adherence (abstract 660). 41st Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Oct 9-12, 2003 (San Diego, CA). 45. Mannheimer SB, Franks J, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Diamond B, Findley S. Peer workers provide multifaceted support for adherence to antiretroviral therapy (abstract 71319). 131st Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2003 Nov 15-19 (San Francisco, CA). 46. Colson PW, Franks J, Davis C, El-Sadr WM, Mannheimer SB. Peer support for ART adherence among HIV-infected persons with severe mental disorders (PSMD) (Abstract 67458). 131st Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2003 Nov 15-19 (San Francisco, CA). 47. Finkelstein R, Eldred L, Alvarez R, Bowen GS, Cajina A, Cassidy T, Ciccarone DD, Dougherty J, Hanna B, Hirschhorn LR, Irvine MK, Mannheimer SB, Mantell JE, Moore R, Mukherjee R, Mundy LM, Richie E, Waters M, Wilson TE. Effectiveness of different adherence support program models in helping clients adhere to HAART (Abstract 69249). 131st Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2003 Nov 15-19 (San Francisco, CA). 48. Mannheimer S, Matts J, Child C, Chesney M, Telzak E, Wu A, Friedland G, and the Terry Beirns Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). Low-grade symptoms worsen quality of life (QoL) for HIV-infected individuals in antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinical trials (abstract 754). 11th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 2004 Feb 8-11 (San Francisco, CA). 49. Sondengam R, Diamond BE, Holson N, Mannheimer S, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Colson PW, El-Sadr W. Issues in using electronic monitoring devices (EMDs) for treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) (poster C17). 100th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2004 May 21-26 (Orlando, FL). 50. Mannheimer S, Morse E, Matts J, Andrews L, Miller C, Schmetter B, Friedland G, for the CPCRA 062 Study Team of the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. Sustained benefit from a long-term antiretroviral (AR) adherence intervention: Results of a large randomized clinical trial (oral presentation abstract LbOrB15). XV International AIDS Conference, 2004 Jul 15 (Bangkok, Thailand). 51. Damian JB, Coelho-D’Costa VE, Iqbal J, Mannheimer S, Schicchi JS, Nachman S. A Case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and Mycobacterium avium-complex (MAC) co-infection in an immunocompetent host: A pathogen and a colonizer or two pathogens in the same host? Chest 2004; 126:4;985S-986S. 52. Mannheimer S, Thackeray L, Huppler Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Gardner E, Wu A, Telzak E, Lawrence J, Baxter J, Friedland G, for the Terry Beirn Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS. A randomized comparison of two instruments for assessing self-reported antiretroviral adherence (abstract O-144; oral presentation). NIMH/IAPAC International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, 2006 March 8-10 (Jersey City, NJ). 53. Mannheimer S, Botsko M, Hirschhorn L, Dougherty J, Celano S, Ciccarone D, Graham K, Mantel J, Mundy L, Eldred L, Finkelstein R. The CASE Adherence Index: A novel method for measuring adherence to antiretroviral therapy (abstract O-115; oral presentation). NIMH/IAPAC International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, 2006 March 8-10 (Jersey City, NJ). 54. Mannheimer S, Franks J, Diamond B, Findley S, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Colson P, El-Sadr W. A multifaceted peer support intervention promotes antiretroviral adherence: a randomized clinical trial (abstract TUPE0126). XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006 Aug 13 (Toronto, Canada). 55. Williams D, Gutierrez A, Franks J, El-Sadr W, Mannheimer S. A multifaceted peer support intervention promotes antiretroviral adherence: a randomized clinical trial (abstract TUPE0219). XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006 Aug 13 (Toronto, Canada). 56. Gardner EM, Sharma S, Peng G, Huppler Hullsiek K, Burman WJ, MacArthur RD, Chesney M, Telzak EE, Friedland G, Mannheimer SB. Selective nonadherence to components of combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with virologic failure and antiretroviral resistance (Poster: P-313). NIMH/IAPAC 2nd International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, 2007 March 28-30 (Jersey City, NJ). 57. El-Sadr W, Colson C, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Franks J, Mannheimer SB. Peer support intervention for LTBI treatment completion: A randomized clinical trial (Poster 611). International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2007 May 19-23 (San Francisco, CA). 58. Gardner EM, Peng G, Telzak EE, Sharma S, Huppler Hullsiek K, Burman WJ, Chesney M, Friedland G, MacArthur R, Mannheimer SB for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA) and the International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT). Analysis of the relationship between antiretroviral medication adherence and class-specific resistance in a large prospective clinical trial (Poster 777). 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 2008 Feb 3-6 (Boston, MA). 59. Simoni JM, Franks J, Mannheimer S, Pearson C, Lehavot K, & Yard S. Implementing peer support interventions to promote HAART adherence. Poster presented at the 3rd NIMH/IAPAC International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, 2008 Mar 17-18 (Jersey City, NJ). 60. Adejumo A, El-Sadr W, Mannheimer S. Asymptomatic bacterial STD screening: experience from an inner city HIV clinic (abstract OL-042). Int J Infect Dis 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): S43. 61. Nog R, Singaravelu K, Dhaubhadel P, Guddati A, Upadhyay S, Mannheimer S, Badshah C, Sivapalan V. “Non traditional” extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing isolates at a community hospital (abstract 56.028). Int J Infect Dis 2010; 14 (Suppl 1), in press. 62. Nog R, Singaravelu K, Haider A, Sivapalan V, Mannheimer S. Prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among HIV infected patients at an inner city clinic (abstract 78.009). Int J Infect Dis 2010; 14 (Suppl 1), in press. 63. Adejumo A, Sivapalan V, Mannheimer S. An assessment of the seroprevalence of hepatitis A antibody and vaccination among HIV patients in an inner city HIV clinic (abstract 78.012). Int J Infect Dis 2010; 14 (Suppl 1): e404. 64. Blackstock O, Lee C, Mason R, Mannheimer S. Evaluation of a Dental Clinic-Based Rapid HIV Testing Initiative (poster). XVIII International AIDS Conference, 2010 Jul 18-23 (Vienna, Austria). 65. Knight J, Alao O, Kang E, Schlecht J, Mannheimer S. The Transition Clinic: A Model of Care for Perinatally Infected Young Adults (poster). XVIII International AIDS Conference, 2010 Jul 18-23 (Vienna, Austria). 66. Arnold, MP, del Rio C, Griffith S, Koblin BA, Magnus M, Mannheimer S, Mayer KH, Shoptaw S, Wheeler DP, for the HPTN 061 Study Teams. Identifying Effective Recruitment Strategies to Engage Black MSM in HIV Prevention Research: Screening data from HPTN 061-A Feasibility Study of a Community-Level, Multi-Component Intervention for Black Men Who Have Sex with Men. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 2011 Feb 27-Mar 2 (Boston, MA). 67. Mayer K, Wang L, Cummings V, Tieu HV, Magnus M, Mannheimer S, Gaydos C, Liu TY, Wilton L, Buchbinder S, and Eshleman S. Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among American Black Men Who Have Sex with Men: Results From a Six-City Study (poster). 2012 National STD Prevention Conference, 2012 Mar 12-15 (Minneapolis, MN). 68. Mannheimer S, Wang L, Tieu HV, del Rio C, Buchbinder S, Wilton L, Glick SN, Cummings V, and K.H. Mayer KH, on behalf of the HPTN 061 Study group. Nonadherence to HIV Testing Guidelines and Late HIV Diagnosis Is Common Among US Black Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) (oral presentation THAB0301). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 69. Mannheimer S, O'Connor JL, Gardner EM, Lifson AR, Esser SE, Telzak E, Phillips A for INSIGHT SMART Study Group. Suboptimal Self-reported Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Adherence Associated with Certain Protease Inhibitors and Virologic Rebound in the SMART Study (Poster TUPE066). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 70. Mayer KH, Wang L, Koblin B, Mao C, Mannheimer S, Magnus M, Del Rio C, Buchbinder S, Wilton L, Cummings V, Watson C, Griffith S, Wheeler D, for the HPTN 061 Protocol Team. An Evolving Concentrated Epidemic: Comparison of Socioeconomic, Behavioral and Biological Factors among Newly Diagnosed, Previously Diagnosed and HIV-Uninfected Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in six U.S. Cities (HPTN 061) (oral presentation). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 71. Justman J, Golin C, Hughes J, Wang J, Kuo I, Hodder S, Haley D, del Rio C, El-Sadr W, Mannheimer S, Soto-Torres L on behalf of the HPTN 064 Study Team. Correlates of individual and partner sexual risk behaviors in US women participants in HPTN 064 [Women’s HIV Seroincidence Study (ISIS)] (poster presentation). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 72. Hodder S, Adimora A, Golin C, Kuo I, del Rio C, Mannheimer S, Haley D, Wang J, Hughes J, Johnson-Lewis L, Eshleman S, Soto-Torres L, Justman J, on behalf of the HPTN 064 Study Team. Direct and Indirect Concurrency Among a Cohort of Low-Income US Women: Data from HPTN 064 (The Women’s HIV SeroIncidence Study) (poster presentation). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 73. Kuo I, Hodder S, Golin C, Wang J, Hughes J, Justman J, Haley D, del Rio C, El-Sadr W, Mannheimer S, Soto-Torres L on behalf of the HPTN 064 Study Team Substance Use Patterns and Changes Over Time in a Cohort of High-Risk Heterosexual Women in the United States: Data from the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 064 Women’s HIV SeroIncidence Study (ISIS) (poster presentation). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 74. Golin CE, Haley D, Wang J, Kuo I, Hughes J, Justman, Del Rio C, Adimora A, Mannheimer S, El Sadr W, Soto-Tores L, Hodder S, on behalf of the HPTN 064 Study Team. High Rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among a Cohort of Low-Income US Women in High HIV Prevalence Communities: Data from HPTN 064 (The Women’s HIV SeroIncidence Study) (poster presentation). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC). 75. Koblin B, Mayer K, S. Eshelman S, Wang L, Shoptaw S, Del Rio C, S. Buchbinder S, Magnus M, Mannheimer S, Liu TY, Cummings V, Piwowar-Manning E, Fields S, Griffith S, Elharrar V, Wheeler D, for the HPTN 061 Team (oral presentation). Correlates of HIV incidence among black men who have sex with men in 6 U.S. cities (HPTN 061). XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012 (Washington, DC).


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New Zealand Code of Practice Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice Endorsed by DCNZ March 2005 CONTENTS CODE OF PRACTICE Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3 Preparation for Emergencies ……………………………………………. 3-4 ……………………………………………………………

Effect of Xuezhikang, an Extract From Red Yeast Chinese Rice, on Coronary Events in a Chinese Population With Previous Myocardial Infarction Zongliang Lu, MD, PhDa, Wenrong Kou, MDa, Baomin Du, MDb, Yangfeng Wu, MDc,Shuiping Zhao, MD, PhDd, Osvaldo A. Brusco, MDe, John M. Morgan, MDf, andDavid M. Capuzzi, MD, PhDf,* on behalf of the Chinese Coronary Secondary Results of well-controlled

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