Poland is finally facing up to legislation
ntil recently, there were just three countries
Parliament. And only then, after three readings,
legislation for IVF: Ireland, Croatia, and
There’s still a long way to go, and some say that
2010 is too politically busy (with a presidential
professional guidelines endorsed by its health
election) for something as delicate as IVF to find
ministry, while the Croat Parliament at the end of
its proper place in the agenda. Maybe 2011 . . .
October did finally pass an amended law on IVF
But whether this year or next, no-one is doubting
making it easier for couples to receive treatment. The
that IVF will, in one shape or another, be brought
new Croat law, however, despite strong criticism,
under legal control in Poland - though not without
now bans the freezing of embryos, which had thus
a battle of deep-rooted principles at whose heart
far been excluded from legal restraint. Thus, as this
lie the place and ideologies of the Catholic church.
new decade begins, only Poland among the 27
What’s worrying to those practising IVF is how
member states of the EU is without any formal
restrictive that legal control will be.
regulation for IVF. And that too is about to change.
After a year of political debate, intense lobbying
legislative options which at one extreme would
and the ideological intervention of pseudo science,
apply restraints on IVF not unlike those of Italy’s
the draft texts of four legislative proposals on IVF
‘Law 40’ legislation of 2004. At another end lies a
now lie with the leader of Poland’s Parliament; when
more reasonable approach which recognises IVF
- and if - implemented as law, the legislation (from
as a legitimate treatment for infertility, and with it
whichever proposal) would finally bring IVF in
the basics of good ART practice as defined in
Poland under statutory control. But before then, the
Speaker of the Parliament may send the proposals
One proposal, however, put forward by Poland’s
back to their sponsors for legal clarification, he may
opposition right-wing Law and Justice party, calls
reject them outright, or he may pass them on to the
for an outright ban on IVF, taking as its lead the
Health Commission before formal readings in
Catholic church’s position that human life begins
with conception and that IVF - according to an
with total treatment cycles (fresh + frozen) at
open letter from Polish bishops - is ‘a refined form
around 8000 and a population of 40 million, the
of abortion’. But even this initiative, extreme as it
availability of IVF stands at around 200 per million,
appears, seems positively liberal in comparison with
a very low rate and far below the 2000+ per million
a ‘citizen’ proposal made possible by the collection
of more than 100,000 signatures that the practice
However, Poland’s success rates are comparable
of IVF should be punishable by a prison term of up
with the rest of Europe, with an overall delivery
to three years. This ‘Contra In Vitro’ proposal,
rate of 23% per cycle reported from 15 clinics - and
which was again supported by the Catholic church
of 35% per cycle from the country’s biggest, where
(with links on pro-life websites to send supportive
almost 2000 fresh and frozen cycles are now
e-mail ‘opinions’ to Polish parliamentarians and
undertaken in state-of-the art conditions each year.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk) was rejected by the
The cost of treatment, says the clinic’s director Dr
lower house of Poland’s Parliament earlier last year
Piotr Lewandowski, is around 1600 euro plus the
(despite support of the Law and Justice party).
cost of drugs - and all fertilisations are by ICSI.
Elsewhere, treatments can be as little as 1100 euro
Although unregulated, IVF has not been a wild
Cost (and a lack of reimbursement), in a country
which suffered such huge deprivation under a
devastation in World War II, must surely be one
reason for the relatively low uptake of IVF, but
another will certainly be the ideology of the
Catholic church and the proscription of IVF by its
hierarchy. Such feelings run deep, says Radwan, and
the influence of the local priest, as well as the
revered memory of Pope John Paul II, carry
enormous weight. Indeed, Professor Waldemar
consortium suggest that almost 4000 cycles were
Kuczynski, a member of the group in the eastern
started in 2005 in 16 clinics, representing around
city of Bialystok which recorded Poland’s first IVF
70% of the country’s activity. Poland’s clinical
birth in 1987, recalls that in 1998, when his clinic
member of ESHRE’s Committee of National
was looking to move to new premises just 300
Representatives, Dr Pawel Radwan, estimates that,
metres from the city’s cathedral, the first signature
‘NaPro technology’ the church’s alternative to IVF
Treatment (see http://www.infertility.
http://www.fertilitycare.net/). ‘I hear
The four draft proposals now before Poland’s Parliament
From former gynaecologist Boleslaw Piecha for the Law and Justice
party, which would completely ban IVF in Poland.
From Civic Platform MP Jaroslaw Gowin, which emerged from a
narrow majority of the Bioethics Commission and would restrictfertilisation to two oocytes and ban embryo freezing - the ‘Italianmodel’ - and IVF in women over 40 and unmarried couples.
From MP Marek Balicki for the Social Democrats, which has the
support of consumer groups, represents the minority opinion of theBioethics Commission, and will allow embryo storage.
From MP Malgorzata-Kidwa Blonska and the ruling Civic Platform
party, which identifies IVF as legitimate treatment and applies the EUtissue and cell directives to human gametes. PGD would be allowedfor couples at risk of genetic disease, and IVF in all heterosexualcouples.
on the church’s petition of protest was that of his
expertise in IVF) to look at the whole question of
own mother. ‘The bishop had more influence than
fertility treatment, and determine how Poland in
this explosively emotive field could bring itself into
But despite the prevalent opposition - even from
line with its fellow members of the EU. And it was
many gynaecologist colleagues - IVF stumbled
out of the keenly divided deliberations of this
bioethics commission that one of Tusk’s
parliamentary lieutenants in the ruling Civic
experimental embryology by Andrzej Tarkowski,
Platform party, Jaroslav Gowin, decided to push
whose zoology lab at the University of Warsaw
forward his own version of an IVF bill - which, say
found many world-leading embryologists passing
critics, represented just a narrow majority of the
through on their way to greater fame - and whose
commission’s opinion. The proposal, which seeks to
one-man reports in Nature remain to this day the
outlaw IVF in unmarried couples and prohibit
most cited scientific papers in reproduction from
embryo freezing, would also set a limit of
Poland. So those like Kuczynski who turned to IVF
fertilisation in just two oocytes, both of which
had also to turn their hand to everything it involved
would require transfer. To those in the IVF sector,
- the investigation, work-up, stimulation, egg
collection, and the laboratory. ‘So we were ready
Again, there was an uproar of protest, not least
for ICSI from the very beginning,’ says Kuczynski,
from many of Gowin’s colleagues in the Civic
‘but it still means that from 1995 when we had our
Platform party and from the ‘unrepresented’
first ICSI birth I’ve done around 17,000 ICSI
members of the bioethics commission. As a result,
injections. I could even strip down and service the
former Health Minister Marek Balicki and a Social
Democrat MP, set about his own alternative
And IVF may well have continued its unsteady
proposal with the support of patient organisations
and unregulated progress had Poland not joined the
(including Poland’s consumer fertility group Nasz
EU in 2004 nor its Health Minister Ewa Kopacz
Bocian (Our Stork)). ‘Gowin’s was a proposal which
declared in November 2008 that IVF should be
took no account of the minority in the ethics
funded from the public purse. Reaction, particularly
commission,’ says Balicki, whose draft bill, which
from the opposition Law and Justice party, was
would allow IVF in unmarried couples and embryo
immediate, and IVF was suddenly on the front page
freezing, appeared to have wide support in
and the focus of a public debate which Kopacz had
Parliament (and even in the ruling Civic Platform
never intended. It was out of this melee of opinion
party, thus leaving Gowin somewhat exposed and
and dogma that Prime Minister Tusk sought
consultation proposals from the main political
Thus, in a bid to unite the warring factions and
parties, and why the Catholic church, under the
develop a proposal more representative of the Civic
banner of ‘Contra In Vitro’, collected its 100,000
Platform party as well as the divergent views of
other vested interests, Civic Platform formed
Tusk had also asked a newly formed bioethics
another working group - to which both Kuczynski
commission (many of whose 18 members were
and Professor Rafal Kurzawa representing the
associated with the Catholic church and had no
Polish Gynaecological Society were advisors - to
No-one is predicting which of the four proposals
will finally make the statute book in Poland.
Despite his involvement with the Civic Platform
proposal, Rafal Kurzawa fears that the Gowin bill
on a two embryo limit and no freezing may well bepresented as the ‘compromise’ proposal (in muchthe same way as restrictive laws on abortion wereintroduced in 2007). If introduced - as many fear -the Gowin legislation will make IVF in Poland themost restricted in the world. According toKozlowska-Rajewicz, 30% of parliamentariansfrom the Civic Platform party (and most of the Lawand Justice MPs) support the Gowin proposal.
But whichever way Parliament turns, it will not
be without acrimony and high emotion. ‘We can’teven mention embryo selection,’ says Kurzawa,
take a look. Many of the hopes of the IVF
mindful of the bitter memories of Poland’s history,
community in Poland now rest on this proposal,
‘but at the same time Poland can’t be an ideological
which is set out in a brand new bioethics bill and in
island. We’re in the EU now, and we have to have
amendments to two others. The new bill firmly
legislation - but it must be good legislation.’ For his
establishes the legitimacy of IVF as a treatment for
part, Pawel Radwan simply wants to see far greater
infertility, but also requires that all couples
access to ART in Poland, and a reliance on
treatment which is evidence-based and effective.
supernumerary embryos should be stored or
‘Because IVF is not reimbursed,’ he says, ‘we’re in
donated. ‘This means that embryos may not be
the ridiculous situation that infertility patients are
discarded,’ says MP Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz
overtreated with time-wasting and ineffective
from the parliamentary Health Commission. ‘We
treatments - just because these are reimbursed or
Similarly, such emotive issues as embryo selection
Many of those behind the more liberal political
or the number of embryos for transfer are not
proposals - such as Marek Balicki - believe that no-
referred to, the draft leaving such matters to the
one dare grasp the nettle of legislation until this
better judgement of clinicians. ‘We’re not specifying
year’s parliamentary elections are over, and anyway
therapies, but specifying quality assurance,’ says
they believe that a delay may well allow opinions to
Kozlowska-Rajewicz. One of the two amendments
settle and judgements to mature. Indeed, an opinion
will provide a legal framework for the welfare of
poll reported in March last year found that 77% of
the child, while the second will give rights at the age
Poles accept IVF as a fertility treatment - though
of 18 to any child conceived with donor gametes to
only 52% thought that supernumerary embryos
were acceptable. So right now, says Kurzawa, ART
The draft will also apply the EU’s directives on
remains more a political football than a medical
tissues and cells to human gametes - the directives
discipline, with little understanding at the public or
so far in Poland have only been implemented for
parliamentary level of what it actually is or what it
transplantation. The EU directives, insists
can achieve. But fears among the experts - that such
Kozlowska-Rajewicz, provide a legal framework for
basics as embryo freezing might be banned - are
the cryopreservation of embryos, despite misgivings
real. And it will take politics as much as good
from many Parliamentary colleagues that embryos
clinical practice to remove those fears.
are now given the same legal status as transplant
organs. The proposal would allow IVF in all
Simon Brown is a freelance medical writer and in that
heterosexual couples and require that all treatment
capacity is editor of Focus on Reproduction for ESHRE
1. This simple statement may not be as simple as it reads. Research carried out by ESHRE for the EuropeanCommission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs (DG SANCO), much of which is posted on theESHRE website, suggests that no specific ART legislation exists in Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania andSlovakia - as well as in Ireland and Poland. However, in some countries - such as Romania - legislation is in place basedon the Tissues and Cells Directives, and in others - such as Malta - legislation is under discussion. As far as ESHRE cantell, regulation in many of these countries is of a very limited nature and confined to limited procedures.
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