END USER KNOWLEDGE NEEDS DRIVERS (eg. Risk RECENTLY COMPLETED / ONGOING PROJECTS PLANNED ACTIVITIES (Calls, FUTURE ACTIVITIES - (ie. Technology, methods, research, reduction, relevant stage Workshops / RfPs / EoIs etc,) PRIORITY KNOWLEDGE GAPS data, evidence) of application, reduced COORDINATION and COMMUNICATION
Facilitate alignment of UK roadmapping and identify research Promote collective responsibility, MSCC through ORRSG with support from NERC MREKE
Set up communications portal for dissemination research
Streamlining access to data and CROWN ESTATE / DECC and NERC MRE KE
Align activities in MREKEP with DECC / TCE
products and services and as conduit for end user input
Facilitate development of central data repositories for
Promotes cost effective use and MSCC with DECC DEFRA and Crown estate
Get update from Steve Hall on marine data
baseline, monitoring information and data products
Facilitate access to research data and services at testing
Promotes and facilitates industry Testing sites and NERC MREKE portal
Facilitate access to EU projects, conference proceedings and Cost efficiencies, promotion of
MREKE portal and dedicated project websites
outcomes of ICES working group, OES Annex IV advice and best practice based on up to
Facilitate development of consortia / funding calls which
Cost efficiencies better collective EPSRC - call for proposals - workshop run by EPSRC with NERC
Regular meetings of EPSRC / NERC / TSB /
cross organisational and topic boundaries through
input to scope the call to encourage cross disciplinary research
ETI / ORETIC planned - (and now underway)
workshopping and joined up communications
(1) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MARINE RENEWABLE ENERGY Technology design to maximise use of low carbon materials Sustainable design for whole life in devices and infrastructure
Technology design to optimise energy extraction with
design through construction and NERC - DEFRA : EBAO - optimising energy arrays for
minimal negative and maximum positive environmental
environmental benefits and energy extraction (Commissioned Sept environmental research needs for integration
2011)LCRI - Method for design optimisation and performance
prediction of tidal stream turbines (2011 - 2013)
Technology choice for supporting infrastructure (eg. cabling)
Construction methods which minimise environmental impacts
Integrated decision tools / methods for whole life cycle
LCRI - site appraisal and economic assessment based on case
economic appraisal to allow selection of appropriate
study ofr TEL deployment at Ramsay Sound (TBC 2013)
technologies for a given site Integration of ecosystem services valuation into tools for
UKERC : Research methods in development phase 2 Energy and
Discussion with E&E theme leaders regarding
'whole systems' workshop and briefing paper
(2) CHARACTERISATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND SITES FOR DEVELOPMENT Up to date recommendations for technology, methods and
MESPG : Guidance on survey and monitoring in relation to marine DEFRA interests in AUV / glider technology
survey design for characterising renewable energy sites
renewable deployments in Scotland (completed March 2011) see
for mapping seabed for characterising then
Guidance for optimising use of data and information collected
(i) Resource assessment
Supergen wind wave and tidal - PRIMaRE PERAWATT / ReDAPT / Discussions with Scott Couch to review and
LCRI and Univ of Bangor, NOCS wave resource modelling etc .
Comparison of technologies and methods for quantifying
EMEC - comparison / validation of different technologies (ADCPs
Models and methods to reduce uncertainty in resource
(ii) Physical - geology, water column Seabed characteristics - geomorphology, sediment etc.
DEFRA : Developing a database to promote the exchange of
marine survey data focussing on multi beam data since 2003
seabed and drawing together the various data
application, cost efficiences also (completed 2009)
resources as well as dedicated workshops eg.
Hydrodynamic characteristics - currents, tides, temporal /
NERC : National capability (NOC) data freely available
spatial Improved methods for determining physical characteristics of sites (integrated methods multi beam, habitat mapping)
(iii) Physical - noise Technology development for measuring ambient noise at
EPSRC (outcome of recent call not known) MESPG : Acoustic
development sites and impact of device / array noise
monitoring at wave / tidal test sites plus nursery sites at EMEC
application and cost efficiencies (TBC Aug 2011 / March 2012 resp)
Lepper to advise on research summaries for
Understanding of variations in ambient noise, and other
Monitoring ambient noise for the Marine Strategy Framework
Determining the thresholds and consequences of noise -
MESPG : Lit review of the effects of noise and EMFs arising from
injury / disturbance / avoidance from geotech / geophysical
energy devices on trout salmon and eels (completed sept 2010)
surveys through to construction and operation (ie whole life
NERc - DEFRA RESPONSE (Started Sept 2011)
cycle)Review of technologies / methods to measure noise - parallel
TCE workshops focussed on measurement / mitigation of piling
testing different technologies to provide recommendations
Understanding how operational noise changes at array scale
NERC - DEFRA EBAO project just started (Oct 2011) LCRI -
modelling of environmental effects of ambient noise (2011 - 2013)
Determining the implications of injury / disturbance /
DEFRA : The impact of anthropogenic noise on fish and
displacement effects from noise for protected and non
invertebrates at the individual, population and community level
(iv) Benthos / fish Characterisation of marine habitats in energy development
MESPG : Analysis and assessment of marine habitats and species Check whether new CEFAS guidance is fit for
surveyed by Marine Scotland in Pentland Firth, Orkney, and
additional surveys of Islay and west of Hebrides (Dec 2009) SWRDA : Baseline characterisation of marine habitats at the Wave Hub site (completed 2010)
Best practice for surveying / sampling in extreme wave / tidal
MESPG : Survey work to provide general description of tidal
resource areas to create a better benchmark against which specific sites can be compared in the future.
Transfer of knowledge and development of expertise to facilitate safe working in extreme environments
Broad scale benthic community technologies and mapping
MAREE project (ERI) / Univ of Plymouth (PRIMaRE)
techniques - need greater cost efficiencies and savings Fish behavioural responses to wave and tidal devices
DECC : Fish behaviour in vicinity of renewable energy devices (poss extension of NERC DEFRA project QBEX)
Distribution and abundance of basking sharks in Uk waters and improved information on their ecology
Migratory patterns, distribution and abundance of salmon
MESPG : Review of migratory routes and behaviour of Atlantic
salmon, sea trout and European eel in Scotland’s coastal environment: implications for devt of marine renewables (completed Jan 2011) LCRI - Field studies of fisheries and migratory fish (2011 - 2013)
Distribution of fish eggs and larvae, and variability in space
DEFRA (cefas - underway details requested from DEFRA)
Proxy methods (such as remotely sensed fronts) for
(v) Birds Baseline observational data for seabirds to allow
MESPG : Collation of bird data for Pentland Firth and Orkney
characterisation of regional seas areas affected by
waters (part 1, 2, and 3) (completed Oct 2009) MESPG :
development as well as offshore renewable energy sites, as
Surveys of marine birds in and around marine areas proposed for
well as migration routes and sites used for breeding birds /
wave and tidal energy developments off the west coast of Scotland
(completed May 2010) MESPG : Investigation of the utilisation of sea space by sea birds in the Orkney/ Pentland area, emphasising those areas indicated as having potential for tidal turbine installation (Nov 2015) DECC : Comparison of results of data collected in 3 representative areas of the N. Sea with older data (Completion ????); SOSS-05 Review of bird migration routes in relation to offshore wind farm development zones (finalised guidance by Nov 2011)
Improved understanding of ecological and behavioural
MESPG : The determination of foraging range and diving depths by
characteristics of diving seabirds relevant to development of
diving seabirds, especially in the Orkney and Pentland Firth wave
and tidal resource areas (completed Aug 2010)
Improved technology for surveying esp over large areas ie.
Problem definition completed with BTO - technology developers
Novel combinations of technology appropriate for R3
Review of existing technology for registering collisions with
MESPG : Review of techniques to detect seabird presence and
turbine blades and development of novel technology where
movement below the sea surface and determine potential
application in the vicinity of tidal turbines (completed August 2010) this work is underway for wind by SOSS 3.
How do abiotic and biotic factors control distribution /
How do birds interact with surface and submerged wave and
High priority for wave and tidal (SNCBs)
tidal devices ?Population Viability Analysis for sensitive species - research
High priority for wave and tidal (SNCBs)
to improve the accuracy of inputs to the modelsTagging studies for key species to understand foraging,
DECC: Tagging of gannets at Bempton Cliffs by RSPB;
DECC: Tagging of lesser black backed gulls and great skua at
various UK sites by BTO; DECC: Tagging of whooper swans, light-bellied Brent, Svalbard barnacle and Greenland white-fronted geese at various breeding and wintering sites by WWT.
Standardisation of methods and establishment of best practice and /or consensus on guidance
Integration of existing datasets to support interpretation (long term / inter annual) to inform a more spatially complete distribution mapping exercise (cf JCP for cetaceans)
Population modelling - requires up to date demographic parameters and an understanding of the appropriate population scale to assess. This would inform the need for threshold levels to trigger adaptive management Update the JNCC Oilspill Vulnerability Index (OVI) to surface pollutants in the light of results from aerial and boat-based bird survey data - it would be useful to combine forces to develop an updated distribution map of bird species, using spatial modelling, and combining all available data (similar to JCP). This would inform future marine spatial planning.
(vi) Mammals Need clearer definition on data requirements for consenting
Legislation - better quality more MESPG : Analysis of wildlife observation data (completed March
robust information to support site 2011)
DECC: Tagging, observation and acoustic study of the effects of
piling noise on marine mammals in the outer Moray Firth by University of Aberdeen (SMRU)
Updated info on the ecology of most marine mammal species
MESPG : Abundance and distribution of cetaceans in the Pentland
and in particular important areas for breeding, foraging and
firth and Orkney waters (completed Feb 2011) Cetacean monitoring
in the Pentalnd Firth tidal energy waters (completed July 2011) MESPG : Seal population viability study (completed April 2010) MESPG : To develop a PBR for seals across Scotland (completed August 2010) MESPG : Utilisation of space by grey and harbour seals in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters (completed Jan 2011) DECC: Seal distribution and ecology - Further analysis of existing seal tag data for both species, UK wide and drawing in relevant European tagging data. Two year post-doctoral project at SMRU, with coordinated links to a SG funded project and an SNH/NERC CASE studentship
The effects of behavioural disturbance and injury/death at a
MESPG : Scoping study to investigate the development and
population level, taking into acount the effects of single
establishment of a marine mammal stranding scheme in Orkney
developments and also the cumulative effects of several
and Pentland Firth (Completed April 2011) CROWN ESTATE :
developments within the natural range of populations
Research into the interaction of seals with offshore wind farms
Lack of knowledge of the physiological, behavioural, spatial
DECC: Tagging of harbour seals to investigate behaviour in vicinity
and temporal characteristics of marine mammal and prey
of operating tidal turbines (Strangford Lough). Continuation of
responses to construction and operational noise, and the
existing SMRU project;DECC : Tagging and acoustic study of the
influence of the local environment (some cross over between
effects of wind farm construction and operation on harbour seals in
offshore wind and tidal - (construction) and some between
the south eastern North Sea 2102-2013 (SMRU); DECC: Tagging,
observation and acoustic study of the effects of piling noise on marine mammals in the outer Moray Firth by University of Aberdeen (SMRU)
Technology and methods to detect and observe mammal
MESPG : Peer review of land based visual monitoring methods and DISCUSS ORETIC
Technology innovation is needed to assist
behaviour directly esp as scaling up from single device to
protocols for wave and tidal test sites (completed March 2011)
Acoustic interactions between marine mammals and devices
Understand predator - prey behaviour at tidally active sites
RESPONSE - FLOWBEC NERC - DEFRA projects just starting
Analysis methods for integrating survey data from different
sources /time periods into population level assessments
(vii) Characterising non energy marine sectors and their interactions with array development Precision on the offshore distribution of navigation to allow
the identification and maintenance of priority navigation routes (good quality AIS data coverage typically only extends 50km from shore);
Characterising activities of fishermen to better understand
DEFRA : Development and piloting of low-cost Vessel Monitoring
marine space use in areas where energy development
Technology on English Inshore Vessels (Completed Oct 2011)
planned (and processes for sharing information thus
DEFRA : Low-cost VMS data analysis: Assessment and
Understanding the ecosystem impacts of energy
PhD student : Impact of MRE development on aquaculture and
development on aquaculture and fisheries - potential costs
fisheries focussing on impact on larval dispersal
and benefitsDevelopment of processes to assist decision making in
relation to co-location of different marine sector activities
(viii) Stakeholder engagement Development of methods / approaches for stakeholder
Improved public understanding of marine renewable energy
LCRI - Communications programme cutting across all LCRI
programme WPs to reach general public and promote general understanding
(3) IMPACT PREDICTION AND ASSESSMENT Improve quality of predictive tools for all critical project
components (ie for EIA) , plus regional and shelf scale
decision making - also understanding of how to use them
(i) Whole system & far field impacts What is the sustainable capacity of the marine system as a
UKERC - research methods in development in relation to offshore
whole for low carbon energy technologies ? Ie. UK waters
wind - linking physical modelling and socio-economic valuation -
'Sustainable pathways to a low carbon future'
What is the sustainable carrying capacity for each specific
case study to be completed in phase 2 UKERC (by 2013)
technology given practical resource limitations and
interactions between different technologies ?
What are the cumulative effects / long term and far field
effects of each specific technology given the moving baseline deployment of new of climate change
Which development pathways or energy technology mixes
optmise the benefits and minimise the costs for the marine
system and communities dependent upon it
What development processes / methods should be adopted
benefits ; reduce the risk of lock EPSRC current call outcome not known
for quantifying the international / transboundary
What is the impact of resource extraction by multiple arrays
LCRI - Hydro environmenatal modelling to predict impacts of
at bay / regional scale and interaction with sea level rise /
energy extractiuon at key sites around the welsh coast (2011 to
2013): EPSRC current call outcome not known
What is the impact of multiple arrays on physical processes
LCRI - Quantification of the marine energy resource and env impact
(esp sediment dynamics) and ecosystem functions
of its use focussing on sediment dynamics (2011 2013); LCRI - Impacts of MRE development on coastal processes thro beach monitoring (2011-2013)
What is the evidence for environmental impacts of renewable
MESPG : Review of potential impacts of renewable energy
development on Scotland's marine environment (completed June
What are the ecological and socio-economic costs and
DEFRA : Lyme Bay: A case study. Assessing recovery of benthic
benefits of closing marine space for energy farms ?
species; spill over effects and socio-economic impacts (TBC March 2012)
Integration of socio-economic consequences of energy
UKERC Phase 2 - systematic review based on ecosystem valuation
(ii) Collisions (mammals birds fish) Technology to detect / monitor collisions, observe
ETI - ReDAPT ; SOSS-03 work on developing methods for
behavioural responses and for tracking - this is both aerial
monitoring bird collisions (interim report by Sept 2011)
Determination of incidence of collisions and consequences
RESPONSE - NERC - DEFRA project just started; DEFRA : CSIP
Cetacean Strandings around UK coast (TBC 2014)
Improved methods / support for collating input parameters (ie global
RESPONSE - NERC - DEFRA project just started ; SOSS02 A
avoidance rates) into behavioural models of collision (birds,
review of methods to estimate the risk of bird collisions with
Consequences of collisions for protected species requires
RESPONSE - NERC - DEFRA project just started ; SOSS-04:
population level assessment - for both birds and mammals
Gannet population viability analysis to assess the cumulative effect
on the population from collisions with existing and planned offshore wind farms.
Consequences of collisions for different sized animals of
Crown estate - Modelling collision risk for marine mammals
Collision risk models for different at risk species in relation to
MESPG : Estimate of collision risk of harbour porpoises and marine Collision risk assessment workshop in
different infrastructure components (devices, moorings etc.)
energy devices at high tidal stream sites (Completed Jun 2011)
MESPG : Assessment methodology for determining collision risk of working on collision risk models - Mark marine renewable energy devices (excluding offshore wind farms)
on marine birds (completed Sept 2010) Crown estate : the interaction of marine wildlife with tidal stream turbines at Ramsay Sound, Pembs (see also Risk assessment section below)
How to reduce collision risk - considering location, device
DEFRA / AEA projects by BTO ; SOSS-05: A review of bird
migration routes in relation to offshore wind farm development
Need to collate existing data on interactions with devices and
SOSS-02: A review of methods to estimate the risk of bird collisions
obtain new empirical / field data on impacts
with offshore wind farms. plus Aquatera report about to be released (SG)
(iii) Displacement / disturbance Impacts on individuals and knock on impacts for MAMMAL
MESPG : Utilisation of space by grey and harbour seals in the
High priority for both birds and mammals
BIRD AND FISH populations (behaviour / reproduction /
Pentalnd Firth and Orkney waters (completed Jan 2011) Review
of migratory routes and behaviour of salmon trout and eels in
Scotland (completed Jan 2011) Land based observations of
vertebrate behaviour at EMEC Scapa Flow and Shapinsay nursery
sites to establish whether changes as result of presence of wave and tidal devices (TBC March 2012) LCRI - Behaviour of marine mammals at Ramsay Sound development site (2011 - 2013)
Tools / methods to measure displacement - both temporal
SOSS-01A: Collation and review of bird survey data from existing
High priority for both birds and mammals
offshore wind farm sites to assess data suitability for estimating bird displacement rates.
What are the factors driving displacement / habituation (dose
RESPONSE - NERC - DEFRA just started ; HRWallingford
response + thresholds) and development of predictive
predictive model development for noise (recently announced)
models The ecological significance of field responses of fish and
seals to electromagnetic fields associated with cables;
(iv) Socio-economic impacts Methods to quantify socio-economic impacts of temporarily
DECC / TCE : Fine scale distribution of fishing effort gears and
disrupted or permanently displaced fishing activity with knock long term sustainability of
catches for smaller vessels in R3 wind farm zones (Completion
date unknown) DEFRA : Low-cost VMS data analysis: Assessment
Quantitative information on effects (both short and longer
Cost impact review of fishing effects and lrecovery times for
term) of fishing activity in and immediately adjacent to
different gears (Completed 2010) NERc - PhD case study area
North Hoyle (TBC March 2012) Crown Estate study of potential impact of fishing no-take zones on seabed habitats. (completed 2010 ?)
(v) Risk assessment Adaptation of generic risk assessment methods for :
- integration risk approaches into whole project life cycle
- risks to specific legally protected species (population
- risks of collision with devices / arrays
- risk based approaches to post implementation monitoring
(vi) Cumulative impact assessment Development of framework for Cumulative Impact
CROWN ESTATE : discussion paper - responses being collated
Joint initiative RUK / TCE and MREKE for two High priority
(Nov 2011) MMO review Tender out : 'Evaluation of the current
state of knowledge on potential cumulative effects from offshore
Framework / approach to assessing cumulative impact of
windfarms to inform marine planning and licensing' (TBC Feb 2012)
MESPG : Assessment methodology for determining cumulative
Implications of array size(s) / location (s) for collision risk /
impacts of marine renewable energy devices (excluding offshore
wind farms) on marine birds (completed august 2010)
Implications of clusters of schemes for determining impacts of individual schemes
Implications of arrays and multiple arrays on birds and
mammals with Uk wide / European distributions (carrying capacity ? )
Facilitate development of central data repositories for
Promotes cost effective use and Crown estate, DECC NaREC Capital
baseline, monitoring and other data products
Facilitate access to field research data and monitoring at
Promotes and facilitates industry Potential ecological impacts of a small scale tidal device at the Isle
Faciltate learning from other sectors to support monitoring -
eg. Ports and harbours, aggregates, cabling, onshore wind - indigenous sector knowledge much of data is under analysed
about environmental; impacts of technology to support licensing
Review design principles for monitoring programmes and
Cost efficiencies combined with MESPG : Guidance on survey and monitoring in relation to marine Check CEFAS guidance adequate _ meeting High priority for all to reduce costs of
mechanisms for feedback to 'deploy and monitor'
improved information to support renewable energy development in Scotland (Completed March
2011) Peer review of land based observations and their capacity to detect impacts (Mar 2011 - delayed)
Review consenting processes and identify where barriers to Cost efficiencies combined with streamlining
improved information to support decision making
Review new, currently used or potential monitoring
technologies - develop strategy for field testing and
Mitigation of noise impacts from piledriving turbine towers for Legislation and impact on build
TCE : Workshop series to define cross industry programme to test
offshore wind (and some tidal turbine technologies)
Mitigation of collision risk - considering location, device type, Legislation and long term
MESPG : Use of acoustic devices to warn marine mammals of tidal
species (once we know the mechanisms of interaction)
energy devices (Completed June 2011) DEFRA : Identifying a
range of options to prevent avian collision with wind turbines, using a UK-based case study (completed Oct 2010)
Mitigation of displacement risk for legally protected species
MESPG : Production of guidance wrt to EPS (ongoing)
Mitigation of displacement risks for migrating species birds, or those foraging / breeding in SPAs adjacent to development sites
Mitigation of conflict with marine conservation zones
MMO : (about to be commissioned) 'Evaluation of the potential for
co-location of activities and interests in Marine Plan areas'. (completion due feb 2012)
Quantifying spillover effects at energy development sites
Cost efficiencies combined with MESPG : Monitoring of the fishery in a no-take zone established at
improved information to support the Billia Croo wave test sites at EMEC (August 2011) NERC - decision making
DEFRA : QBEX - quantifying the benefits of no take as result of development of a marine renewable energy site (Commissioning still underway) CROWN ESTATE : an examination of the potential impact of fishing no-take zones on seabed habitats.
Case studies to demonstrate effective economic mitigation of
DEFRA : Lyme Bay: A case study. Assessing recovery of benthic
species; spill over effects and socio-economic impacts (2008 to 2012) NERC - DEFRA QBEX project just starting NERC PhD student ship (2012 finish)
Longer term studies to assess ecosystem and socio-economic impact of windfarms
Ecological consequences of introducing novel structures for enhanced productivity and / or biodiversity protection
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