Contents book 1 Introduction The World’s Best Kept Secret About the Author Jenny’s Story Acknowledgements To True Friends The humble beginnings of NPAN and the need for information What compels, inspires and influences me as a woman, as a natural progesterone advocate, consultant and author CHAPTER 1 Testimonials from women CHAPTER 2 Attitudes Towards Progesterone Why are so many people unwilling to address or come to terms with the hormonal problems afflicting women and men today? CHAPTER 3 The Spiritual Side of Progesterone The essence hormone of being a woman CHAPTER 4 Natural Progesterone, and its relationship with other hormones What is progesterone? Diagram of the Hormone Cascade and production of steroid hormones in
Women who are most likely to suffer with progesterone deficiency What is a progesterone receptor? Why do women need progesterone? If I am estrogen dominant, what are the benefits of using natural (to the body) progesterone? What is estrogen dominance? Symptoms of estrogen dominance How come I have estrogen dominant symptoms and yet I still ovulate?
CHAPTER 5 Natural Progesterone and what to be aware of What is a compounding pharmacist? What is the difference between a compounding pharmacist and a herbalist? How can I tell the difference between a Wild Yam cream and a Natural Progesterone cream? My naturopath tells me Wild Yam creams are safer than Natural Progesterone because a chemical process required to make Natural Progesterone could possibly be toxic to my body Can my cream go off? How do I know if the cream I am using is a reliable, high quality cream? CHAPTER 6 Sourcing Natural Progesterone and The Law Drug laws in various countries USA drug law does not apply to progesterone usage Why is Progesterone labelled an S4 drug even though it is natural? Can I buy my cream overseas without a script? Can I get a rebate on cream if it’s bought on prescription? Listing of various natural progesterone creams that are mass-produced and are being distributed nationally and internationally (detailed list chapter 22, page 405) CHAPTER 7 Approaching Your Doctor The patterns I have observed in the prescribing habits of Doctors How do I approach my doctor? What happens if I am having trouble getting a script from my doctor? Possible reasons why Doctors have become resistant and cautious about writing scripts Why are Doctors so reluctant to write scripts for natural progesterone? This letter received from a lady recently is just one of the reasons demonstrating the existing problems women are facing with their Doctors. Winning over a working relationship with your Doctor Suggested guidelines on how you may wish to approach your Doctor How will the special test and my doctor’s examination benefit me
if I want to use progesterone? I feel guilty using progesterone behind my doctor’s back because I know he does not approve of natural progesterone. Is it harmful to withhold this information, being a natural product? My doctor will not prescribe progesterone on the grounds that I am testing positive to estrogen receptors and progesterone receptorsHow does the doctor know what progesterone dosage to put me on,and when to adjust it? How do I know whether to buy a 1.6%, 3.2% or 10% cream? Which is the one usually recommended? Now that I have my prescription how do I process it?
CHAPTER 8 Measuring Progesterone with Saliva Assays versus Blood Serum The Late Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. Medical Letter – Saliva Vs Serum or Plasma test for Progesterone What a blood test measures How progesterone travels in blood Absorption of transdermal progesterone How to use Saliva Hormone Assay to determine progesterone dosage Achieving Balance is the Key Progesterone levels and PMS Progesterone and Endometriosis Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors References Saliva Hormone Testing as Used by Researchers Good Evidence Concerning the Absorption of Steroids Through Human Skin The Evidence of Red Blood Cell Transport of Progesterone Direct Comparison of Plasma and Saliva Levels After Topical Progesterone Application Why not do a blood test to check progesterone rather than a saliva test? Conversion formula for Saliva tables provided by Garth Birdsey, Clinical Pharmacist CHAPTER 9 Cream Usage and Guidelines Where does NPAN stand on progesterone dosage Stages of Natural Progesterone’s Action In The Body When can I expect to see results from using the cream?
First 10 days - Estrogen Dominance Wake Up Crisis 1-8 Weeks - Reaching Saturation 4 months - Stabilising & Settling7-12 months - Estrogen Dominance Wakeup Revisited 18 months - Fine Tuning
Guidelines to cream applicationWhy do women expect progesterone to fix all their problems? I’ve started taking progesterone and I feel awful. I want to stop using the cream. Should I?What happens if I am allergic to the cream, e.g. rash?When is the best time to apply the cream and when do I start the cream? What do you do now that you have your creamWhere do I rub the cream? Some tips myself and women have found useful in cream applicationWhat is the right dose for me?When do I have a break from my cream? Barometers that may indicate progesterone overuse and the need to adjust dosageWhen should I use less progesterone? How would I know if I have to use more progesterone? What can cause progesterone shortageAre there any side effects using natural progesterone I have been on progesterone and it is not working. Why would this be? I feel nauseous on progesterone, why is this?Why is the liver so important in hormone balancing? Can I treat hormonal imbalance with nutritional and diet plan strategies alone?There are three scenarios to consider
If using your cream without nutrition or supplementationIf using nutrition and diet without using progesteroneWomen using progesterone with nutritional supplementation
CHAPTER 10 Contra indications with Progesterone and the most asked questions with other medications and treatment What drugs are not compatible with progesterone supplementation (or contra-indicated)? Caution / consideration when using medications in conjunction with progesterone Most asked questions in relation to other medical treatments
Will progesterone increase my blood pressure and interfere with my blood pressure tablets?Can I take progesterone while I’m on my anti-depressant drugs?Can I take progesterone while I’m on thyroid medication? Can I take Tamoxifen and progesterone at the same time?Can I take progesterone through chemotherapy treatment?Can I take my bone building drugs such as Fosamax and Raloxifine (Evista) with progesterone
CHAPTER 11 What to be aware of with your Natural Progesterone and the different deliverance systems
Oral Creams Used Topically Creams Used Vaginally/Intravaginally Common guidelines to adhere to for vaginal applicationIndications when not to use cream vaginallyIn summary, advantages of intravaginal applicationLozenges / Troches Pessaries / Vaginal Suppositories / Vaginal Gel
CHAPTER 12 Recommended Cream Dosage for Specific Problems
Uterine Fibroids / Heavy bleeding Endometriosis Migraines / PMS Cervical dysplasia Adrenal Gland Exhaustion (Adrenal Exhaustion) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Gentle Summary reminder in PCOS treatment using progesteroneNursing Mothers - Postnatal depression Fibrocystic breastsFertilityLiver functionOsteoporosis Hot Flushes
CHAPTER 13 Golden Rules for Natural Progesterone Cream
Know golden rules and general summary of your natural progesterone creamBe Familiar with your Natural Progesterone CreamIntroducing natural progesterone back into your body Correct application of creamCyclic Use Capturing Your Data Be active in your choices to maximise progesterone’s performanceProgesterone versus Wild Yam cream usageNPAN’s Formula for Hormone Harmony as formulated by Jenny Birdsey
CHAPTER 14 Questions and Comments in Relation to Specific Premenstrual Syndrome/Tension (PMS/PMT) What is PMS? PMS controversy How is progesterone used to treat PMS? What aggravates PMS, and why are some months worse? Will progesterone help my heavy menstrual bleeding, my PMS and breast swelling and menstrual cramps? Can I use progesterone to control my PMS mood swings? Why don’t progestogens work for the treatment of PMS? Does progestogen therapy do the same as progesterone therapy? I am taking a progestogen to control premenstrual symptoms such as irritability and depression. Is it the same thing? Is my combination patch ‘natural’? My doctor has prescribed it to treat PMS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? How do I know if I have PCOS? What causes PCOS, and how is progesterone used in the treatment of this disease?What are the signs and tests that will confirm I have PCOS?
What is the guidelines dosage? How do I know when to reduce my dose? What may I expect to experience while using progesterone if I have PCOS? What else can I do to improve PCOS symptoms?
Migraines / Headaches
I have always suffered migraine headaches, nausea and vomiting during the time of my period. Will progesterone help this? Will taking estrogen with progesterone affect my headaches? I suffer vaginal atrophy and dryness, and use estriol cream,Will this create hormonal headaches? I am getting very bad headaches/migraines on progesterone cream,I thought progesterone was meant to stop all this. How can I use natural progesterone to control my headaches/migraines? I have been free of headaches for over twelve months on progesterone,but now they are suddenly returning again. Why would this be? I’m having migraines after my period, not before. What does this mean? I’ve been on progesterone for 4-7 months and have not experienced any relief from headaches. Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
What is Fibromyalgia (FMS) and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?What causes FMS? What are the signs and symptoms of FMS? Can natural progesterone help ease, if not cure, fibromyalgia?
Fertility / Infertility / Contraception / Postnatal Depression
Can I use progesterone for contraception? Can I use progesterone for infertility? If I’m not ovulating and not producing progesterone every month,how come I’m getting a period? Can I use progesterone for Postnatal Depression?
What are the symptoms of menopause, and what causes them?How can I stop hot flushes?What is the alternative treatment to menopausal symptoms other than conventional estrogen replacement therapy or HRT? What’s the reason behind estrogen replacement therapy at menopause? Is there a test to determine menopause? What causes menopause? Will progesterone interfere with this? When will I go through menopause?My doctor says I’ve had premature menopause. I’m a little bit confused. What is meant by peri-menopause? What is meant by pre-menopause?How long does menopause last? Will my periods return if I have entered menopause and my doctor has prescribed estrogen in the form of HRT?Can natural progesterone replace synthetic progestogens at menopause if I’m on HRT? When is menopause not menopause? Are the ovaries beneficial or have any purpose after menopause?Where do you get estrogen from after menopause? And is it necessary to take estrogen therapy? Why have I gone through menopause early?Why is it I’m becoming more masculine since entering menopause? I thought once my periods stopped and I was menopausal that all my symptoms would stop. Why haven’t they? I’m entering menopause and my periods are erratic. What days would I apply cream? (Refer to bleeding concerns & menstrual cycles) What happens if I do not ovulate or I do not have ovaries?Vaginal Dryness (Refer to question I’m suffering bladder problems. Is this connected with my hysterectomy? P174)Bladder Problems (Stress Incontinence) Urinary Problems
What is a hysterectomy? How is a hysterectomy performed? What are the types of hysterectomy? What are the real facts about hysterectomy?I have had a hysterectomy, since then I’ve noticed that my vaginalsecretions are dry and my vagina lips have shrunk, along with a reduced sexual desire and inability to have deep, satisfying orgasms. What can I do? I’m suffering bladder problems. Is this connected with my hysterectomy?
Bleeding Concerns & Menstrual Cycles
My cycles have changed since being on progesterone, and I do not know where I should be taking my breaks. I’ve started using progesterone after using conventional HRT for some time. When I started natural progesterone I wasn’t getting any hot flushes and my periods were regulated on HRT but now theyhave returned with a vengeance. Why? I have just started my progesterone cream and I’m have breakthroughbleeding. What does that mean? My periods are all over the place, light and heavy. I don’t know when to start using the cream. Will progesterone throw my hormone functions out of synchronisation?I’m reluctant to go on progesterone because I’m young and still have regular cycles. What are some of the causes for heavy bleeding? Should I take my break every time I get a period? What happens if my periods stop or are very late? Will progesterone help me with heavy bleeding? Why would I need progesterone if I am having a period every month?
Cancer Concerns
Will progesterone cause and/or promote cancer? Will my ovaries returnto normal after chemotherapy? Can I get ovarian cancer without ovaries?Will my ovaries return to normal after chemotherapy?
Breast Concerns
I have lumpy (fibrocystic) breasts. Will progesterone help?
I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. What does that mean?
Risk Factors of Osteoporosis
Hormonal Imbalance Body Type/Build Antacids StressDiets too high in fibreTea and coffee consumption Family history, diet and lifestyle Cortisone Other contributing factors What is a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test? Should I take progesterone if my bone mineral density test shows signsof osteoporosis but I’m not showing signs of estrogen dominance?I’ve got a good bone mineral density. Should I take progesterone? My doctor wants me to take Fosamax but I don’t want to. I want to improve my bones naturally. What is the best plan of attack? I’ve been on progesterone now for 2 years and my bone mineral density is worse. Help! I have been on progesterone for a couple of years and my bone density has not improved. Why?My doctor insists that I take HRT to prevent further osteoporosis. Is this not the same as progesterone? Can I take my bone building drugs such as Fosamax and Raloxifine (Evista) with progesterone? What are some of the substances and factors that disrupt bone formation? Will the Contraceptive Pill interfere with my bones? Can I take The Pill if I have osteoporosis? What are some of the things I can do to improve my osteoporosis? Are there other ways of increasing my daily intake of calcium without using dairy products?
Sources of Calcium Ageing Concerns
Should my mother or my grandmother use Natural Progesterone?
Thrush, Cystitis, Vaginal & Bladder Concerns
I have Thrush. What does this mean? Will progesterone help this problem? I have read that progesterone actually makes it worse. Skin & Hair
Will progesterone make my hair fall out? I was on the Pill once and this is what happened to me. Will my varicose veins worsen or my broken blood vessels on my face get worse with the use of progesterone?
Usage of progesterone for skin careAbout Acne RosaceaDry gritty eyes
Weight Issues
Will progesterone put on weight? I have been on other forms of hormonereplacement therapy in the past and have experienced weight gain Summary of factors that need to be taken into consideration withweight gainMy association with Dr Sandra Cabot and WHASHow do I know what nutritional supplementation, diet plan or eating plan I should follow when I am on progesterone? I have been on a diet and cannot lose weight. Why would this be?
What happens when the body experiences stress? Why does stress upset my hormonal imbalance? Symptoms of Adrenal Gland Exhaustion
Thyroid Concerns Fibroids
What are fibroids?What causes fibroids? Who gets fibroids? Heavy bleedingWill my fibroids turn into cancer? What are the symptoms? Types of fibroids Will progesterone help with fibroids?
What is endometriosis? What causes endometriosis? Factors increasing the risk of endometriosis Factors reducing the risk of endometriosis What are the symptoms of endometriosis? Why is progesterone effective in treating endometriosis? Chronic Endometriosis Profile of an endometriosis woman by Jenny BirdseyCan you be suffering from endometriosis and fibroids at the same time?Will progesterone cure endometriosis? Will a hysterectomy cure endometriosis?
Tubal Ligation
What is a tubal ligation? Will a tubal ligation affect my hormones? How can the problems after tubal ligation be treated? Can progesterone help? If I reverse my tubal ligation, will my symptoms go away? Does tubal ligation work for any particular woman?
Memory Loss / Mental Faculty
I’m having memory loss and I can’t concentrate, focus and recall. Will progesterone help?
Will progesterone help with my arthritic problems?
CHAPTER 15 Charting Recommendations & Guidelines for Journal Keeping Is it important to keep a chart? Subtle changes Share your charts with your doctor Which Chart Suits You?
Monthly Score Sheet to Determine Progress / Effectiveness of Progesterone Usage
Suggested dose guidelines for Monthly Score SheetHow to interpret your score and use it to Guide your progesterone dosage requirementsThe Importance of this chart- Estrogen dominance/Progesterone deficientMonthly score sheet chart to determine progressSample chartsHealth Observation Calendar for Monitoring Hormone Balance
Calendar-style Notation of Symptoms Quick Tick Chart - Spreadsheet
How to approach your charting Addressing Questions to Assess your progress
Gynecological Symptoms Menstrual Cycles Skin & Hair & Ears
Breasts Ongoing Chronic conditions, ears, nose and throat (including Auto Immune)Pain Disorders ReproductivePMSMuscular - SkeletalOther PainPain considerationsBladder Gastrointestinal Sleep Patterns Sex/LibidoMetabolic Cardio VascularFertility Muscular, Skeletal & Nerves VisionConcentration Memory PerformanceHeadaches Emotional WellBeing A time for reflection Taking control
CHAPTER 16 Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (NHRT) Is natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (NHRT) addictive and will I be able to come off it? Is HRT the same as NHRT? Is NHRT safer than HRT? Possible risks and side effects of The Pill and HRT More serious effects of The Pill and HRT Possible risks and side effects of natural progesterone Types of HRT regimes that might be offered by your doctor How is conventional HRT usually taken? How is NHRT usually taken? Alternative therapies, changing tactics and trends Women who are considered low risk and possibly do not require hormone replacement therapy are women that: Regarding hormone replacement therapy, I am confused about which form of hormone replacement therapy I should use CHAPTER 17 Estrogen, Phytoestrogens and Xenoestrogens What is estrogen? What are estrogen receptors? My doctor says I need estrogen and yet I’ve read there are different forms of estrogen, I am confused Do I need estrogen if I’m still having regular periods? Do I need estrogen if I’m not having a period? What is amenorrhea - What are the causes What is the safest form of estrogen to use if I have to use an estrogen? I want to use Natural Progesterone cream but my doctor wants me to take a tablet. I’m totally confused My doctor wants me to stay on estrogen for my bones and heart but I get headaches and other problems. I don’t know what to do Suggested guidelines when coming off estrogen replacement therapy I have been on estrogen for hot flushes but would like to use progesterone Will I need to stay on my estrogen? I qualify for some estrogen because I am still having hot flushes and vaginal dryness but I’m not sure when I am meant to be taking it How can I reduce my estrogen dominance naturally? Guidelines of an estrogen reduction program What are phytoestrogens? Other benefits of phytoestrogens Why do estrogen dominant symptoms return 3-4 months later on phytoestrogens? Supplement with a PREMIUM phytoestrogen formulation What is the difference between phyto-hormones (phyto-estrogens) and xenohormones (xenoestrogens/xenotoxins)? How do I reduce my exposure to xenoestrogens and xenohormones in my environment? What are some of the foods containing natural estrogen? Who would benefit most from estrogenic foods? CHAPTER 18 Men & Teenagers: Progesterone Usage Men and Progesterone Usage Why would men need to take progesterone? Will progesterone help men with osteoporosis? Suggested application sites for men Teenagers and Progesterone Usage Strategies to help correct hormone imbalance in teenagers What are the circumstances that would require hormone replacement therapy in teenagers? The question is often asked “What are the circumstances that would require natural hormone replacement therapy in teenagers?” CHAPTER 19 About NPAN and Jenny’s Work History and Activity of My Organisation NPAN is Collectively Every Woman CHAPTER 20 Political work instigated and conducted by NPAN, Jenny Birdsey Political activity - and Jenny’s Lobby work Politicians Make Women Sick Grievance of inaccessibility to W.A’s manufactured cream Supply :Why can’t I get it here? CHAPTER 21 Resources The Late Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. Progesterone Research Institute Saliva Hormone Testing Listing of fertility detector devices Cleansing & Detoxification Weight Control Xenohormones Other invaluable websites Sourcing and stockists of Jenny’s books Recommended reading CHAPTER 22 Sourcing Natural Progesterone cream Health Care Providers and Australian Compounding Pharmacists that may assist you in sourcing Natural Progesterone and prescriptions Australian Compounding Pharmacies International Cream and Contacts Other USA and International Contacts CHAPTER 23 Progesterone Drug Information Sheet Medical References Progesterone Absorption
General Articles on Progesterone Use Phytoestrogen Therapy Progesterone and the Breast Hormone Replacement Therapy and the Heart Long term combined oestrogen-progestin replacement
Technisches Merkblatt Holzschutzsysteme impranol -Holzschutzgrund Lösemittelhaltige, farblose Grundierung zum Schutz von Holz im Au- ßenbereich ohne Erdkontakt vor Bläue, holzzerstörenden Insekten und Pilzen. RAL-Gütesiegel, Verleihungsurkunde-Nr. 728 Anwendungs- impranol®-Holzschutzgrund dient dem Schutz statisch nicht beanspruchter Hölzer ohne Erdkontakt im Au
PLEASE REVIEW. LINE OUT AND INITIAL ANY UNWANTED ORDERS. PATIENT NAME: PRIMARY PHYSICIAN NAME: GENERAL ORDERS • May administer medication rectally, topically, or via feeding tube if unable to take medications orally • May hold medications/treatments if death is imminent • If patient has signs and symptoms of UTI, obtain a urine sample and request the lab perform a urina