Adult postoperative instructions.indd

If you develop nausea (vomiting) it is most likely due to a pain medication that contains a narcotic such as Vicodin (hydrocodone). Do not take pain medication If you are having issues with persistent oozing or trouble on an empty stomach. Try drinking some fl at Coca-Cola with pain managment please fi rst go to our website.
(stir out the carbonated bubbles). If you continue to have nausea, discontinue taking this medication and begin taking Motrin® (Ibuprofren) 600 mg every 6 hours. Make sure you eat before taking any pain medication. If you have an implant or graft placed you should rinse with Peridex or Perioguard (chlorhexidine) oral rinses twice a day until you are instructed to discontinue this by the doctor. This is in addition to the warm saline rinses that you must do four times a day.
Pediatric and Adult Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery If you can please avoid fl ying in an airplane for 2 weeks following extractions in the upper jaw.
• No blowing nose or blowing up balloons or anything that might create pressure in your mouth as per your physician’s instructions or the instructions given to you by Dr. Orden. If you feel light headed, or Bite with continuous pressure on gauze for It is normal to experience discomfort over the your blood sugar drops below 100mg% then you must fi rst four days that requires pain medication. immediately takes steps to correct your hypoglycemia or immediately go to the nearest emergency room.
Take the medication prescribed for you and continue If you develop hives, wheezing, or a rash please taking it “by the clock”. Do not wait for the pain to recur call the on call doctor for instructions.
before taking your next dose. The initial dose will take 45 minutes to become eff ective. For mild discomfort you No rinsing or spitting for the fi rst 24 hours.
may switch to Tylenol® or Motrin® or Naproxen(Alleve®). It is normal to have some minimal bleeding, pink or No exercise. No driving or hazardous tasks for 24 When taking the tablets or capsules be sure red saliva, or clot formation during the fi rst 24 hours. hours if you have had general or IV anesthesia.
to drink at least a full 8-oz. glass of water Do not be alarmed. Maintain pressure over the site
with a moistened gauze pad for one hour. If bleeding No sucking through straws, blowing nose, is excessive, place a thumb size roll of sterile gauze or a or creating any nasal or mouth pressure for moistened tea bag over the wound and bite fi rmly for 2 weeks following upper extractions.
30 minutes with constant pressure. Repeat if necessary; If you are still in pain you may add Motrin® (Ibuprofen) if bleeding remains uncontrolled call the offi or Alleve® or a Tylenol ® to your dose of prescription pain medication. These are over-the-counter medications that you can obtain at any drugstore. Beginning the day after not use any ice ! Following any surgical procedure, you can expect swelling to develop. It will usually become No need to worry. If one or two stitches break do not call us. It is not an emergency and you will heal up just fi ne.
Following any surgical procedure bruising may result from the accumulation of blood in the tissue. It is normal, but will be more prominent in thin or fair Rinse with warm salt water 4 to 6 times a day for 2 skinned individuals. It may extend from the surgical site weeks. Use 1/2 tsp of salt in a glass of warm water.
downward and will resolve spontaneously in about 10 You will likely develop an infection, “dry days. You may apply moist heat to the aff ected area for If you were given a plastic syringe, you should fi ll it socket”, or worse. Don’t call us for more pain about 20 minutes every hour to hasten its removal. with salt water and use it to fl ush out any food/debris medication if you smoke even one cigarette.
from extractions done in your lower jaw. The idea is simply to fl ush out any food left after eating. Only do this in the LOWER jaw extraction sites. Just place A soft diet, avoiding hot liquids, is recommended the tip of the syringe over the area and squirt hard It is IMPORTANT that you eat meals immediately for the fi rst 24 hours after surgery. Try not to skip a enough to fl ush out the debris. Do this four to six following surgery and monitor your blood sugar every meal. Resume your normal diet when possible. times a day until the sockets are completely healed. few hours following surgery. Adjust your insulin regimen


A-a south africa - drug treatment for heart rhythm disorders booklet.indd

Drug Treatment for Heart Rhythm Disorders (Arrhythmia) Promoting better understanding, diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for those aff ected by heart rhythm disorders (cardiac arrhythmias) Glossary Arrhythmia Irregular or abnormal heart beat Contents Glossary of terms Ablation An internal treatment involving identifying the cause of the arrhythm

Dr. Mehdi Ardjmand Position Principal Researcher- Bioethanol Research Group, Biofuel raeserch Team (BRT) Educations Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1999), IAU, Science and Resaerch Branch, Tehran, Iran M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1993), IAU, Tehran South Branch, Tehran Iran B.Sc. in chemical Engineering (19990), AIT, Ahwaz, Iran Full papers in peer reviewed journals -F.

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