Effects of the antihistamine diphenhydramine on selected aquatic organisms
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 2065–2072, 2011
yInstitute of Biomedical Studies, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA
zInstitute of Ecological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA
§Department of Environmental Science, Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Systems Research, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA
kDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA
(Submitted 2 February 2011; Returned for Revision 6 April 2011; Accepted 11 May 2011)
Abstract—In recent years pharmaceuticals have been detected in aquatic systems receiving discharges of municipal and industrialeffluents. Although diphenhydramine (DPH) has been reported in water, sediment, and fish tissue, an understanding of its impacts onaquatic organisms is lacking. Diphenhydramine has multiple modes of action (MOA) targeting the histamine H1, acetylcholine (ACh),and 5-HT reuptake transporter receptors, and as such is used in hundreds of pharmaceutical formulations. The primary objective of thisstudy was to develop a baseline aquatic toxicological understanding of DPH using standard acute and subchronic methodologies withcommon aquatic plant, invertebrate, and fish models. A secondary objective was to test the utility of leveraging mammalianpharmacology information to predict aquatic toxicity thresholds. The plant model, Lemna gibba, was not adversely affected atexposures as high as 10 mg/L. In the fish model, Pimephales promelas, pH affected acute toxicity thresholds and feeding behavior wasmore sensitive (no-observed-effect concentration ¼ 2.8 mg/L) than standardized survival or growth endpoints. This response thresholdwas slightly underpredicted using a novel plasma partitioning approach and a mammalian pharmacological potency model. Interest-ingly, results from both acute mortality and subchronic reproduction studies indicated that the model aquatic invertebrate, Daphniamagna, was more sensitive to DPH than the fish model. These responses suggest that DPH may exert toxicity in Daphnia through AChand histamine MOAs. The D. magna reproduction no-observed-effect concentration of 0.8 mg/L is environmentally relevant andsuggests that additional studies of more potent antihistamines and antihistamine mixtures are warranted. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2011;30:2065–2072. # 2011 SETAC
of drug classes are fairly well characterized, such as hormones,
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are
analgesics, antidepressants, beta blockers, and antibiotics [5].
found in most aquatic systems that receive large amounts of
The problem now becomes identifying which of the hundreds of
municipal effluent discharges, especially in areas where effluent
active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) should be the focus of
makes up the majority of water entering the receiving system
[1]. Although PPCPs have likely been present in the environ-
Beyond the need for a harmonized hazard prioritization
ment at low concentrations for some time, it is only over the last
approach that incorporates both effects and exposure elements
20 years that advances in analytical techniques have allowed
[3,4], the most obvious need for analysis are those drugs that
scientists to detect them [2]. Pharmaceuticals and personal care
have been identified in field studies. One drug in particular, the
products are typically present at low levels (<1 mg/L), which
antihistamine diphenhydramine (DPH), has been specifically
historically represent concentrations of minimal concern for
identified in several major environmental compartments (water,
most environmental contaminants. However, pharmaceuticals
sediment, tissue). In streams receiving significant discharges of
are biologically active molecules developed to have specific
treated municipal effluent, DPH has been detected in the water
effects at low concentrations. Although substantial work has
at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 0.10 mg/L [6,7]. In the
examined potential PPCP exposure, comparatively less work
sediment, DPH concentrations were much higher (20–50 mg/
has been done on understanding the adverse effects to aquatic
kg) [7], two and three orders of magnitude higher than asso-
life. Assessing the ecotoxicological impacts of these PPCPs is
ciated water concentrations. Perhaps most important, DPH has
one of the primary needs identified by several authors [3,4] in
been found in the tissues of fish. Ramirez et al. [8] found DPH in
addition to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
the muscle tissue of fish living downstream of a North Texas
(U.S. EPA) white paper on PPCPs (http://www.epa.gov/water-
municipal effluent outflow at a mean concentration of approx-
science/criteria/library/sab-emergingconcerns.pdf). In fact, the
imately 1 mg/kg. Furthermore, a U.S. EPA pilot study, con-
scientific literature has few examples of well-characterized
ducted by the same group, found DPH in the muscle and liver
ecotoxicological effects of drugs, and of the available informa-
(1–10 mg/kg) of fish residing near multiple large metropolitan
tion most is limited to acute toxicity data [3,5]. Only a handful
areas in the USA [2]. Another study found 0.03 to 0.08 mg/kg offree DPH, which are those molecules unbound to protein, in fishtissue just downstream of an effluent outflow [9]. Actual DPH
* To whom correspondence may be addressed
muscle concentrations might be as high as 0.2 to 8.0 mg/kg if the
percent DPH bound to protein in fish is similar to the 86 and
Published online 3 June 2011 in Wiley Online Library
99% protein binding reported in humans [10,11].
The quantification of DPH in surface waters may be partially
barrier [15]. In humans it has both antihistamine and sedative
explained because it is fairly stable in the environment [12],
MOAs, which are reflected in the over-the-counter formulations
although, like many drugs, it is subject to photodegradation
that function either to reduce allergic reactions and motion
[13]. In general, antihistamines, and likely DPH, are removed
sickness or serve as sleep aids. Table 1 summarizes the general
poorly through most wastewater processes [14]. With 2 to 15%
physical, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamics properties
of DPH excreted as unmetabolized by humans, it is likely
of DPH. Mechanistically, DPH targets a number of different
continually discharged to receiving systems, resulting in poten-
receptors, although its primary target is the H1 histamine
tial life-cycle exposures, particularly in effluent-dominated
receptor [19]. Histamine, released from mast cells (a component
streams [1]. An additional influx of DPH may come from the
of mammalian innate immune system) in response to an
sewage treatment process where polar metabolites (e.g., diphen-
allergic trigger, targets the H1 receptors in the smooth muscles
hydramine N-glucuronide [11]) are cleaved back to the parent
in the vasculature causing them to then dilate. This reaction
compound, although this has not been studied directly [15].
allows blood and other immune cells to move into the affected
Although studies have seldom examined seasonal differences in
area, causing the swelling and redness associated with an
environmental exposures, it is possible that DPH usage, and
allergic reaction. This same mechanism is responsible for small
consequently regional environmental loading, increases season-
localized reaction and larger systemic responses (e.g., anaphy-
ally to coincide with seasonal allergy responses in human
lactic shock). Diphenhydramine competitively binds the H1
populations. Based on the relatively high log KOW (Log P)
receptors and reduces the allergic response by preventing
of 3.27 (Table 1) and the empirical information summarized
histamine binding and allowing smooth muscle contraction.
above, it appears likely that DPH will partition to the sediment
Diphenhydramine also targets the 5-HT reuptake transporter
and tissue matrices. Although DPH is present in multiple
(SERT), preventing the reuptake of serotonin at the presynaptic
matrices in field samples, little work has been done to character-
nerve cleft [20]. In general, this MOA adds to the sedation
ize its potential ecological effects [16].
response associated with DPH. Interestingly, discovery of
As with many pharmaceuticals, it is possible that chronic
this MOA led directly to the development of fluoxetine,
aquatic risks of DPH exposure are related to the potential for
the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antide-
therapeutic mechanism or mode of action (MOA) specific
pressant, which exerts its therapeutic effect through the same
outcomes [3,5], rather than nonspecific narcosis responses
mechanism, albeit with much greater specificity [20]. Further-
typically seen with industrial chemicals [17]. Understanding
more, DPH acts as an anticholinergic agent by competitively
mammalian pharmacological properties may help predict
antagonizing the acetylcholine receptor [19]. This reaction
potential effects in nontarget species based on the conservation
reduces the signal sent by the acetylcholine neurotransmitter,
of critical drug receptors [18]. Diphenhydramine is a first-
and as such has been suggested as a remedy for organophos-
generation antihistamine drug found in many common over-
phate poisoning [21] and in alleviating the symptoms of
the-counter formulations (Table 1) and crosses the blood–brain
Table 1. Information on the antihistamine diphenhydramine (DPH), including physical, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics properties
Common brands: Benadryl1 McNeil-PPC, Unisom1 Chattem, Sominex 1 GlaxoSmithKlineDrugs commonly in mixture with DPH: Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, pseudoephedrine, benzocaine, ammonium chloride, codeineUsage categories: Hypnotics and sedatives, antiemetics, antiparkinson agents, antidyskinetics, antipruritics, anti-allergic agents, histamine H1 antagonists,
anesthetics – local, antitussives, anticholinergic
a ACR ¼ acute to chronic ratio; ATR ¼ acute to therapeutic ratio.
Unfortunately, the consequences of DPH exposure are
each concentration for each of the three replicate studies prior
poorly understood in nontarget organisms. This data gap is
especially disconcerting for aquatic species, as many may be
Standardized chronic study. A 7-d subchronic study was
exposed to DPH by way of multiple routes. Thus, the objective
conducted following slightly modified U.S. EPA protocols
of this study was to develop a baseline aquatic ecotoxicological
[26,27,29]. Four replicates of eight concentrations and a control
understanding of diphenhydramine by using a number of stand-
were prepared. Treatment levels for the fish subchronic study
ardized toxicity test protocols with several species. In addition,
were selected based on acute response thresholds, a prediction
we also explored the utility of leveraging mammalian pharma-
of acute to chronic ratio (ACR) response using slope and
cological information to understand thresholds of adverse
intercept (0.254 and 0.788, respectively) of the regression
between a mammalian margin of safety parameter (the acuteto therapeutic ratio [ATR]; Table 1) and known ACR values
The following experimental conditions described apply to all
studies except where noted within individual methods. Recon-
and predictions of plasma concentrations in fish [22,30].
stituted hard water (RHW), formulated according to U.S. EPA
Specifically, Fitzsimmons et al. [30] provided an empirical
methods [23], was used as control and dilution water for
relationship for nonionic chemical bioaccumulation and parti-
invertebrate and fish studies. All experiments were performed
tioning to fish plasma (blood:water partition coefficients; PBW),
in controlled environmental chambers at 25 Æ 18C under a
which was previously recommended for pharmaceutical priori-
16:8 h light:dark regime. Water quality was monitored accord-
tization [22]. Here we modified another Fitzsimmons et al. [30]
ing to standard methods [24]. Water quality parameters were
equation (Eqn. 2), which is more appropriate for drugs with
measured daily and mean (Æstandard deviation [SD]) values
apparent log P values less than 3 [16], and substituted log D [31]
were well within acceptability criteria [23,25,26]: dissolved
at the study pH (8.5) for log P (Eqn. 3).
oxygen, 8.3 (Æ0.2) mg/L (YSI Model 55); conductivity, 580
(Æ4.6) mS /cm (YSI Model 30); alkalinity, 116 (Æ4) mg/L as
CaCO3; and hardness, 172.5 (Æ3.4) mg/L as CaCO3.
The pH of each study solution was measured (Thermo
BW ¼ ð100:73log D ðpH 8:5 Á 0:16Þ þ 0:84
Orion 720A pH/ISE meter) and recorded separately for each
We then conceptually applied the plasma model approach
test conducted. A potential for shifts exists in the ionization
recommended by Huggett et al. [22], where the fish plasma
state of DPH (pKa 8.9; Table 1) resulting from slight dif-
concentration (FPC) is determined by multiplying the aqueous
ferences in pH, which could influence toxicological responses
concentration (Aq) of a drug by its PBW (Eqn. 4). The model
[27]. All tests were generally conducted at higher pH (8.4–
considers an effect likely to occur any time the FPC is greater
8.7) to approximate worst-case scenarios and realistic pH
than the human plasma therapeutic dose (Cmax) and the point at
values for many effluent dominated streams in semiarid regions
FPC is considered an effect threshold (ET).
Because Cmax and PBW are constants, it is then possible to
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (CAS 147-24-0) was
solve for the aqueous concentration at the effect threshold
obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Concentrations used in prelimi-
(AqET) (Eqn. 5) [32], and to derive Equation 6, which predicts
nary range finding testing were developed from U.S. EPA EPI
the concentration of DPH in water necessary to result in plasma
Suite software [28] (96-h P. promelas median lethal concen-
accumulation equal to a human Cmax value:
tration [LC50] ¼ 13.7 mg/L; 48-h Daphnid LC50 ¼ 1.2 mg/L),then adjusted based on preliminary results (not reported). All
DPH concentrations were analytically verified following meth-ods described below.
Standardized acute studies. Standardized fathead minnow
(Pimephales promelas) acute studies were conducted accordingto U.S. EPA acute toxicity protocols [23] with slight modifi-
Consistent with the acute studies, experimental units were
cations [27,29]. Tests were run three times each at two different
600-ml beakers filled with 500 ml of test solution and loaded
nominal pH levels, 6.5 and 8.5. To ensure test concentrations
with 10 <24-h-old P. promelas. This was a static renewal
were the same across both pH treatments, a large volume (8 L)
experiment with feeding of brine shrimp nauplii twice daily.
of each test solution at higher pH (8.5) was prepared, then
The test solution was renewed daily 2 h after the morning
subdivided into two 4-L aliquots, of which one was adjusted to
feeding with 80 to 85% renewal [25]. Stock solutions for each
the target pH 6.5 using 1.5 to 2.1 ml of 1N HCl. The higher pH
exposure concentration were made fresh daily and analytically
study utilized five concentrations, while the lower pH required
verified. Tests were monitored daily for survival. At the com-
three additional (eight total) higher concentrations to establish
pletion of the 7-d study, three fish from each replicate were
the LC50. At each treatment level and control, four replicates of
randomly selected for a feeding trial (see Discussion). The
600-ml glass beakers were loaded with 10 larval P. promelas
remaining seven fish were euthanized according to standard
(<24 h old). Prior to initiating the study, fish were fed brine
methods [25] and placed in aluminum weigh pans. Weigh pans
shrimp nauplii but were not fed during the test. To reduce the
with fish were then placed into an 808C drying oven for 48 h.
likelihood of pH drift each replicate was covered tightly with
Pans and fish were allowed to come to room temperature in a
parafilm for the entire 48-h test period. Survival was assessed at
desiccation chamber for 1 h. Fish were then weighed on a
24 and 48 h. Samples for analytical verification were taken at
Mettler Toledo Model MX5 microbalance.
Feeding behavior. Three randomly selected fish from each
replicate were placed in 100-ml glass beakers filled with fresh
Exposure concentrations of DPH were verified in each stock
exposure media of the appropriate concentration and held for
solution and all experiments by way of liquid chromatography-
24 h without food. Experiments were conducted according to
tandem mass spectrometry. Instrumentation consisted of a
the approach outlined in Stanley et al. [29] with the modifica-
Varian model 410 autosampler, ProStar model 212 binary
tions suggested by Valenti et al. [27]. The trial started by adding
pumping system, and model 1200L triple quadrupole mass
40 brine shrimp nauplii to the beaker containing a single fish.
analyzer. Fifty ml of a 10-ppm solution of the isotopically
Fish were given 15 min to feed, after which time the fish was
labeled internal standard (DPH-d3) was added to all samples
removed and the remaining nauplii counted.
and calibration standards. To ensure that analyte concentrationsfell within the calibrated range of the instrument, sample
aliquots were diluted with 95:5 0.1% (v/v) aqueous formic
Acute study. A 48-h static acute study for D. magna was
conducted according to established U.S. EPA protocols [23]. It
Analyses were carried out using a 15 cm  2.1 mm (5 mm, 80
was conducted at a single pH, 8.59 (Æ0.05). Four replicates
˚ ) Extend-C18 analytical column (Agilent Technologies) and
were used for each of five concentrations and a control. Each
˚ ) guard cartridge connected in series.
replicate was loaded with five D. magna. All D. magna used
A binary gradient consisting of 0.1% (v/v) formic acid in water
were <24 h old and hatched within a single 4-h window. This
and 100% methanol was employed to promote elution of target
acute test design was performed three times. Water samples for
analytes within 6 min. Additional chromatographic parameters
analytical verification were taken from each concentration prior
were as follows: injection volume, 10 ml; column temperature,
308C; flow rate, 350 ml/min. Analytes were ionized using
Subchronic study. A 10-d D. magna subchronic toxicity test
positive electrospray ionization and monitored using the fol-
was performed following standard protocols [33] with slight
lowing optimized MS/MS transitions: m/z 256 > 167 and
modifications [34,35]. The endpoints assessed were immobili-
259 > 167 for DPH and DPH-d3, respectively. Internal standard
zation (mortality) and reproduction (young per female). Daph-
calibration curves were constructed using linear or quadratic
nia magna used to initiate the study were <24 h old and hatched
regression, as appropriate (R2 !0.998) used to determine DPH
within a 4-h period. Eight concentrations and a control were
concentrations in all analyzed samples. During analysis, one
used in this study, with 10 replicates per treatment level. The
continuing calibration verification sample was analyzed every
experiment was static renewal with daily renewal. To ensure
6th injection with an acceptability criterion of Æ20%.
consistency in renewal concentrations a 4-L stock solution ofeach concentration was made at test initiation. Stock solutions
were analytically verified three times: day 0, day 5, and day 8.
An a ¼ 0.05 was used in evaluating response variables for all
Experimental units were 30-ml disposable plastic cups with a
experiments. The LC50 values were calculated using U.S. EPA
test volume of 30 ml. Each replicate was fed 0.6 ml per day of a
Toxstat. The probit method was used if data met assumptions;
mixture of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and cereal grass
otherwise, the trimmed Spearman–Karber method was applied
media [23,36]. Neonates were counted and removed daily
[23]. The LC50 values were calculated based on analytically
verified concentrations for individual test. No-observable-effectconcentration (NOECs) and lowest-observable-effect concen-
trations (LOECs) were calculated using analysis of variance
Diphenhydramine toxicity to a model aquatic plant was
with Dunnett’s post-hoc test, as suggested by U.S. EPA pro-
assessed by exposing L. gibba (a duckweed) to five concen-
trations (10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.63 mg/L DPH, nominal) and acontrol and measuring effects on frond number, wet weight,
and growth rate after 7 d. Lemna gibba G-3 culture was obtained
Analytical confirmation of DPH concentrations
from the Canadian Phycological Culture Center and maintainedin Hunter’s media, as described by Brain and Solomon [37].
Table 2 provides analytical verified concentrations of DPH
Prior to experimentation, plants were acclimatized to test media
for each treatment level of the acute and subchronic experi-
(Hunter’s media) for one week before the study was initiated.
ments with the various model organisms. For acute studies
The 7-d static renewal experiments were conducted according
(Table 2) concentration reported are mean (n ¼ 3; ÆSD) values
to the standardized protocol outlined in Brain and Solomon
[37]. After the acclimatization period, two Lemna plants, eachwith four fronds, were transferred from the acclimatized mass
culture into a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 ml
Control survival was >95% for all P. promelas tests (acute
sterilized test solution. Test solutions were created through
and chronic). Mean (ÆSD) pH treatment levels for the acute
serial dilutions. Flasks were arranged in a randomized complete
studies were 6.45 (Æ0.03) and 8.52 (Æ0.02). Acute studies
block design and maintained in a growth chamber (258C) under
showed clear dose-dependent responses to DPH exposure,
constant cool white fluorescent light (6800 lux). Frond number
although mortality occurred at a much higher concentrations
and fresh weight were measured on day 7. The number of
in acute studies at lower pH (6.5; Table 3). The mean LC50 for
P. promelas acute toxicity studies was 2.09 (Æ0.41) mg/L at pH8.5 and 59.28 (Æ6.64) mg/L at pH 6.5. The responses for
P. promelas growth and feeding trials were similarly dose-
where Ft is the number of fronds at time, t; F0 is the number of
dependent (Fig. 1). Subchronic exposure survival was 100%
fronds at time zero, is divided by the total exposure time (t) to
except at the highest concentration tested in this study. The
LOEC for growth and behavioral (feeding) responses were
Table 2. Analytically verified mean (Æ standard deviation) diphenhydra-
mine concentrations for acute and subchronic studies (mg/L)
a Acute studies samples were taken from each replicate (n ¼ 3).
b Subchronic studies multiple samples were taken for Daphnia magna
(n ¼ 3) and Pimephales promelas (n ¼ 7).
measured at much lower concentrations: 49.1 and 5.6 mg/L forgrowth and behavioral endpoints, respectively (Table 3). Acute
Fig. 1. Mean (Æstandard error) growth (mg dry wt per fish; n ¼ 7 per
to chronic ratios for growth and behavior endpoints were
replicate) and behavioral responses (Artemia consumed per min; n ¼ 3 per
calculated at 85 and 746, respectively (Table 3).
replicate) of larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) following 7-ddiphenhydramine study. ÃSignificantly different from control ( p 0.05).
Control survival was >95% for both acute and chronic
experiments. Acute tests showed dose-dependent responseswith a mean (n ¼ 3) LC50 of 0.37 (Æ0.14) mg/L. The 10-d
The primary objective of this study was to establish a
studies also exhibited a dose-dependent pattern. Survival in the
baseline understanding of aquatic toxicological effects of a
control and lower concentrations was 100% through the 10-d
drug commonly reported in various environmental compart-
exposure, while 100% mortality occurred at concentrations
ments (tissue, sediment, water) [7,8]. Here we observed that an
27.8, 46.1, and 273.4 mg/L by days 7, 5, and 4, respectively.
aquatic plant model was insensitive to DPH, even at very high
Reproduction LOEC and NOEC values were determined at 3.4
exposure levels (>10 mg/L). Such an observation is consistent
and 0.8 mg/l, respectively (Fig. 2, Table 3). The corresponding
with previous reports for several other classes of pharmaceut-
ACR value for D. magna was 467.5 (Table 3).
icals (e.g., nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, SSRIs, lipidlowering agents, beta-blockers) [38], likely because the hista-
mine-H1, SERT, and muscarinic ACh receptors targeted by
No statistically significant ( p > 0.05) effects of DPH on
DPH were not present in either plant or algae models analyzed
L. gibba responses were observed (Table 3). For example,
for homologs [18]. However, significant acute and subchronic
mean (ÆSD) growth rate for all plants was 0.358 (Æ0.014),
effects of DPH were observed to a model fish and an inverte-
compared to a mean growth rate in the highest concentration of
0.357 (Æ0.014) and 0.345 (Æ0.015) in control. No significant
A second objective of this study was to employ approaches
differences were observed among any of the various parameters
previously proposed [3,5,22] to leverage mammalian pharma-
measured (e.g., frond number, wet wt, growth rate). Because no
cological information to understand aquatic hazards of phar-
treatment level adversely affected this plant model, only the
maceuticals. Fish are known to possess some degree of genetic
highest concentration was confirmed analytically at 10.75 mg/L
homology for the three critical DPH targets (histamine-H1,
SERT, muscarinic ACh receptor), although the percent sim-
Table 3. Toxicological thresholds of mean acute (n ¼ 3; Æ standard deviation) and subchronic endpoints of select organisms exposed to diphenhydramine and
LC50 ¼ median lethal concentration; LOEC ¼ lowest observed effect concentration; NOEC ¼ no observed effect concentration.
[44]. Meinertz et al. [44] recently evaluated effects of DPH onD. magna over 21 d, but only at three widely separated con-
centrations, resulting in an NOEC of 0.12 mg/L and LOEC of
70 mg/L. Subsequently, Meinertz et al. [44] were unable toreport differences between concentrations affecting survival
and reproduction, as all D. magna above reported NOEC died
and did not reproduce. In the present study, a reproduction
NOEC value of 0.8 mg DPH /L for D. magna is in general
agreement with this previous research, although we detected
reproductive effects at an order of magnitude lower concen-
tration than a survival NOEC of 27.8 mg/L (Table 3). One
interesting observation in the Meinertz et al. [44] study was
that even at the highest concentration tested (620 mg/L, reported
as diphenhydramine hydrochloride) D. magna generally
survived for about 10 d, whereas in the present study Daphniawere only able to survive for up to 7 d at the lowest lethal
concentration (28 mg/L). It is possible the observed differences
in time to death resulted from the ionization of DPH, as we
demonstrated here with P. promelas (Table 3) and was observed
previously for sertraline [27]. Meinertz et al. [44] reported a pHrange between 7.2 and 7.6, whereas pH was 8.63 (Æ0.05) in
Fig. 2. Percent survival and mean (Æstandard deviation) Daphnia magna
the present study. With a pKa of 8.98 DPH and other weak
fecundity (neonate per female) following 10-d diphenhydramine study
bases would be expected to shift ionization states within
(n ¼ 10). ÃSignificantly different from control ( p 0.05).
environmental relevant pH ranges [27]. In this study, at apH closer to the pKa value, DPH was more un-ionizedand more toxic to D. magna than in the Meinertz et al. study.
ilarity is reported to vary between 40 to 70% [18]. When
Thus, based on the information from the present study and
observations of the present study are compared to similar
others [27,39], it appears important to consider pKa during
studies with the SSRIs fluoxetine [29] and sertraline [27],
the environmental assessment of ionizable pharmaceuticals in
DPH potency was very similar to these SSRIs, exerting sub-
chronic toxicity on growth and feeding behavior with compa-
The differences in D. magna response thresholds for DPH
rable NOEC values (%10 mg/L). However, DPH was found to
(Table 3) compared to SSRIs are likely related to other MOAs
be much less effective in producing mortality in the 48-h and 7-
of DPH and conservation of relevant targets in invertebrates.
d studies (Table 3) than comparable mortality thresholds for
Although SSRIs were derived based on the SERT activity of
sertraline [27] and fluoxetine [29]. Similar to observations
DPH, SSRIs have been designed to more specifically target the
previously reported for sertraline [27] and fluoxetine [39], this
SERT, while DPH also has histamine and cholinergic targets.
study demonstrated that pH is a critically important factor
Invertebrate physiology and neurochemistry is highly reliant on
influencing aquatic toxicity of ionizable weak bases, because
both histamine and acetylcholine as neurotransmitters. For
a 28-fold higher DPH LC50 value was observed for P. promelas
example, organophosphate (OP) pesticides are much more
effective in invertebrates. Whereas OPs target acetylcholinees-
In the present study the standardized growth endpoint in the
terase, DPH and other antiacetylcholinergics (e.g., atropine)
P. promelas model was not the most sensitive fish response to
bind to the ACh receptor, preventing ACh neurotransmission
DPH (Fig. 1, Table 3); rather, a behavioral response was more
[45]. This binding is generally reversible, and over the short
sensitive than the standardized growth endpoint. For example,
term less toxic, but given continuous exposure and the like-
the 5.6 and 24.5 mg/L DPH treatment levels significantly sup-
lihood for bioaccumulation, particularly in effluent-dominated
pressed feeding behavior but not growth (Fig. 1, Table 3).
streams [1], the probability of deleterious effects can increase.
Feeding behavior was examined here and in previous studies
Thus, DPH may have exerted its toxicity to D. magna in the
with the SSRIs sertraline [27] and fluoxetine [29] because it
present study through an ACh MOA, which resulted in greater
represents an alternative sublethal endpoint that may be plau-
toxicity than previously reported for SSRIs. It may have also
sibly related to the drug MOA (e.g., targeting the SERT). For
been that an antihistamine MOA played a role in the observed
example, previous work by Gould et al. [40] demonstrated that
toxicity to cladocerans, because DPH also targets histamine ion
SSRIs target the SERT in fish with similar binding kinetics as
channel transporters in invertebrates [46]. It is important to note
observed in mammals. Such MOA-related responses are rec-
that DPH is not even the most potent antihistamine. For
ognized as critical for pharmaceutical effects on aquatic organ-
example, Berninger and Brooks [5] recently ranked deslorata-
isms because therapeutic-related responses are often observed
dine and loratadine much higher than DPH. Both of these drugs
at much lower levels than traditional standardized survival and
are also known to be much more potent at histamine H1 and
ACh receptors [47]. Clearly these findings deserve additional
Although similarities were found between DPH and sertra-
line and fluoxetine potencies to the P. promelas model in the
When we selected treatment levels for the subchronic fish
present study, DPH toxicity to cladocerans differed drastically
study, an ACR value of 2,100 was predicted for DPH, based on
from previous studies of SSRIs. The responses of D. magna to
mammalian margin of safety information presented in
DPH exposure were two to three orders of magnitude lower than
Equation 1 [5]. Based on results from the P. promelas feeding
SSRI thresholds [29,41–43]. The only other study available on
behavior study an ACR value of 746 was calculated (Table 3);
the aquatic toxicology of DPH found similar results in D. magna
an order of magnitude higher than previously reported feeding
behavior ACR values for sertraline (ACR ¼ %15) [27] and
fluoxetine (ACR ¼ 22) [29]. Although the observed ACR value
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IngentaConnect Post-dexamethasone cortisol correlateswith severity of depression. during carbamazepine treatment in women Authors: Osuch, Elizabeth A.1; Cora-Locatelli, Gabriela2; Frye, Mark A.3; Huggins, Teresa2; Kimbrell, Timothy A.4; Ketter, Terence A.5; Callahan, Ann M.2; Post, Robert M.2 Source: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Volume 104, Number 5, November 2001 , p
SERVICE: SICU, PGY 2 – Sinai Competencies: Goals and Objectives: Patient Care: During this rotation, the resident should learn and practice to: Demonstrate caring and respectful behaviors when interacting with patients and their families; demonstrate sensitivity to gender, age, ethnicity, religion, value systems and other potential differences of patients and their f