Iafrica.com | highlife | my life spiced ham in my inbox!

iafrica.com | highlife | my life Spiced Ham in my inbox! Sat, 28 Jul 2007
Spiced Ham in my inbox!
Too much of a bad thing is still a bad thing. When it comes to spam, that junk mail of the ether, it is a very Melt fat away while you sleep. Say Goodbye To Facial Hair Forever! Debt Analyses, it’s not a loan, it’s a solution. Free 30-day Every morning I wade through reams of emails from Jeb, Josh, Jon, Rick, Shelley G, Bud and Clyde before I can get to the emails from people I know and who have second names. From weight-loss to viagra, these people think I am interested. Somewhere, on some benign-looking web form, I must have missed a "If you like cunningly disguised checkbox indicating an interest in third party all the good information. Now it’s a junk mail free for all straight to my inbox. to the right If Bud, Mo and the other computer-generated abbreviates were more discerning in profiling their target audience, I might be more forgiving. Leigh Robertson, From the mail I receive, I might as well be straight off Jerry Springer or Ricky Lake, a special reactionary breed of Americana. For better or LOVE LIFE
I am South African. This is obvious from the .
co.za domain of my email address. Why on earth then, would I be interested in buying saucy books and more fresh steak from Texas? Never Frozen. From Why would I want miniature statuettes of Elvis cradling the baby Jesus? These tackarama virtual infomercials push even my open-minded décor theory, that everything has a place, to for inspiration One of the more bizarre and persistent pieces of spam I regularly receive offers playing cards featuring Iraq’s 52 Most Wanted in a ‘Pack of FAST LIFE
If power and My political bias and pacifist tendencies aside, gloating over a performance are vanquished foe like this is in seriously poor taste. Surely even Jerry http://lifestyle.iafrica.com/my_life/232731.htm (1 of 3)28/07/2007 18:51:31 iafrica.com | highlife | my life Spiced Ham in my inbox! words that excite you, would agree? Having never been able to stomach an entire episode of check out our his particular brand of ‘reality’ TV, I don’t know. running. T-shirts advertised during the war in Iraq went further in making my blood boil. A stars and striped gloved hand making a peace sign with TECH LIFE it’s fingers above the words ‘Iraq 2003 – We’re back’ adorned the front
Wanna get wired? All of one of the shirts. Arrogant saviours of countries laden with oil unite. your friends are doing It is more likely that Yoda would appear on Ricky Lake and tell all about his twin sister’s friendship with a Siamese wombat than I would the latest in sexy ever buy one of those t-shirts. When the first trickle of the spam deluge started, I diligently clicked the unsubscribe link on all unwanted mail and was assured my association with the world of free credit ratings or virtual liposuction had ended. Over time though, in spite of religious unsubscription, my spam problem multiplied. When I explained this curious phenomenon to a wily officemate, he laughed. My clicking on the unsubscription link simply confirmed that my email address was indeed valid, he revealed, after which it could be permanently added to a myriad mailing lists. I was crushed. Somewhere, sinister super computers generating random first names and assigning them to budget junk mail had Lamenting this abuse of my previously much-loved email receptacle, I wondered how junk email came to share a name with a respectable little unassuming tin of spiced ham from England. Unlike its British porcine namesake, the spam in my inbox does not know its place. It is not a respecter of any moral code, doesn’t taste like anything and has I even get spam claiming to be the answer to my spam problem. After falling for the unsubscription ploy, there is no chance I am going anywhere near a supposed despammer. Reverse psychology — I can Problem is, I still have loads of trash email. Filtering out dubious domains seems to be futile. The supercomputers spamming me seem to be able to mutate the domains and get their message through in spite of my filtration efforts. Who needs a computer virus when you can waste time and fill up your hard drive It seems the time might have come to change my email address. It’s time to reroute those super computing junk mailers into oblivion and More Jay Walking:
http://lifestyle.iafrica.com/my_life/232731.htm (2 of 3)28/07/2007 18:51:31 iafrica.com | highlife | my life Spiced Ham in my inbox! Copyright 2002 iafrica.com, a division of Metropolis*. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved.
http://lifestyle.iafrica.com/my_life/232731.htm (3 of 3)28/07/2007 18:51:31

Source: http://www.jacquilatimer.co.za/index_files/portfolio/iafrica/Spam.pdf


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