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Publikationen Prof. Dr. med. Sven Waßmann
Endtmann, C., Ebrahimian, T., Czech, T., Arfa, O., Laufs, U., Fritz, M., Wassmann, K., Werner,
N., Petoumenos, V., Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, S. 2011. Angiotensin II impairs endothelial
progenitor cell number and function in vitro and in vivo: implications for vascular regeneration.
Hypertension, 58(3): 394-403.
Zimmer, S., Steinmetz, M., Asdonk, T., Motz, I., Coch, C., Hartmann, E., Barchet, W.,
Wassmann, S., Hartmann, G., & Nickenig, G. 2011. Activation of endothelial toll-like receptor 3
impairs endothelial function. Circ.Res., 108(11): 1358-1366.
Sivritas, D., Becher, M. U., Ebrahimian, T., Arfa, O., Rapp, S., Bohner, A., Mueller, C. F.,
Umemura, T., Wassmann, S., Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, K. 2011. Antiproliferative effect of
estrogen in vascular smooth muscle cells is mediated by Kruppel-like factor-4 and manganese
superoxide dismutase. Basic Res.Cardiol., 106(4): 563-575.
Ebrahimian, T., Li, M. W., Lemarie, C. A., Simeone, S. M., Pagano, P. J., Gaestel, M., Paradis,
P., Wassmann, S., & Schiffrin, E. L. 2011. Mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein
kinase 2 in angiotensin II-induced inflammation and hypertension: regulation of oxidative stress.
Hypertension, 57(2): 245-254.
Tiyerili, V., Zimmer, S., Jung, S., Wassmann, K., Naehle, C. P., Lutjohann, D., Zimmer, A.,
Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, S. 2010. CB1 receptor inhibition leads to decreased vascular AT1
receptor expression, inhibition of oxidative stress and improved endothelial function. Basic
, 105(4): 465-477.
Mueller, C. F., Afzal, S., Becher, U. M., Wassmann, S., Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, K. 2010. Role
of the multidrug resistance protein-1 (MRP1) for endothelial progenitor cell function and survival.
J.Mol.Cell Cardiol., 49(3): 482-489.
Wallentin, L., Becker, R. C., Budaj, A., Cannon, C. P., Emanuelsson, H., Held, C., Horrow, J.,
Husted, S., James, S., Katus, H., Mahaffey, K. W., Scirica, B. M., Skene, A., Steg, P. G., Storey,
R. F., Harrington, R. A., Freij, A., & Thorsen, M. 2009. Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients
with acute coronary syndromes. N.Engl.J.Med., 361(11): 1045-1057.
Mueller, C. F., Becher, M. U., Zimmer, S., Wassmann, S., Keuler, B., & Nickenig, G. 2010.
Angiotensin II triggers release of leukotriene C4 in vascular smooth muscle cells via the multidrug
resistance-related protein 1. Mol.Cell Biochem., 333(1-2): 261-267.
Wassmann, K., Mueller, C. F., Becher, U. M., Werner, C., Jung, A., Zimmer, S., Steinmetz, M.,
Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, S. 2010. Interaction of Inhibitor of DNA binding 3 (Id3) with
Gut-enriched Kruppel-like factor (GKLF) and p53 regulates proliferation of vascular smooth
muscle cells. Mol.Cell Biochem., 333(1-2): 33-39.
10. Steinmetz, M., Brouwers, C., Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, S. 2010. Synergistic effects of
telmisartan and simvastatin on endothelial progenitor cells. J.Cell Mol.Med., 14(6B): 1645-1656.
11. Litvinov, I. V., Kotowycz, M. A., & Wassmann, S. 2009. Iatrogenic epinephrine-induced reverse
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: direct evidence supporting the role of catecholamines in the
pathophysiology of the "broken heart syndrome". Clin.Res.Cardiol., 98(7): 457-462.
12. Atar, D., Carmena, R., Clemmensen, P., Laflamme, A., Wassmann, S., Lansberg, P., & Hobbs, R.
2009. Clinical review: impact of statin substitution policies on patient outcomes. Ann.Med., 41(4):
13. Mueller, C. F., Wassmann, K., Widder, J. D., Wassmann, S., Chen, C. H., Keuler, B., Kudin, A.,
Kunz, W. S., & Nickenig, G. 2008. Multidrug resistance protein-1 affects oxidative stress,
endothelial dysfunction, and atherogenesis via leukotriene C4 export. Circulation, 117(22):
14. Mueller, C. F., Wassmann, K., Berger, A., Holz, S., Wassmann, S., & Nickenig, G. 2008.
Differential phosphorylation of calreticulin affects AT1 receptor mRNA stability in VSMC.
Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun., 370(4): 669-674.
15. van de Wal, R. M., van der Harst, P., Wagenaar, L. J., Wassmann, S., Morshuis, W. J., Nickenig,
G., Buikema, H., Plokker, H. W., van Veldhuisen, D. J., van Gilst, W. H., & Voors, A. A. 2007.
Angiotensin II type 2 receptor vasoactivity in internal mammary arteries of patients with coronary
artery disease. J.Cardiovasc.Pharmacol., 50(4): 372-379.
N., Wassmann, S., Ahlers, P., Schiegl, T., Kosiol, S., Link, A., Walenta, K., & Nickenig,
G. 2007. Endothelial progenitor cells correlate with endothelial function in patients with coronary
artery disease. Basic Res.Cardiol., 102(6): 565-571.
17. Wassmann, S., Wassmann, K., Jung, A., Velten, M., Knuefermann, P., Petoumenos, V., Becher,
U., Werner, C., Mueller, C., & Nickenig, G. 2007. Induction of p53 by GKLF is essential for
inhibition of proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. J.Mol.Cell Cardiol., 43(3): 301-307.
18. Wassmann, S., Werner, N., Czech, T., & Nickenig, G. 2006. Improvement of endothelial function
by systemic transfusion of vascular progenitor cells. Circ.Res., 99(8): e74-e83.
19. Friedrich, E. B., Clever, Y. P., Wassmann, S., Werner, N., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2006. Role of
integrin-linked kinase in vascular smooth muscle cells: regulation by statins and angiotensin II.
Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun., 349(3): 883-889.
20. Oelze, M., Warnholtz, A., Faulhaber, J., Wenzel, P., Kleschyov, A. L., Coldewey, M., Hink, U., Pongs, O., Fleming, I., Wassmann, S., Meinertz, T., Ehmke, H., Daiber, A., & Munzel, T. 2006.
NADPH oxidase accounts for enhanced superoxide production and impaired
endothelium-dependent smooth muscle relaxation in BKbeta1-/- mice.
Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., 26(8): 1753-1759.
21. Wassmann, S. & Nickenig, G. 2006. Pathophysiological regulation of the AT1-receptor and
implications for vascular disease. J.Hypertens.Suppl, 24(1): S15-S21.
22. Wassmann, S., Wassmann, K., & Nickenig, G. 2006. Regulation of antioxidant and oxidant
enzymes in vascular cells and implications for vascular disease. Curr.Hypertens.Rep., 8(1):
23. Friedrich, E. B., Clever, Y. P., Wassmann, S., Hess, C., & Nickenig, G. 2006. 17Beta-estradiol
inhibits monocyte adhesion via down-regulation of Rac1 GTPase. J.Mol.Cell Cardiol., 40(1):
24. van der Harst, P., Wagenaar, L. J., Buikema, H., Voors, A. A., Plokker, H. W., Morshuis, W. J., Six, A. J., Boonstra, P. W., Nickenig, G., Wassmann, S., van Veldhuisen, D. J., & van Gilst, W. H.
2005. Effect of intensive versus moderate lipid lowering on endothelial function and vascular
responsiveness to angiotensin II in stable coronary artery disease. Am.J.Cardiol., 96(10):
N., Wassmann, S., Ahlers, P., Kosiol, S., & Nickenig, G. 2006. Circulating
CD31+/annexin V+ apoptotic microparticles correlate with coronary endothelial function in
patients with coronary artery disease. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., 26(1): 112-116.
Wassmann, S., & Nickenig, G. 2005. Progesterone antagonizes the
vasoprotective effect of estrogen on antioxidant enzyme expression and function. Circ.Res.,
97(10): 1046-1054.
27. Wassmann, K., Ghiassi, A., Wassmann, S., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2006. AT1 receptor
antagonism improves endothelial dysfunction in postmenopausal women. Maturitas, 53(2):
Wassmann, S., Czech, T., Munzel, T., Eisenhauer, M., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2005.
Physical inactivity increases oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerosis.
Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., 25(4): 809-814.
29. van der Harst, P., Volbeda, M., Voors, A. A., Buikema, H., Wassmann, S., Bohm, M., Nickenig,
G., & van Gilst, W. H. 2004. Vascular response to angiotensin II predicts long-term prognosis in
patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Hypertension, 44(6): 930-934.
30. Wassmann, S., Wassmann, K., & Nickenig, G. 2004. Modulation of oxidant and antioxidant
enzyme expression and function in vascular cells. Hypertension, 44(4): 381-386.
31. Wassmann, S., Czech, T., van, E. M., Fleming, I., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2004. Inhibition of
diet-induced atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction in apolipoprotein E/angiotensin II type
1A receptor double-knockout mice. Circulation, 110(19): 3062-3067.
Wassmann, S., Schackmann, S., Heeschen, C., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2004.
Beneficial effects of statins in patients with non-ischemic heart failure. Z.Kardiol., 93(2): 103-108.
W., Wassmann, S., Laufs, U., & Nickenig, G. 2004. Does statin therapy
influence steroid hormone synthesis? Z.Kardiol., 93(1): 43-48.
34. Wassmann, S., Stumpf, M., Strehlow, K., Schmid, A., Schieffer, B., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G.
2004. Interleukin-6 induces oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction by overexpression of the
angiotensin II type 1 receptor. Circ.Res., 94(4): 534-541.
35. Wassmann, S., Ribaudo, N., Faul, A., Laufs, U., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2004. Effect of
atorvastatin 80 mg on endothelial cell function (forearm blood flow) in patients with pretreatment
serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels <130 mg/dl. Am.J.Cardiol., 93(1): 84-88.
36. Laufs, U., Werner, N., Link, A., Endres, M., Wassmann, S., Jurgens, K., Miche, E., Bohm, M., &
Nickenig, G. 2004. Physical training increases endothelial progenitor cells, inhibits neointima
formation, and enhances angiogenesis. Circulation, 109(2): 220-226.
37. Wassmann, S., Faul, A., Hennen, B., Scheller, B., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2003. Rapid effect of
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase inhibition on coronary endothelial function.
Circ.Res., 93(9): e98-103.
K., Wassmann, S., Grond, M., & Bohm, M. 2003. [Clinical features and current treatment
of hypertensive crisis]. Dtsch.Med.Wochenschr., 128(41): 2131-2137.
Wassmann, S., Adam, O., Grohe, C., Laufs, K., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G.
2003. Modulation of antioxidant enzyme expression and function by estrogen. Circ.Res., 93(2):
40. Wassmann, S. & Nickenig, G. 2003. Interrelationship of free oxygen radicals and endothelial
dysfunction--modulation by statins. Endothelium, 10(1): 23-33.
41. Wassmann, S. & Nickenig, G. 2002. Improvement of Endothelial Function by HMG-CoA
Reductase Inhibitors. Drug News Perspect., 15(2): 85-92.
42. Laufs, U., Adam, O., Strehlow, K., Wassmann, S., Konkol, C., Laufs, K., Schmidt, W., Bohm, M.,
& Nickenig, G. 2003. Down-regulation of Rac-1 GTPase by Estrogen. J.Biol.Chem., 278(8):
43. Wassmann, S., Hilgers, S., Laufs, U., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2002. Angiotensin II type 1
receptor antagonism improves hypercholesterolemia-associated endothelial dysfunction.
Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., 22(7): 1208-1212.
44. Wassmann, S., Laufs, U., Stamenkovic, D., Linz, W., Stasch, J. P., Ahlbory, K., Rosen, R., Bohm,
M., & Nickenig, G. 2002. Raloxifene improves endothelial dysfunction in hypertension by reduced
oxidative stress and enhanced nitric oxide production. Circulation, 105(17): 2083-2091.
45. Nickenig, G., Stablein, A., Wassmann, S., Wyen, C., Muller, C., & Bohm, M. 2000. Acute effects
of ACE inhibition on coronary endothelial dysfunction. J.Renin.Angiotensin.Aldosterone.Syst.,
1(4): 361-364.
46. Laufs, U., Kilter, H., Konkol, C., Wassmann, S., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2002. Impact of HMG
CoA reductase inhibition on small GTPases in the heart. Cardiovasc.Res., 53(4): 911-920.
47. Muller, C., Reddert, A., Wassmann, S., Strehlow, K., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2000. Insulin-like
growth factor induces up-regulation of AT(1)-receptor gene expression in vascular smooth muscle
cells. J.Renin.Angiotensin.Aldosterone.Syst., 1(3): 273-277.
48. Wassmann, S., Laufs, U., Muller, K., Konkol, C., Ahlbory, K., Baumer, A. T., Linz, W., Bohm, M.,
& Nickenig, G. 2002. Cellular antioxidant effects of atorvastatin in vitro and in vivo.
Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., 22(2): 300-305.
Wassmann, S., Hilgers, S., Ribaudo, N., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2001. Rapid effects
on vascular function after initiation and withdrawal of atorvastatin in healthy,
normocholesterolemic men. Am.J.Cardiol., 88(11): 1306-1307.
50. Baumer, A. T., Wassmann, S., Ahlbory, K., Strehlow, K., Muller, C., Sauer, H., Bohm, M., &
Nickenig, G. 2001. Reduction of oxidative stress and AT1 receptor expression by the selective
oestrogen receptor modulator idoxifene. Br.J.Pharmacol., 134(3): 579-584.
51. Wassmann, S., Laufs, U., Baumer, A. T., Muller, K., Ahlbory, K., Linz, W., Itter, G., Rosen, R.,
Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2001. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors improve endothelial dysfunction in
normocholesterolemic hypertension via reduced production of reactive oxygen species.
Hypertension, 37(6): 1450-1457.
Wassmann, S., & Bohm, M. 2000. Regulation of the angiotensin AT1 receptor by
hypercholesterolaemia. Diabetes Obes.Metab, 2(4): 223-228.
53. Wassmann, S., Laufs, U., Baumer, A. T., Muller, K., Konkol, C., Sauer, H., Bohm, M., & Nickenig,
G. 2001. Inhibition of geranylgeranylation reduces angiotensin II-mediated free radical production
in vascular smooth muscle cells: involvement of angiotensin AT1 receptor expression and Rac1
GTPase. Mol.Pharmacol., 59(3): 646-654.
54. Wassmann, S., Baumer, A. T., Strehlow, K., van, E. M., Grohe, C., Ahlbory, K., Rosen, R., Bohm,
M., & Nickenig, G. 2001. Endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress during estrogen deficiency
in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Circulation, 103(3): 435-441.
55. Nickenig, G., Strehlow, K., Baumer, A. T., Baudler, S., Wassmann, S., Sauer, H., & Bohm, M.
2000. Negative feedback regulation of reactive oxygen species on AT1 receptor gene expression.
Br.J.Pharmacol., 131(4): 795-803.
K., Wassmann, S., Bohm, M., & Nickenig, G. 2000. Angiotensin AT1 receptor
over-expression in hypercholesterolaemia. Ann.Med., 32(6): 386-389.
57. Nickenig, G., Strehlow, K., Wassmann, S., Baumer, A. T., Albory, K., Sauer, H., & Bohm, M.
2000. Differential effects of estrogen and progesterone on AT(1) receptor gene expression in
vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation, 102(15): 1828-1833.
58. Wassmann, S., Nickenig, G., & Bohm, M. 1999. Long QT syndrome and torsade de pointes in a
patient receiving fluconazole. Ann.Intern.Med., 131(10): 797.
59. Strehlow, K., Nickenig, G., Roeling, J., Wassmann, S., Zolk, O., Knorr, A., & Bohm, M. 1999.
AT(1) receptor regulation in salt-sensitive hypertension. Am.J.Physiol, 277(5 Pt 2):
Wassmann, S., & Bohm, M. 1998. [Modification of nitrate tolerance using
antioxidants]. Dtsch.Med.Wochenschr., 123(51-52): 1556-1561.


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