Treatment of Vertigo with aHomeopathic Complex RemedyCompared with Usual Treatments
A meta-analysis of clinical trials Berthold Schneider a, Peter Kleinb, and Michael Weiserc
Institut für Biometrie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannovera, Hannover (Germany), d.s.h. statistical servicesb,Rohrbach (Germany), and Institut für Antihomotoxische Medizin und Grundregulationc, Baden-Baden (Germany)
The increasing interest in alternative groups); mean reduction of the intensity medical practices has led to a number of (on a scale 0−4) for VH 1.8 and for the controlled studies on herbal and control 1.8 (standard error 0.03 for both homeopathic agents. This paper presents groups). In the non-inferiority analysis the results of a meta-analysis of four re- from all trials, VH was non-inferior in all cent clinical trials evaluating the variables. The results show the applicabil- homeopathic preparation Vertigoheel ity of meta-analyses on the data from (VH) compared with usual therapies (be- studies with homeopathic drugs and sup- tahistine, Ginkgo biloba extract, di- port the results from the individual stud- menhydrinate) for vertigo in a total of ies indicating good efficacy and tolerabil- 1388 patients. Two trials were observa- ity of VH in patients with vertigo. tional studies and the other two were ran- domised double-blind controlled trials. The duration of treatment (6−8 weeks) and dosage were comparable in all stud- ies. Treatments were evaluated for the variables “number of vertigo episodes”, “intensity of episodes” and “duration of episodes”. As the studies differed in the age of patients and in the baseline values of vertigo, the individual reductions of number, intensity and duration of epis- odes were adjusted on equal age and baseline values (total means). An analysis of variance (with studies as random ef- fects) showed no relevant influence of studies on the adjusted reductions and no relevant interaction between studies Key words and treatment effects. The meta-analysis of all four trials showed equivalent reduc-
Homeopathy tions with VH and with control treat-
Vertigo ment: mean reduction of the number of
Vertigoheel, efficacy, daily episodes 4.0 for VH and 3.9 for con- meta-analysis, tolerability trol (standard error 0.11 for both groups); mean reduction of the duration Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. (on a scale 0−4) for VH 1.1 and for the 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005) control 1.0 (standard error 0.03 for both Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005)
ECV · Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
Zusammenfassung Behandlung des Schwindels mit einem bei allen Studien als vergleichbar angese- wert auf einer Skala von 0−4) bei VH 1,1 homöopathischen Komplexpräparat im hen werden. Die Studien unterscheiden und bei der Kontrolle 1,0 (Standardfehler Vergleich mit anderen Therapieformen / sich im Alter der Patienten und der Aus- 0,03); Reduktion der mittleren Intensität Eine Meta-Analyse klinischer Studien gangslage (Zahl der täglichen Attacken). (Scorewert auf einer Skala von 0−4) bei Um diese Unterschiede auszugleichen, VH 1,8 und bei der Kontrolle 1,8 (Stan- Es werden die Ergebnisse einer Meta- wurden in der Meta-Analyse die indivi- dardfehler 0,03). Die Hypothese der Analyse von vier klinischen Studien dar- duellen Änderungen von Anzahl, Intensi- Nichtunterlegenheit von VH konnte bei gestellt, in denen die Wirksamkeit und tät und Dauer der Attacken auf gleiches allen Studien und in der Meta-Analyse Verträglichkeit des homöopathischen Alter und gleiche Ausgangslage (Gesamt- mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 97.5 % Arzneimittels Vertigoheel (VH) bei der mittel) adjustiert. Eine Varianzanalyse angenommen werden. Die Analyse bestä- Behandlung des Schwindels mit der von (mit den Studien als Zufallsfaktor) ergab tigt somit die Ergebnisse der einzelnen anderen gebräuchlichen Arzneistoffen für die adjustierten Änderungen keinen Studien, die eine klinisch relevante Wirk- (Betahistin, Ginkgo biloba Extrakt, Di- bedeutsamen Studieneinfluß und auch samkeit und Verträglichkeit von VH bei menhydrinat) bei insgesamt 1388 Patien- keine Wechselwirkung zwischen Studien- Patienten mit Schwindel gezeigt haben. ten verglichen werden. Zwei dieser Stu- und Behandlungseinfluβ. Die Ergebnisse dien waren randomisierte, doppelblinde, der vier Studien konnten somit zusam- kontrollierte Studien, die beiden anderen mengefaßt werden. Dabei ergab sich für offene Beobachtungsstudien. Primäre alle drei Zielgröβen eine äquivalente Bes- Zielgröβen der Wirksamkeit waren in al- serung unter VH und der jeweiligen Kon- len Studien die Verbesserung der Anzahl, trollbehandlung: Reduktion der mittle- Intensität und Dauer der täglichen ren Zahl der Episoden bei VH 4,0 und bei Schwindelattacken. Die Behandlungs- der Kontrolle 3,9 (Standardfehler 0,11); dauer (6−8 Wochen) und Dosierung kann Reduktion der mittleren Dauer (Score- 1. Introduction
homeopathically attenuated petroleum that has longbeen available over-the-counter in several countries
Vertigo is the most common form of dizziness; a feeling
with an established record of general use in the treat-
of unsteadiness, spinning, whirling, or exaggerated mo-
ment of vertigo [5]. The recent interest in evaluating
tion when stationary. It is usually accompanied by
alternative medical practices in a more rigorous man-
nausea and loss of balance. Sweating, tinnitus and col-
ner is reflected in a number of controlled studies on the
lapse are commonly associated phenomena. Vertigo
effects of VH since 1998. This situation is in marked
may be caused by several factors, including head injury,
contrast to that for many other agents used in comple-
viral upper respiratory infection or cerebrovascular dis-
ease. Other causes include tumours, inflammation of or
The presence of a number of studies on VH in
damage to nerves, or the use of drugs that affect the
patients with the same indications allows for a system-
inner ear, including aminoglycoside antibiotics, acetyl-
atic review and meta-analysis of the data. Meta-analy-
salicylic acid, cisplatin and furosemide. Most cases of
ses are a common tool in the evaluation of treatment
vertigo occur with nystagmus, an abnormal, rhythmic,
effects in clinical studies [6] and have found a large ap-
plication in recent decades across a wide range of indi-
Common pharmacological interventions for vertigo
cations [7, 8]. The outcomes of meta-analyses show
are meclizine, dimenhydrinate, promethazine, scopol-
smaller random errors and increased precision com-
amine, atropine and diazepam. These drugs have been
associated with side effects, such as drowsiness, mal-
The current work presents a systematic review and
aise, visual problems and dry mouth [1], which may be
meta-analysis of four studies on VH with different con-
one reason why alternative medical practices are often
trol agents. The studies comprise a total of 1368
used to treat vertigo. The interest in complementary
patients. In this meta-analysis we focused on studies
medicine is increasing worldwide [2, 3], but in spite of
with active controls and did not consider placebo-con-
this growing attention, the possible benefits of treat-
trolled trials. The four trials used three different com-
ments are often not assessed in proper controlled stud-
Ginkgo biloba extract and dimenhydrinate (CAS 523-87-
Vertigoheel1) (VH) is a homeopathic preparation of
5), which provided a spectrum of controls reflecting the
diluted plant and mineral extracts (listed in Table 1) and
varied approaches to vertigo therapy in everyday clin-ical practice.
1) Manufacturer: Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Baden-
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005)
24 Schneider et al. − Homeopathic complex
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Table 1: Constituents of VH.
used as variables, adjusted for age and baseline values. Mean
differences between the VH and control treatment groups and
their 95 % confidence intervals were calculated for all variables.
Randomised controlled trials and OSs were analysed separa-
Petroleum rectificatum (attenuated petroleum)
tely, as well as in one overall analysis of all four trials. Thehomogeneity of the adjusted mean differences between VHand control between the studies was tested using an analysisof variance with the studies as random effects. All analyseswere done using SPSS 11.5 for Windows (SPSS Software, Mun-
2. Methods
Four trials on VH in vertigo have been published and were used
As all studies included active comparators, the outcomes in
as the basis for this analysis [9−12]. Of these, two were random-
the individual trials were not analysed for superiority. Instead,
ised controlled trials (RCTs) [9, 12] and two were observational
the overall outcomes were analysed for non-inferiority of VH
studies (OSs). For inclusion in the analysis, trials had to meet
versus active control. This approach was followed for the meta-
the criteria of comparing VH with an active treatment, have a
analysis. The criterion for asserting non-inferiority was that the
minimum duration of 6 weeks, and to have completed before
95 % confidence interval for treatment differences between the
VH group and the control group remained above the value−
Data on baseline characteristics and on effects of treatment
1.0 for the variable “number of episodes” and above the
value −0.5 for the variables “duration of episodes” and “inten-
during follow-up were obtained from published sources and
sity of episodes”. This limit of non-inferiority corresponds to
from investigators or trial sponsors as needed. Data were
10 % of the maximal range of each scale. The level of signifi-
checked for completeness and accuracy.
All studies evaluated the effects on the three variables
No analysis was undertaken on the tolerability or the occur-
“number of vertigo episodes”, “intensity of episodes” and
rence of adverse events. However, descriptive data were cap-
“duration of episodes”. The variable “number of episodes” was
tured in the respective publications to provide a general de-
quantified as numbers per day. Intensity and duration of epis-
scription of the tolerability of VH compared with the respective
odes were quantified on a scale from 0−4. For intensity of epis-
odes, the levels were: 0 = no symptoms; 1 = mild symptoms;2 = moderate; 3 = moderate-to severe and 4 = severe symptoms. The variable “duration of episodes” was graded as 0 = no ver-
3. Results
tigo or an episode lasting less than 2 min; 1 = duration 2 to 10min; 2 = duration 11 to 60 min; 3 = 1−6 h and 4 = vertigo
Four trials were included in the meta-analysis, two RCTs
episodes lasting longer than 6 h. These scales were used for all
and two OSs. Two studies, one RCT and one OS, used
betahistine as comparator. The other RCT used Gingko
For the meta-analysis, the reductions in mean numbers of
biloba extract and the other OS dimenhydrinate as con-
episodes and intensity and duration scores, respectively, were
Table 2: Age and baseline episodes of the four trials included in the meta-analysis.
VH = Vertigoheel, SD = standard deviation, OS = observational study, RCT = randomised controlled trial, n = number of patients. Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005)
ECV · Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
Fig. 1: Reduction in number, intensity and duration or vertigo Fig. 2: Reduction in number, intensity and duration or vertigo episodes with VH and control treatments in randomised control- episodes with VH and control treatments in observational studies led trials (RTCs) with a) betahistine and b) Ginkgo biloba; c) (OSs) with a) betahistine and b) dimenhydrinate; c) meta-analy- meta-analysis of both trials. Means and standard errors of the sis of both trials. Means and standard errors of the mean are mean are shown, adjusted for age and baseline levels. shown, adjusted for age and baseline levels.
A summary of the demographics and baselines of
259 patients was enrolled, in OSs 1129. Whereas the 4
number, intensity and duration of daily vertigo epis-
studies differed in mean patient age (50 to 70 years) and
odes of the trials is given in Table 2. The total number
baseline number of daily vertigo episodes (4.3 to 6.0),
of patients included was 1388; 623 of whom received
there were no significant differences between the treat-
VH and 753 the control medication. In RCTs a total of
ment groups within the studies. The studies were
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005)
26 Schneider et al. − Homeopathic complex
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Number of episodes (top Intensity of episodes (bottom scale) Duration of episodes (bottom scale) Fig. 3: Meta-analysis of all four studies.
homogenous in intensity and duration scores (2.4 to 2.6
and 1.4 to 1.7, respectively). The mean duration of fol-low-up ranged from 6 weeks in the RCTs and 8 weeks
Fig. 4: Non-inferiority analysis of VH versus other treatments for vertigo. Note that the scales are different: for the variable “num- ber of episodes” the top scale is used; for the other variables the
All trials provided information on all 3 outcomes in-
bottom scale applies. The dotted line indicates the limit for
cluded in the analysis. Primary endpoints were the re-
ductions of number, intensity and duration of the dailyvertigo episodes between baseline and end of the study.
confidence intervals falls within the limits of 10 % of
As there were difference in age and baseline values of
the maximal range of each scale: > −1 in the number of
the episodes between the studies, the individual reduc-
episodes and > −0.5 in the intensity and duration
tions were adjusted to the mean age and baseline values
scores, respectively. These conditions were fulfilled both
of the study using an analysis of covariance. The ad-
in the meta-analysis and in the analyses of the respec-
justed mean reductions in the VH and control groups
tive individual studies. Thus, the efficacy of VH in the
are shown in Fig. 1 for the RCTs and in Fig. 2 for the OSs.
treatment of vertigo (i.e. reduction of number, intensity
The homogeneity of the mean reductions between
and duration of vertigo episodes) can be considered as
the studies and a possible interaction between studies
non-inferior to that of the control medications used in
and treatment differences were tested using a mixed
model with the studies as random and treatments as
The tolerability was not included in the meta-analy-
fixed effects. No significant (p > 0.01) differences in
sis but published data from 4 studies describe a gener-
mean reductions between the studies and no interac-
ally very favourable tolerability profile for all therapies.
tions between studies and treatment differences were
The total number of reported treatment-related adverse
found. This analysis verified the methodological sound-
events in all 4 studies was 10, of which 5 were seen with
ness of combining the reductions in the individual
VH, 2 with Ginkgo biloba, 2 with betahistine and 1 with
dimenhydrinate. Treatment-satisfaction scores were
The results of the meta analysis are shown in Fig.
generally very good, with the percentage highest satis-
3. On all three endpoints mean reductions were highly
faction scores ranging from 80 % (Ginkgo biloba) [12]
similar in both treatment groups: mean reduction of the
to more than 90 % (all other therapies).
number of episodes: VH 4.0, control 3.9 (SEM 0.11);mean reduction of duration score: VH 1.1, control 1.0(SEM 0.03); mean reduction of intensity score: VH 1.8,
4. Discussion
This meta-analysis of 4 studies on the efficacy of the
To test for non-inferiority, the 95 % confidence inter-
homeopathic drug VH compared with common treat-
vals for the differences in mean reduction between VH
ments for vertigo shows that the homeopathic remedy
and the control group was calculated. The intervals are
is not inferior to the comparator medications measured
shown in Fig. 4. The hypothesis of non-inferiority is ac-
on the number of vertigo episodes, their duration and
cepted (with probability 97.5 %), if the lower limit of the
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005)
ECV · Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
The approach of meta-analysis of data from multiple
intervals comfortably within the limit defining non-in-
trials in patients with the same indication and address-
feriority (Fig. 4). Indeed, the border of the confidence
ing the same question, in this case the non-inferiority of
interval for the reduction in the duration of episodes
VH versus other treatments for vertigo, reduces random
with VH versus Gingko biloba does not cross the line
errors and increases the precision of estimates com-
of unity, indicating superiority of VH on this variable,
pared with the individual trials. In the current case, all
although it should be noted that none of the studies
individual trials reported similar outcomes and the
was designed to prove superiority. This possible superi-
main added value of the meta-analysis was to increase
ority of VH on reducing the intensity of vertigo could
the power of the non-inferiority analysis, where the
not be verified in the meta-analysis and must be con-
95 % confidence intervals of the treatment differences
sidered as either a specific advantage over Ginkgo bi-
were markedly smaller in the combined analysis com-
loba or as a statistical play of chance in the respective
pared with individual studies (Fig. 4). The relative treat-
ment effects were similar for all variables, although the
The trials included were all non-inferiority trials.
most prominent absolute reductions were seen in the
Such analyses are commonly carried out when there are
number of episodes. The results from the meta-analysis
ethical obstacles to a placebo-controlled design [18]. In
make the individual results seem very unlikely to have
the case of the VH trials, there would be no ethical ob-
jections to placebo-controlled design, however, the in-
There were many similarities between the included
vestigators wanted to capture a situation closer to clin-
studies which make them suitable for a meta-analysis.
ical reality than placebo-controlled trials are able to
All trials studied the same variables using the same
provide [9−12]. Non-inferiority analyses differ from tri-
means of quantification. All variables were graded on a
als designed to show differences between treatments in
scale from 0 to 4 except for the variable “number of
that the null hypothesis in equivalence trials is that out-
episodes” which was simply given as numbers of ver-
comes between treatment arms are different [18]. One
tigo attacks per day. A difference between the trials lay
consequence of the design of non-inferiority analyses
in the comparator substances used: betahistine, Ginkgo
is a greater dependence on high treatment adherence
biloba extract and dimenhydrinate, respectively. Betahi-
for a reliable outcome. Non-inferiority analyses in trials
stine is commonly used for treatment of vertigo and
with a large number of discontinuations will show re-
diseases such as Menier’s disease [13]. Ginkgo biloba
sults biased towards non-inferiority, as the statistical
extract is a widely used alternative medication for ver-
power to show possible differences is reduced and the
tigo, and benefits compared with placebo have been
overall differences in outcomes shift towards zero [19].
demonstrated in studies of both vestibular and non-
Thus, it is important to have low discontinuation rates
vestibular vertigo [14] Dimenhydrinate is a commonly
and high persistence with the medication. All 4 trials in
available over-the-counter combination of two agents,
the current meta-analysis had very high retention rates
diphenhydramine and chlorotheophylline [15]. This use
and in addition the relative short duration of only 6−8
of different control substances in the analysed trials is
weeks contributed to low numbers of patients dropping
not commonly seen as an obstacle to reliable meta-
out of the studies. Thus, the conclusions from the meta-
analyses and indeed, some authors expressly recom-mend the inclusion of differently designed trials in a
proper meta-analysis [16]. Further, all studies used
Although no specific analysis of tolerability was car-
comparable doses, as recommended by the respective
ried out, the published data in all 4 trials supported the
manufacturers, for VH and the different control agents.
general good tolerability of complementary medica-
Thus, treatment efficacies can be expected to be similar
tions, specifically VH in this case. Tolerability scores
in all 4 studies. This is an important point as the out-
may well vary between RCTs and observational studies
comes of meta-analyses can be skewed by the inclusion
as both investigators and patients in RCTs are more
of very large trials with inappropriately given treatment
likely to look for, adjudicate and report adverse events
doses in one of the treatment arms, which reduces the
than patients in studies closer to clinical reality. This is
overall reported effect of treatment in this arm. Such
reflected in the numbers of reported adverse events in
effects can be seen, e.g. in analyses of antihypertensive
the studies analysed: the two RCTs, although compris-
treatments [17]. Moreover, since most of the studies at-
ing some 20 % of the total number of patients, reported
tempted to mirror clinical practice in vertigo therapy,
90 % of all treatment-related adverse events.
which is characterised by a lack of consensus as to pre-
In conclusion, the increased interest in alternative
ferred regimen, the variety of comparator substances
medical practices and the growing number of con-
reflects the current practices. Thus, the results of this
trolled trials with homeopathic and other complement-
meta-analysis should be relevant to a wide spectrum of
ary medications are opening the way for conducting
meta-analyses and systematic reviews of published
The individual non-inferiority analyses consistently
data. Such analyses will add additional value to the
indicated non-inferiority of VH over the control therap-
study of non-standard medical practices and, it is ho-
ies, with all left-hand borders of the 95 % confidence
ped, help resolve the issues of sustainability of claims
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 55, No. 1, 23−29 (2005)
28 Schneider et al. − Homeopathic complex
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Observaties Hoofdpijn, in het bijzonder migraine. Diagnose volgens de classificatie van de International Headache Society (IHS) Samenvatting Hoofdpijn is een symptoom. Als hoofdpijn de hoofdklacht is en er zijn geen aanwijzingen voor een onderlig-gende aandoening, dan wordt dit primaire hoofdpijn genoemd. Ook kan er sprake zijn van een onderliggende aandoening waarbij hoofdpijn optreedt
Herbert Strathorn, Ph.D. opens his office door and I’m struck by his cheerful eyes and his shiny bald head—put him in a robe and stick him on top of a donkey and you’ve got Friar Tuck. I’m already starting to feel better. I follow him into his office. “Well,” I take a deep breath, “the problem—Jenny told you Dr. Strathorn holds up his hand. “Sam, I practice behavior modificat