31/chlamydia post leaflet/aw

a quick guide to symptoms,
treatment and prevention
Healthy Respect @ Lothian NHS Board
NHS Lothian, Deaconess House, 148 Pleasance Edinburgh EH8 9RS Tel 0131 536 9454
Email [email protected]
C aught Chlamydia? You have been diagnosed with an
infection called Chlamydia. At your appointment today you willhave been given a lot of information. If you don’t remembereverything don’t worry - the most important things are in thisleaflet.
H ow did I get it? It is an infection that is passed on during
L ots of people have it. You are not the only one who has
it, about 1 out of every 10 young people has it – it’s reallycommon. Most people don’t get any symptoms. You can’t tellwho has it by how they look or how they act. The person yougot it from probably doesn’t even know they have it.
A m I going to die? No, Chlamydia is not life threatening.
There could be long-term health problems if you don’t gettreated, or get infected again with Chlamydia. Chlamydia inwomen can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease which cancause pain and fertility problems. Unfortunately, we cannottell whether you will get these complications. Men might getpain, discomfort or swelling in their genital area but only ifthey are not treated. The most important thing is you havebeen treated. This will reduce your chances of problems inthe future.
M edication. You will have been given tablets called
antibiotics that will get rid of Chlamydia. The antibiotics will
have been either:
Azithromycin (1g) where you took 4 tablets all at once.
You should not eat for 1 hour after taking this medication. or
(500mg) where you will take 1 tablet 4 times
a day for a total of 7 days.
These may make you feel a little queasy. If you do vomitwithin 2 hours of taking the tablets, contact us so we canarrange to treat you again (0131-536-2106). If you have anyother more serious side effects you should contact us at theabove number or in an emergency, your GP or accident andemergency department.
Y our partners (past and present). You will have been
asked some personal questions about your sex life. This is sowe can work out who else is at risk of Chlamydia and stop itspreading even more. If Chlamydia is not treated, long termproblems can happen. If you remember any other partners’contact details, it is important (for their sake) that you let usknow the next time we see you. Everything you tell us isconfidential, so you don’t need to worry about people findingout your details.
D own to the nitty grittty. If you are seeing someone just
now, you should not start having sex again until they havebeen treated. If you do, you risk getting Chlamydia backagain. The more times you get Chlamydia the more likely youare to have long-term problems. s it going to come back? Chlamydia will not come back
unless you had a problem with the antibiotic or have hadunprotected sex with someone who has not been treated. Ifyou have any doubts we can retest you at your follow-upappointment.
A void getting it back - always use a condom! Using a
condom can protect you from unplanned pregnancy andsexually transmitted infections. You can get free condomsthrough the C Card Scheme. To find out your nearest Pick-upPoint call the NHS Helpline 0800 22 454 88.

Source: http://www.healthyrespect.co.uk/DownloadsAndCampaigns/Resources%20For%20Young%20People/ChlamydiaPostTestLeaflet_HR1YP.pdf

Otcc baptism

PRACTICALITIES If you need any help / clarifications / have concerns etc. - Just Say! 1/ Glyn will baptise the men, Emma will baptise the women. Please choose one other person to be in the water to help dunk you! 2/ Bring a change of clothes and a towel – you will be very wet! (have someone holding your towel for when you come out of the water – avoid clothes which turn see-t


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