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Purified Extract of Saw Palmetto May Reduce BPH affects 50% of Men over Age 50
Due to age-related hormone changes, benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a gradual non- Saw Palmetto Purified Extract
malignant enlargement of the prostate gland, is a common problem that affects 50% of men over Each capsule contains:Saw Palmetto Purified Extract age 50, increasing to 75% in men over age 70.(1) 95% Free Fatty Acids - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 160 mg.
Although it is not cancerous, an enlarged prostate Olive Oil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 160 mg.
can cause problems. If the gland becomes too Ingredients: saw palmetto berry (Serenoa repens) purified large, it obstructs the urethral canal, interfering extract, olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, purified water.
with urination and the ability to empty the blad- Recommended Use: Two capsules daily.
der completely. When the bladder can not emptycompletely, the kidneys may also not empty and dangerous pressure may build in the kidneys. In severe cases, the kidneys may be damaged both by pressure and by toxic substances in the urine.
Urinary tract infections in men are associated with enlarged prostate.(1) Symptoms associated with Saw Palmetto Extract Inhibits Dihydrotestosterone.
The Hormone Responsible for Prostate Enlargement

Enlargement of the prostate gland is caused pri- associated with BPH.(2-3,5-7) This natural plant ex- marily by an age-related increase in dihydro- tract has been found to inhibit DHT in three ways: testosterone (DHT), a metabolite of testosterone • By blocking the formation of DHT through produced under the influence of the enzyme tes- inhibition of testosterone 5-alpha-reductase tosterone 5-alpha-reductase. This potent male • By inhibiting the binding of DHT to the cell hormone causes overproduction (hyperplasia) of prostate cells which results in prostate enlarge- • By blocking the uptake of DHT into the cell ment.(1-3,5) High levels of DHT are also associated Listed below are some of the double blind studies A liposterolic extract of saw palmetto berries which show the effectiveness of saw palmetto ex- (Serenoa repens), has demonstrated the ability to in- tract. Dosage used in these studies was between hibit testosterone 5-alpha-reductase, thereby re- ducing production of DHT and the symptoms Improvement in Prostate Function Using Saw Palmetto Extract TYPE AND LENGTH OF STUDY
Significant difference for volume voided, maxi- mum and mean urine flow, dysuria, nocturia.
Significant difference for number of voidings, strangury, maximum and mean flow, residual Significant difference for frequency, urine flow Significant difference for dysuria, frequency, re- Significant difference for objective and subjective Significant difference for dysuria, nocturia, flow Saw palmetto is a small scrubby palm tree native stigmasterol, cycloartenol, cycloartenol, lupeol, to the West Indies and the Atlantic coast of North America from South Carolina to Florida. Its berries Supplements of essential fatty acids have also have been used for centuries for treating prostate been beneficial to BPH patients. The effects ap- conditions, as well as a sexual rejuvenator and pear to be due to the correction of an underlying aphrodisiac. Saw palmetto berries contain an oil deficiency since these patients’ prostatic and semi- with a variety of fatty acids and phytosterols.
nal lipid levels and ratios are often abnormal.(2) These fatty acids include capric, caprylic, caproic, Olive oil is used in Progressive Labs’ Serenoa
lauric, palmitic and oleic acid and their ethyl es- Repens softgels. Olive oil contains 70 to 85% un-
ters. The major phytosterols are beta-sitosterol, saturated oleic and 9 to 14% linoleic acid.(4) Faster, More Effective without Side Effects
Finasteride (Proscar®) is the drug commonly pre- Saw Palmetto: Past, Present, Future
scribed for treatment of BPH. Although Proscar While today saw palmetto is primarily recom- has received much attention, based on the results mended for relief of symptoms associated with of clinical trials, less than 37% of patients on BPH, native Americans used saw palmetto berries
Proscar will experience clinical improvement after as a remedy for atrophy of the testes, impotence,
taking the drug for one year and it must be taken inflammation and low libido in men. The berries
for at least six months before any improvement are also recommended for infertility, painful pe-
can be expected. About 5% of men suffer de- riods and to promote lactation in women, as well
creased libido, ejaculatory disorders and impo- as a tonic and expectorant for mucous mem-
branes, particularly bronchial passages.(5)
Numerous double-blind clinical studies on saw Male pattern baldness is also associated with in-
palmetto extract have shown it to be effective in creased DHT. Low dose finasteride (Propecia®), nearly 90% of patients, usually in a period of 4 to 6 one of the newest hair loss remedies, has been ef- weeks. The natural plant extract does not require fective for many people. Since saw palmetto in- a prescription and is much less expensive than the hibits DHT in a similar manner, the herb may also drug.(6) Detailed toxicity studies in animals, as prove to be beneficial in preventing hair loss.(5) well as results from clinical trials, indicate that the WARNING: This information is provided for the health care profes- extract is without toxicity or side effect.(3,5,6) sional only. This publication and the product contained herein has
Both saw palmetto and Proscar appear to act by a not been approved or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra-
tion. This publication, and the product contained herein, are not in-

similar mechanism, inhibition of DHT production; tended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.
however, saw palmetto also inhibits binding of The product relates to nutritional support only.
DHT at cellular binding sites(3,6) and it exerts a REFERENCES
mild anti-inflammatory effect within the pros- Balch J, Balch P, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Second
Edition, Avery Publishing Group, Garden City Park, NY, 1997.
Another effect of aging in men is an increase in Murray M, Pizzorno J, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Prima
the ratio of estrogen to testosterone. Elevated es- trogen levels contribute to BPH by inhibiting en- Werbach M, Murray M, Botanical Influences on Illness, Third
Line Press, Tarzana, CA, 1994
zymes that metabolize testosterone and DHT.(2) Rombi M, Phytotherapy, Herbal Health Publishers Limited,
Saw palmetto inhibits binding of estrogen at cellu- lar sites. This is accomplished without interfering “Saw Palmetto” Library of Clinical Studies, The Saw PalmettoHarvesting Company, www.sawpalmetto.com.
with testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone or “Saw Palmetto Extract vs. Proscar” Library of Clinical Studies & luteinizing hormone levels.(5,8) Most important, it does not effect PSA (prostate specific antigen) lev- els, thus it does not mask the ability of PSA tests to Wilt T, Ishani A, Stark G, MacDonald R, Lau J, Mulrow C, “SawPalmetto Extracts for Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review”, JAMA, 1998;280:1604-9.
While saw palmetto relieves the difficulties associ- Casarosa C, Cosci di Coscio M, Fratta M, “Lack of effects of a ated with an enlarged prostate, it has not been liposterolic extract of Serenoa repens on plasma levels of testos- terone, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone”, 16612 Burke Lane * Huntington Beach, Calif. 92647

Source: http://www.healingedge.net/pdf/p_serenoa.pdf

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Boletín Científico de FUNDELA. Número 7 – febrero de 2005 Boletín Científico Nº 7 FUNDELA REVISTA DE LA FUNDACIÓN ESPAÑOLA PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA ESCLEROSIS LATERAL AMIOTRÓFICA (ELA) Número 7 – febrero 2005 Edita FUNDELA (Fundación Española para el Fomento de la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica) Suscripciones · Correo electrónico:

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