Pagb print championship

Issue 19 - July 2013
Each Federation is invited to select and nominate Two Clubs
and, in addition, may invite any of their clubs who were Finalists in the previous year. Each Club participating must have at least one representative present at the event. Printing and copying information is time consuming and costly so all communication will be via e-mail and each participating club must supply a valid e-mail address. Each Club to enter 12 prints in Round One and, if eligible,
15 prints in the Final. Round One print may be replaced in the Final
by new entries.
In both Round One and the Final each Club must submit at
least 5 Monochrome and 5 Colour prints and not more than 3
Nature prints
. The prints must come from a minimum of 5 different
authors in both Round One and the Final and no author may enter
more than 4 prints in either.
We apply the FIAP Monochrome Definitions & the PAGB
Definition for Nature (see Appendix One). You are likely to be
challenged if you exceed the permitted number of Nature prints with
pictures which might seem to fall outside the definition but which are
obviously in the Natural History genre.
5. Summary
At least 5 Monochrome
At least 5 Colour
Not more than 3 Nature
Not more than 4 per author
At least 5 authors
Prints may be chosen from an unlimited “bank".
Entries will be mixed and each of three judges will “silent”
scores each print in the range 2 to 5. The 8 Clubs with the highest
aggregate score in Round One will contest the Final. (Clubs tying for
8th place will all contest the final). Those Clubs that fail to qualify for
the Final may compete in the Plate Competition.
New Nature Definition requiring New Para 4, renumbering of subsequent paras & addition of Appendix One. Enquiries to Rod Wheelans, 43 Lovers Walk, DUMFRIES, DG1 1LR
t: 01387 261331 e: [email protected]
Issue 19 - July 2013
In the Plate Competition each Club will submit 5 prints from a
minimum of 3 authors. There must be at least 2 prints not used in Round 1, at least 2 Monochrome prints, at least 2 Colour prints and not more than 1 Natural History print. 9. The John Robb Quaich will be presented to the Club achieving the
highest aggregate score in the Final. In the event of a tie, the trophy will be shared. The Terry Chapman Plate will be presented to the Club achieving the
highest aggregate score in the Plate Competition. In the event of a tie the trophy will be shared. 11. Awards will be made to the Best Monochrome and Colour Prints and
to personal selections by the judges in each category. 12. Photographers may only participate with one nominated club of
Prints must be mounted on 50 X 40 cm board (20” X 16” accepted).
Any Velcro and loose sticky labels must be removed or the print may be excluded. No written information, except a title, may appear on the front of the print and any labels may be removed by the organisers. 14. Any photograph by the same author that has been used at any
previous PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship, or any image so similar as to be considered by the organisers as nearly identical, is ineligible and may be disqualified at the time or after the Championship. Prints entered must be entirely the work of the photographer.
Composite images are permitted provided all component images meet this requirement. For the avoidance of doubt, use of images from any other source including, but not limited to, royalty free image banks and clipart are not permitted. The PAGB cannot accept responsibility for loss of or damage to any
photograph however caused and reserves the right to allow reproduction without fee of any photograph in connection with the event or to publicise the PAGB. In any dispute the decision of the PAGB will be final. In any
interpretation of the rules the decision of the Nominated Chairman of the event will be final. New Nature Definition requiring New Para 4, renumbering of subsequent paras & addition of Appendix One. Enquiries to Rod Wheelans, 43 Lovers Walk, DUMFRIES, DG1 1LR
t: 01387 261331 e: [email protected]
Issue 19 - July 2013

FIAP Definition of Monochrome
A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear
grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black
and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain a monochrome
work able to stand in the black and white category. On the other hand a black
and white work modified by a partial toning or by the addition of one colour
becomes a colour work to stand in the colour category.
PAGB Nature Definition Issue 1, Feb 2013
Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a
natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena.
Photographs of animals which are domesticated and photographs of cultivated or
hybrid plants are ineligible.
Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable for nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks adapting to an environment modified by humans, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, reclaiming it. Any manipulation or modification is limited to minor retouching and must not alter the truth of the original scene. Note: PAGB Competitions are not Wildlife Competitions, unless otherwise specified, and Nature photographers frequently take pictures of animals under “controlled conditions” in order to record species or behaviour that would be very difficult or impossible to record in the wild. Such photographs are eligible for entry to PAGB Competitions. So too are pictures of “wild” flowers growing in parkland or “wild” gardens provided these have not been modified by such cultivation. New Nature Definition requiring New Para 4, renumbering of subsequent paras & addition of Appendix One. Enquiries to Rod Wheelans, 43 Lovers Walk, DUMFRIES, DG1 1LR
t: 01387 261331 e: [email protected]


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