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Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & St John the Evangelist
London Road, Bushey, Watford, Herts, WD23 1BA Tel: 020 8950 2077
E-mail: [email protected]Website:
Parish Priest: Fr Jim McNicholas
Parish Centre Administrator: Judy Wiley: Parish Centre bookings Tel: 07925979414
Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – 6th October 2013 - Year C (page 146)

STUART ADAMS- FAREWELL It is with great sadness
that we have to announce that Stuart, who has been an Altar Saturday 5th Vigil Mass
Server in the Parish for the past 34 years will be serving his 18.00 Tom Connaughton R.I.P (Anniv) (Gladys Connaughton) last Mass here in the parish next Sunday 13th October at 10.30. Sunday 6th October –Twenty Seventh in Ordinary Time
He & his new wife Helen are moving to be closer to work. We 08.30 John Dorgan R.I.P (Linda & Gerry Duke & Family) will have a reception in the Parish Centre offer Mass so that 10.30 Francie Waters R.I.P (Rosemarie Hillary) 18.00 Deirdre Angland (sick) (Sheila Murphy) THANK YOU we raised approx £450.00 to go towards new
Monday 7th – Our Lady of the Rosary
Cassocks & Cottas for the Altar Servers. Thank you for TEACH US TO PRAY this autumn, from 13 October to 23rd
Tues. 8th
November a small group will meet to talk about prayer and to reflect on the Scripture. Should you wish to take part contact 09.00 May Moore R.I.P (Anniv) (Carl Lucas) THE NEXT R.C.I.A meeting will be on Monday 7th
11.30 Requiem Mass Clarina Fernandez R.I.P. October at 7.00pm. If you are interested in preparing to
Thurs 10th
become a Catholic or perhaps returning to your Catholic faith, please join us. You will be made very welcome. Come Fri. 11th
to the sacristy via the Presbytery (Priest's house) next to the church just before 7pm. The meeting will be held in the house as Holy Hour- a period of quiet meditation - takes place in the Saturday 12th Vigil Mass
18.00 Betty Woods R.I.P. (B&P Gallagher) 'HOW TO BE A CATHOLIC' Over 150 people came to the
Sunday 13th October –Twenty Eighth in Ordinary Time
first talk in the series last Wednesday. The Archbishop inspired us to consider how we live as Catholics in the world 10.30 James Buckley R.I.P (Marie Peacock) and the following talks expand on this topic in more detail. The next talk, to be given by Paul Higginson, is on Wednesday 9th October beginning promptly at 8 pm in
Confessions: Saturday 11.00 – 11.30; 5pm – 5.30pm
the Parish Centre. Our apologies for not detailing this in the
NL last week due to lack of space but there are a number of Bless and strengthen all those who are recently sick,
leaflets in the porch giving times and details of all talks. especially; Robert Aquino, Rita Leonard, Simon Appleton,
Frances, McCarthy, Fran Caldecourt, Brenda Bluden, Barry Kemp & Deirdre Angland ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (SVP) As October is
SVP awareness month. Our members are volunteers and we
Please Pray for all those who have died recently especially
visit the sick, lonely and elderly in their homes and in local Clarina Fernandez, Maura McHale, Kathleen Mathews, residential and nursing homes. We also visit others in need, Sister Helen Carroll .OP & Fr Austin Hart. providing spiritual and limited financial support as necessary. Pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur about
If you are interested in learning more about the Society or in this time especially Tom Connaughton & May Moore
joining us, please contact Pat O'Halloran on 020 8950 1766 Please post the names of those whose anniversaries occur in
the week commencing Monday 14th October through the presbytery letterbox or email MOTHERS HELP WANTED A local family requires help
with childcare several times a week for a few hours after THE SANCTUARY LAMP Burns this week for the private
school. Experience with children would be beneficial. If you intention of the Perretta & Datena Families. If you would like are interested please contact Anne Elliot 07932 490733. the lamp to burn for your intention the cost is £3.00 per week.
LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION Envelopes: £902.34 Loose:
between 11am-2pm. Now is the time to start giving gifts etc.
£407.73 Total £1310.07 If you still have not gift aided your Please pop them into the dustbin at the back of the Church. regular contribution or unsure if you have already completed a We also need a good number of volunteers to help out on the form, please contact Ettie Pamplin on 01923 225313. 2ND COLLECTION-CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY
Please be as generous as you can. Take a CAFOD envelope at
come along to the Niland Centre on Friday 11 October, 7pm
the back of the Church. For more information see- for “A Grand Night for Singing” Admission is free. See the poster at the back of the church for more details OCTOBER : MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY in
CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single
celebration one decade of the rosary will be said after every adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please telephone 0161 941 3498, SISTER HELEN CARROLL OP The requiem Mass for
Sister Helen will take place at Rosary Priory on Wednesday


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It’s a perfectly flat sheet of plate glass a thousand miles in all directions. I know it has to be a dream, because it’s perfectly flat. In the Einsteinian universe, everything exists on a curved worldline; that is, space itself is curved, and there’s isn’t such a thing as a perfectly rigid object. Nothing can truly be flat. But this is. I can’t tell where the horizon is, or what color

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