
Jiaogulan is recommended in China, Japan and Thailand for the following:

Scientific Studies that may support the effectiveness of Jiaogulan
The list below includes a partial composite of previous studies on Jiaogulan and its chemical
1. Antioxidant. This herb has been shown in tests to lower the amount of Superoxide radicals and
hydrogen peroxide in certain white blood cells, an excellent indicator of antioxidant activity.
Jiaogulan also has the remarkable property of increasing endogenous SOD (Superoxide Dismutase)
in the body. SOD is one of the body's most important antioxidants and studies show that charting
SOD levels in various animal species is a reliable indicator of their longevity. Trials in humans
showed that SOD levels returned to youthful levels after taking 20 mg of Gypenosides (active
elements in Jiaogulan) daily for one month.
2. Adaptogen. Jiaogulan modulates the nervous system. It calms an overexcited nervous system and
stimulates a depressed one. 300 professional athletes were the subjects of a study. All the athletes
reported that taking this herb before competition made them vigorous and alert with quick reflexes.
Yet it also made them less nervous.
3. Insomnia. 112 cases of insomnia reported a sleep improvement of 89 to 95 percent.
4. Blood Pressure. 223 patients were divided into three groups. One group took Ginseng, the next
took Jiaogulan and the last took the blood pressure medication, Indapamide. The effectiveness was
rated at 46% for Ginseng, 82% for Jiaogulan and 93% for Indapamide. This herb modulates blood
pressure, lowering it when it is too high and raising it when it is too low.
5. Cardiac function. Jiaogulan increases cardiac function. In a study combined with some other
herbs, heart stroke volume increased 37% and cardiac output increased by 21% on the average.
Ejection fraction increased by 13%. Subjects had normal blood pressure which did not change
although heart rate decreased by 10%.
5. Cholesterol. Jiaogulan lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff), and raises HDL
cholesterol (the good stuff). More than 20 papers have been published on the subject with
effectiveness reported as ranging from 67 to 93%. It also inhibits platelet aggregation, which lessens
the chance of a stroke or heart attack.
6. White blood cells. Jiaogulan increases the production of white blood cells in white cell deficient
patients such as those who have recently undergone chemotherapy or radiation treatments.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drink Tea for Health ~ ~ [email protected]
7. Immunostimulant. This herb modulates lymphocyte formation and increases lymphocyte activity.
It was also found to greatly enhance the activity of NK (Natural Killer cells) in cancer patients.
8. Diabetes. A study of 46 patients with Diabetes Mellitus showed an improvement of 89% in their
condition. Another study also showed satisfactory results.
9. Hepatitis B. 100 patients were given Jiaogulan for 3 months. Effectiveness was rated at 89%.
Another study of 200 patients yielded similar results. Other studies showed the ability to protect the
liver from various toxic chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride.
10. Bronchitis. A study of 86 cases of chronic bronchitis had an effectiveness rate of 93%. Another
study of 96 cases had a 92% effectiveness rate.
Finally: No toxic effects have been noted at any doses level. It does not over stimulate like Ginseng.
Published Material on Jiaogulan and Antioxidants

Jiaogulan, The Chinese Immortality Herb: Michael Blumert and Dr. Jioliu Liu (China’s most
famous Jiaogulan expert) have assembled the best source of information concerning the research of
Jiaogulan and its components. This book, available at or our website, contains analysis
of over 10 years of study at leading universities and institutes in China, Japan and the United States.
Natural Foods Merchandiser: Bright Future for Chinese Mountain Herb
"Jiaogulan has no known side effects. Unlike ginseng, it is not a stimulant. A typical dose is 1,000 mg
per day in the form of tea or in capsules, but much higher doses appear to be safe and effective. Bulk
Jiaogulan is not commonly available in America (we are trying to change that!), but it can be found
prepackaged. Because of its natural sweetness, it is delicious as a tea."
UC Berkeley: Oxidants, Antioxidants, and the Degenerative Diseases of Aging
The degenerative diseases associated with aging include cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune
system decline, brain dysfunction, and cataracts. Small molecule dietary antioxidants such as Vitamin
C, Vitamin E, carotenoids, (ed. and Jiaogulan) have generated particular interest as anticarcinogens
and as defenses against degenerative diseases.
Antioxidants therefore can decrease mutagenesis, and thus carcinogenesis, in two ways: by
decreasing oxidative DNA damage and by decreasing cell division.
For FAQ’s on Jiaogulan and other healthy teas see
For a listing of Published Articles about Jiaogulan on the Internet see
For a listing of Scientific Studies see
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drink Tea for Health ~ ~ [email protected]


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