
You and I have something in common. Something compelled you topick up this Eye On Arbonne flyer and read it. Perhaps it is becauseyou are a wholesale buyer; a Consultant, yearning to learn how others have made it to the top; or maybe you are reading thisbecause you’re interested in Arbonne’s incredible and unique busi-ness opportunity. Whatever the reason, I encourage you to continuereading it. After all, it could mean the difference between changingyour life and fulfilling your dreams, or passing up the opportunity ofa lifetime. That said, I invite you to spend a few moments with me asI take you on my Arbonne journey. Just maybe, we’ll have more thingsin common than you may have thought.
I have searched all of my adult life for something that would make me feel successful and fulfilled. I’m talking about the kind of success NEW RVP Independent Consultant, Regional Vice President that makes a difference in other people’s lives. Something you can wake up to day-in-and-day-out and feel passionate about, outside ofraising a child. I thought that my career choices as a legal secretary,a personal fitness trainer, a police officer and finally a credit and col- I also suffered from cystic acne all of my adult life. Along with the lection manager at a very prestigious law firm would help me feel ful- acne came, depression, Accutane® and cortisone injections, to name filled and successful. What I discovered was that no matter how a few. Nothing worked. I knew Arbonne’s products were different.
fancy a title I had or how much money I made, if I didn’t enjoy what While the products helped control my acne, I still battled occasional I was doing none of that mattered. I was working 45–50 hours a acne breakouts. My belief in the products, coupled with the fact that week literally calling other people for money to make my bosses Arbonne products sell themselves, helped to grow my Arbonne busi- wealthy; all the while my daughter was being raised by daycare ness. It wasn’t until five months ago, when NVP Stacy Thorn and I providers. Most of us spend more time at our J.O.B.s than we do with had a discussion that not only changed my business, but also our own families. To me, this just did not make sense. I asked myself changed my skin. Stacy encouraged me to try Arbonne’s Prolief all of the time, “How can I be a happy and fulfilled stay-at-home Natural Balancing Cream; after only four months I could not believe mom to raise my 8-year-old daughter, Mariah while maintaining a the difference on my skin. My battle with acne proved that I didn’t decent household, and continue to meet new people while success- need to have flawless skin to be successful in Arbonne. All that you need to do this business is a dream and the desire to make it hap-pen. All of the ‘stuff’ that’s in the middle will come with the awesometraining that Arbonne provides. Start with a dream and your desire Dianna with her team at NTC 2004 Texas. L–R: DM Angel Smith, Michelle Tierney, AM Melanie Davis, DM Kirsten Fairburn, AM Carolyn Pellerin, Dianna and AM Jacinta Howell.
Dianna with friend and mentor, NVP Stacy Thorn at Plant seeds each day that, with patience, persistence, “ determination and consistent effort, will eventually grow into the dreams you have envisioned.
and motivation will feed your hunger to make your dream a reality.
How many of you have ever doubted that this “thing” will work for you? Dianna with close friend and mentor, AM Carolyn Pellerin.
How many of you have ever wondered what the RVPs’ and NVPs’secrets are? I wondered the same thing. First, dream big. Second, youneed motivation or a Why. Third, never give up. This business is aboutbeing patient and planting seeds. I can promise you that you will be To NVPs-to-be, AMs Melanie Davis and Jacinta Howell: Thank you faced with adversity, will hit walls, maybe even fall down once or twice for being the leaders you are, but especially for dreaming big with and you will indeed doubt yourself and this opportunity from time-to- me, believing in me and sticking with me (wink, wink). For always time. I can also promise you this, if you hold on to your dream, never being honest and real, for making Arbonne fun, for all of your sup- lose sight of it and put consistent effort into your business and never The testimonials in this story reflect the actual experience of an individual, are anecdotal only, and may be atypical.
port and for being the best partners and “SITC” friends anyone could give up; your dream will become a reality. When you keep your eye ask for. I definitely sponsored up when I found you! I love you both.
on the outcome and not focus on all of the nos, no-shows and cancel-lations, and just say next, you will achieve your desired results and one To NVP-to-be, AM Carolyn Pellerin: My mentor, my friend — Thank you for stopping me in the airport and changing my life. You haveno idea how much I admire you and how much strength you give to My dream is now realized. It’s not because I have special talents or me. Thank you for always listening, for being such an inspiration to magic phrases, I am an ordinary girl who suffered from cystic acne me, for setting such great examples, for always rising to the occasion searching for fulfillment. I am now driving a beautiful Mercedes- and being such a great leader. You have blessed and enriched my Benz that Arbonne pays for; I have developed a team of women life in more ways than you’ll ever know; I wouldn’t want to be on this who are my friends, mentors and business partners not to mention journey without my “SITC” friends! I love you! my Arbonne family, my team. I am earning a very nice salary whilestaying at home and raising my daughter, keeping a descent house- To NVPs-to-be, DM Kristen Fairburn and DM Lynne Tilton: Thank you hold and meeting new, fabulous people all the time. I’m establish- for your leadership, drive and ambition. You both amaze me! To all ing new dreams each day thanks to Arbonne. I’m fulfilled, success- my Consultants: It is because of all of you that we are a Region! You are all Shooting Stars and I’m making a wish upon each of you forcontinued success, perseverance, fulfillment, happiness and health! To my daughter, Mariah: Thank you for being so patient with me while To my sponsor, ERVP Heather Toland: Thank you for introducing me I “did Arbonne.” Also, to my best friend and partner in life, my hus- to this amazing company. To NVP Stacy Thorn: A special thank you band Shawn: Sweetheart, you are the best husband and father to our for listening and believing in me and being such an awesome leader daughter that any woman could ever ask for! Thank you for always and role model. You know how much you mean to me! believing in me, for always supporting me and for being my Arbonneproduct “tester!” Thank you for always asking, “Honey, where’s yourstats?” Your belief and encouragement has been instrumental in mysuccess. I love you both from here to the moon, and back! Dianna and team members AM Melanie Davis, DM Kristen Dianna’s friends and Arbonne partners, AM Jacinta Howell and Fairburn, Michelle Tierney, Exec. VP Stian Mørck, AM Carolyn Pellerin, DM Angel Smith, AM Jacinta Howell andArbonne Founder Petter Mørck.



Leonard Oppenheimer – Torah and Immigration Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) immigration /Leonard_Oppenheimer_s_D_var_Beth_Jacob.doc Shabbat Shalom. Right now in America, a major employer is disrupted, its workforce cut by the hundreds or thousands. And a detention camp holds people without access to our usual rights and liberties. But, the employees will not be laid off

Corso convegno

Trento, 25 ottobre 2013 A TUTTI I RIVENDITORI DELLA DITTA DIQUIGIOVANNI SERRAMENTI corso o convegno? alcuni di voi che avevano già frequentato il corso PosaClima o comunque avevano già visto il sistema PosaClima Renova mi hanno chiesto se è utile partecipare al corso "Vendere Finestre Diquigiovanni 2014" organizzato in alcune città italiane nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio:

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