
Abortion Reporting
ICD-9 Procedure Codes used on the PROCEDURE REPORT

SURGICAL Procedure Performed:
69.01- Sharp Curettage (D&C)
69.51- Suction Curettage69.93- Insertion/Laminaria74.91- Hysterotomy/Hysterectomy75.0- Insertion/Intra-amniotic (saline)96.49- Insertion/ProstaglandinDialation and Evacuation (D&E)* NON-SURGICAL/Medical Procedure Performed*
Methotrexate and misoprostol
Mifepristone and misoprostol
Mifeprex and misoprostol
Cytotec and misoprostol
Cytotec and mifeprex
*NOTE: There are no numeric procedure codes associated with the non-surgical procedures.
Abortion Reporting
ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes for Complications During an Abortion Procedure

635 - Legally Induced Abortion
635.0 Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection
635.1 Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage
635.2 Complicated by damage to pelvic organs
635.3 Complicated by renal failure
635.4 Complicated by metabolic disorder
635.5 Complicated by shock
635.6 Complicated by embolism
635.7 With other specified complications
635.8 With unspecified complications
635.9 Legally Induced Abortion w/o mention of complication*
636 - Illegally Induced Abortion
636.0 Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection
636.1 Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage
636.2 Complicated by damage to pelvic organs
636.3 Complicated by renal failure
636.4 Complicated by metabolic disorder
636.5 Complicated by shock
636.6 Complicated by embolism
636.7 With other specified complications
636.8 With unspecified complications
636.9 Legally Induced Abortion w/o mention of complication*
637- Unspecificed Abortion
637.0 Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection
637.1 Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage
637.2 Complicated by damage to pelvic organs
637.3 Complicated by renal failure
637.4 Complicated by metabolic disorder
637.5 Complicated by shock
637.6 Complicated by emoblism
637.7 With other specified complications
637.8 With unspecified complications
637.9 Unspecified Abortion w/o mention of complication*
638- Failed Attempted Abortion
638.0 Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection
638.1 Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage
638.2 Complicated by damage to pelvic organs
638.3 Complicated by renal failure
638.4 Complicated by metabolic disorder
638.5 Complicated by shock
638.6 Complicated by emoblism
638.7 With other specified complications
638.8 With unspecified complications
638.9 Failed Attempted Abortion w/o mention of complication*
*NOTE: Base code used to indicate no complication occurred during the abortion.
Abortion Reporting
ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes for Complications Following an Abortion Procedure

639- Complications Following Abortion and Ectopic and Molar Pregnancies
639.0 Genital tract and pelvic infection
639.1 Delayed or excessive hemorrhage
639.2 Damage to pelvic organs
639.3 Renal failure
698.4 Metabolic disorder
639.5 Shock
639.6 Emoblism
639.8 Other specified complication following abortion or ectopic and molar
(The following conditions classifiable to 630 - 638)
Acute Yellow Atrophy or Necrosis of liver; Cardiac Arrest or failure; Cerebral
Anoxia; Urinary tract Infection
639.9 Unspecified complication following abortion or ectopic and molar
pregnancy: Complications not further specified following conditions
classifiable to 630 - 638



Anlage 1 der Rabattvereinbarung gemä ß § 130a Abs. 8 SGB V Schwellenwert- Darreichungs- Stoffmenge je Einzeldosis (ED) Packungs- Schwellen- unterschreitung absolutem formengruppe Referenzmolekül (U vgl. § 2 Abs. 2) Rabatt*) Arzneimittelbezeichnung (3) Alendronsä ure (3) Alfuzosin (3) Allopurinol (3) Amiodaron (3) Amisulprid Anlage 1 der Rabattver

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING For embedding of materialographic specimens Container size:Responsible for safety data sheet authoring: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION The product is not classified. However, the product contains a small amount of sensitizing substance. See section 15. May cause minor irritation on skin contact.

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