15th eu-ngo human rights forum (5- 6 december 2013) on accountability
15th EU-NGO Human Rights Forum (5-6 December 2013) on Accountability Day One- Thursday 5 Workshop (A) Fight against impunity Workshop (B) Economic Social Cultural Rights / Human Rights Defenders December 2013
Opening Remarks: Mr. Stavros Lambrinidis, EU Special Representative for Human Rights
Keynote Speakers:
Mr Pablo de Greiff, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence
Mr. James Stewart, International Criminal Court Deputy Prosecutor
Mr. Ramón Cadena Rámila, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Central America Regional Office, Guatemala
Mr. Salih Mahmoud Osman, Sakharov Prize 2007 for Freedom of Thought, Sudan
Ms. Maria Ubilerma Sanabria Lopez, Human Rights Defender, Colombia
Mr. Jean-Louis Ville, European Commission, DG DEVCO
Introduction to the objectives and policy updates by the EU Introduction to the objectives and policy updates by the EU
Mr. Stijn Houben, European External Action Service
Ms. Nicole Reckinger, European External Action Service
Mr. Christian Behrmann, European External Action Service
Ms. Sophie Mueller, European Commission, DG ENTR
Mr. Marc Van Bellinghen, European External Action Service
The EU approach to economic, social and cultural rights
The EU strategy on corporate social responsibility
Towards an EU Policy on Transitional Justice EU policy in support of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
The principle of complementarity and its implementation
Session A.1 (Room: Thayls 1 – 2 ) Session B.1 (Room: Thayls 3 – 4) Addressing widespread impunity and gross human rights violations Remedies for ESCRs Moderator: Ms. Cécile Aptel, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Moderator: Mr.Christian Courtis , Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Professor Zoran Pajic, King’s Col ege London
Ms. Olga Abramenko, Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial (ADC Memorial),
Cote d'Ivoire: Mr. Ali Ouattara, Coordinator, Coalition Ivoirienne pour la
Ms. Gayle Rankin, First Peoples Disability Network, Australia
Guatemala: Mr. Juan Fransico Soto, Executive Director of Centro Para la
Ms. Rosa Angélica Castaneda Flores, FIAN International
Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH)
Ms. Natalia Taoubina, Public Verdict Russia
Session A.2 (Room:Thayls 1 – 2 ) Session B.2: Working Groups The role of regional mechanisms in fighting impunity WG 1 (Room: Thayls 3 – 4) WG 2 (Room: Eurostar) Moderator: Chair of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights of the European
Trade and investment Land issues
Parliament: Ms. Barbara LochbihlerModerator : Ms. Gaëlle Dusepulchre,
Moderator : Mr. Patrice Lenormand, European
Ms. María Claudia Pulido, Senior Specialist, Comisión Interamericana de
Derechos Humanos Organización de los Estados Americanos (CIDH)
Ms. Stella Ndirangu, Programme Manager, International cooperation
programme, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Kenya
Ms. Evelyn Serrano, Executive Director, Asian Forum for Human Rights and
Ms. Brigitte Reisenberger, FIAN Austria,
Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR), Colombia
Session A.3 Session B.3 (Room:Thayls 3 – 4) Challenges to promoting justice Fostering Corporate Accountability WG 1 (Room: Thayls 1 – 2 ) WG 2 (Room: Eurostar) Timing and sequencing of a Confrontation or Collaboration Moderator : Professor Sheldon Leader, Director of the Essex Business and Human
transitional justice strategy Identifying the Right Strategies Moderator: Ms. Liz Evenson, Senior
Mr. Emmanuel Umpula, Action Contre L'impunité pour les Droits Humains
Ms. Katie Shay, International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR),
Mr. Nader Nadery, former member of Speakers:
Ms. Lucy Graham, Amnesty International, United Kingdom
Ms. Gloria Cano, Director, Asociación Mr. Luís Guillermo Pérez,
Workshop (A) Fight against impunity Workshop (B) ESCRs/HRDs Two- Friday 6 December 2013 Session A.4 (Room: Thalys 1 – 2) Session B.4 on Human Rights Defenders Promoting a victim-centered approach to justice focusing on victim's Roundtable (Room: Eurostar) WG 3 (Room:Thalys 3 – 4) participation, including of vulnerable groups National public policies and protection Criminalisation and other challenges Moderator: Ms Yasmin Sooka, Executive Director Foundation for Human
mechanisms for HRDs – lessons facing HRDs working on ESCR learned from Latin America Moderator: Ms. Alexandra Poméon, Head of
Moderator:Mr. Enrique Eguren, Co-
the Observatory for the protection of human
Mr. Ram Kumar Bhandari, Chair, National Network of Families of the Director of Policy, Research and Training
Mr. Gilbert Bitti, Senior Legal Advisor to the Pre-Trial Division of the
Ms. Noemi Sosa, Clinical Psychologist, Equipo Argentino de Trabajo
e Investigación Psicosocial (EATIP), Argentina
Mr. Souleymane Guengueng, Founder, Association des victimes des
crimes du régime de Hissène Habré (AVCRHH), Chad
physical violence and state responses to counter/prevent them.
Challenges linked to protecting HRDs
Session A.5: Working Groups, continued Session B.5: Lessons learned and way ahead (Room:Thalys 3 – 4) WG3 (Room:Thalys 1 – 2) WG4 (Room:Eurostar) Institutional reforms Reparations: Facilitator: Ms. Friederike Tschampa, European External Action Service
Ms. Sandra Ratjen, International Commission of Jurists
Mr. Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
Ms. Sofia Monsalve, FIAN InternationalWorkshop (A) Fight against impunity Session A.6: Fight against impunity workshop: Lessons learned and the way ahead (Room:Thalys 1 – 2) Speakers:
Ms. Muthoni Wanyeki, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Ms. Lotte Leicht, Human Rights Watch
Closing Session on the EU- NGO Forum on Accountability (Room:Thalys)
Introductory remarks: Ms. Luisa Fenu, CBM Horizontal rapporteur on Fight against impunity: Ms Muthoni Wanyeki, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
Horizontal rapporteur on ESCRs/HRDs: Mr. Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
Closing remarks: Ms. Mara Marinaki, Managing Director, European External Action Service
General Information: Office Address: Email: [email protected] FAX: 617-876-5148 Education: 1984 B.A. Williams College 1992 Ph.D. Department of Physiology & Cellular Biophysics Columbia University – Presbyterian Medical Center, 1993 M.D. Columbia University – Presbyterian Medical Center Postdoctoral Training: PGY 1 medical intern Department of Internal Medicine
DECLARACIÓN UNIVERSAL DE DERECHOS HUMANOS ADOPTADA Y PROCLAMADA POR LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL EN SU RESOLUCIÓN 217 A (III), DE 10 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1948 PREÁMBULO Considerando que la libertad, la justicia y la paz en el mundo tienen por base el reconocimiento de la dignidad intrínseca y de los derechos iguales e inalienables de todos los miembros de la familia humana, Considera